WoW Classic Blackwing Lair is now Live
February 12, 2020 • Furious
Today Blizzard has released BWL for WoW Classic and updated the launcher to a news post announcing it, along with this trailer.
Darkmoon Faire disappears in WoW Classic: Bug Confirmed
February 12, 2020 • Furious
Kaivax, a Blizzard CM, confirmed that the ongoing reports of the Darkmoon Faire disappearing is related to a bug with realm maintenance. Darkmoon Faire is gone after one day.. from…
Blizzard removes enemy names from bg screens prior to match starting in WoW Classic
February 12, 2020 • Furious
Blizzard announced a hotfix for battlegrounds that enemy names will no longer appear on the scorecard prior to the entire team clicking “Enter Battleground”. Card Card
WoW Classic Phase 3: BWL launches tomorrow with Class Quests, Rep Rewards, & Eternal Quintessence
February 12, 2020 • Furious
It’s finally here! Tomorrow will see a large content release for World of Warcraft Classic. This release is to roll out the remaining content for phase 3 including BWL, level 50 cl…
Love Is in the Air Feb 11-16 in WoW Classic
February 9, 2020 • Furious
Nethaera, a Blizzard CM, posted in the official WoW Classic forums that the Love is in the Air event for Valentine’s Day will be live in World of Warcraft Classic from February 11t…
Honor calculation bug currently affecting EU realms in WoW Classic
February 6, 2020 • Furious
Bornakk recently posted a confirmation to the ongoing reports on reddit, Twitter, and the official forums that Honor had not been updated with the weekly reset. Thanks for getting…
Fishing Guide 1-375
January 26, 2020 • Furious
Fishing is one of the most time-consuming but rewarding professions in all of WoW. As a Master Fisherman, you can earn or catch numerous rare companion pets like Magical Crawdad an…
Cooking Guide 1-375
January 26, 2020 • Furious
Since the beginning of WoW, Cooking has been one of the most skills any player could develop. It allows you to build a fire and prepare food and drink from the materials you loot f…
First Aid Guide 1-375
January 26, 2020 • Furious
First Aid is one of the three secondary professions available to all players in WoW. For players who don’t have healing spells or who aren’t also undertaking Alchemy as a professio…
Adjustments coming to Alterac Valley and diminishing returns in WoW Classic
January 24, 2020 • Furious
Kaivax, a Blizzard CM, posted today that there are multiple upcoming changes to AV as well as honor in order to combat griefing and other behavior that’s been causing issues in the…
Tailoring Guide 1-375
January 18, 2020 • Furious
Tailoring allows players to make powerful Cloth armor for any spec, like Mantle of Nimble Thought and Hands of Eternal Light, and Spellthread enhancements to gear, like Runic Spell…
Mining Guide 1-375
January 18, 2020 • Furious
Mining is one of the most essential gathering professions in all of WoW. It involves extracting ore from mineral nodes throughout the game, and it provides the reagents for Blacksm…
Skinning Guide 1-375
January 18, 2020 • Furious
Skinning is the use of a knife to remove leather, hides, fur, and scales from dead Beast, Dragonkin, and Demon mobs. Because it only provides those materials, Skinning is most ofte…
Leatherworking Guide 1-375
January 16, 2020 • Furious
Since Vanilla, Leatherworking has been one of the best ways for Leather and Mail wearers to outfit themselves with gear. By gathering the leather, hides, scales, and pelts of beast…
WoW Classic Alterac Valley hotfix adds Honorless Target buff
January 16, 2020 • Furious
Today Blizzard applied a hotfix in WoW Classic so that when players are resurrected by a Spirit Guide they now have an Honorless Target buff applied. This hotfix was applied to cor…