Experiment 626 25463-D was an attempt to grant a black dragon enhanced senses. Unfortunately, this caused nothing but permanent blindness for Atramedes, who now must hunt with sound and smell alone.
(You can reference the Atramedes Loot list if you want to see all of the boss drops.)
Role Summaries
- Keep a close eye on your Sound. Play extra cautiously if you ever go high.
- Stay in a few stacks to make Sonar Pulse manageable.
- Be ready to use the Ancient Dwarven Shields without delay.
Raid Composition & Preparation
Phase 1
Atramedes should be tanked close to the entrance and the Ancient Dwarven Shields. Throughout the Phase, Atramedes will throw discs at random players. To make this easier to avoid, players should stay mostly stacked. This allows the raid to more easily predict where the disc will hit. Healers will need to be prepared for Modulation, as the damage is high and raid wide. Keep your eye on your Sound to make sure this won’t push you over the edge!
Periodically during the Phase, Atramedes will fixate on a player for Sonic Breath. This player will need to run one direction while the rest of the raid runs the opposite direction. As long as players react quickly, this shouldn’t be an issue.
The biggest concern in this Phase is Searing Flames. Whenever Atramedes channels this, a designated player should immediately run to the Ancient Dwarven Shields and activate one to interrupt the cast. This comes with the added benefit of a 5 second burst window against the boss.
Phase 2
This Phase starts with Atramedes taking flight. The big concern in this Phase is Roaring Flame Breath. This is targeted on a single player and will follow them with a beam. The tracking of the beam will speed up the longer it channels, and it is key that players run away from this as effectively as possible. This can be interrupted by using an Ancient Dwarven Shield, but after the 5 second stun, Atramedes will focus whoever rung the gong.
Warlocks with Demonic Portal, Mages with Blink, Engineers with Nitro Boosts, and any other class with significant movement abilities are very useful here, as they are able to run the beam for extended periods of time. Once you are no longer able to outrun the beam, a player should whack the Shield, taking your place.
The rest of the raids focus is on avoiding damage through fireballs, bombs, and flame patches.