Conjured from the Firelands, Magmaw unintentionally became Nefarians waste disposal, stopping a buildup of death from overtaking the laboratories.
(You can reference the Magmaw Loot list if you want to see all of the boss drops.)
Role Summaries
- The raid should be situated in three stacks: melee, ranged and the main tank.
- All players should move to the opposite side of the room during Massive Crash.
- Regardless of your role, save DPS cooldowns for Point of Vulnerability. No damage will be going out during this phase and nothing requires tanking, so tanks and healers should be blasting as well.
- Stay stacked up in a clump with the rest of the ranged DPS.
- Be ready to move as a group when Pillar of Flame is cast.
- Have a plan to CC and/or AoE the Lava Parasites.
- If you make contact with a Lava Parasite and are effected by Parasitic Infection quickly run out of the raid.
- Save DPS cooldowns for Point of Vulnerability. Magmaw takes increased damage during this 30 second window.
- Stay stacked up in a clump with the rest of the melee DPS.
- Be ready to move as a group when Massive Crash is cast.
- If you are assigned to handle Constricting Chains, ensure that any actionbar addons are not interfering with your Vehicle Bar.
- This fight has both heavy tank and raid damage at all points outside of Point of Vulnerability. Manage your mana accordingly, using Point of Vulnerability windows to regenerate.
- Be ready to move as a group when Massive Crash is cast.
- Be ready to heal players effected by Parasitic Infection.
- Tanks must swap each time he uses Mangle. At least one tank must always be in Magmaw’s melee range to prevent Molten Tantrum.
- Ensure that Magmaw is positioned in such a way that the melee DPS can hit Magmaw’s back at all times.
- Assign three melee players to handle Constricting Chains.
- Designate two ranged stack points. One point where the ranged will begin the encounter in, and another for them to move to after Pillar of Flame is cast.
- Assign Crowd Control abilities to be used against Lava Parasites. Freezing Trap and Earthbind Totem are solid choices.
On Heroic difficulty, Nefarius will join in, observing and occasionally throwing a wrench into the raids plans.
Raid Composition & Preparation
Ranged players and healers should gather on either the left or right side of the room in a tight stack. When Pillar of Flame is cast by Magmaw, all ranged players should swiftly move to the opposite side of the room and reform their stack.
Several Lava Parasites will spawn from the Pillar of Flame which will need to be dealt with. If Lava Parasites make contact with a player they will infect them with Parasitic Infection and spawn more parasites, so these adds will need to be kited and killed in a controlled fashion. Use AoE crowd control abilities such as Freezing Trap or Earthbind Totem to slow them down and eliminate them before they can reach any players.
When Magmaw executes Massive Crash, all raid members must quickly move away from the affected area denoted by white smoke on the ground.
Three melee players should be spam right clicking Magmaw and mount him (like a vehicle), utilizing Launch Hook to anchor him to the spike. If done successfully, Magmaw will smash onto the ground and be CC’d for 30 seconds while taking increased damage under the effect of Point of Vulnerability. All players should use their DPS cooldowns to burn him as much as possible during this window.
Heroic Mode
Instead of the ranged group forming a tight stack, they will want to congregate in a general area but stay roughly 5 yards from one another to avoid chaining the damage from Shadow Breath.
Ranged players should be aware of fire spawning underneath them from Blazing Inferno and quickly move away from it. Players will need to be sure not to stray too far from the ranged clump while dodging fire or you risk a Pillar of Flame spawning in an inopportune location.
Tanks should be on the lookout for Blazing Infernos and the subsequent Blazing Bone Construct that spawns from them. All ranged DPS should quickly switch to the Blazing Bone Construct and kill it quickly. Note that if it stays alive for longer than 8 seconds after reaching 20% it will cast Armageddon, dealing massive AoE damage to the raid, so once it gets low execute it quickly.