- Author: Shadostruct
- Date: August 22, 2024
- Updated: August 22, 2024
- Expansion: Cataclysm
With the opening of the Dragon Soul raid in Cataclysm comes not only an epic life or death battle against the great menace himself, but also an opportunity for you to acquire some of the coolest legendary weapons in the game! Golad, Twilight of Aspects and Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages, a set of dual daggers that can be wielded by Rogues to slice & dice their enemies into mince meat.
This guide will cover information on these daggers as well as how to attain them for your own Rogue or Rogue friend.
Fangs of the Father Stats & Effects
These will be your Rogue’s BiS (Best-in-Slot) weapons, guaranteed.
- 786 DPS @ 1.8 Speed
- 373 Stamina
- 229 Agility
- 156 Critical Strike
- 150 Haste
- 148 Hit
- 786 DPS @ 1.4 Speed
- 373 Stamina
- 229 Agility
- 154 Haste
- 150 Mastery
- 149 Expertise
Each of these daggers has one red gem slot with a +10 Agility bonus for filling it with a relevant gem. Delicate Inferno Ruby is going to be the best option to slot into these daggers for meeting the bonus requirements as well as raw Agility being a great scaling stat.
- 2x Red Sockets
- Socket Bonus: +20 Agility (+10 for each dagger)
There’s a few unique bonuses these daggers will convey upon their wielder:
- A chance to accumulate the Shadows of the Destroyer stacking buff on each melee hit. Each stack will give you 17 Agility, stacking up to a max of 50 times. At 30 stacks and above each stack accumulated increases the chances that you consume this stacking buff and turn it into Fury of the Destroyer.
- Fury of the Destroyer is a buff that consumes any Shadows of the Destroyer stacks you have and gives you 5 combo points immediately, then makes all your finishing moves grant 5 combo points themselves for 6 seconds. This will allow you to spam finishers at no combo point cost.
- A flat 45% buff to Sinister Strike and Revealing Strike’s damage via the passive on Golad, Twilight of Aspects.
There is also a bonus on-use effect, called Embrace of the Destroyer, that causes you to spawn what look like ragged dragon wings and slows your fall speed for 15 seconds on a 5 minute CD.

Both you and your guild will get Feats of Strength unlocked to celebrate the work put in to acquire these stabby sticks!
- Feat of Strength: Fangs of the Father
- Guild Achievement: Fangs of the Father – Guild Edition
How to Get the Fangs of the Father Legendary Daggers
This is a 13 quest long chain that is going to involve some decently hard solo instances as well as help from a raid group during certain parts. There are 3 main stages with each having its own set of daggers it’ll offer you. Even the first stage of daggers are going to be very viable weapons and each stage from there makes them increasingly more powerful.
Dagger Progression
To begin with you’ll be offered an epic set of daggers, which will then be upgraded midway through the chain and eventually turn into the legendary daggers at the end. The stages are:

These are the materials you’ll need to acquire from downing bosses in the Dragon Soul raid. A Rogue needs to be within the raidgroup and on the legendary questline in order to see these items drop. There is no difference in droprate between normal and heroic difficulties, but there is an increase in the amount dropped on 25 man versus 10 man.
- Shadowy Gem x 333
- Elementium Gem Cluster x 60
- Fragment of Deathwing’s Jaw
- 10,000 gold
Quest Walkthrough
This section is going to cover the 13 quests required to give Deathwing a nail clipping and forge yourself some truly legendary daggers!
1. Proving Your Worth
To start things off you’ll need to enter the Dragon Soul raid and by the entrance you’ll see Lord Devrestrasz, who will offer you the ! Proving Your Worth quest.
This will require you to pickpocket the 4th raid boss in Dragon Soul, Hagara the Stormbinder. You do not need to kill the 4th boss, and multiple Rogues within the same raid group can pickpocket her as her pockets will refill every 15 minutes or if you just reset the boss. To get to her you’ll either need to join a raid lockout that has the first 3 bosses down, or join a raid group and kill the first 3 bosses with them.
Cryptomancer’s Decoder Ring is what you’ll find on her person, and with that you can return back to Lord Devrestrasz for the next part.

2. A Hidden Message
After a brief explanation of why you needed to pickpocket this ring, you’ll be directed to Ethereals within your respective faction’s capital city. Either Thaumaturge Rafir for Alliance in Stormwind, or Thamaturge Altha for Horde in Orgrimmar.
At this point they will ask you for 10,000 gold to charge the ring, so time to pony up! It’ll take some time to count each and every gold piece one by one you’ve given them, so your ring won’t be ready for 12 hours in real-time. You do not need to be logged in while the 12 hours are ticking, so feel free to get some shut-eye after you’ve acquired the cipher.
Corastrasza at Vermillion Redoubt within the Twilight Highlands zone will offer the next piece of the puzzle. She’ll give you a cipher, but it can’t be de-ciphered until the Ethereals are done and your ring is fully charged. Once you’ve done that you can turn in the quest at Corastrasza.

3. To Ravenholdt
Much like the quest’s title you’ll be required to head to Ravenholdt Manor. Mostrasz will be located at the entrance, under the tree, and you can use a dialogue option so he can fly you to the next location you’ll need to go to. This upcoming quest will be a somewhat difficult solo instance where you’ll need to stealth your way into an enemy base, so make sure you have the time for it.

4. To Catch a Thief
Get your rations ready and brush up on your CQC, because this is going to be a serious stealth mission we’re embarking on! In all seriousness, you won’t be able to brute force your way through the manor – so make use of the tools at your Rogue’s disposal such as Stealth, Sap, Distract, and Vanish to get your objective and get out.
Your stealth range is actually going to be different than you are used to, but it will be designated by a red circle underneath your feet. Even if an NPC is distracted or looking another direction, don’t hang out near them while they’re in your red circle as they’ll quickly catch on that something’s not quite right.
Your objective, if you so choose to accept it, is to reach the basement of the manor and steal the dragon egg. It should be noted that getting hit by an NPC will automatically teleport you out of the manor and have you restart the process, and that you’re home safe as long as you get into the basement and trigger the cutscene.
5. Our Man in Gilneas
Wrathion is introduced into the mix and he’ll give you a quest sending you to a mage just outside of Gilneas City called Zazzo Twinklefingers. You’ll find him in a dinky shed to the north of the city and he’ll give you the next quest in the chain.

6. Assassinate Creed
This is a two part quest that’s going to involve more stealth and then finally a boss fight. For the stealth section it’s going to be similar to what you saw in ! To Catch a Thief, but a longer path with more varied approaches to how you get past the patrols and make your way to your target.
You’ll be entering Gilneas City and avoiding the exorbitant amount of NPCs on the lookout for a person looking like they’re up to no good (i.e. you!). If you’re discovered and hit you will be ported out automatically. Be weary of your surroundings right up until you enter the clearing with Lord Hiram Creed in it, as you don’t want to have to redo everything right as you’re about to cross the finish line.
Once you engage Creed know that even if you lose the fight you won’t need to redo the stealth section, so don’t feel too frustrated if it doesn’t go well the first attempt!
- Creed has two phases with phase 2 starting once he goes below 75% health.
- Make sure to use defensives, potions, and anything you can to survive while whittling him down.
- You can use any stuns and CC you have available as it will be effective on him.
- Kick Blackhowl’s Will, or if not in range use Cloak of Shadows to make yourself immune to this cast.
- Do not use Smoke Bomb or any other type of effect that makes you invisible or untargetable as it’ll make Creed enrage.
- You’ll have two minutes to down him until he enters enrage.
- When he casts Consuming Darkness there will be AoE’s spawned on the ground you’ll need to avoid.
- Once he enters phase 2 he’ll be able to cast Shadow Breath which is a cone AoE emitting from in front of him. Simply go behind him and use this time to get in as much damage as you can.
Once you’ve successfully dispatched Creed head back to Twinklefingers and report the good news to complete this quest.
7. The Deed is Done
At this point Twinklefingers will have you go back to Wrathion and once you turn this in you’ll receive the first form of what is to be the legendary daggers! Fear & Vengeance are now yours to use to poke as many things as your heart desires. The next quest will immediately be given to you by Wrathion and you’ll need the help of a raid group.
8. Cluster Clutch
This part is going to take some time and some raiding. You need to collect 333 Shadowy Gem, which you can get by cracking open the Elementium Gem Clusters that drop from bosses within Dragon Soul. It will not matter if you’re attempting the Dragon Soul raid on heroic or normal mode, but you will get more average clusters from the 25 man version of the raid over the 10 man version. There is some variance, but it should take at minimum 3 full clears and maximum about 10 clears to acquire enough components to continue on.
9. Our Man in Karazhan
Wrathion will send you back to Zazzo Twinklefingers once more in yet another ruined location of note – Karazhan. Speaking to him he’ll tell you to go into the cellar and that you have a new target.

10. Blood of the Betrayer
This is another two-parter solo quest where you’ll need to stealth through the first part and make it to your target – who is Nalice of the black dragonflight. For the first part you’ll need to again avoid any patrols and use your stealth abilities the best you can to avoid detection and make it to a cellar in the ruins of Karazhan.
For Nalice herself, she’s going to be a bit more complicated than the previous boss encounter you had.
- She has 2 main phases and a third phase at the very end that is similar to phase 1 but with an additional ability.
- Every 33% she’ll loop into phase 2, so don’t waste CD’s right before going into it as it’s an intermission phase that doesn’t involve damaging her.
- Arcane Infused Armor will reduce all damage taken by 99%, so you’ll need to use Expose Armor to remove it.
- She does periodically Enrage during the fight, but you can use Shiv to remove it which will give her the Sated debuff – increasing all damage taken by 50%.
- During P2 she’ll put up a shield where she can’t be damaged and you’ll have to use your Sprint ability to make it to the two devices on the opposite side of the room and interact with them to turn them off all while dodging some AoE abilities. You only have 20 seconds, so you need to use Sprint to make it to both in time.
- During the final phase she’ll gain a new ability: Blazing Shadows. This is a debuff that is cast upon you that will periodically leave dangerous AoE’s on the ground beneath you. Your main objective here is to deal with all the normal P1 mechanics while also not running out of room by haphazardly leaving bad stuff all over the place.
After you’ve taken her down, loot her body and she’ll have a Vial of Black Dragonsblood on her. Once you’ve looted it Twinklefingers will extract you with a convenient teleport.
11. Victory in the Depths
Twinklefingers gives you back the vial of blood in a somewhat altered state. From there you’re off to see Wrathion again and get him up to date. He’ll upgrade your daggers and they’re now The Sleeper & The Dreamer. You’re finally starting to get a taste for how powerful these weapons will be in their final form.
12. Sharpening Your Fangs
It’s time to get back into the mines and grind away in Dragon Soul. 60 Elementium Gem Clusters will be required this time around to get this quest completed and move onto the final part.
13. Patricide
While one of the simplest steps, this will also be one of the toughest. Your job here is to kill Deathwing himself in the Dragon Soul raid’s final fight. Once you’ve accomplished that you should be able to loot a Fragment of Deathwing’s Jaw and bring it back to Wrathion to prove your success.
Once you’ve done that you’ll be met with quite the interesting cutscene and the final legendary form of your daggers – Golad, Twilight of Aspects & Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages.
Congratulations! Through all your hard work you’ve acquired an absolutely beastly set of daggers that will remain as BiS for the rest of the expansion on your Rogue.
Can I go into a raid and pickpocket hagara and just leave without getting saved. If I join a raid that is at hagara?
No…you cant get to Hagara without killing first three bosses. AND there is a hefty thrash before Hagara that needs to be killed before you can reach her a pickpocket her. So even if you get you hands to instance save where first three bosses are killed – you need a group of ppl to kill the trash.