Official BlizzConline Trailer & Celebration Collection Bundles
February 1, 2021 • Furious
BlizzConline is coming this month on February 19th – February 20th free to all, and Blizzard has just release the official trailer. Additionally, they announced special Celebration…
January 25 WoW Hotfixes: Instances, PvP, Covenants, & More
January 26, 2021 • Furious
Blizzard has released a large list of hotfixes they’ve just rolled out. Among the many minor changes, you can also see that they’ve done quite a bit of tuning to the Castle Nathria…
January 20 WoW Hotfixes: Class & Covenant Fixes
January 21, 2021 • Furious
Blizzard has released a list of hotfixes rolled out on January 20th, the full list can be found below. The fixes cover a variety of issues from different classes (Death Knights, Dr…
Call of the Scarab Holiday Event Jan 21-23
January 21, 2021 • Furious
As part of Blizzard’s Micro-Holiday events, ‘Call of the Scarab’ is now live in Shadowlands from today January 21st through the 23rd to commemorate the first ringing of the Scarab…
WoW Classic Patch 1.13.7 is Now Available on the PTR
January 20, 2021 • Furious
Blizzard has announced today that patch 1.13.7 is live on the public test realm. This patch has only a single change in it which is a reduction in spell batching from the current 4…
WoW Classic Race Class Combinations
January 19, 2021 • Furious
Here you can find a matrix for each faction showing which classes are available for each race in World of Warcraft Classic. Alliance RaceDruidHunterMagePaladinPriestRogueShamanWarl…
Shadowlands PvP Vendors, Rewards, & Gear
January 14, 2021 • Furious
The start of Shadowlands PvP Season 1 in December of 2020 brought the return of PvP vendors, rewards, and gear, as well as a vendor for upgrading PvP-specific gear. In this guide,…
Shadowlands 2021 Season 1 Arena World Championship Release
January 12, 2021 • Furious
Blizzard has announced that the Arena World Championship Season 1 will begin this Friday January 15. Available will be a weekly $10,000 (USD) prize pool for each region with more t…
Shriekwing Strategy Guide – Castle Nathria
January 4, 2021 • Furious
Tasked with guarding Castle Nathria’s entry hall, the bling monster Shriekwing locates her victims with horrifying cries that reverberate off the chamber’s walls. The last sounds h…
TBC Classic Nagrand PvP
January 2, 2021 • Furious
The sun-dappled fields of Nagrand are deceptively quiet near the unassuming town of Halaa, and the air is charged with nervous anticipation – like the calm before the storm. The co…
TBC Classic Terokkar Forest PvP
January 2, 2021 • Furious
Just south of the rebuilt sanctuary of Shattrath City is the ruined, blasted expanse called the Bone Wastes. This area will be the setting for the world PvP in Terokkar Forest. The…
TBC Classic Zangarmarsh PvP
January 2, 2021 • Furious
Zangarmarsh’s serene pools and streams, and the soft phosphorescent glow emanating from the native flora and fauna, combine to create a soothing atmosphere – a perfect contrast to…
TBC Classic Hellfire Peninsula PvP
January 1, 2021 • Furious
The blasted, barren remains of a once lush and verdant land, Hellfire Peninsula has certainly seen its share of war. It is a fitting backdrop for the first World PVP you and your a…
TBC Classic Dungeons & Raids
January 1, 2021 • Furious
Here is a list of all instances in TBC Classic, including both dungeons and raids, along with the level ranges and locations. Dungeons introduced with The Burning Crusade have two…
TBC Classic Races
January 1, 2021 • Furious
World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic has 10 playable races in the game, with each race having different classes available and different abilities. The races are divided in…