Our comprehensive Cataclysm Leatherworking Guide is designed to guide you step-by-step from level 1 to level 525. Leatherworking is particularly synergistic with Skinning as a primary profession, allowing for self-sufficiency in gathering required materials, although Auction House purchases can also supplement your needs.
New in Cataclysm: Leatherworking
Feature | Details |
Max Skill Level Increase | Cataclysm extends the Leatherworking skill cap from 450 to 525. |
New Leather Types | The expansion introduces Savage Leather and its derivative, Heavy Savage Leather. These are essential materials for crafting new gear and enhancements. |
New Recipes | A variety of new crafting recipes are available, including those for item enhancements and armor pieces across various slots. |
New Enhancements | Cataclysm brings additional armor kits and leg armors, expanding the options for character gear enhancements. |
New Materials Required | There’s an increase in the diversity of materials required for crafting, including new leathers and volatiles (Volatile Water, Volatile Fire). |
Materials Required
- 57 Ruined Leather Scraps
- 295 Light Leather
- 80 Medium Leather
- 20 Medium Hide
- 75 Salt (for curing hides)
- 195 Heavy Leather
- 20 Heavy Hide
- 385 Thick Leather
- 415 Rugged Leather
- 100 Knothide Leather Scraps
- 255 Knothide Leather
- 28 Fel Scales
- 150 Borean Leather Scraps
- 780 Borean Leather
- 123 Heavy Borean Leather (or fewer with Arctic Fur)
- 5 Arctic Fur
- 100 Crystallized Water (or fewer with Arctic Fur)
- 150 Savage Leather Scraps
- 1,220 Savage Leather
- 168 Heavy Savage Leather
- 5 Eternal Water
- 50 Volatile Water
- 70 Volatile Fire
- 8 Volatile Air
- 32 Volatile Earth
Threads, Dyes, and Other Materials
- 130 Coarse Thread
- 197 Fine Thread
- 31 Gray Dye
- 145 Silken Thread
- 35 Black Dye
- 92 Rune Thread
- Eternium Thread (Amount varies based on specific crafting choices)
- The list is compiled based on the assumption that the player will craft each recommended item for the respective leveling bracket as provided in the guides. Adjustments may need to be made based on availability of materials, market prices, and individual crafting choices.
- It’s recommended to have a bit of extra material on hand to account for any miscalculations or changes in plans.
- If possible, consider gathering your materials through Skinning and other gathering professions or purchasing them from the Auction House.
- Some materials like threads and dyes can be purchased from in-game vendors.
Leatherworking Trainer Locations
Horde Trainers
- Sathein (53.6, 51.2), Eversong Woods
- Chaw Stronghide (45.4, 57.8), Mulgore
- Shelene Rhobart (65.4, 60.0), Tirisfal Glades
- Lynalis (84.8, 80.6), Silvermoon City
- Arthur Moore (70.6, 58.6), Undercity
- Brawn (31.6, 28.8), Northern Stranglethorn
- Karolek (62.8, 44.6), Orgrimmar
- Krulmoo Fullmoon (44.8, 59.4), Northern Barrens
- Narv Hidecrafter (55.2, 56.2), Desolace
- Una (41.8, 42.6), Thunder Bluff
- Brumn Winterhoof (28.2, 45.0), Arathi Highlands
- Se’Jib (36.6, 34.2), Northern Stranglethorn
- Thorkaf Dragoneye (62.6, 57.6), Badlands
- Hahrana Ironhide (74.4, 43.0), Feralas
- Barim Spilthoof (56.2, 38.6), Hellfire Peninsula
- Grikka (76.8, 65.4), Blade’s Edge Mountains
- Awan Iceborn (76.2, 37.0), Borean Tundra
- Gunter Hansen (78.2, 28.2), Howling Fjord
Alliance Trainers
- Moordo (44.8, 23.8), Azuremyst Isle
- Adele Fielder (46.4, 62.2), Elwynn Forest
- Akham (67.2, 74.6), The Exodar
- Nadyia Maneweaver (41.8, 49.6), Teldrassil
- Fimble Finespindle (40.4, 32.4), Ironforge
- Simon Tanner (71.8, 62.8), Stormwind City
- Aayndia Floralwind (35.8, 52.0), Ashenvale
- Telonis (64.6, 21.6), Darnassus
- Caryssia Moonhunter (89.4, 46.6), Feralas
- Peter Galen (37.6, 65.4), Azshara
- Sarah Tanner (63.6, 75.8), Searing Gorge
- Drakk Stonehand (13.4, 43.4), The Hinterlands
- Brumman (54.2, 64.0), Hellfire Peninsula
- Bernadette Dexter (59.8, 63.6), Howling Fjord
- Rosemary Bovard (57.6, 71.8), Borean Tundra
Neutral Trainers
- Daenril (41.6, 63.4), Shattrath City
- Korim (37.6, 28.6), Shattrath City
- Darmari (67.2, 67.6), Shattrath City
- Andellion (35.2, 27.6), Dalaran
- Diane Cannings (35.8, 29.0), Dalaran
- Kul’de (71.8, 20.8), Icecrown
- Manfred Staller (34.8, 29.6), Dalaran
- Namha Moonwater (36.6, 28.6), Dalaran
Apprentice: 1 – 50
Skill Level | Recipe | Total Materials Required | Quantity to Craft |
1-20 | Light Leather | 57 Ruined Leather Scraps | 19 |
20-30 | Light Armor Kit | 10 Light Leather | 10 |
30-50 | Handstitched Leather Cloak | 40 Light Leather, 20 Coarse Thread | 20 |
Materials Summary
- 57 Ruined Leather Scraps
- 50 Light Leather
- 20 Coarse Thread
- Start by crafting Light Leather using Ruined Leather Scraps. Each crafting will convert 3 Ruined Leather Scraps into 1 Light Leather.
- After reaching skill level 20, begin crafting Light Armor Kits using the Light Leather you’ve produced.
- Once you reach skill level 30, switch to producing Handstitched Leather Cloaks. For each cloak, you’ll need 2 Light Leather and 1 Coarse Thread.
Journeyman: 50 – 125
Skill Level | Recipe | Total Materials Required | Quantity to Craft |
50-55 | Handstitched Leather Belt | 30 Light Leather, 5 Coarse Thread | 5 |
55-85 | Embossed Leather Gloves | 90 Light Leather, 60 Coarse Thread | 30 |
85-100 | Fine Leather Belt | 90 Light Leather, 30 Coarse Thread | 15 |
100-115 | Cured Medium Hide | 15 Medium Hide, 15 Salt | 15 |
115-125 | Dark Leather Boots | 40 Medium Leather, 20 Fine Thread, 10 Gray Dye | 10 |
Materials Summary
- 210 Light Leather
- 95 Coarse Thread
- 15 Medium Hide
- 15 Salt
- 40 Medium Leather
- 20 Fine Thread
- 10 Gray Dye
- Start at skill level 50 by crafting Handstitched Leather Belts, using 6 Light Leather and 1 Coarse Thread each.
- From skill level 55 to 85, craft Embossed Leather Gloves. Each pair requires 3 Light Leather and 2 Coarse Thread.
- At skill level 85, switch to crafting Fine Leather Belts until you reach level 100. Each belt requires 6 Light Leather and 2 Coarse Thread.
- From 100 to 115, craft Cured Medium Hide using Medium Hide and Salt. If Medium Hide is not available, consider crafting additional Fine Leather Belts or Medium Armor Kits as necessary.
- Lastly, from 115 to 125, craft Dark Leather Boots using Medium Leather, Fine Thread, and Gray Dye.
Expert: 125 – 200
Skill Level | Recipe | Total Materials Required | Quantity to Craft |
125-130 | Dark Leather Boots | 40 Medium Leather, 20 Fine Thread, 10 Gray Dye | (Additional as needed) |
130-145 | Dark Leather Belt | 15 Cured Medium Hide, 15 Fine Leather Belt, 30 Fine Thread, 15 Gray Dye | 15 |
145-150 | Hillman’s Leather Gloves | 70 Medium Leather, 20 Fine Thread | 5 |
150-165 | Cured Heavy Hide or Alternatives | 20 Heavy Hide, 60 Salt (or equivalent materials for alternative) | 20 (if available) |
165-180 | Heavy Armor Kit | 75 Heavy Leather, 15 Fine Thread | 15 |
180-190 | Barbaric Shoulders | 80 Heavy Leather, 10 Cured Heavy Hide, 20 Fine Thread | 10 |
190-200 | Guardian Gloves | 40 Heavy Leather, 10 Cured Heavy Hide, 10 Silken Thread | 10 |
Materials Summary
- 110 Medium Leather
- 30 Fine Thread
- 10 Gray Dye
- 15 Cured Medium Hide
- 15 Fine Leather Belt
- 155 Heavy Leather
- 20 Heavy Hide (if available)
- 60 Salt (if crafting Cured Heavy Hide)
- 35 Fine Thread (additional for Heavy Armor Kit and Barbaric Shoulders)
- 10 Silken Thread
- Continue crafting Dark Leather Boots if needed to reach 130, using 4 Medium Leather, 2 Fine Thread, and 1 Gray Dye each.
- From 130 to 145, craft Dark Leather Belts using Cured Medium Hide, Fine Leather Belt, Fine Thread, and Gray Dye.
- Craft Hillman’s Leather Gloves from 145 to 150, each requiring 14 Medium Leather and 4 Fine Thread.
- Between 150 and 165, you have to work with available materials. Ideal is crafting Cured Heavy Hide with Heavy Hide and Salt, but Heavy Hide is often scarce. Look for alternative crafting options if necessary.
- From 165 to 180, make Heavy Armor Kit with Heavy Leather and Fine Thread.
- Craft Barbaric Shoulders from 180 to 190 with Heavy Leather, Cured Heavy Hide, and Fine Thread.
- Finally, from 190 to 200, craft Guardian Gloves using Heavy Leather, Cured Heavy Hide, and Silken Thread.
Artisan: 200 – 275
Skill Level | Recipe | Total Materials Required | Quantity to Craft |
200-220 | Thick Armor Kit | 100 Thick Leather, 20 Silken Thread | 20 |
220-235 | Nightscape Headband | 75-125 Thick Leather, 30-50 Silken Thread | 15-25 |
235-250 | Nightscape Pants | 210 Thick Leather, 60 Silken Thread | 15 |
250-265 | Rugged Armor Kit | 75-100 Rugged Leather | 15-20 |
265-285 | Wicked Leather Bracers | 160 Rugged Leather, 20 Black Dye, 20 Rune Thread | 20 |
285-300 | Wicked Leather Headband | 180 Rugged Leather, 15 Black Dye, 15 Rune Thread | 15 |
Materials Summary
- 385 – 425 Thick Leather
- 110 – 130 Silken Thread
- 235 – 280 Rugged Leather
- 20 Black Dye
- 20 Rune Thread
- From 200 to 220, craft Thick Armor Kits using Thick Leather and Silken Thread.
- Between 220 and 235, create Nightscape Headbands with Thick Leather and Silken Thread. Adjust quantity based on skill-ups received.
- Craft Nightscape Pants from 235 to 250, using Thick Leather and Silken Thread.
- From 250 to 265, create Rugged Armor Kits with Rugged Leather. You might need to craft more based on the skill-ups you receive.
- Between 265 and 285, produce Wicked Leather Bracers using Rugged Leather, Black Dye, and Rune Thread.
- Finally, from 285 to 300, create Wicked Leather Headbands with Rugged Leather, Black Dye, and Rune Thread.
Master: 275 – 350
Skill Level | Recipe | Total Materials Required | Quantity to Craft |
275-300 | Wicked Leather Headband | 180 Rugged Leather, 15 Black Dye, 15 Rune Thread | 15 |
300-310 | Knothide Leather | 100 Knothide Leather Scraps | 20 |
310-325 | Knothide Armor Kit | 60-100 Knothide Leather | 15-25 |
325-335 | Heavy Knothide Leather | 215 Knothide Leather | 43 |
335-340 | Thick Draenic Vest | 15 Heavy Knothide Leather, 15 Rune Thread | 5 |
340-350 | Scaled Draenic Boots | 28 Heavy Knothide Leather, 28 Fel Scales, 42 Rune Thread | 14 |
Materials Summary
- 180 Rugged Leather
- 100 Knothide Leather Scraps
- 275-315 Knothide Leather
- 28 Fel Scales
- 15 Black Dye
- 57 Rune Thread
- 15 Heavy Knothide Leather
- Craft Wicked Leather Headbands from 275 to 300 using Rugged Leather, Black Dye, and Rune Thread.
- Convert Knothide Leather Scraps to Knothide Leather, crafting 20 from 300 to 310.
- Create Knothide Armor Kits from 310 to 325 using Knothide Leather.
- Craft Heavy Knothide Leather from 325 to 335 using Knothide Leather.
- Produce Thick Draenic Vests from 335 to 340 using Heavy Knothide Leather and Rune Thread.
- Finally, craft Scaled Draenic Boots from 340 to 350 using Heavy Knothide Leather, Fel Scales, and Rune Thread.
Grand Master: 350 – 425
Skill Level | Recipe | Total Materials Required | Quantity to Craft |
350-365 | Borean Armor Kit | 150 Borean Leather Scraps or 60-80 Borean Leather | 30 |
365-380 | Borean Armor Kit | 60-80 Borean Leather | 15-20 |
380-385 | Arctic Boots | 40 Borean Leather | 5 |
385-390 | Arctic Belt | 50 Borean Leather | 5 |
390-405 | Heavy Borean Leather | 660 Borean Leather | 110 |
405-420 | Dark Frostscale Leggings | 60-80 Heavy Borean Leather, 75-100 Crystallized Water | 15-20 |
420-425 | Fur Lining | 5 Arctic Fur or 50 Heavy Borean Leather | 5 |
Materials Summary
- 810-820 Borean Leather
- 150 Borean Leather Scraps (optional)
- 5 Arctic Fur (optional)
- 75-100 Crystallized Water
- If you don’t have Borean Leather Scraps, you might need to use Borean Leather for the 350-365 skill range.
- From 350 to 365, craft Borean Armor Kit using either Borean Leather Scraps or Borean Leather.
- Continue crafting Borean Armor Kit from 365 to 380 with Borean Leather.
- Craft Arctic Boots from 380 to 385 using Borean Leather.
- From 385 to 390, craft Arctic Belt using Borean Leather.
- Craft Heavy Borean Leather from 390 to 405 using Borean Leather. Adjust the number based on the availability of Arctic Fur.
- From 405 to 420, craft Dark Frostscale Leggings with Heavy Borean Leather and Crystallized Water.
- Lastly, craft Fur Lining from 420 to 425, using either Arctic Fur or Heavy Borean Leather depending on cost and availability.
Illustrious: 425 – 525
Skill Level | Recipe | Total Materials Required | Quantity to Craft |
425-435 | Savage Leather | 50 Savage Leather Scraps | 10 |
435-450 | Savage Armor Kit | 75 Savage Leather | 15 |
450-460 | Tsunami Boots | 70 Savage Leather, 10 Eternium Thread | 10 |
460-470 | Savage Cloak | 70 Savage Leather, 10 Eternium Thread | 10 |
470-475 | Darkbrand Boots | 50 Savage Leather, 5 Eternium Thread | 5 |
475-480 | Darkbrand Shoulders | 60 Savage Leather, 5 Eternium Thread | 5 |
480-485 | Darkbrand Chestguard | 60 Savage Leather, 5 Eternium Thread | 5 |
485-490 | Heavy Savage Leather | 760 Savage Leather | 152 |
490-496 | Darkbrand Leggings | 8 Heavy Savage Leather, 24 Volatile Earth | 2 |
496-502 | Cloak of Beast | 16 Heavy Savage Leather, 4 each of Volatile Earth, Air, Water, and Fire | 2 |
502-504 | Darkbrand Helm | 10 Heavy Savage Leather | 2 |
504-510 | Cloak of Beast or Cloak of War | Varies (See Instructions) | 2 |
510-525 | Vicious Leather items | Varies (See Instructions) | Varies |
Materials Summary
- Approx. 1065 Savage Leather
- 50 Savage Leather Scraps (optional)
- 40 Eternium Thread
- Heavy Savage Leather as needed
- Volatile elements as needed
- Optional: Blackened Dragonscale for Cloak of War
- 425-435: Convert Savage Leather Scraps to Savage Leather.
- 435-450: Craft Savage Armor Kits.
- 450-460: Craft Tsunami Boots.
- 460-470: Craft Savage Cloaks or equivalent.
- 470-480: Craft Darkbrand Boots and Shoulders.
- 480-485: Craft Darkbrand Chestguard.
- 485-490: Convert Savage Leather to Heavy Savage Leather.
- 490-496: Craft Darkbrand Leggings.
- 496-504: Craft Cloak of Beast and Darkbrand Helm. Important: Stop at 504.
- 504-510: You can craft either Cloak of Beast or Cloak of War, based on your preference and material availability.
- 510-525: Craft various Vicious Leather items, buying recipes as you level. Be attentive to when the recipes turn yellow and plan your crafting accordingly.
510-525: Crafting Vicious Leather Items
- Purchase the Vicious Leather item recipes from Leatherworking Supplies vendors in major cities near your Leatherworking Trainer. Please note that these vendors are not located in Dalaran or Shattrath.
- The recipes for Vicious Leather items change color at specific skill points:
- They are orange and guarantee skill-ups from the point of purchase until 515.
- They turn yellow at 515, where skill-ups are likely but not guaranteed, until 520.
- They turn green at 520, where skill-ups are uncommon, until 525.
- Since all these recipes have a similar material cost, you can choose based on your personal preference or the market demand on your server.