Recent Blue Posts
TBC Hotfixes July 6, 2021 – Quest and Dungeon fixes
July 7, 2021 • Taladril
We got a couple small hotfixes today. Three dungeon quests can now be completed in Heroic dungeon mode as well as regular: Tear of the Earthmother, The Lexicon Demonica,…
TBC Classic Beta Community Achievements
July 3, 2021 • Furious
Today we received an email from Blizzard as a thank you for participating in the beta for The Burning Crusade Classic and they including some numbers that were interestin…
Same Faction Battlegrounds Starting July 2 in TBC Classic
July 2, 2021 • Taladril
Blizzard announced today that starting tomorrow, July 2, battlegrounds will allow for same faction matchmaking to combat long queue times. This is for now a temporary exp…
WoW Hotfixes June 30: Small Updates & Mysteries of the Maw Quest Bug Fix
July 1, 2021 • Furious
Blizzard has posted the notes for the hotfixes applied on June 30th to correct issues from the Patch 9.,1 rollout. While most of the hotfixes are small changes, it’s wort…
Shadowlands: Patch 9.1 AusGamers Interview
June 30, 2021 • RhadigarTV
Last week, several websites and content creators were able to sit down with various developers from the World of Warcraft team about the upcoming launch of Patch 9.1: Cha…
Torghast Changes in Shadowlands Patch 9.1
June 29, 2021 • DanielD
With Patch 9.1 comes a number of significant changes to Torghast, including the Box of Many Things talent tree, new Torments, the removal of the Death Counter, and new re…
Shadowlands Patch 9.1 Chains of Domination Goes Live Today
June 29, 2021 • DanielD
The latest content update for Shadowlands unlocks today, June 29th, and brings with it a whole bunch of new quests, rewards, and balance changes, plus some neat QoL stuff…
TBC Hotfixes June 28, 2021 – Feral Energy Fix Implemented
June 29, 2021 • Taladril
The feral energy fix as reported earlier has been officially added as a hotfix today. Feral druids should be getting their appropriate 20 energy every 2 second ticks no m…
WoW Classic Era Fresh Realms in the Works
June 25, 2021 • Taladril
Another survey leak has been posted on Reddit and we are able to see that Blizzard is probing for, not if classic fresh realms, but when and how they should be implemente…
Feral Energy Tick Fixed in TBC Classic
June 24, 2021 • Taladril
In an exciting announcement that flew under the radar we have gotten confirmation that the energy tick mechanic that cropped up recently has been changed. The way the tic…
Midsummer Fire Festival Delay but Spirit of Competition Returning and Arena Matchmaking
June 22, 2021 • Taladril
Arena Matchmaking We received two announcements today. First, Blizzard has gone into more detail about how Arena ranking will be implemented. Every player will be seen wi…
Arena Gear Refunded and Hotfixes for June 17, 2021 – Raid mechanics
June 18, 2021 • Taladril
Yesterday there was an incident where a small number of people were able to buy Season 2 Arena items which would have had a much higher power scaling than what is current…
Shadowlands: Chains of Domination Update Releases June 29th
June 17, 2021 • RhadigarTV
Blizzard has announced that the next patch for Shadowlands, Chains of Domination, releases on June 29th(US)/June 30th(EU). This will be the first major content release fo…
TBC Hotfixes June 15, 2021 – PvP Flagging, threat, and skills
June 16, 2021 • Taladril
Now that arena has officially released(!) we got some hotfixes to fix what most recently cropped up. Some buffs were being incorrectly removed when entering the arena. Th…
TBC Classic Arena Season 1 Starts Today
June 15, 2021 • Furious
With the end of today’s maintenance the first season of Arena in The Burning Crusade Classic has started. Read the full post from Blizzard below for more information on h…