Therazane the Stonemother is the elemental lord of earth, and the Therazane faction is comprised of the many earth elementals who serve her within Deepholm.
Unlike the other major Cataclysm factions, players start at Hated with the Therazane rather than Neutral. This guide will cover how to reach as high as Exalted with the faction.
Who Needs Therazane Rep?
Most characters will want to get Exalted with this faction sooner or later for their shoulder enchants, much like the Sons of Hodir in Wrath of the Lich King, unless you’re planning to enchant your own through Inscription.
Additionally, if you’re collecting achievements you may be interested in Therazane reputation for the following:
- Therazane
- 40 Exalted Reputations (Title: “The Exalted”)

How to Get Therazane Reputation
Status | Additional Reputation Required |
Hated | -9000 |
Hostile | -6000 |
Unfriendly | -3000 |
Neutral | 0 |
Friendly | 3000 |
Honored | 6000 |
Revered | 12,000 |
Exalted | 21,000 |
To gain reputation with Therazane, you’ll first need to complete quests in the Deepholm zone. This is the only way to reach Friendly with the faction and unlock their tabard and daily quests. You must get pretty far into the zone’s story to get to this point, so expect it to take some time. Completing all of the quests in Deepholm will get you into Revered.
When you’ve exhausted the zone’s storyline, you’ll have two options to continue getting further reputation with the faction. The first is by wearing a Tabard of Therazane in Cataclysm dungeons. This tabard can be purchased at Friendly and will work all the way through Exalted.
The other option is to complete daily quests in Deepholm. We’ll cover those in their own section below.
Therazane Quests
Completing quests in the Deepholm zone is the only way to reach Friendly with Therazane and unlock the faction’s tabard and daily quests. You’ll have to get pretty far into the zone’s story before you see any results.
To start the Deepholm quest chain, you can head to the Hero’s Call Board/
Warchief’s Command Board in your faction’s capital city. Deepholm is a level 82-83 zone, so you’ll need to be at least level 82 to be able to pick up the breadcrumb quest, which is
Hero’s Call: Deepholm!/
Warchief’s Command: Deepholm!

Alternatively, you may have picked up a breadcrumb from another zone:
- The Battle is Won, The War Goes On from Mount Hyjal
- The War Has Many Fronts from Vashj’ir
Below you’ll find a complete list of the quests in Deepholm along with the reputation they give. Note that many of these quests do not give Therazane reputation, but are required to reach the quests that do give reputation.
Therazane Dungeons

Reaching Friendly reputation with Therazane will allow you to purchase a Tabard of Therazane from the quartermaster at Therazane’s Throne. Wearing this tabard inside any level 85 Cataclysm dungeon will grant you reputation for enemies killed inside the dungeon.
Therazane Daily Quests
Upon reaching Honored with Therazane, several daily quests will appear within Deepholm. Completing these quests will award you further reputation with the Therazane faction. You’ll unlock two more quests at Revered.
Below are the daily quests you’ll be able to complete from Honored. They are worth 250 reputation each.
- Soft Rock
- Fungal Fury
- Through Persistence
- Fear of Boring
- Motes
- One per day:
- Lost In the Deeps
- Underground Economy
- Beneath the Surface
From Revered you will be able to complete one of these quests each day for 350 reputation:
- One per day:
- The Restless Brood
- Glop, Son of Glop
Therazane Reputation Rewards
The rewards listed below can be purchased from D’lom the Collector, the Therazane Quartermaster, who can be found at Therazane’s Throne in Deepholm (56.8, 13.2).

Rank | Item | Slot | Type |
Friendly | Tabard | – | |
Honored | – | Enchantment | |
Honored | – | Enchantment | |
Honored | – | Enchantment | |
Honored | – | Enchantment | |
Revered | Finger | – | |
Revered | Finger | – | |
Revered | Finger | – | |
Revered | Finger | – | |
Exalted | – | Enchantment | |
Exalted | – | Enchantment | |
Exalted | – | Enchantment | |
Exalted | – | Enchantment |