Tailoring Guide 1-525

cataclysm classic tailoring guide 1 525
  • Author: Furious
  • Date: February 24, 2025
  • Updated: February 24, 2025
  • Expansion: Cataclysm

Tailoring in World of Warcraft Cataclysm undergoes significant changes, introducing new materials, crafting mechanics, gear sets, and cosmetic items to enhance the profession’s versatility and engagement. Whether you are leveling up your Tailoring or crafting for profit, this guide provides an overview of the vital features introduced in Cataclysm that every tailor needs to know.

What’s New in Cataclysm: Tailoring

New Material
Embersilk Cloth is the introduced as the primary cloth material.
– Transformed into Bolt of Embersilk Cloth.
– Used for Unravel Embersilk Cloth.
Crafting Mechanic
Dreamcloth is introduced.
Crafted using 8 stacks of Embersilk and 30 of any Volatile element. The element used determines the type of Dreamcloth.
Enhanced Items
More powerful items and enhancements are available.
– New potent Spellthreads.
– Tailor-only cloak enchants.
New Gear Sets
Several gear sets are introduced, each catering to different needs.
– Deathsilk
– Emberfire & Fireweave
– Spiritmend
Flavor Items
New cosmetic items are added for role-playing and aesthetic appeal.
– High Society Top Hat
– “The Sexiest Dress in Azeroth”
New Bags
Embersilk Bag and Illusionary Bag are introduced.
– Embersilk Bag: 22-slot bag.
– Illusionary Bag: 26-slot bag.
Crafting Advancements
General improvements and new recipes in crafting are introduced.
– Improved crafting UI.
– Diverse recipes.
– Streamlined leveling for the profession.

Materials Required

  • Linen Cloth: 260
  • Wool Cloth: 135
  • Silk Cloth: 780
  • Mageweave Cloth: 400
  • Runecloth: 780
  • Netherweave Cloth: 725
  • Frostweave Cloth: 1400
  • Embersilk Cloth: 1825
  • Arcane Dust: 30
  • Infinite Dust: 20
  • Knothide Leather: 20
Eternals (Choose One)
  • Eternal Life: 20
  • Eternal Fire: 20
  • Eternal Shadow: 20
  • Volatile Fire: 70
  • Volatile Air: 15
  • Volatile Water: 58
Threads, Dyes & Others
  • Various threads and dyes are required at different stages, which are usually easy to obtain and inexpensive. Always check with the tailoring or trade supplies vendor in any major city for these.
  • Numbers are approximations and actual requirements may slightly differ due to the variability in leveling (like the exact point at which you switch from crafting one item to another) and the specific recipes you choose to use. Always have a little extra of each material to ensure smooth leveling.

Tailoring Trainer Locations

wow classic horde leveling guide Horde Trainers

  • Sempstress Ambershine (37.4, 71.8), Eversong Woods
  • Bowen Brisboise (52.6, 55.6), Tirisfal Glades
  • Kil’hala (52.2, 31.6), Northern Barrens
  • Keelen Sheets (57.2, 50.6), Silvermoon City
  • Mahani (44.8, 59.4), Northern Barrens
  • Magar (63.6, 50.0), Orgrimmar
  • Tepa (44.2, 45.0), Thunder Bluff
  • Daryl Stack (63.4, 20.8), Hillsbrad Foothills
  • Josef Gregorian (71.0, 29.2), Undercity
  • Josephine Lister (86.6, 22.2), Undercity
  • Dalinna (56.6, 37.2), Hellfire Peninsula
  • Raenah (41.6, 53.4), Borean Tundra
  • Alexandra McQueen (79.4, 30.6), Howling Fjord

wow classic alliance leveling guide Alliance Trainers

  • Erin Kelly (46.6, 70.6), Azuremyst Isle
  • Eldrin (79.2, 69.0), Elwynn Forest
  • Grondal Moonbreeze (38.2, 40.6), Darkshore
  • Refik (63.4, 68.8), The Exodar
  • Jormund Stonebrow (43.2, 29.0), Ironforge
  • Me’lynn (63.6, 22.6), Darnassus
  • Jalane Ayrole (40.2, 84.6), Stormwind City
  • Georgio Bolero (53.2, 81.6), Stormwind City
  • Timothy Worthington (66.2, 51.6), Dustwallow Marsh
  • Hama (54.6, 63.6), Hellfire Peninsula
  • Benjamin Clegg (58.6, 62.8), Howling Fjord
  • Darin Goodstitch (57.4, 72.2), Borean Tundra

Wow Pandaren Crest Neutral Trainers

  • Grarnik Goodstitch (28.6, 76.8), Northern Stranglethorn
  • Miralisse (41.6, 63.6), Shattrath City
  • Weaver Aoa (37.6, 28.0), Shattrath City
  • Charles Worth (36.6, 33.6), Dalaran
  • Dustin Vail (73.0, 20.8), Icecrown

Apprentice: 1 – 75

Skill Level
Total Materials Required
Quantity to Craft
Bolt of Linen Cloth
260 Linen Cloth
Heavy Linen Gloves
70 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 35 Coarse Thread
Reinforced Linen Cape
10 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 15 Coarse Thread
Materials Summary
  • 260 Linen Cloth
  • 35 Coarse Thread
  • Begin by learning Apprentice Tailoring from a trainer in any major city.
  • Purchase 35 Coarse Threads from a Tailoring Supplies vendor.
  • Farm or purchase 260 Linen Cloth from the Auction House or other players.
  • First, create 130 Bolts of Linen Cloth using the Linen Cloth. You should reach a skill level of 45 in the process. This will use all your Linen Cloth.
  • Then, use the Bolts of Linen Cloth to craft 35 Heavy Linen Gloves until you reach a skill level of 70.
  • Finally, craft 5 Reinforced Linen Capes using the remaining Bolts of Linen Cloth and additional Coarse Threads to reach a skill level of 75.
  • Ensure you are crafting the items that are closest to your current skill level to maximize the chance of gaining skill points.
  • After reaching skill level 50 you can learn Journeyman Tailoring from a city trainer.

Journeyman: 75 – 125

Skill Level
Total Materials Required
Quantity to Craft
Bolt of Woolen Cloth
135 Wool Cloth
Simple Kilt
52 Bolt of Linen Cloth, 13 Fine Thread
Double-stitched Woolen Shoulders
45 Bolt of Woolen Cloth, 30 Fine Thread
Materials Summary
  • 135 Wool Cloth
  • 52 Bolt of Linen Cloth (noted for clarity, but these should have been crafted in the Apprentice stage)
  • 43 Fine Thread
  • Acquire 135 Wool Cloth either through farming or the Auction House.
  • Craft 45 Bolts of Woolen Cloth using the Wool Cloth, aiming to reach skill level 100. You’ll use all the Wool Cloth for this step.
  • For the next step, if you have not kept the Bolts of Linen Cloth from the Apprentice stage, you will need to acquire or craft 52 Bolts of Linen Cloth.
  • Then, using 52 Bolts of Linen Cloth and 13 Fine Thread, craft 13 Simple Kilts to reach skill level 110.
  • Finally, with the Bolts of Woolen Cloth and additional 30 Fine Threads, create 15 Double-stitched Woolen Shoulders to reach skill level 125.

Expert: 125 – 200

Skill Level
Total Materials Required
Quantity to Craft
Bolt of Silk Cloth
780 Silk Cloth
Azure Silk Hood
30 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 30 Blue Dye, 15 Fine Thread
Silk Headband
30 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 20 Fine Thread
Formal White Shirt
15 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 10 Bleach, 5 Fine Thread
Bolt of Mageweave
396 Mageweave Cloth
Crimson Silk Vest
60 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 30 Red Dye, 30 Fine Thread
Materials Summary
  • 780 Silk Cloth
  • 396 Mageweave Cloth
  • 90 Bolt of Silk Cloth (you will craft these)
  • 30 Blue Dye
  • 55 Fine Thread
  • 10 Bleach
  • 30 Red Dye
  • After reaching skill level 125, ensure you’ve learned Expert Tailoring.
  • Gather or purchase 780 Silk Cloth. From skill level 125 to 145, craft 195 Bolts of Silk Cloth using the Silk Cloth. This should use all of your Silk Cloth.
  • From skill level 145 to 160, craft 15 Azure Silk Hoods. You will need 30 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 30 Blue Dye, and 15 Fine Thread.
  • Then, to advance from skill level 160 to 170, craft 10 Silk Headbands with the remaining Bolt of Silk Cloth and an additional 20 Fine Thread.
  • For levels 170 to 175, create 5 Formal White Shirts using 15 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 10 Bleach, and 5 Fine Thread.
  • Gather or purchase 396 Mageweave Cloth. Craft 99 Bolts of Mageweave from 175 to 185.
  • Finally, craft 15 Crimson Silk Vests from 185 to 200 using the 60 Bolt of Silk Cloth you have left, along with 30 Red Dye and 30 Fine Thread.

Artisan: 200 – 300

Skill Level
Total Materials Required
Quantity to Craft
Crimson Silk Pantaloons
60 Bolt of Silk Cloth, 30 Red Dye, 30 Silken Thread
Black Mageweave Leggings
10 Bolt of Mageweave, 15 Silken Thread
Black Mageweave Gloves
20 Bolt of Mageweave, 20 Heavy Silken Thread
Black Mageweave Headband
69 Bolt of Mageweave, 46 Heavy Silken Thread
Bolt of Runecloth
780 Runecloth
Runecloth Belt
75 Bolt of Runecloth, 25 Rune Thread
Runecloth Gloves
90 Bolt of Runecloth, 36 Rune Thread
Runecloth Headband
30 Bolt of Runecloth, 10 Rune Thread
Materials Summary
  • 780 Runecloth
  • 20 Bolt of Mageweave (you’ll craft this from the Mageweave Cloth)
  • 69 Bolt of Mageweave (for Black Mageweave Headband; additional)
  • 30 Silken Thread
  • 66 Heavy Silken Thread
  • 25 Rune Thread
  • 30 Red Dye
  • Start by crafting 15 Crimson Silk Pantaloons from 200 to 215, using the 60 Bolt of Silk Cloth you’ve previously crafted, 30 Red Dye, and 30 Silken Thread.
  • Between skill levels 215 to 220, create 5 Black Mageweave Leggings using 10 Bolt of Mageweave and 15 Silken Thread.
  • From skill levels 220 to 230, craft 10 Black Mageweave Gloves. You will need 20 Bolt of Mageweave and 20 Heavy Silken Thread for this.
  • From 230 to 250, make 23 Black Mageweave Headbands, requiring an additional 69 Bolt of Mageweave and 46 Heavy Silken Thread.
  • Gather or purchase 780 Runecloth. From 250 to 260, create 195 Bolts of Runecloth.
  • For skill levels 260 to 280, craft 25 Runecloth Belts using 75 Bolt of Runecloth and 25 Rune Thread.
  • Proceed with crafting 18 Runecloth Gloves from 280 to 295, using 90 Bolt of Runecloth and 36 Rune Thread.
  • Finally, from 295 to 300, create 5 Runecloth Headbands using 30 Bolt of Runecloth and 10 Rune Thread.

Master: 300 – 350

Skill Level
Total Materials Required
Quantity to Craft
Bolts of Netherweave
725 Netherweave Cloth
Bolts of Imbued Netherweave
45 Bolts of Netherweave, 30 Arcane Dust
Netherweave Boots
60 Bolts of Netherweave, 20 Knothide Leather, 10 Rune Thread
Netherweave Tunic
40 Bolts of Netherweave, 10 Rune Thread
Materials Summary
  • 725 Netherweave Cloth
  • 30 Arcane Dust
  • 20 Knothide Leather
  • 10 Rune Thread
  • First, make sure to visit your trainer and learn Tailoring Master.
  • Gather or purchase 725 Netherweave Cloth. Craft 145 Bolts of Netherweave from skill levels 300 to 325. This will require the 725 Netherweave Cloth.
  • Then, from skill levels 325 to 335, craft 15 Bolts of Imbued Netherweave. This will use up 45 Bolts of Netherweave and 30 Arcane Dust.
  • For skill levels 335 to 345, craft 10 Netherweave Boots. You will need 60 Bolts of Netherweave, 20 Knothide Leather, and 10 Rune Thread for this step.
  • Finally, from skill levels 345 to 350, craft 5 Netherweave Tunics. This requires 40 Bolts of Netherweave and 10 Rune Thread.
  • If you are an Enchanter or have an Enchanter available, consider crafting [Netherweave Gloves] instead of [Bolts of Imbued Netherweave] for the 325-335 range, as you can disenchant the gloves.
  • The recipes are sold by specific NPCs, so check your game to ensure you have access to the recipes needed.

Grand Master: 350 – 425

Skill Level
Total Materials Required
Quantity to Craft
Bolt of Frostweave
1400 Frostweave Cloth
Frostwoven Belt
15 Bolt of Frostweave, 5 Eternium Thread
Frostwoven Boots
20 Bolt of Frostweave, 5 Eternium Thread
Frostwoven Cowl
65 Bolt of Frostweave, 13 Eternium Thread
Duskweave Belt
35 Bolt of Frostweave, 5 Eternium Thread
Bolt of Imbued Frostweave
20 Bolt of Frostweave, 20 Infinite Dust
Duskweave Wristwraps
40 Bolt of Frostweave, 5 Eternium Thread
Duskweave Gloves
45 Bolt of Frostweave, 5 Eternium Thread
10 Bolt of Imbued Frostweave, 20 Eternal Life or Fire or Shadow
Materials Summary
  • 1400 Frostweave Cloth
  • 20 Infinite Dust
  • 5 Eternium Thread
  • 20 Eternal (Life, Fire, or Shadow)
  • Start by crafting 280 Bolts of Frostweave from 350 to 375, using 1400 Frostweave Cloth in total.
  • From 375 to 380, craft 5 Frostwoven Belts using 15 Bolts of Frostweave and 5 Eternium Thread.
  • Craft 5 Frostwoven Boots from 380 to 385 using 20 Bolts of Frostweave and 5 Eternium Thread.
  • Proceed to create 13 Frostwoven Cowls from 385 to 395 with 65 Bolts of Frostweave and 13 Eternium Thread.
  • For levels 395 to 400, make 5 Duskweave Belts, utilizing 35 Bolts of Frostweave and 5 Eternium Thread.
  • Create 10 Bolts of Imbued Frostweave from 400 to 405, which requires 20 Bolts of Frostweave and 20 Infinite Dust.
  • Craft 5 Duskweave Wristwraps from 405 to 410, using 40 Bolts of Frostweave and 5 Eternium Thread.
  • From 410 to 415, make 5 Duskweave Gloves with 45 Bolts of Frostweave and 5 Eternium Thread.
  • Lastly, from 415 to 425, craft 10 of either Ebonweave, Moonshroud, or Spellweave using 10 Bolts of Imbued Frostweave and 20 of either Eternal Life, Fire, or Shadow.

Illustrious: 425 – 525

Skill Level
Total Materials Required
Quantity to Craft
Bolt of Embersilk Cloth
1825 Embersilk Cloth
Deathsilk Bracers
10 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
Deathsilk Boots
15 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
Deathsilk Leggings
15 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
Deathsilk Cowl
15 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
Spiritmend Belt
20 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
Spiritmend Boots
20 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
Spiritmend Leggings
20 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 10 Eternium Thread
Spiritmend Robe
90 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 30 Eternium Thread
Vicious Embersilk Bracers
30 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 20 Volatile Fire, 20 Volatile Water
Vicious Embersilk Shoulders
30 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 15 Volatile Fire, 15 Volatile Water
Vicious Embersilk Belt
30 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 12 Volatile Water, 12 Volatile Fire
Vicious Embersilk Gloves
10 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 4 Volatile Water, 4 Volatile Fire
Vicious Embersilk Boots
50 Bolt of Embersilk Cloth, 20 Volatile Fire, 20 Volatile Water
Materials Summary
  • 1825 Embersilk Cloth
  • 135 Eternium Thread
  • 58 Volatile Water
  • 70 Volatile Fire
  • From 425 to 450, craft 365 Bolts of Embersilk Cloth using 1825 Embersilk Cloth.
  • Then, craft 5 Deathsilk Bracers from 450 to 455, using 10 Bolts of Embersilk Cloth and 10 Eternium Thread.
  • Proceed to craft 5 Deathsilk Boots from 455 to 460 with 15 Bolts of Embersilk Cloth and 10 Eternium Thread.
  • Make 5 Deathsilk Leggings from 460 to 465 with another 15 Bolts of Embersilk Cloth and 10 Eternium Thread.
  • Craft 5 Deathsilk Cowl from 465 to 470 using the same materials as the leggings.
  • For skill levels 470 to 475, make 5 Spiritmend Belt with 20 Bolts of Embersilk Cloth and 10 Eternium Thread.
  • From 475 to 480, create 5 Spiritmend Boots using identical materials to the Spiritmend Belt.
  • Craft 5 Spiritmend Leggings from 480 to 485 using the same materials.
  • From 485 to 500, craft 15 Spiritmend Robes with 90 Bolts of Embersilk Cloth and 30 Eternium Thread.
  • From 500 to 505, craft 5 Vicious Embersilk Bracers, requiring 30 Bolts of Embersilk Cloth, 20 Volatile Fire, and 20 Volatile Water.
  • For skill levels 505 to 510, make 5 Vicious Embersilk Shoulders with 30 Bolts of Embersilk Cloth, 15 Volatile Fire, and 15 Volatile Water.
  • From 510 to 516, create 3 Vicious Embersilk Belt with 30 Bolts of Embersilk Cloth, 12 Volatile Water, and 12 Volatile Fire.
  • Craft 1 pair of Vicious Embersilk Gloves at skill level 516 to 520 with 10 Bolts of Embersilk Cloth, 4 Volatile Water, and 4 Volatile Fire.
  • Lastly, from 520 to 525, craft 5 Vicious Embersilk Boots with 50 Bolts of Embersilk Cloth, 20 Volatile Fire, and 20 Volatile Water.


About the Author


If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
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