New Dragonflight Tie-In Novel, “War of the Scaleborn” Now Available
October 31, 2023 • Luxrah
As previously announced, there is a new Warcraft novel, “War of the Scaleborn.” This book tells the story of the war between the Dragonflights and the Primalists thousands of years…
This Week in Dragonflight: BlizzCon, BlizzCon, BlizzCon!
October 30, 2023 • Luxrah
Blizzard’s schedule of events for World of Warcraft this week is all about BlizzCon, which is happening this weekend! For more info about the event, check out Blizzcon 2023 Schedul…
Removed Content Guide
October 30, 2023 • Luxrah
It’s a whole new World of Warcraft in Cataclysm, with the entire map of Azeroth being revamped. Whether you’re a collector or just want to see everything before it disappears, we’v…
Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Guardians of the Dream Releasing November 7th
October 28, 2023 • Luxrah
The next patch for Dragonflight is on the horizon! Patch 10.2, Guardians of the Dream, will release on November 7th. This content update includes a new zone, the Emerald Dream, whe…
Possible WoW Expansion Leak: Avaloren
October 28, 2023 • Luxrah
Some possible 11.0 leaks have made their way to the internet via Reddit. As with most potential leaks, it’s not possible to confirm any of the information included. With the growin…
New Blood Elf and Druid Customizations Coming in Dragonflight Patch 10.2
October 25, 2023 • Luxrah
Blizzard continues to add new customization options for your characters in Patch 10.2 Guardians of the Dream, and this time it’s blood elves and druids who are getting a makeover….
New 12-Month Subscription Rewards Available for Dragonflight and Wrath Classic
October 25, 2023 • Luxrah
Along with a new Prime Gaming reward, there’s also a new 12-month subscription reward available for WoW. The package includes four new mounts, a pet, and some as-yet unannounced Lu…
Armored Bloodwing Mount Now Available Through Prime Gaming in Dragonflight
October 25, 2023 • Luxrah
A new Prime Gaming reward is now available in Dragonflight: the Armored Bloodwing mount. This vicious-looking red dragon is fitted with gold armor and will be available through Nov…
Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Universal Upgrade System Changes
October 25, 2023 • Luxrah
The next content update is currently on the PTR, and Patch 10.2 Guardians of the Dream will include some changes to the universal upgrade system that was added in Embers of Nelthar…
This Week in Dragonflight: Wrath Timewalking and Patch 10.2 Previews
October 25, 2023 • Luxrah
Here we are another week into Dragonflight, with Blizzcon right around the corner! There are a few notable events happening this week, both in the game and on the WoW website. In t…
Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Guardians of the Dream Public Events Preview
October 25, 2023 • Luxrah
The upcoming content patch, 10.2 Guardians of the Dream, is currently on the PTR, and Blizzard has shared a preview of some of the public events that are included in the update. Th…
Hallow’s End is Back in Dragonflight and WoW Classic
October 18, 2023 • Luxrah
It’s that time of year again – time for candy, costumes, and the return of the Headless Horseman. Hallow’s End is now live for all versions of WoW, and will last through November 1…
Restoring the Battered Hilt and Obtaining Quel’delar
October 11, 2023 • Luxrah
The Battered Hilt/Battered Hilt is a tradeable item that starts a questline for a very strong epic weapon known as Quel’Delar. Completing the questline allows you to reforge Quel’D…
Wrath Classic Patch 3.4.3 Now Available
October 10, 2023 • Luxrah
Phase 4 of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic is now live! New dungeons and interface options are now available, along with several smaller changes and bug fixes. Yo…
Wrath Classic 3.4.3 Patch Notes
October 9, 2023 • Luxrah
It’s finally here, the big one: Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic releases tomorrow, bringing with it the Icecrown Citadel raid as well as a host of other content. Here are…