One of an infinite number of potential outcomes, this timeway depicts the desolate future of Azeroth should Deathwing fail to be stopped. Nozdormu has identified a powerful anomaly that exists in this moment and bars access to the past – and hope of retrieving the Dragon Soul. The powerful creature from out of time lives alone amidst the time-twisted echoes of the past.
The End Time dungeon is the first of the trio of Caverns of Time dungeons that arrive in Cataclysm’s final content phase alongside the Dragon Soul raid. This dungeon must be completed in order to enter the Well of Eternity and Hour of Twilight dungeons.
- Level Requirement: 85
- Item Level Requirement: 353
- Difficulty: Heroic only
- Location: Caverns of Time in Tanaris
- Boss Encounters: Echo of Baine, Echo of Jaina, Echo of Sylvanas, Echo of Tyrande, Murozond
- Achievements: Moon Guard, Severed Ties, Heroic: End Time, Heroic: End Time Guild Run
Location & Entrance
The portal for the End Time dungeon can be found inside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris, down the same hallway as the Hour of Twilight dungeon portal and the Dragon Soul raid portal. It’s the first portal on the left side in that hallway.
The easiest way to reach the Caverns of Time is by taking the portal inside the Violet Parlor in Dalaran. You can also take the portal to Uldum in your faction’s capital city and fly across. From the entrance to the caverns, you’ll need to fly down through the tunnels until you reach the large open chamber, and then look for the hallway pictured below.

Map & Layout
Upon entering the dungeon, you’ll arrive on a cliff overlooking a special instanced version of the Dragonblight zone. Alurmi and Nozdormu stand nearby with quests.
You won’t be able to walk from place to place here – you’ll need to use the Time Transit Device to select a destination. The first two destinations will each be a random dragonshrine other than the Bronze Dragonshrine, which is the third and final place you’ll visit. Each dragonshrine houses different trash along with one of the dungeon’s bosses:
- Obsidian Dragonshrine: Echo of Baine
- Azure Dragonshrine: Echo of Jaina
- Ruby Dragonshrine: Echo of Sylvanas
- Emerald Dragonshrine: Echo of Tyrande
- Bronze Dragonshrine: Murozond
Some bosses must be activated before you’ll be able to fight them. We cover how to do this in the relevant boss sections below.

Moon Guard
Fight your way to the Echo of Tyrande in the Emerald Dragonshrine without letting your healer take any damage, then engage the boss.
Severed Ties
Defeat two Risen Ghouls during a single The Calling of the Highborne phase when fighting Echo of Sylvanas, then kill the boss.
Heroic: End Time
Defeat Murozond, the last boss.
Heroic: End Time Guild Run
Defeat Murozond, the last boss, while in a guild group (at least 3 guild members in the party).
There are three quests that can be completed inside the End Time dungeon.
Quest | Acquired From |
![]() ![]() | |
Nozdormu in the End Time dungeon | |
Alurmi in the End Time dungeon |
The End Time/
The End Time
Alliance can pick this quest up from Coridormi, who is located inside the Wizard’s Sanctum at the top of the tower in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind City. Horde can get it from Ziradormi inside Grommash Hold in the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar. Either NPC will offer to teleport you to the dungeon after you pick up the quest.
The quest can be immediately turned in to Nozdormu, who you’ll see immediately upon entering the dungeon.
Your reward for completing this quest is a small amount of gold.

This quest starts the main chain for the three Caverns of Time dungeons, and it can be picked up with our without completing the breadcrumb quest above. It is offered by Nozdormu, who is standing nearby when you enter the dungeon.
To complete the quest, you must defeat Murozond, the final boss of the dungeon. After doing so, you can use the Time Transit Device to return to the Entryway of Time and turn in the quest to Nozdormu. He’ll offer the next one in the chain, which leads to the Well of Eternity dungeon.
This quest awards your choice of the following along with some gold:
Item | Slot | Type |
Feet | Leather | |
Ranged | Gun | |
Head | Cloth | |
Hands | Mail |

Archival Purposes
Alurmi flies down and lands beside Nozdormu at the start of the dungeon and offers this quest. To complete it, you’ll need to defeat two of the Echo bosses – Echo of Baine, Echo of Jaina, Echo of Sylvanas, or Echo of Tyrande. You’ll face two random Echoes every time you run the dungeon. You don’t need to do anything special to archive them; it will happen automatically when they are killed.
When Murozond is defeated, Alurmi will land nearby and you can speak to her to turn in the quest.
This quest awards your choice of the following along with some gold:
Item | Slot | Type |
Hands | Cloth | |
Ranged | Wand | |
Hands | Plate |

There are five potential bosses in the End Time dungeon, but you will only face three each time you run it – two random Echoes of faction leaders plus the final boss, Murozond.
The four Echoes have a shared loot table, but each of them also has a chance to drop two unique items.
Echo of Baine
Enraged by his failure to protect the world and, most importantly, the Horde, this time-ravaged shade of Baine Bloodhoof lingers within the ruins of the Obsidian Dragonshrine. Although he’s still as powerful as the tauren high chieftain from the present, within this shattered future Azeroth, this guilt-ridden echo is little more than a discordant vessel of unquenchable malice and anger.

- Molten Axe: The Echo of Baine’s Axe ignites for 10 sec. when he comes into contact with lava. The fiery axe causes melee attacks to inflict an additional 9750-10250 Fire damage.
- Molten Fists: Players’ fists ignite for 20 sec. when they come into contact with lava. The ignited fists cause melee attacks to inflict an additional 9750-10250 Fire damage.
- Pulverize: The Echo of Baine slams the ground with his totem, inflicting 30000 Physical damage to enemies within 15 yards and destroying the nearby platform.
- Throw Totem: The Echo of Baine throws his totem at a random player, inflicting 58500-61500 Physical damage and knocking them back. The totem then persists on the ground at the target’s location for 20 sec.
- Throw Totem: A player may attempt to throw the totem back at the Echo of Baine. A successful throw inflicts 5% of the Echo of Baine’s maximum health as Physical damage, stuns him, and increases his damage taken by 50% for 20 sec.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are unique to this boss while the rest are shared with the other Echo bosses.
Item | Slot | Type |
Two-Hand | Axe | |
Legs | Plate | |
Chest | Plate | |
Waist | Leather | |
Feet | Mail | |
One-Hand | Mace | |
Head | Mail | |
Hands | Plate | |
Waist | Plate | |
Hands | Leather | |
Legs | Cloth | |
Waist | Plate |
- None
Echo of Jaina
The tormented fragment of Jaina Proudmoore has been split and infused within the shattered pieces of her staff. To restore balance to the timeways, this echo must be defeated. However, the devastating magical power possessed by the once-proud ruler of Theramore is hardly lost to her time-havocked spectre. In this future Azeroth, she is only divided, and waiting…

How to Activate Echo of Jaina
Before Jaina will appear, you must collect the 16 Fragments of Jaina’s Staff found around the Azure Dragonshrine. You’ll see a counter at the top of your screen. When they have all been looted, she will spawn on top of the glowing blue circle near where you entered the area.
- Blink: The Echo of Jaina teleports to a nearby location.
- Flarecore: The Echo of Jaina hurls a growing Flarecore ember at the ground near an enemy. The ember explodes if touched, inflicting 4999-4999 Fire damage to enemies within 5 yds. If not exploded within 10 sec., the ember detonates and inflicts 90000-99000 Fire damage to all enemies.
- Frost Blades: The Echo of Jaina conjures three blades of ice and sends them flying forward. Enemies that collide with the blades are encased in a block of ice, stunning them for 5 sec.
- Frostbolt Volley: The Echo of Jaina inflicts 17000-23000 Frost damage to nearby enemies within 65 yards and reduces their movement speed by 30% for 4 sec.
- Pyroblast: The Echo of Jaina inflicts 47500-52500 Fire damage to her current target and an additional 5000 Fire damage every 3 sec. for 12 sec.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are unique to this boss while the rest are shared with the other Echo bosses.
Item | Slot | Type |
Chest | Plate | |
Waist | Leather | |
Feet | Mail | |
One-Hand | Mace | |
Head | Mail | |
Hands | Plate | |
Waist | Plate | |
Hands | Leather | |
Two-Hand | Staff | |
Legs | Cloth | |
Waist | Plate | |
Off Hand | Shield |
- None
Echo of Sylvanas
Spawned from shattered timeways and cloistered within the Ruby Dragonshrine, a maddened fragment of the Forsaken’s leader, Sylvanas Windrunner, waits restlessly. Having lost everything and unable to find peace, this tormented echo aches for a chance to unleash her dark fury at anything still living within these barren, time-twisted wastes.

- The Calling of the Highborne: Sylvanas ascends towards the sky, pulling all of her enemies below her. Her calling then summons eight Risen Ghouls in a circle around Sylvanas. A shadowy link forms between each ghoul, and the area behind each ghoul fills with shadows. The ghouls then march mindlessly towards Sylvanas. When a Risen Ghoul reaches Sylvanas, it performs the Sacrifice spell. Crossing any of the links between the Risen Ghouls or standing within the shadows behind the ghouls inflicts Wracking Pain every second on the player. Destroying a Risen Ghoul will sever the link to other nearby ghouls, and remove the area of shadows behind it.
- Wracking Pain: Crossing any of the links between the Risen Ghouls or standing within the shadows behind the ghouls inflicts Wracking Pain on the player every second. Wracking Pain inflicts 50875-59125 Shadow damage.
- Risen Ghoul: When a Risen Ghoul reaches Sylvanas, it performs the Sacrifice spell. Destroying a Risen Ghoul will sever the link to other nearby ghouls, and remove the area of shadows behind it.
- Sacrifice: Sacrifice inflicts 277500-322500 Shadow damage to players within 11 yards of Sylvanas.
- Shriek of the Highborne: Sylvanas shrieks with anguish, inflicting 67500-82500 Shadow damage on a random player and decreasing their movement speed by 50% for 30 sec.
- Black Arrow: Sylvanas fires an explosive black arrow at a random player, inflicting 55500-64500 Shadow damage on players within 10 yards of the target.
- Unholy Shot: Sylvanas targets a barrage of missiles at a random player, striking up to 3 players within 10 yards of the target. Each missile inflicts 27750-32250 Shadow damage and an additional 23125-26875 Shadow damage every 2 sec. for 10 sec.
- Blighted Arrows: Sylvanas blights the ground in a 3 yard radius circle beneath a random player and leaps towards the sky. The blight inflicts 32375-37625 damage every 1 sec. and reduces the movement speed by 50% of any player standing within it. At the peak of her jump, she launches a volley of deadly arrows at the blighted ground. The arrows inflict 46250-53750 Shadow damage and knock back any player still standing within the blight.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are unique to this boss while the rest are shared with the other Echo bosses.
Item | Slot | Type |
Chest | Plate | |
Back | – | |
Waist | Leather | |
Feet | Mail | |
One-Hand | Mace | |
Head | Mail | |
Hands | Plate | |
Waist | Plate | |
Hands | Leather | |
Legs | Cloth | |
Waist | Plate | |
Ranged | Bow |
Echo of Tyrande
Once the leader of the night elves and High Priestess of Elune, this time-twisted fragment of Tyrande Whisperwind now wanders the wastes of the desolate future of Azeroth. Enveloped in a perpetual midnight, she has all but lost sight of the comforting light of Elune.

- Moonbolt: Tyrande launches a powerful blast of moon energy at her current target, inflicting 37000-43000 Arcane damage.
- Dark Moonlight: A pool of dark moonlight surrounds Tyrande, slowing spell-casting speed by 50% for all enemies within 15 yards.
- Stardust: Tyrande scatters a diffuse trail of star energy into the wind, inflicting 46250-53750 Arcane damage to all players.
- Moonlance: Tyrande summons forth a powerful lance of moon energy that travels along the ground and splits into three parts after several seconds. Each Moonlance inflicts 46250-53750 Arcane damage to all players within 2 yards and stuns them for 5 sec.
- Eyes of the Goddess: Tyrande summons forth the twin eyes of Elune, the Moon Goddess. Players cannot attack the Eyes of the Goddess.
- Piercing Gaze of Elune: The Eyes of Elune travel in a circular motion around Tyrande, emitting the Piercing Gaze of Elune every 1 sec. Piercing Gaze of Elune inflicts 46250-53750 Arcane damage to all players within 6 yards and silences them for 5 sec.
- Lunar Guidance: At 80% remaining health, Tyrande beseeches Elune for guidance. Tyrande is imbued with Lunar Guidance, allowing her spells to cast 25% faster. Tyrande gains a second stack of Lunar Guidance when she reaches 55% remaining health.
- Tears of Elune: At 30% remaining health, Tyrande cries out for aid from the Moon Goddess. Tears of Elune rain from the sky for the remainder of the battle, inflicting 27750-32250 Arcane damage to players within 4 yards.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are unique to this boss while the rest are shared with the other Echo bosses.
Item | Slot | Type |
Chest | Plate | |
Waist | Leather | |
Main Hand | Axe | |
Feet | Mail | |
One-Hand | Mace | |
Head | Mail | |
Hands | Plate | |
Waist | Plate | |
Hands | Leather | |
Legs | Cloth | |
Waist | Plate | |
Chest | Cloth |
Now living outside of time, Murozond was once the great Dragon Aspect Nozdormu the Timeless One. After the titans showed him his own death, the tormented Nozdormu was tricked by the Old Gods into trying to subvert his mortality. As a result, Nozdormu shattered the timeways and created the Infinite Dragonflight… jeopardizing the very future of Azeroth.

How to Activate Murozond
Murozond will not become active until the Infinite dragonkin who are standing near the large hourglass are killed. Then he will fly forward and land near where he has been hovering. When he dies, you will need to loot Murozond’s Temporal Cache instead of the corpse.
- Temporal Blast: Murozond inflicts 25000 Arcane damage to all nearby enemies and increases their Arcane damage taken by 10% for 20 sec.
- Distortion Bomb: Murozond launches an orb of temporal energy at the location of a random player. When the orb reaches this location, it explodes and leaves an 8 yard radius area of temporal distortion. The distortion area inflicts 25000 Arcane damage every second to all enemies standing within the area.
- Infinite Breath: Inflicts 71250-78750 Shadow damage to all enemies in front of the caster.
- Nozdormu: Nozdormu is unable to assist the players directly, but grants them the Blessing of the Bronze Dragonflight.
- Blessing of the Bronze Dragonflight: Blesses the target with the power of the Bronze Dragonflight. Melee, ranged, and spell casting speed is increased by 40%. Movement speed increased by 40%.
- Hourglass of Time: Murozond stole the Hourglass of Time and trapped it here within the End Time of Azeroth. The Hourglass casts Rewind Time when a player interacts with it, but the Hourglass can only be used up to five times during the encounter.
- Rewind Time: The Reverse Time effect rewinds everything back to the beginning of the encounter. The reversal restores each player’s health and mana, then resets all of their ability cooldowns. The reversal also removes all Distortion Bombs.
Item | Slot | Type |
Trinket | – | |
Chest | Plate | |
Feet | Plate | |
Head | Plate | |
Legs | Mail | |
One-Hand | Dagger | |
Shoulder | Cloth | |
Chest | Cloth | |
Shoulder | Plate | |
Legs | Plate | |
Chest | Leather | |
Head | Leather |
Quest Rewards & Loot
Quest Rewards
Item | Slot | Type | Quest |
Feet | Leather | ||
Ranged | Gun | ||
Head | Cloth | ||
Hands | Mail | ||
Hands | Cloth | ||
Ranged | Wand | ||
Hands | Plate |
Boss Drops
Item | Slot | Type | Boss(es) |
Trinket | – | ||
Two-Hand | Axe | ||
Legs | Plate | ||
Chest | Plate | Any Echo | |
Chest | Plate | ||
Feet | Plate | ||
Back | – | ||
Waist | Leather | Any Echo | |
Main Hand | Axe | ||
Head | Plate | ||
Feet | Mail | Any Echo | |
Legs | Mail | ||
One-Hand | Mace | Any Echo | |
Head | Mail | Any Echo | |
Hands | Plate | Any Echo | |
Waist | Plate | Any Echo | |
Hands | Leather | Any Echo | |
One-Hand | Dagger | ||
Two-Hand | Staff | ||
Shoulder | Cloth | ||
Chest | Cloth | ||
Shoulder | Plate | ||
Legs | Plate | ||
Legs | Cloth | Any Echo | |
Chest | Leather | ||
Head | Leather | ||
Waist | Plate | Any Echo | |
Off Hand | Shield | ||
Chest | Cloth | ||
Ranged | Bow |