This Week in Dragonflight: 10.1.7 Announce Date!
August 8, 2023 • Metasaber
This week in wow certainly has some things to look forward to, but one of the most massive announcements is the release date of the 10.1.7 patch. Patch 10.1.7 has been announced to…
Dragonflight: Major Class Tuning Incoming on August 8th
August 8, 2023 • Metasaber
During the reset on August 8th, many of the classes that have fallen out of the “meta” in mythic+ are getting buffed while those that have been significantly overperforming are get…
Dragonflight Hotfix Roundup: Major Class Tuning, More Augmentation Nerfs, and Massive PvP Balancing!
July 26, 2023 • Metasaber
During the reset this week we have been met with one of the largest class tuning balances this tier in PvP and PvE alike! One of the biggest things to take away from this weeks tun…
New Myth Upgrade Track on Dragonflight 10.1.5 PTR
June 28, 2023 • Metasaber
An additional update was made to the 10.1.5 PTR notes today that confirmed the addition of a new item upgrade track. The “Myth” upgrade track is a new track that exists above the “…
July Trading Post Rewards in Dragonflight: Spectral Tiger Cub, Tyrael’s Charger, and Grotto Netherwing Drake!
June 27, 2023 • Metasaber
If you’ve been been slacking on your Traveler’s Log this month, now is the time to catch up! Make sure to spend your tender, freeze any items you’re still pining over, and get read…
Dragonflight Class Tuning – Shadow Priest Nerfs and Restoration Shaman Tier Buffed
June 26, 2023 • Metasaber
During the weekly reset on June 27th, a wide variety of class tuning is being implemented. I imagine that some of these buffs have to do with the upcoming nerf to the Onyx Annulet,…
This Week in Dragonflight: 10.1.5 Content Articles and Prime Gaming Promotion!
June 26, 2023 • Metasaber
Coming up is another new week in Dragonflight, and Blizzard has shared some things to look forward to! 10.1.5 is quickly approaching, and it seems like we will have an even better…
How to Unlock the Zandalari Troll Allied Race
May 15, 2023 • Metasaber
If you are a new player and have never played through the Battle for Azeroth expansion there will be a few things that you need to do in order to get on the right track. Lucky for…
How to Unlock the Nightborne Allied Race
March 2, 2023 • Metasaber
Unlocking all the different allied races in World of Warcraft is a long, but rewarding task! Unfortunately it’s not as easy or straightforward to do several expansions later — thi…
Dragonflight Cross Realm Mythic Coming on February 14th!
February 7, 2023 • Metasaber
Cross realm mythic raiding is something that usually opens up after the completion of Hall of Fame, but with the addition of cross faction raiding this seems to be coming earlier t…
Dragonflight Valor and Conquest Caps Being Removed
February 6, 2023 • Metasaber
Dragonflight has some big changes incoming – one of them is the removal of the Conquest and Valor cap. This change is going to take effect during the week of February 14th after th…
Dragonflight: Primal Chaos Can Be Sent to Alts via Account Bound Item!
February 3, 2023 • Metasaber
Up until now players earned Primal Chaos on each of their individual characters by completing content through the Dragon Isles. Now it can be sent to alts via an account bound item…
Dragonflight Weekly Quest – Legion Timewalking Dungeons!
January 26, 2023 • Metasaber
This week players can step back into some Legion dungeons during the Legion Timewalking event! One of the highlights of the event allows players to pick up a quest from Kazra in Va…
Dragonflight Season 1 Mythic+ – Score Adjustment for Untimed Keys +21 and Higher!
January 26, 2023 • Metasaber
If you are one of the many players who enjoy the mythic+ aspect of WoW, an upcoming change to the scoring system in mythic+ could be welcomed. For most players the best way to obta…
Dragonflight Hotfixes January 3 – Big Nerfs in Mythic+
January 4, 2023 • Metasaber
The first reset of 2023 was yesterday! In addition to bug fixes normally seen, this reset was accompanied by some of the most significant nerfs to the current dungeons in the mythi…