World of Warcraft’s Cataclysm expansion brings forth an array of changes and new features to the time-honored profession of Herbalism. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to adapt your skills to the new environment or a newcomer eager to delve into the world of Azeroth’s rich and diverse flora, our guide is here to assist you. With the introduction of new herbs, upgrades to the Lifeblood ability, and changes to the gathering process, Cataclysm offers a refreshed and engaging experience to Herbalism enthusiasts.
New in Cataclysm: Herbalism
New Abilities & Effects
- Lifeblood Enhancement:
- Lifeblood, a core ability for herbalists, has been upgraded. While it continues to provide a healing effect, it now also grants players a Haste rating. This enhancement aids in faster health regeneration and improves your attack and casting speeds temporarily.
Introduction of New Herbs
- A variety of new herbs have been introduced, each playing a crucial role in crafting and alchemy:
- Azshara’s Veil: Required Skill: 425
- Cinderbloom: Found in Mount Hyjal, Deepholm, Uldum, and Twilight Highlands with a Required Skill: 425
- Stormvine: Found in Mount Hyjal and Vashj’ir with a Required Skill: 425
- Heartblossom: Found in Deepholm with a Required Skill: 475
- Whiptail: Found in Uldum with a Required Skill: 500
- Twilight Jasmine: Found in Twilight Highlands with a Required Skill: 525
Bonus Items
- While engaging in the gathering process, players now have a chance to obtain additional bonus items:
- Lifegiving Seed: Upon use, this item transforms players into a random Cataclysm herb, providing a restoration of both health and mana.
- Volatile Life: This item is a crucial component in crafting all Cataclysm flasks, making it a valuable find for herbalists.
Simplified Gathering Process
- Cataclysm simplifies the herb gathering process by eliminating the existence of ultra-rare herbs, such as the Frost Lotus from previous expansions. This change allows for a more straightforward and accessible experience for players, making the gathering process more predictable and less reliant on chance.
Herbalism Skill Requirements
Name | Skill Lvl |
Bloodthistle | 0 |
Peacebloom | 0 |
Silverleaf | 0 |
Earthroot | 15 |
Mageroyal | 50 |
Briarthorn | 70 |
Bruiseweed | 85 |
Stranglekelp | 85 |
Grave Moss | 105 |
Wild Steelbloom | 115 |
Frozen Herb | 125 |
Kingsblood | 125 |
Fadeleaf | 150 |
Goldthorn | 150 |
Liferoot | 150 |
Khadgar’s Whisker | 160 |
Dragon’s Teeth | 195 |
Firebloom | 205 |
Purple Lotus | 210 |
Arthas’ Tears | 220 |
Sungrass | 230 |
Blindweed | 235 |
Ghost Mushroom | 245 |
Gromsblood | 250 |
Golden Sansam | 260 |
Dreamfoil | 270 |
Icecap | 270 |
Mountain Silversage | 280 |
Plaguebloom | 285 |
Sorrowmoss | 285 |
Black Lotus | 300 |
Felweed | 300 |
Dreaming Glory | 315 |
Ragveil | 325 |
Terocone | 325 |
Flame Cap | 335 |
Ancient Lichen | 340 |
Goldclover | 350 |
Netherbloom | 350 |
Netherdust Bush | 350 |
Firethorn | 360 |
Nightmare Vine | 365 |
Mana Thistle | 375 |
Tiger Lily | 375 |
Talandra’s Rose | 385 |
Adder’s Tongue | 400 |
Azshara’s Veil | 425 |
Cinderbloom | 425 |
Lichbloom | 425 |
Stormvine | 425 |
Icethorn | 435 |
Frost Lotus | 450 |
Heartblossom | 475 |
Whiptail | 500 |
Twilight Jasmine | 525 |
Herb Farming Guides
Herbalism Trainer Locations
Horde Trainers
- Faruza (59.8, 52.0), Tirisfal Glades
- Mishiki (55.6, 75.0), Durotar
- Botanist Tyniarrel (37.6, 72.0), Eversong Woods
- Aranae Venomblood (61.6, 19.6), Hillsbrad Foothills
- Botanist Nathera (67.6, 18.6), Silvermoon City
- Jandi (55.6, 39.6), Orgrimmar
- Komin Winterhoof (49.8, 39.8), Thunder Bluff
- Martha Alliestar (54.8, 50.2), Undercity
- Angrun (32.2, 27.6), Northern Stranglethorn
- Ruw (76.0, 43.4), Feralas
- Ruak Stronghorn (52.2, 36.2), Hellfire Peninsula
- Tansy Wildmane (42.0, 53.6), Borean Tundra
- Marjory Kains (78.6, 28.4), Howling Fjord
Alliance Trainers
- Herbalist Pomeroy (39.8, 48.4), Elwynn Forest
- Heur (48.2, 51.4), Azuremyst Isle
- Kali Healtouch (36.6, 48.4), Loch Modan
- Morae (53.2, 57.6), Bloodmyst Isle
- Malorne Bladeleaf (57.6, 60.6), Teldrassil
- Alma Jainrose (21.8, 45.8), Redridge Mountains
- Cylania Rootstalker (50.6, 67.0), Ashenvale
- Telurinon Moonshadow (8.0, 55.8), Wetlands
- Cemmorhan (27.6, 62.6), The Exodar
- Firodren Mooncaller (48.0, 68.6), Darnassus
- Reyna Stonebranch (55.6, 58.8), Ironforge
- Shylamiir (31.6, 63.0), Stormwind City
- Tannysa (54.4, 84.0), Stormwind City
- Brant Jasperbloom (64.0, 47.6), Dustwallow Marsh
- Rorelien (53.6, 65.8), Hellfire Peninsula
- Fayin Whisperleaf (58.8, 63.0), Howling Fjord
- Kirea Moondancer (57.8, 71.8), Borean Tundra
Neutral Trainers
- Flora Silverwind (27.6, 77.8), Northern Stranglethorn
- Malvor (45.6, 46.8), Moonglade
- Botanist Alaenra (38.6, 71.6), Shattrath City
- Jijia (37.8, 29.2), Shattrath City
- Dorothy Egan (43.8, 35.0), Dalaran
Gathering Herbs
Apprentice: 1 – 70 (Peacebloom, Silverleaf, & Earthroot)
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Elwynn Forest ![]() | [A] | 1-10 |
Tirisfal Glades ![]() | [H] | 1-10 |
Teldrassil | [A] | 1-10 |
Durotar | [H] | 1-10 |
Mulgore | [H] | 1-10 |

- Players below level 20 should simply collect herbs in their current questing zone.
- For these levels gather Peacebloom, Silverleaf, and Earthroot.
- You can also use our standalone Peacebloom & Silverleaf Farming Guide.
Alliance Gathering Routes

Horde Gathering Routes

Journeyman: 70 – 150 (Mageroyal, Briarthorn, Bruiseweed)
Zone | Level Range |
Hillsbrad Foothills ![]() | 20-25 |
Darkshore ![]() | 10-20 |
Northern Barrens | 10-20 |

- Horde players have an herbalism trainer in Tarren Mill, so feel free to train and stay to 160.
- You can also use our standalone Mageroyal, Briarthorn, Bruiseweed Farming Guide.
Zone Gathering Routes

Expert: 150 – 230 (Kingsblood, Fadeleaf, Khadgar’s Whisker, Goldthorn)
Zone | Level Range |
Feralas | 35-40 |
Western Plaguelands | 35-40 |
- Herb List: Kingsblood, Fadeleaf, Khadgar’s Whisker, Goldthorn
- Western Plaguelands doesn’t contain any Goldthorn.
- Khadgar’s Whisker can’t be collected until 160.
- Make sure to train when you reach 200 in herbalism.
Zone Gathering Routes

Artisan: 230 – 285
Zone | Level Range |
Thousand Needles | 40-45 |
Eastern Plaguelands | 40-45 |
- Herb List: Sungrass
- Make sure to train your herbalism at 275.
- Khadgar’s Whisker will show up in EPL but is green.
- Thousand Needles is easier with a flying mount, otherwise it’s a mostly straight line going back and forth.
- You can also use our standalone Sungrass Farming Guide.
Zone Gathering Routes

Master: 285 – 350 (Golden Sansam, Sorrowmoss, Gromsblood, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, Felweed, Dreaming Glory & Terocone)
285 – 330
Zone | Level Range | Herbs |
Swamp of Sorrows ![]() | 52-54 | Golden Sansam, Sorrowmoss |
Felwood | 45-50 | Gromsblood, Purple Lotus, Dreamfoil, Golden Sansam |
The Blasted Lands | 54-60 | Gromsblood, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage |

- Herb List: Golden Sansam, Sorrowmoss, Gromsblood, Dreamfoil, & Mountain Silversage
- You can level until 350 and skip Outland in Swamp of Sorrows or Blasted Lands.
Zone Gathering Routes

330 – 350
Zone | Level Range | Herbs |
Terrokar Forest ![]() | 62-65 | Felweed, Dreaming Glory, Terocone |
Hellfire Peninsula | 58-63 | Felweed, Dreamfoil, Dreaming Glory |

- Herb List: Felweed, Dreamfoil, Dreaming Glory, Terocone
- If you choose to level in Hellfire Peninsula you can go until level 360.
- Flying helps significantly with gathering herbs in Outland.
Zone Gathering Routes

Grand Master: 350 – 425 (Goldclover, Tiger Lily, Adder’s Tongue)
350 – 400
Zone | Level Range | Herbs |
Howling Fjord ![]() | 68-72 | Goldclover, Tiger Lily |
Borean Tundra | 68-72 | Goldclover, Tiger Lily |

- Herb List: Goldclover, Tiger Lily
- Make sure to train your herbalism at 350.
- Tiger Lily can’t be collected until 375.
Zone Gathering Routes

400 – 425
Zone | Level Range | Herbs |
Sholazar Basin | 76-78 | Adder’s Tongue, Goldclover, Tiger Lily |
- Herb List: Adder’s Tongue, Goldclover, Tiger Lily
- If you choose to you can level until 450.
Zone Gathering Route – Sholazar Basin

Illustrious: 425 – 525 (Cinderbloom, Stormvine, Azshara’s Veil, Heartblossom, Whiptail)
425 – 475
Zone | Level Range | Herbs |
Mount Hyjal | 80-82 | Cinderbloom, Stormvine, Azshara’s Veil |
- Herb List: Cinderbloom, Stormvine, Azshara’s Veil
- Make sure to train your herbalism at 425.
- Optionally you can also stay in Mount Hyjal until level 500.
Zone Gathering Route – Mount Hyjal

475 – 500
Zone | Level Range | Herbs |
Deepholm | 82-83 | Cinderbloom, Heartblossom |
- Herb List: Cinderbloom, Heartblossom
- Optionally you can also stay in Deepholm until level 525.
Zone Gathering Route – Deepholm

500 – 525
Zone | Level Range | Herbs |
Uldum | 83-84 | Whiptail |
- Herb List: Whiptail
Zone Gathering Route – Uldum