WoW Classic World First 60, Molten Core and Onyxia Cleared
September 1, 2019 • Furious
Gnome Mage Jokerd takes the award for World First level 60 in World of Warcraft Classic, with a /played time of 3 days 7 hours. Watch [Level 52+] FINAL PUSH TO 60 – WoW Classic Mag…
Two new realms being added to US region
August 30, 2019 • Furious
Kaivax, a Blizzard CM, posted today that they plan to open two new realms for the US region tomorrow. Both realms will be PvP realms, one for Pacific and one Eastern timezone.
Blizzard increases maximum realm capacity for WoW Classic
August 28, 2019 • Furious
Blizzard Community Manager Kaivax posted today that they are increasing the maximum capacity on all realms to help combat queue times. Obviously this combined with statements made…
Blizzard open new US PVP Realm: Thunderfury
August 28, 2019 • Furious
Kaivax posted on the official WoW Classic forums that Blizzard will be adding a new Pacific PvP realm named Thunderfury. I think they have finally figured out that the cooler the n…
WoW Classic interview with Ion Hazzikostas
August 27, 2019 • Furious
Yesterday Forbes published a pre-launch interview with Ion Hazzikostas who is the Game Director of World of Warcraft at Blizzard Entertainment where they talked about World of Warc…
Blizzard: A Toast to 15 Years
August 27, 2019 • Furious
Name reservation character limit now removed, new realms online
August 26, 2019 • Furious
You can now restart your client and the four new US realms will show up as online. Additionally players with an active subscription are able to reserve any characters and names the…
Blizzard will be adding restrictions to the Classic API that will significantly limit ClassicLFG addon
August 24, 2019 • Furious
Today Bornakk, a Blizzard Community Manager, posted on the WoW Classic forums that they have been reviewing the ClassicLFG addon that has seen a big outpouring of criticism for it….
New WoW Classic Realms Opening on Monday
August 23, 2019 • Furious
Blizzard CM Kaivax posted earlier today that they will be adding four new US realms on Monday. Additionally they will be removing the character name reservation in place at the sam…
Updates from the WoW Classic AMA
August 21, 2019 • Furious
Blizzard today hosted an AMA on /r/classicwow on reddit where players were able to ask some questions and get answers directly from the WoW Classic development team. Check out thei…
The Classic dev team from Blizzard is doing an AMA now on reddit
August 20, 2019 • Furious
As a reminder, the WoW Classic development team from Blizzard is now doing an Ask Me Anything on /r/classic wow. Head on over to ask your questions now!…
Two new PVP realms added to US
August 20, 2019 • Furious
Today Bornakk posted on the official WoW Classic forums that Blizzard is adding two new realms for US players, one PST and the other EST. They are also continuing to recommend to p…
Update on realm population for Herod
August 17, 2019 • Furious
In order to combat overpopulation and queue issues Blizzard announced that they released a new PVP server, Stalagg, a few days ago. Today they gave an update that despite that ther…
Tracing the history of WoW Classic, an infographic
August 16, 2019 • Furious
In celebration of the upcoming launch here at Warcraft Tavern we figured we’d take a look back at everything that’s happened that’s lead to the release of World of Warcraft Classic…
WoW Classic dev team AMA planned for Aug 20th on reddit
August 15, 2019 • Furious
On August 20th the WoW Classic dev team will be hosting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on the WoW Classic subreddit according to a post on the official forums by Kaivax, a Blizzard Commu…