Dragonflight Patch 10.1 Preview: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Raid
April 19, 2023 • Luxrah
As promised in their weekly roundup, Blizzard has given us a rundown of the new raid coming in patch 10.1, Embers of Neltharion. Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible has nine bosses and…
Dragonflight Patch 10.1 Preview: Cross-Faction Guilds
April 18, 2023 • Luxrah
Blizzard has shared some details about the upcoming cross-faction guild feature in patch 10.1, Embers of Neltharion. Cross-faction guilds are the next step in Blizzard’s efforts to…
Pet Battle Bonus Event This Week in Dragonflight
April 18, 2023 • Luxrah
There’s a lot going on in Dragonflight this week, including a Pet Battle Bonus Event! Now is a great time to level your battle pets, with the Sign of the Critter passive buff grant…
Legion Timewalking This Week in Dragonflight – 402-411 ilvl Cache
April 18, 2023 • Luxrah
Dragonflight’s six-week timewalking event continues this week with the Legion expansion. This is week four! As a reminder, the Cache of Vault Treasures has been upgraded for this e…
This Week in Dragonflight: Bonus Events and Patch 10.1 Previews
April 17, 2023 • Luxrah
Blizzard continues their new weekly post format, This Week in WoW, with a preview of what’s to come for the week of April 17th. The post mentions a few upcoming articles about patc…
VuhDo Addon Guide
April 16, 2023 • Luxrah
VuhDo replaces your group unit frames with highly customizable ones. It also makes it easy to bind your spells to mouse clicks, similar to using mouseover macros. VuhDo and addons…
Dragonflight Zaralek Cavern Zone Preview
April 13, 2023 • Luxrah
Today Blizzard posted a preview of Zaralek Cavern, the new underground zone that will be coming with Patch 10.1, Embers of Neltharion. The patch is scheduled to go live on May 2nd….
ElvUI Addon Guide
April 12, 2023 • Luxrah
ElvUI is a complete user interface designed to replace the default Blizzard UI. It’s highly customizable and has a large community for support, compatibility, profile sharing, and…
WoD Timewalking This Week in Dragonflight – 402-411 ilvl Cache
April 11, 2023 • Luxrah
The six-week timewalking event in Dragonflight continues this week with the Warlords of Draenor expansion. We covered the ongoing event here. This is week three! As a reminder, the…
World Quest Bonus Event This Week in Dragonflight
April 11, 2023 • Luxrah
This week’s Bonus Event in Dragonflight is World Quests, which means now is a great time to work on any reputations you’ve been meaning to finish! You’ll receive a passive buff in…
How to Install and Manage Addons
April 6, 2023 • Luxrah
Third-party addons are widely used in World of Warcraft to modify the interface and add functionality beyond what the default UI provides. While they are not required to play the g…
How to Get to Mechagon
April 3, 2023 • Luxrah
There are a few different reasons you might need to get to Mechagon. Maybe you want to complete some achievements in the zone, or maybe you need to get there to unlock the Mechagno…
How to Get to Nazjatar
April 3, 2023 • Luxrah
There are a few different reasons you might need to get to Nazjatar. Maybe you want to complete some achievements in the zone, or maybe you need to get there to unlock the Mechagno…
The Trading Post Has Been Updated for April in Dragonflight!
April 1, 2023 • Luxrah
Another month has come and gone, and the Trading Post has been restocked with a slew of new items! This month’s items include a Magenta Cloud Serpent mount and Egbob pet, as well a…
How to Get to the Shadowlands
April 1, 2023 • Luxrah
The Shadowlands expansion added a new realm to the game: the plane of death, where mortal souls go when they die. It’s a very different place than Azeroth or the other worlds you c…