No World of Warcraft character is complete without professions! Along with their gold making potential, professions can provide powerful bonuses to your damage, healing, or survivability. This guide will go over the best professions for an Arcane Mage in Cataclysm PvE content.
Best Professions
- Synapse Springs give you 480 Intellect for 10 seconds and can be used once per minute (this shares a cooldown with on-use trinkets, but it’s better than any trinket effect for Arcane)
- Nitro Boosts give even more mobility to an already mobile class
- Lightweight Bio-Optic Killshades are pre-raid BiS for Arcane Mages
- Gnomish Army Knife can come in handy on any class that can’t otherwise resurrect allies
- Jeeves and other convenience items are great for farming and solo questing
- Lightweave Embroidery is a powerful cloak enchantment that can proc a 580 Intellect buff for 15 seconds
- Master’s Spellthread is a cheaper version of Powerful Enchanted Spellthread specifically for Tailors
- You can craft bags, Spellthread leg enchantments, Cloth armor, and a magic carpet mount
- Embersilk Nets can be useful and are Tailor-exclusive
Useful Professions
- Felfire Inscription offers 80 more Intellect than Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone and saves you from having to farm Therazane reputation
- Darkmoon Card: Volcano is a BiS trinket for Arcane Mages in tier 11, and Scribes can make their own Darkmoon Cards to turn in for it
- You’ll be able to craft glyphs, scrolls, and Off-hands, all of which can be useful to you or sold for a profit
- Mixology gives you 80 bonus Intellect when you use a Flask of the Draconic Mind
- Flask of Enhancement is a reusable flask item that you can use in easier content and PvP
- Vibrant Alchemist Stone is an option while you’re gearing up but there are better trinkets for Arcane Mages
- You’ll be able to craft your own flasks and potions and perform transmutations
- Enchant Ring – Intellect gives a total of 80 bonus Intellect when used on both of your rings
- You’ll be able to enchant all of your own gear
- Often used as a sister profession to Tailoring since neither skill requires its own separate gathering profession and Tailored items can be disenchanted for use in Enchanting
- Brilliant Chimera’s Eye gives 81 bonus Intellect in total if you use 3 of them (which is the max you can have equipped)
- (This bonus gets reduced to 51 Intellect later on when Brilliant Queen’s Garnet is added)
- You can prospect ore and craft gems, Necks, and Finger pieces
- Stardust is a powerful buff to your Sparkle stat!
- Socket Gloves and Socket Bracer allow you to use two extra gems for a total of 80 bonus Intellect
- (This bonus gets raised to 100 Intellect later on when Brilliant Queen’s Garnet is added)
- You’ll be able to craft keys, enchanting rods, weapons, and plate armor, but most of it won’t be useful to you as a Mage
Sub-Par Professions
- Draconic Embossment – Intellect gives 80 more Intellect than Enchant Bracer – Mighty Intellect
- You’ll be able to make Leather equipment, Leg Reinforcements, and Armor Kits, but none of them will be useful to you
- Lifeblood gives you a healing ability that doubles as a powerful Haste cooldown
- You’ll be able to gather herbs for use in other professions
- Master of Anatomy gives a passive 80 Critical Strike Rating
- You’ll be able to gather skins and hides for use in other professions
- Toughness gives a passive 120 Stamina bonus
- You can gather ore and gems for use in other professions