- Author: Shadostruct
- Date: August 24, 2024
- Updated: August 24, 2024
- Expansion: Cataclysm
In Cataclysm Classic there are two primary ways of getting to the Vashj’ir zone. For those looking to seek out an adventure down where it’s wetter, try under the sea!
Using the Portal Skip
Due to a decision made by Blizzard the portal to Vashj’ir is automatically opened in Cataclysm Classic, allowing you to skip some of the normal intro quests you would take to lead you there.
To alleviate potential congestion issues, on launch day we’ve removed a few of the questing prerequisites to use the portal to Vashj’ir that can be found at the Western Earthshrine in the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar and The Eastern Earthshrine near the Stormwind Keep in Stormwind.
This means that the portal is present and able to be taken by any character from their faction’s respective capital city. Do note that this zone does require you to be a minimum of lv 78 to quest in it.

When you go through the portal you’ll find yourself on the sunken mercenary ship and able to skip straight to picking up the Sea Legs (A) or Sea Legs (H) quest which will allow you upon completion to acquire the Sea Legs buff in Vashj’ir which gives you… sea legs (Have I mentioned Sea Legs?).

How to Complete the Introductory Quests for Vashj’ir
The alternative, if you want a more pure experience that gives you the story beats as to why and how you made it to Vashj’ir, is a set of introductory quests you can complete. The second you take a level appropriate character to your faction’s capital city it will give you the quest ! A Personal Summons (H) or ! A Personal Summons (A).
From there it’ll follow this questline:
- The Eye of the Storm
- Hero’s Call: Vashj’ir! / To the Depths
- Call of Duty
- Sea Legs
- Pay It Forward
- Rest For the Weary
- The Eye of the Storm
- Warchief’s Command: Vashj’ir! / To the Depths
- Call of Duty
- Sea Legs
- Pay It Forward
- Rest For the Weary
Can You Fly to Vashj’ir?
Why yes, yes you can. I might ask you why you would choose this option, but I’ll skip straight to directing you how to. First off, you need 280% speed flying or you’ll die to fatigue damage. Second, I’d recommend starting from the western-most tip of Dun Morogh and heading straight west. Third, hit that auto-run key and pull up your favorite youtuber or streamer!