Recent Blue Posts
Awesome New Best in Slot Tool Launched for WoW Classic
April 24, 2020 • Furious
Have you ever wanted to have a character in WoW Classic that completely dominates battlegrounds? Maybe you want to make a completely overpowered Ret Paladin so you can no…
New WoW Classic twink best in slot tool available
April 24, 2020 • Furious
At Warcraft Tavern we’re huge fans of twinking out alts for PVP and high performance PVE. Accordingly we wanted to let everyone know about a new WoW Classic Twink BiS too…
Blizzard fixes exploit on ZG enchants in WoW Classic
April 21, 2020 • Furious
Recently players have found an exploit that allowed them to apply class enchants from the newly released Zul’Gurub raid. Players posted on the forums yesterday and Blizza…
Layers are Being Enabled on Select High Population Realms in WoW Classic
April 18, 2020 • Furious
About an hour ago Blizzard CM Kaivax posted an updated on the official WoW Classic forums (you can also find discussion over at that they are going to use l…
My Unpopular Opinion About Leveling in World of Warcraft
April 17, 2020 • Furious
As a long time player of World of Warcraft and current player of both retail and WoW Classic casually I tend to keep an eye on the WoW subreddit and official forums to wa…
New character creation restricted on select realms in WoW Classic
April 16, 2020 • Furious
Kaivax, a Blizzard Community Manager, posted an update today that new character creation is now restricted on three full realms: Arugal, Faerlina, and Whitemane. With thi…
Dragons of Nightmare First Spawn @ 3PM PDT April 16th in WoW Classic
April 15, 2020 • Furious
WoW Classic Zul’Gurub and Green Dragons Release on April 15th
April 13, 2020 • Furious
World of Warcraft Classic has been a massive hit since it was launched back on August 26 of last year. So far we’ve made it through three content phases and this Wednesda…
Shadowlands Alpha is here and there are a few new surprises.
April 13, 2020 • OrinDac
While the release date for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands isn’t until later this summer, invites for the Alpha release are being sent out now. This not only means that s…
Wrath of the Lich King for Classic WoW?
April 8, 2020 • OrinDac
Last year at Blizzcon, World of Warcraft Executive Producer John Hight was very careful when answering a fan, during a Q&A session, about classic versions of The Burn…
April 15th release for Zul’Gurub, Dragons of Nightmare, & Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza in WoW Classic
April 7, 2020 • Furious
Kaivax, a Blizzard CM, posted today the release dates for the next content patch for World of Warcraft Classic. Zul’Gurub (ZG) will release on April 15th at 3:00pm PDT on…
Incendius, Faerlina, and Whitemane to get free transfers
April 7, 2020 • Furious
Blizzard CM Kaivax posted today on the official WoW Classic forums that they are opening up free transfers for a limited time for the following realms: Incendius Faerlina…
Blizzard is working on queue relief options for high population realms in WoW Classic
April 6, 2020 • Furious
WarcraftDevs in Twitter posted a reply to a player asking about the extended queue times currently happening on highly populated servers such as Incendius. With queue tim…
Darkmoon Faire in Mulgore April 6th-12th in WoW Classic
April 6, 2020 • Furious
The Darkmoon Faire is once again in town, this time in Mulgore. The event will be taking place from today April 6th through the 12th. For alliance players, you can check…
Burning Crusade Classic survey questions sent out by Blizzard
March 28, 2020 • Furious
Yesterday Blizzard sent out survey emails to WoW Classic players. Dear [Name], Blizzard Entertainment is constantly listening to its players to improve our games, events,…