With the arrival of Cataclysm, the talent system received a massive overhaul, changing from the 71 talent points system to a more compact 41 points system. As such, many of the old talents were either completely removed or changed, resulting in fewer possible build variations. One key aspect of the new system is that you must use at least 31 points in your main specialization to use the remaining 10 points in a secondary specialization.
Talent Build

Marksmanship Hunters generally have only a single viable Standard Talent Build in Cataclysm. Some of the talents have been revamped while others work exactly the same as they previously did in WotLK Classic. The build now revolves around Improved Steady Shot and Master Marksman, with both talents functioning as core gameplay mechanics. Chimera Shot remains the staple capstone for the Marksmanship Talent Tree, only it was slightly reworked. In terms of flexibility, you may choose to forgo some talents such as Trueshot Aura in favor of Silencing Shot or swap Frenzy for Improved Serpent Sting. Apart from those potential changes, everything else is mandatory.
Pet Talent Builds
Ferocity Pet Build

This is the most optimum build for pets that fit into the Ferocity archetype, although a few adjustments can be made depending on personal preferences.
Tenacity Pet Build

This is the most optimum build for pets that fit into the Tenacity archetype, although a few adjustments can be made depending on personal preferences.
Cunning Pet Build

This is the most optimum build for pets that fit into the Cunning archetype, although a few adjustments can be made depending on personal preferences.
Prime Glyphs
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Disengage
- Glyph of Trap Launcher
- Glyph of Raptor Strike (Optional)
- Glyph of Mending (Optional)
Minor Glyphs