Tailoring Guide 1-525
October 5, 2023 • Furious
Tailoring in World of Warcraft Cataclysm undergoes significant changes, introducing new materials, crafting mechanics, gear sets, and cosmetic items to enhance the profession’s ver…
Race Class Combinations
October 5, 2023 • Furious
Here you can find all possible race and class combinations for World of Warcraft Cataclysm, separated into tables for Alliance and Horde. Two new races are added to the game with C…
Leatherworking Guide 1-525
October 5, 2023 • Furious
Our comprehensive Cataclysm Leatherworking Guide is designed to guide you step-by-step from level 1 to level 525. Leatherworking is particularly synergistic with Skinning as a prim…
Jewelcrafting Guide 1-525
October 3, 2023 • Furious
Cataclysm’s Jewelcrafting (JC) profession offers players an opportunity to craft rings, necklaces, and various gems that can enhance the abilities of gear. This guide is designed t…
Inscription Guide 1-525
October 3, 2023 • Furious
The Inscription profession in World of Warcraft’s Cataclysm expansion allows players to craft glyphs, scrolls, relics, and other essential items. Inscription is primarily centered…
Engineering Guide 1-525
October 2, 2023 • Furious
Engineering in World of Warcraft’s Cataclysm expansion remains a dynamic and versatile profession, providing players with an array of gadgets, tools, and perks to enhance gameplay….
October 2, 2023 • Luxrah
Reforging is a unique feature available in Cataclysm. This process allows players to modify their gear by exchanging undesirable stats for more beneficial ones. Specifically, playe…
Enchanting Guide 1-525
October 2, 2023 • Furious
Our Cataclysm Enchanting Leveling Guide offers a step-by-step method to efficiently progress from level 1 to 525. Enchanting in Cataclysm is divided into several skill levels, rang…
Blacksmithing Guide 1-525
October 2, 2023 • Furious
Our Blacksmithing Leveling Guide for Cataclysm is designed to assist you in swiftly and cost-effectively leveling your Blacksmithing from 1 to 525. With mastery in Blacksmithing, y…
Professions Overview & Bonuses
October 2, 2023 • Furious
Cataclysm brings a lot of updates and changes to the game’s professions including the skill cap being raised to 525. Gathering professions now also provide experience, and Archaeol…