The gates of the Firelands are about to be breached and the Molten Front Event is the beginning of the invasion of Ragnaros’ domain! The Molten Front Event takes place over a month, having multiple phases that players will have to progress throughout its duration to be able to restore Hyjal and attack the very domain of the Fire Lord.
Molten Front Event Progression Phases
The Molten Front Event is split into multiple phases that span a month. It is possible to complete all the phases in under a month if a player is meticulous about grinding the Daily Quests! There are 4 primary phases to the Molten Front Event, each of them requiring you to go through a set of Daily Quests and Normal Quest Chains to unlock the next phase. All of the phases are centered around the Mark of the World Tree as the primary currency for the event, with players having to gather Marks of the World and complete specific quests in order to progress to the next stage of the event.
Molten Front Event Phases:
- Invasion
- Sanctuary of Malorne
- Molten Front
- The Regrowth
Quest Hubs
The phases of the Molten Front Event mainly take place in four Quest Hubs, two of them being considered main hubs while the other two are considered side hubs. The two main hubs are the Sanctuary of Malorne and Malfurion’s Breach while the two other side hubs are The Furnace and The Forlorn Spire.

Main Quest Givers & Daily Quest Givers
Most quest-givers related to the Molten Front event will unlocked throughout the separate phases of the event, with some of them requiring you to complete specific quest lines to unlock them.
Complete list of Quest Givers for the Molten Front Event:
- Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem
- Matoclaw
- Malfurion Stormrage
- Mylune
- Dorda’en Nightweaver
- Captain Irontree
- Captain Soren Moonfall
- General Taldris Moonfall
- Rayne Feathersong
- Skylord Omnuron
- Anren Shadowseeker
- Avrilla
- Thisalee Crow
- Arthorn Windsong
- Morthis Whisperwing
- Captain Saynna Stormrunner
- Marin Bladewing
- Theresa Barkskin
- Deldren Ravenelm
- Keeper Krothis
- Varlan Highbough
- Ayla Shadowstorm
- Damek Bloombeard
- Shalis Darkhunter
- Ricket
- Elderlimb
The Invasion
The first phase of the Molten Front event begins with the Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion! quest which can be picked up from the Hero’s Board in either Stormwind or Orgrimmar depending on whether you are Alliance or Horde! If you haven’t completed the Mount Hyjal quest line, the Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion! quest won’t be available. Instead, you will be required to grab the Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients quest and progress through the normal Mount Hyjal questline until you’ll be able to pick up Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion!

The quest is simple, simply requiring you to go to the Sanctuary of Malorne in Mount Hyjal and find Matoclaw to learn more about the current situation of the Firelands Invasion and provide aid to the cause. Once you reach Matoclaw, a specific Chain Quest will be triggered which constitutes the first phase of the Molten Front event.
Main Questline:
- Opening the Door
- A Ritual of Flame
- To the Sanctuary
- Caught Unawares – 6 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- The Sanctuary Must Not Fall – 10x Mark of the World Tree Reward

The quest line for The Invasion stage is straightforward, requiring you to repel the forces that seek to close the portal opened by the druids to the Firelands Realm, aid the sole druids and guardians who were ambushed by elemental forces, and protect Malfurion as he attempts to resurrect Malorne. Once you complete the questline and aid the forces of Hyjal against the initial devastation caused by the elementals and Fire Druids, you will progress to the next phase of the Molten Front event and unlock the first set of Daily Quests.
At the end of the first stage, you will have 16 x Mark of the World Tree!
Sanctuary of Malorne
The second stage of the Molten Front event is the Sanctuary of Malorne, being defined by a quick quest line and the opening of the first set of Daily Quests! This stage is the fastest one, besides the initial one, and it requires only a short amount of time to complete.
Main Questline:
- Call for Reinforcements
- Leyara
- Through the Gates of Hell
The quest line starts with the Call for Reinforcements quest, which requires you to gather 20 x Mark of the World Tree! You will already have 16 x Mark of the World Tree from the initial quest line from the first stage of the event, meaning that you will only have to gather 4 x Mark of the World Tree which can be acquired from the newly available Daily Quests.
The daily quests rotate each day, with this stage offering two specific Daily Quests each day, providing the rest of 4 x Mark of the World Tree required to complete the Call for Reinforcements quest. The main quest givers for the Daily Quests in this stage of the event will be Matoclaw and Mylune.
Complete list of all possible Daily Quests:
- Matoclaw:
- Rage Against the Flames (6 Invaders) – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Rage Against the Flames (7 Invaders) – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Rage Against the Flames (8 Invaders) – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Rage Against the Flames (9 Invaders) – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Supplies for the Other Side – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Between the Trees – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- The Power of Malorne (Follow-Up Quest) – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Call the Flock – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Wings Aflame (Follow-Up Quest) – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Perfecting Your Howl – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- The Call of the Pack – (Follow-Up Quest) – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Mylune:
- Punting Season – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Echoes of Nemesis (Follow-Up Quest) – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Those Bears Up There – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Nature’s Blessing (Follow Up Quest) – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Punting Season – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward

After completing the Call for Reinforcements quest, you will be able to pick up Leyara from Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem and promptly continue the quest line which ends this specific phase of the event. The following two quests, Leyara and Through the Gates of Hell are extremely short and straightforward, with the first one requiring you to travel to the western part of Mount Hyjal and find Leyara while the second one requires you to cross the portal into the Molten Front itself and aid Malfurion in securing an initial frontline.
The portal to cross into the Molten Front is the same one from the A Ritual of Flame quest and can be located at the 27.4, 55.8 coordinates!

Molten Front
The Molten Front is where the true adventure begins, as you aid Malfurion in invading the realms of the Firelord! Once you secure Malfurion’s Breach at the end of the Through the Gates of Hell quest, you will officially unlock Malfurion’s Breach as the secondary Main Quest Hub available throughout the event. This phase of the event is the most complex one as it is split into two separate main quests: Druids of the Talon and The Shadow Wardens! Those two questlines are further split into secondary one-time objectives and multiple new Daily Quests that will unlock specific areas and specific NPCs that you can interact with.
Main Questlines:
- Druids of the Talon
- The Shadow Wardens
- The Fate of Runetotem
Both quests require you to acquire 150 x Mark of the World Tree for completion. You will be able to pick up both quests at once but you will only be able to complete one of them at a time due to the huge number of Marks of the World Tree required. Fortunately, completing one of the quests will unlock an additional zone which will help you complete the other quest faster by increasing the number of Mark of the World Tree that you can acquire per day.
It is entirely up to you which one of the two quests you complete first, as there is no specific order they must be completed in!
You will still be able to collect Mark of the World Tree from the Sanctuary of Malorne by completing Daily Quests there while you will also be able to collect the new Daily Quests available upon unlocking Malfurion’s Breach as a quest hub. Additionally, you will be able to complete another Main Quest that opens up additional Daily Quests at the Sanctuary of Malorne, namely The Fate of Runetotem quest. The quest entails a simple chat with one of the NPCs at the Sanctuary and can be picked up from Matoclaw.
Keep in mind that you will only be given one or two of the following Daily Quests per NPC in this phase of the event!
Available Daily Quests before completing either one of the “Druids of the Talon” or “The Shadow Wardens” quests:
- All the previous Daily Quests from the Sanctuary of Malorne stage offered by Matoclaw and Mylune
- Dorda’en Nightweaver:
- Treating the Wounds – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Relieving the Pain – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Releasing the Pressure – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Rayne Feathersong:
- Aggressive Growth – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Wisp Away – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- General Taldris Moonfall:
- The Dogs of War – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- The Harder They Fall – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Traitors Return – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Breach in the Defenses – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Hostile Elements – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Captain Soren Moonfall:
- The Protectors of Hyjal – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Captain Irontree
- Burn Victims – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward

Druids of the Talon
Upon gathering 150 x Mark of the World Tree and completing the quest Druids of the Talon, you will be able to unlock a new specific area in the Molten Front, allowing you to complete additional Daily Quests and progress further through the event!
Main Questlines:
- Druids of the Talon
- Flight of the Storm Crows
- Into the Fire (Daily – Repeatable)
- Need… Water… Badly…
Once you gather the 150 x Mark of the World Tree, deliver the quest to Skylord Omnuron at the Shrine of Avianna. You will then be able to pick up the Flight of the Storm Crows quest from Matoclaw which is the next part of the quest chain required to unlock an additional quest hub related directly to the Druids of the Talon. The quest simply requires you to speak to Skylord Omnuron at Malfurion’s Breach. After you complete the two quests, you will need to complete all the daily quests available during that specific day at Malfurion’s Breach in order to be eligible to pick up the Into the Fire Daily Quest and the respective follow-up Daily Quests.
You will be able to pick up the Into the Fire Daily Quest from General Taldris Moonfall. After you pick up the quest, you will have to assist the Druids of the Talon in clearing The Furnace and further extending the left side of the front.

Once you complete Into the Fire, you will unlock The Furnace quest hub which in turn will allow you to pick up additional Daily Quests besides the ones you are already eligible for! You will need to repeat the process each day, with each process offering you a different set of Daily Quests after the completion of Into the Fire.

List of Daily Quests offered by the Druids of the Talon:
- General Taldris Moonfall:
- Into the Fire – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Thisalee Crow:
- Fire Flowers – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Flamewakers of the Molten Flow – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Arthorn Windsong:
- Singed Wings – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Territorial Birds – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Morthis Whisperwing:
- Fire in the Skies – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Peaked Interest – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Starting Young – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
During the Druids of the Talon part of the Molten Front event, you will also be able to complete the Need… Water… Badly… quest which will unlock Anren Shadowseeker and two new possible Daily Quests that you may complete for additional Mark of the World Tree. Keep in mind that Need… Water… Badly… will offer 5 x Mark of the World Tree as a reward. You may only complete one of the two available Daily Quests per day!
Daily Quests offered by Anren Shadowseeker:
- Hounds of Shannox – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- How Hot – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
The Shadow Wardens
Upon gathering 150 x Mark of the World Tree and completing the quest The Shadow Wardens, you will be able to unlock a new specific area in the Molten Front, allowing you to complete additional Daily Quests and progress further through the event!
Main Questlines:
- The Shadow Wardens
- The Hunt Begins
- The Warden’s Charge
- The Forlorn Spire (Daily – Repeatable)
- The Mysterious Seed
- Planting Season
- Little Lasher
Once you gather the 150 x Mark of the World Tree, deliver the quest to Captain Saynna Stormrunner at the Sanctuary of Malorne. You will then be able to pick up the The Hunt Begins quest from Matoclaw which is the next part of the quest chain required to unlock an additional quest hub related directly to The Shadow Wardens. The quest is simple and similar to the one of the Druids of the Talon, as you will simply be required to talk to Captain Saynna Stormrunner at Malfurion’s Breach to complete it. After you complete the two quests, you will need to complete all the daily quests available during that specific day at Malfurion’s Breach in order to be eligible to pick up The Warden’s Charge one-time quest, The Forlorn Spire Daily Quest, and the respective follow-up Daily Quests.
The Warden’s Charge will simply have you talk to Captain Saynna Stormrunner at Malfurion’s Breach which in turn will allow you to go to General Taldris Moonfall and pick up The Forlorn Spire Daily Quest. You will have to meet up with a group of Druids and Shadow Wardens right next to the Forlorn Spire and aid them in securing the plateau.

Once you complete The Forlorn Spire, you will unlock The Forlorn Spire quest hub which in turn will allow you to pick up additional Daily Quests besides the ones you are already eligible for! You will need to repeat the process each day, with each process offering you a different set of Daily Quests after the completion of The Forlorn Spire.

List of Daily Quests offered by The Shadow Wardens:
- General Taldris Moonfall:
- The Forlorn Spire – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Marin Bladewing:
- Enduring the Heat – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Solar Core Destruction – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- The Wardens are Watching – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Deldren Ravenelm:
- Wicked Webs – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Pyrorachnophobia – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Egg-stinction – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
During The Shadow Wardens part of the Molten Front event, you will also be able to complete The Mysterious Seed, Planting Season, and Little Lasher quests which will unlock Avrilla and three new possible Daily Quests that you may complete for additional Mark of the World Tree. Keep in mind that Little Lasher will offer 5 x Mark of the World Tree as a reward. You may only complete one of the two available Daily Quests per day!
Daily Quests offered by Avrilla:
- Embergris – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Some Like It Hot – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Steal Magmolias – 1 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
The Regrowth
Once you complete both the Druids of the Talon and The Shadow Wardens quests, Malfurion’s Breach will transform into an area similar to the Regrowth, with the area becoming lush and slowly gaining life.

Once the Regrowth happens, additional NPCs will join the area, with this final stage of the Molten Front event providing 3 main quests. Each quest requires 125 x Mark of the World Tree to complete, with each quest unlocking a special vendor, a set of Daily Quests, and even an additional Main Quest line.
Main Questlines:
- Filling the Moonwell
- Calling the Ancients
- Additional Armaments
- Nourishing Waters
- Well Armed
- Aid of the Ancients
- Into the Depths
- A Smoke-Stained Locket
- Unlocking the Secrets Within
- Tragedy and Family
- The Tipping Point
- The Rest is History

You may choose to complete either one of the Filling the Moonwell, Calling the Ancients, or Additional Armaments quests in any order that you wish to. However, you should keep in mind that each quest unlocks a specific reward that will affect how many marks you will be able to gain per day or what vendors you can interact with. Generally, it is better to start with either Filling the Moonwell or Calling the Ancients as they grant the best rewards.
Filling the Moonwell
Acquiring 125 x Mark of the World Tree will unlock Ayla Shadowstorm as a vendor and the Leyara questline! Once you gather the marks, all you have to do is go to Matoclaw to acquire the Sacred Water for filling up the Moonwell at Malfurion’s Breach. Delivering the quest to Matoclaw will trigger the follow-up quest, Nourishing Waters, requiring you to return to the Molten Front and talk to Ayla Shadowstorm.
Completing the questline will cosmetically shift the Moonwell and its surrounding area, allowing you to gather consumables from around the Moonwell such as the Eternal Lunar Pear or Eternal Eye of Elune. Additionally, you will be able to pick up Into the Depths from Malfurion Stormrage which is the initial starting point for the Leyara chain quest and rewards 10 x Mark of the World Tree.

Leyara Chain Quest:
- Into the Depths
- A Smoke-Stained Locket
- Unlocking the Secrets Within
- Tragedy and Family
- The Tipping Point
- The Rest is History
Ayla Shadowstorm Vendor Items:
Item | Price |
76 Gold 8 Silver 81 Copper | |
76 Gold 8 Silver 81 Copper | |
77 Gold 66 Silver 64 Copper | |
80 Gold 32 Silver 8 Copper | |
114 Gold 63 Silver | |
114 Gold 63 Silver | |
73 Gold 66 Silver 32 Copper | |
1125 Gold | |
375 Gold | |
225 Gold | |
225 Gold | |
225 Gold |
Calling the Ancients
Acquiring 125 x Mark of the World Tree will unlock Varlan Highbough as a vendor and the Strike at the Heart Daily Quest! Once you gather the marks, all you have to do is go to Elderlimb and request the aid of the Ancients on the Molten Front. Next, you will have to talk to Elderlimb and deliver the Calling the Ancients quest, after which, you will have to talk to Matoclaw to pick up the Aid of the Ancients quest. The quest requires you to talk to Elderlimb at Malfurion’s Breach. Talking with Elderlimb will complete the chain quest and unlock the Strike at the Heart Daily Quest which can be picked up from Shalis Darkhunter at the Igneous Depths, offering 3 x Mark of the World Tree per day.

Varlan Highbough Vendor Items:
Item | Price |
76 Gold 8 Silver 81 Copper | |
76 Gold 8 Silver 81 Copper | |
76 Gold 8 Silver 81 Copper | |
76 Gold 49 Silver 62 Copper | |
79 Gold 44 Silver 90 Copper | |
114 Gold 39 Silver 8 Copper | |
63 Gold 2 Silver 70 Copper | |
114 Gold 63 Silver | |
1125 Gold | |
2625 Gold |
Additional Armaments
Lastly, acquiring 125 x Mark of the World Tree will unlock Damek Bloombeard as a vendor and unlock Ricket as a Daily Quest giver who grants access to 4 separate Daily Quests! You will only be able to complete one of the quests granted by Ricket per day. Once you gather the marks, all you have to do is go to Matoclaw at the Sanctuary of Malorne and talk to her about Ricket. Once you talk to Matoclaw and deliver the Additional Armaments quests, you will be able to pick up the Well Armed quest from her, requiring you to travel back to the Molten Front and talk to Ricket at Malfurion’s Breach.

Doing so will unlock the following four Daily Quests from Ricket which will be available after completing the rest of the Daily Quests from Malfurion’s Breach and the Druids of the Talon/The Shadow Wardens areas.
Ricket Daily Quests List:
- A Bitter Pill – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Living Obsidium – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- The Bigger They Are – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
- Bye Bye Burdy – 2 x Mark of the World Tree Reward
Damek Bloombeard Vendor Items:
Item | Price |
91 Gold 30 Silver 57 Copper | |
137 Gold 56 Silver | |
147 Gold 30 Silver | |
115 Gold 12 Silver | |
65 Gold 87 Silver 12 Copper | |
81 Gold 18 Silver 45 Copper | |
115 Gold 53 Silver | |
105 Gold 68 Silver | |
106 Gold 8 Silver 14 Copper | |
270 Gold | |
270 Gold | |
270 Gold | |
270 Gold | |
270 Gold | |
270 Gold | |
270 Gold | |
270 Gold | |
270 Gold | |
270 Gold |
Once you complete every part of the Molten Front, you will be awarded The Molten Front Offensive achievement and a Flameward Hippogryph mount, thus concluding the Molten Front event! You will still be able to interact with the Daily Quests and use the Mark of the World Tree and Gold to acquire a few goodies from the vendors at Malfurion’s Breach.