WoW Classic Onyxia’s Lair Attunement Guide
February 25, 2020 • OrinDac
Onyxia’s Lair Raid Guide Onyxia’s Lair Attunement Onyxia’s Lair Loot Onyxia’s Lair SoD Loot Onyxia’s Lair Dungeon Journal Onyxia’s Lair is easily the most convoluted and time consu…
Molten Core Attunement Guide – WoW Classic & Season of Discovery (SoD)
February 21, 2020 • OrinDac
Like many of the other raids and basic dungeons within World of Warcraft Classic, Molten Core requires you to complete a quest (or in some cases a series of quests) to become attun…
WoW Classic Blackwing Lair (BWL) Attunement Guide
February 19, 2020 • OrinDac
Blackwing Lair Raid Guide BWL Attunement Blackwing Lair Loot (SoD) Razorgore the Untamed Vaelastrasz the Corrupt Broodlord Lashlayer Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor Chromaggus Nefarian…
WoW Classic Ghost Mushroom Farming Guide
February 19, 2020 • OrinDac
Ghost Mushrooms are one of the most sought after crafting materials in the end game of World of Warcraft Classic. The reagent is used in a variety of high end potions and is…
WoW Classic BWL released… and cleared within the hour
February 14, 2020 • OrinDac
Yesterday, on February 12th 2020, at 23:00 UTC, Blackwing Lair, perhaps the most popular raid in the Classic World of Warcraft, went live. No more than seven minutes afterwards, t…
WoW Shadowlands: What, Where, & When
February 14, 2020 • OrinDac
The biggest news for World of Warcraft right now is the upcoming release of the newest expansion, The Shadowlands. While there is a lot of rumor and conjecture, there are a few th…
WoW Classic Love Is in the Air Guide
February 11, 2020 • OrinDac
The most important thing to remember about the Love is in the Air event in WoW Classic is that it bears almost no resemblance to the holiday event of the same name in the contempor…
WoW Classic Chest Locations – A Treasure Hunter’s Guide to Azeroth
January 26, 2020 • OrinDac
Scattered all across the realms and nations of Azeroth is one thing that appeals to every player, no matter which faction, class, or race. Treasure. In every zone in th…
WoW Classic Lunar Festival Guide
January 1, 2020 • OrinDac
It’s a special time of year where the Night Elf Druids of Nighthaven give thanks in remembrance of their defeat of the Burning Legion many thousands of years ago. It is also a day…
WoW Classic Winter Veil Guide
December 22, 2019 • OrinDac
It’s that time of year again and the Feast of Winter Veil is upon us! Oh, Light bless us, everyone! The Feast of Winter Veil is one of the oldest and most celebrated holidays in Wo…
WoW Classic 39 Twink Warrior Guide
December 13, 2019 • OrinDac
Warriors in World of Warcraft are the unmitigated masters of melee combat. They absolutely excel at both dealing damage to enemies and absorbing the attacks of their foes….
WoW Classic 39 Twink Restoration Shaman Guide
December 13, 2019 • OrinDac
Shamans, while somewhat one note for it, are solid healers in just about any situation. In PvP, at this bracket, their abilities are somewhat more sought after, as upon reach…
WoW Classic 39 Twink Elemental Shaman Guide
December 13, 2019 • OrinDac
When it comes to raw DPS you can’t go wrong with a Shaman at all. While they can’t ever reach the heights of ranged damage that the Hunter, or even the Warlock can dole out,…
WoW Classic 39 Twink Warlock Guide
December 6, 2019 • OrinDac
Warlocks fill a very interesting cross section of roles in PvP. They can sometimes compete with other classes for raw DPS at range, but not any of the classes that fill that…
WoW Classic 39 Twink Holy Priest Guide
December 5, 2019 • OrinDac
Never appreciated, always taken for granted and seldom thanked, the Holy Priests of World of Warcraft are the constant backbone of any dungeon party, or raid group. In PvP, t…