Lord Rhyolith is one of the first four bosses in the Firelands raid, which players can choose to face in any order. This behemoth fire elemental boss can be found atop his plateau in the southeast corner of the raid map. As with the other bosses in the Firelands raid, Lord Rhyolith can be encountered on either Normal or Heroic difficulty with both 10 and 25 player groups.
An ancient primordial Fire Elemental almost as old as the first life on Azeroth, Lord Rhyolith is the primary source of new Fire Elementals in the lands of the Fire Lord. While such a figure is monumental to the Firelord’s success, it is uncertain why the Fire Lord doesn’t regard Lord Rhyolith as more than a simple minion. Rhyolith, however, seems too consumed with his grudge against the Titans, focusing his anger on them for his current existence rather than on the Fire Lord Ragnaros himself.
The Lord Rhyolith Encounter consists of two stages, with the first stage having players slowly destroy his obsidian armor by attacking his legs and guiding the boss through active volcanoes. The second stage of the fight is an endurance battle against Lord Rhyolith, as he attempts to gradually burn the foolish mortals who dared confront him.
(You can reference the Lord Rhyolith Loot list if you want to see all of the boss drops.)
Role Summaries
- Everyone has to focus on steering Lord Rhyolith in the right direction! Failing to do so can potentially lead him to the edge of the arena and cause Drink Magma, which leads to an almost guaranteed wipe.
- Everyone should preserve their Offensive Cooldowns for either the second phase of the encounter or for moments when Lord Rhyolith is dangerously close to the edge of the arena.
- Everyone should prioritize killing the Fragments of Rhyolith as soon as they spawn after Thermal Ignition,
- On Heroic Difficulty, everyone should prioritize proper positioning when affected by Unleashed Flame.
- Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp should only be used during Phase 2 for a clean and quick kill!
- Tanks should prioritize adds in Phase 1 since Lord Rhyolith is not tankable in his initial state.
- Tanks should help their raid group steer Lord Rhyolith’s legs while there are no adds present.
- Tanks should make sure that their defensive cooldowns are available before the transition to Phase 2.
- Healers should make sure they have access to their big cooldowns at the beginning of Phase 2.
- Healers should help steer Lord Rhyolith while the raid doesn’t need healing.
- Healers should prioritize AoE Healing spells due to the Concussive Stomp, Crater, Thermal Ignition, and Immolation mechanics.
- In case the DPS output is too low to kill the Fragments of Rhyolith quickly, Healers can help by using offensive abilities as well.
- DPS have to make sure they consistently damage Lord Rhyolith’s legs to ensure he doesn’t reach the edge.
- DPS have to always make sure they are damaging the assigned leg, as damaging the wrong leg can cause Lord Rhyolith to simply walk straight.
- DPS should make sure that their long offensive cooldowns are available for the start of Phase 2.
- DPS must begin damaging the Fragments of Rhyolith as soon as they spawn!
- Raid Leaders should make sure that Lord Rhyolith is steered in the correct direction throughout the entirety of Phase 1!
- Raid Leaders should make sure that players remember to not stay in the Craters leftover by Lord Rhyolith!
- Raid Leaders should make sure to call out when the Fragments of Rhyolith spawn and make sure that the raid group kills them ASAP.
- Raid Leaders have to choose the correct timing for Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp
Raid Composition & Preparation
Encounter Mechanics & Strategy
Normal vs Heroic Difficulty
The only differences between the Normal and Heroic difficulties are the addition of the Liquid Obsidian adds in phase 1 and the Unleashed Flame ability in phase 2. The rest of the changes between Normal and Heroic difficulties are simply the overall damage dealt by the abilities, with no other new ability or add mixed in.
Phase 1
Phase 1 makes up the majority of the Lord Rhyolith encounter! Phase 1 is mostly shaped by the Obsidian Armor mechanic, with players only being able to attack Lord Rhyolith’s legs. During this phase, Lord Rhyolith can’t be taunted or tanked, meaning that the tanks will only have to worry about the adds that spawn, aiding players in damaging Lord Rhyolith’s legs while no adds are alive. The main objective of this phase of the encounter is to reduce Lord Rhyolith’s Obsidian Armor stacks while continuously damaging his legs and controlling his movements throughout his boss encounter arena. This whole objective must be completed in a specific way in which players avoid moving Lord Rhyolith towards the edge of the arena, lest they risk triggering Drink Magma.
Drink Magma will result in a wipe 90% to 95% of the time, as healers most likely won’t be able to perform enough AoE healing to offset the massive damage dealt by the DoT!

There are a few mechanics that must be considered besides the main Obsidian Armor, with some of the mechanics interacting directly with the Obsidian Armor while others are completely unrelated. The main abilities that are tied to Phase 1 are Concussive Stomp, Volcano, Crater, Thermal Ignition, and Drink Magma.
Lord Rhyolith has a very short aggro range, meaning that players should be especially careful to not stroll too far away from the initial platform! As the encounter begins and the pull commences, Lord Rhyolith walks in a direct straight line. Before the pull begins, the raid group must decide whether they choose to initially steer the boss to the right side of the arena or the left side. Moments after players begin attacking Lord Rhyolith, as he reaches the center of the arena, he will begin casting Concussive Stomp. This ability deals moderately high Fire Damage to all players close to Lord Rhyolith while also spawning 2 to 3 volcanoes in the arena. After the initial cast of Concussive Stomp, Lord Rhyolith will continue casting the ability every 30 seconds!
After the volcanoes are spawned, Lord Rhyolith will use Thermal Ignition and Volcano shortly after. Thermal Ignition is usually the first ability cast after the initial Concussive Stomp, after which Volcano will also be used after a short while. Thermal Ignition will deal Fire Damage to all nearby players and spawn either 5 x Fragments of Rhyolith or 1 x Spark of Rhyolith. No matter which of the adds spawn, all of the adds have to be tanked near Lord Rhyolith!
The Fragments of Rhyolith have to be killed as soon as possible. If left alive, they will deal their remaining current HP 30 seconds after their exact spawn. This means that DPS must focus on them as soon as they spawn while the tanks pick them up immediately and move them to Rhyolith’s legs for the DPS to properly cleave them.
The Spark of Rhyolith spawns as a single entity and must be tanked in the same manner as the Fragments of Rhyolith, right next to Rhyolith’s legs. Ideally, the tank that is currently holding the Spark of Rhyolith should have a defensive ability prepared due to the Infernal Rage mechanic which will make the Spark of Rhyolith hit incredibly hard as Infernal Rage keeps on stacking. DPS should focus on cleaving the Spark of Rhyolith to avoid straining the Healer’s mana!
The Volcano mechanic follows after the Thermal Ignition, activating one of the previously dormant volcanoes. The Volcano mechanic is directly tied to the main objective of the phase, with players having to steer Lord Rhyolith toward an active volcano as soon as possible. The active volcanoes will deal damage to up to 3 players while they remain active, debuffing them with a powerful Fire Damage-increasing debuff which stacks. As such, raid leaders have to coordinate the raid to have Rhyolith step on active volcanoes as soon as possible.
Once Lord Rhyolith steps on an active volcano, he leaves behind a Crater. The Crater is another dangerous mechanic that the raid has to be aware of and fully watch out for! As a Crater erupts, it sends forth multiple lava streams that expand forward. Any player hit by the lava streams will take high Fire Damage. Additionally, once the lava streams extend fully, they erupt, dealing massive Fire Damage to any player standing on top of them. This means that the players must avoid the lava streams at all costs to make sure they don’t strain the healers or possibly get one shot by the steam explosion at the end of the mechanic!

The rest of the phase is a simple rinse & repeat of the previously mentioned mechanics, with the only difference being on the Heroic Difficulty where Liquid Obsidian adds spawn as well. The Liquid Obsidian will chase Lord Rhyolith, attempting to repair his Obsidian Armor by casting Fuse. Those adds can’t be taunted but they can be slowed or repositioned with abilities such as Death Grip.
Phase 2
Once you manage to complete all the mechanics in Phase 1 and get Lord Rhyolith to 25% HP, Phase 1 will transition into Phase 2, where Lord Rhyolith’s Obsidian Armor is destroyed completely and he can be directly tanked and killed!
This phase is considerably easier than the previous phase, being seen as a quick burst phase. Since this phase can be completed extremely fast, especially with the help of Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp, players don’t need to worry about much.
There are only two mechanics for the Normal Difficulty and three mechanics for the Heroic Difficulty. The main mechanic, Immolation, deals Fire Damage to all players every second. The damage is not high, so healers can easily out-heal it, even on Heroic Difficulty. The second mechanic is Concussive Stomp, which happens every 10 seconds instead of 30 seconds. The difference this time is that no volcanoes are being summoned.
Lastly, on Heroic, Lord Rhyolith also uses Unleashed Flame, which acts as a beam that follows players, dealing AoE damage to all players in the specific zone it hits. This mechanic can somewhat be ignored since the second part of the encounter ends extremely fast.
Considering that Phase 2 can last somewhere between 30 seconds to 40 seconds, players should have no issue killing Lord Rhyolith once they manage to break through the first phase of the encounter!
How do you “steer” the boss?
Hey there! You can turn Lord Rhyolith by attacking one of his legs. You can turn the boss in that specific direction depending on which leg you attack. That is what I meant by “Steer”. If enough damage is dealt quickly enough, Lord Rhyolith can even be turned 180 degrees.