Welcome to our comprehensive guide, meticulously crafted for enthusiasts looking to master the Mining profession from levels 1 to 525 in World of Warcraft Cataclysm! Mining, revered as a lucrative endeavor, is not only straightforward to level but is also a keystone for several demanding professions, making it a sought-after and rewarding skill to acquire and enhance.
Mining as a profession pairs well with:
New in Cataclysm: Mining
Ore Type | Description |
Obsidium Ore | A common metal introduced in the Cataclysm expansion. Typically found in initial zones impacted by the Cataclysm events. Serves as a fundamental resource for early-level mining and blacksmithing. |
Elementium Ore | A higher-level ore prevalent in more advanced zones. Valued for its utility in crafting advanced weaponry and armor. Essential for mid-to-high level crafting requirements. |
Pyrite Ore | A rare ore occasionally located in place of Elementium deposits. Due to its scarcity, it is highly valued in markets and crafting for high-end equipment. Its rarity makes it a target for mining enthusiasts aiming for valuable finds. |
Mining & Smelting Requirements
Ore Type (Mining) | Required Mining Level | Smelting (Ore) | Required Mining Level |
Copper Vein | 1 | Copper | 1 |
Tin Vein | 50 | Bronze | 50 |
Bronze (Smelted, not mined) | 50 | Tin | 50 |
Silver Vein | 75 | Silver | 65 |
Iron Deposit | 125 | Iron | 100 |
Gold Vein | 155 | Gold | 115 |
Steel (Smelted, not mined) | 125 | Steel | 125 |
Mithril Deposit | 175 | Mithril | 150 |
Truesilver Deposit | 205 | Truesilver | 165 |
Dark Iron Deposit | 230 | Thorium | 200 |
Small Thorium Vein | 230 | Fel Iron | 275 |
Rich Thorium Vein | 255 | Adamantite | 325 |
Fel Iron Deposit | 275 | Cobalt | 350 |
Adamantite Deposit | 325 | Eternium | 350 |
Felsteel (Smelted, not mined) | 350 | Felsteel | 350 |
Rich Adamantite Deposit | 350 | Hardened Adamantite | 375 |
Cobalt Deposit | 350 | Khorium | 375 |
Khorium Vein | 375 | Saronite | 400 |
Rich Cobalt Deposit | 375 | Obsidium | 425 |
Saronite Deposit | 400 | Titanium | 450 |
Rich Saronite Deposit | 425 | Titansteel | 450 |
Obsidium Deposit | 425 | Elementium | 475 |
Pure Saronite Deposit | 450 | Hardened Elementium | 500 |
Rich Obsidium Deposit | 450 | Pyrite | 525 |
Titanium Vein | 450 | – | – |
Elementium Vein | 475 | – | – |
Rich Elementium Vein | 500 | – | – |
Pyrite Deposit | 525 | – | – |
Rich Pyrite Deposit | 525 | – | – |
Smelting Guide 1-525
- Leveling from 1 to 525 through smelting is faster but more expensive, costing thousands of gold.
- Smelting can be a primary method for levels 1 to 340 and 350 to 525, with actual mining required for levels 340 to 350 and 375 to 400.
Level Range | Product | Skill Level (Orange/Yellow/Green/Grey) |
1-50 | Copper Bar | 1 / 20 / 40 / 60 |
50-70 | Tin Bar | x / 50 / 57 / 75 |
70-90 | Bronze Bar | x / 50 / 75 / 100 |
90-100 | Silver Bar | 65 / 100 / 105 / 110 |
100-125 | Iron Bar | x / 100 / 125 / 150 |
125-135 | Steel Bar | x / 125 / 130 / 135 |
135-150 | Gold Bar | 115 / 150 / 155 / 160 |
150-185 | Mithril Bar | x / 150 / 175 / 200 |
185-200 | Truesilver Bar | 165 / 200 / 205 / 210 |
200-275 | Thorium Bar | x / 230 / 245 / 290 |
275-325 | Fel Iron Bar | x / 275 / 300 / 325 |
300-375 | Enchanted Elementium Bar | 300 / 350 / 362 / 375 |
325-340 | Adamantite Bar | x / 325 / 332 / 340 |
340-350 | Mine or make Enchanted Elementium | |
350-365 | Eternium Bar | x / 350 / 357 / 365 |
350-365 | Felsteel Bar | x / 350 / 357 / 375 |
350-375 | Cobalt Bar | x / 350 / 362 / 375 |
375-400 | Actual mining required | |
400-425 | Saronite Bar | x / 400 / 412 / 425 |
425-475 | Obsidium Bar | x / 425 / 437 / 475 |
475-500 | Elementium Bar | x / x / 475 / 500 |
500-525 | Hardened Elementium Bar | x / x / 500 / 525 |
Ore Farming Guides
Mining Trainer Locations
Horde Trainers
- Krunn (51.8, 40.8), Durotar
- Johan Focht (43.4, 40.6), Silverpine Forest
- Belil (79.2, 42.2), Silvermoon City
- Brek Stonehoof (34.6, 57.6), Thunder Bluff
- Brom Killian (56.0, 37.0), Undercity
- Makaru (73.0, 27.0), Orgrimmar
- Krugosh (55.4, 37.6), Hellfire Peninsula
- Brunna Ironaxe (42.6, 53.2), Borean Tundra
- Jonathan Lewis (79.2, 29.0), Howling Fjord
Alliance Trainers
- Dank Drizzlecut (69.2, 55.6), Dun Morogh
- Yarr Hammerstone (50.0, 50.4), Dun Morogh
- Dulvi (48.8, 51.0), Azuremyst Isle
- Brock Stoneseeker (37.2, 46.8), Loch Modan
- Matt Johnson (74.0, 49.6), Duskwood
- Muaat (60.6, 87.8), The Exodar
- Gelman Stonehand (59.2, 37.6), Stormwind City
- Geofram Bouldertoe (50.6, 27.2), Ironforge
- Kurdram Stonehammer (38.2, 41.0), Darkshore
- Hurnak Grimmord (56.6, 63.8), Hellfire Peninsula
- Fendrig Redbeard (57.4, 66.2), Borean Tundra
- Grumbol Stoutpick (59.8, 63.8), Howling Fjord
Neutral Trainers
- Pikkle (51.0, 28.0), Tanaris
- Fono (36.0, 48.6), Shattrath City
- Hanlir (58.6, 75.0), Shattrath City
- Jedidiah Handers (41.2, 27.2), Dalaran
Mining Ore
1 – 50: Copper Ore
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Hillsbrad Foothills ![]() | [A][H] | 20-25 |
Ashenvale | [A][H] | 20-25 |
Northern Stranglethorn | [A][H] | 20-25 |

- Players below level 20 should simply mine in their current questing zone, where Copper Ore is also plentiful.
- You can also use our standalone Copper Ore Farming Guide.
Alliance Routes

Darkshore Copper Mining Route
Horde Routes

50 – 100: Tin & Silver
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Hillsbrad Foothills ![]() | [A][H] | 20-25 |
Ashenvale | [A][H] | 20-25 |
Northern Stranglethorn | [A][H] | 20-25 |

- Visit the trainer and learn Journeyman Mining.
- You can also use our standalone Tin Ore Farming Guide.
Tin & Silver Ore Routes

Caves also contain large quantities of ore.

100 – 150: Iron & Gold
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Feralas ![]() | [A][H] | 35-40 |
Western Plaguelands ![]() | [A][H] | 35-40 |
The Cape of Stranglethorn | [A][H] | 30-35 |

- You can also use our standalone Iron Ore Farming Guide.
Iron & Gold Ore Routes

150 – 200: Mithril & Truesilver
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Burning Steppes ![]() | [A][H] | 49-52 |
Felwood ![]() | [A][H] | 45-50 |
Badlands | [A][H] | 44-48 |
- Visit the trainer and learn Expert Mining.
- You can also use our standalone Mithril Ore Farming Guide
Mithril & Truesilver Ore Routes

200 – 275: Thorium
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Un’Goro Crater ![]() | [A][H] | 50-55 |
Winterspring ![]() | [A][H] | 50-55 |
Silithus | [A][H] | 55-60 |
Blasted Lands | [A][H] | 54-60 |

- Visit the trainer and learn Artisan Mining.
- To speed things up and make it smoother you should purchase enough Thorium Ore to get your mining to 215 which will enable you to mine Rich Thorium Veins.
- At 275 you can go to Outlands and start mining Fel Iron, but you can also continue until your mining level is 300.
- You can also use our standalone Thorium Ore Farming Guide
Thorium Ore Routes

275 – 325: Fel Iron
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Hellfire Peninsula | [A][H] | 58-63 |
- Visit the trainer and learn Master Mining.
- If you prefer you can mine Fel Iron until level 350.
- You can also use our standalone Fel Iron Ore Farming Guide.
Fel Iron Ore Route – Hellfire Peninsula

325 – 350: Adamantite Ore
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Nagrand ![]() | [A][H] | 64-67 |
Netherstorm | [A][H] | 67-70 |
- Note that you will be unable to mine Rich Adamantite ore that you come across until level 350 in mining.
- You can also use our standalone Adamantite Ore Farming Guide.
Adamantite Ore Route – Nagrand

350 – 400: Cobalt Ore
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Howling Fjord ![]() | [A][H] | 68-72 |
Borean Tundra | [A][H] | 68-72 |

- Visit the trainer and learn Grand Master Mining.
- Note that you will be unable to mine Rich Cobalt ore that you come across until level 375 in mining.
- If you prefer you can mine Cobalt until level 450.
- You can also use our standalone Cobalt Ore Farming Guide.
Cobalt Ore Routes

400 – 425: Saronite Ore
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Sholazar Basin ![]() | [A][H] | 76-78 |
Wintergrasp | [A][H] | 77-80 |

- Note that you will be unable to mine Rich Saronite ore that you come across until level 425 in mining.
- Titanium Veins may also present but require a higher mining skill of 450.
- You can also use our standalone Saronite Ore Farming Guide.
Saronite Ore Routes

425 – 475: Obsidium Ore
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Mount Hyjal ![]() | [A][H] | 80-82 |
Vashj’ir | [A][H] | 80-82 |

- Visit the trainer and learn Illustrious Grand Master Mining.
- Mining in Vashj’ir works best once you have your underwater mount.
- You can also use our standalone Obsidium Ore Farming Guide.
Obsidium Ore Routes

475 – 525: Elementium Ore
Zone | Faction | Level Range |
Twilight Highlands ![]() | [A][H] | 84-85 |
Uldum | [A][H] | 83-84 |
Deepholm | [A][H] | 82-83 |

- Note that you will be unable to mine Pyrite ore that you come across until level 525 in mining.
- You can also use our standalone Elementium Ore Farming Guide.
Elementium Ore Routes
