How to Get to Zaralek Cavern
May 3, 2023 • Luxrah
Patch 10.1 brought the Embers of Neltharion campaign to Dragonflight, which leads you through a new zone, Zaralek Cavern. The zone is an underground cave system that is located dir…
How to Unlock World Quests in Dragonflight
May 3, 2023 • Luxrah
Exploration Menu Exploration Guide Argus Draenor Forbidden Reach Mechagon Outland Siren Isle Stormwind Portals & Boats Broken Isles Dragon Isles Khaz Algar Nazjatar Pandaria Za…
RareScanner Addon Guide
May 3, 2023 • Luxrah
The RareScanner addon allows you to track rare NPCs, treasures, and events using your map, a special explorer window, and alerts that pop up when a tracked NPC or event is detected…
Dragonflight Patch 10.1: Embers of Neltharion Has Arrived!
May 2, 2023 • Luxrah
The biggest patch on the Dragonflight roadmap has been released! Patch 10.1 continues the Dragonflight storyline with new content for just about every aspect of the game. Here’s a…
WotLK Timewalking This Week in Dragonflight – 402-411 ilvl Cache
May 2, 2023 • Luxrah
The six-week timewalking event wraps up this week with Wrath of the Lich King! The Ulduar raid is now available through Group Finder along with six dungeons from the Wrat…
Dragonflight Dungeon Event This Week in Dragonflight
May 2, 2023 • Luxrah
There’s a whole lot going on in Dragonflight this week, including a Dungeon Bonus Event! You’ll get an extra item drop from the last boss of every Dragonflight dungeon thanks to th…
Dragonflight and Character Services on Sale in the Blizzard Shop
May 1, 2023 • Luxrah
Blizzard is running a sale on the Dragonflight expansion and select character services in their shop through May 15th, just in time for Patch 10.1! All versions of the Dragonflight…
This Week in Dragonflight: Patch 10.1 and Bonus Events!
May 1, 2023 • Luxrah
There’s a lot going on this week in WoW! Blizzard has posted their preview for the week, which includes several bonus events, the Children’s Week holiday, and of course, the releas…
Raider.IO Addon Guide
May 1, 2023 • Luxrah
Raider.IO is a rankings website for raids and Mythic+ dungeons. The Raider.IO addon is a companion tool for the site that makes its information available in-game. You will be able…
The Trading Post is Updating for May in Dragonflight!
April 28, 2023 • Luxrah
The month of April is almost over, and May is bringing all new items to the Trading Post! You have a couple more days to earn Trader’s Tender and make your purchases. Don’t forget…
Volunteer Guard Day Micro-Holiday in Dragonflight
April 28, 2023 • Luxrah
The Volunteer Guard Day micro-holiday is now active in Dragonflight! Celebrate the constant vigilance of the city guards with a /salute emote, and you will gain the Volunteer City…
Details! Damage Meter Addon Guide
April 28, 2023 • Luxrah
Details! Damage Meter is a powerful addon for tracking damage, healing, threat, and much more in World of Warcraft. The addon combs through your combat log and parses information i…
Dragonflight Patch 10.1: Embers of Neltharion Announcement and Preview
April 27, 2023 • Luxrah
Alongside the patch notes, Blizzard has posted an article detailing some of the content that is coming in Patch 10.1: Embers of Neltharion over the next two weeks. The article incl…
Dragonflight Patch 10.1: Embers of Neltharion Patch Notes
April 27, 2023 • Luxrah
As promised, the patch notes for Patch 10.1: Embers of Neltharion were posted today. We can now see everything that is being added or changed in the game on May 2nd, and there’s a…
Dragonflight Developer Chat for Patch 10.1 Embers of Neltharion
April 27, 2023 • Luxrah
Blizzard premiered their new WoWCast video series today with a developer chat about the upcoming patch, Embers of Neltharion. The pre-recorded video features Community Manager Beth…