Profession Guides

cataclysm classic engineering guide 1 525

Engineering Guide 1-525

February 24, 2025  • Furious

Engineering in World of Warcraft’s Cataclysm expansion remains a dynamic and versatile profession, providing players with an array of gadgets, tools, and perks to enhance gameplay….

cataclysm classic enchanting guide 1 525

Enchanting Guide 1-525

February 24, 2025  • Furious

Our Cataclysm Enchanting Leveling Guide offers a step-by-step method to efficiently progress from level 1 to 525. Enchanting in Cataclysm is divided into several skill levels, rang…

cataclysm classic blacksmithing guide 1 525

Blacksmithing Guide 1-525

February 24, 2025  • Furious

Our Blacksmithing Leveling Guide for Cataclysm is designed to assist you in swiftly and cost-effectively leveling your Blacksmithing from 1 to 525. With mastery in Blacksmithing, y…

cataclysm classic alchemy guide 1 525

Alchemy Guide 1-525

February 24, 2025  • Furious

Welcome to our comprehensive Cataclysm Alchemy leveling guide, meticulously designed to assist players in skilfully navigating through the magical science of Alchemy from level 1 t…

Cooking Daily Quests

Cooking Daily Quests

June 27, 2024  • Luxrah

Cataclysm brings a number of new cooking dailies to World of Warcraft, and many are well worth doing. In addition to being a good way to level your cooking skill while earning gold…

wow cataclysm archaeology guide

Archaeology Guide 1-525

May 3, 2024  • Luxrah

The Cataclysm expansion brings with it a new secondary profession, Archaeology, which every character can pick up in addition to their other professions. This profession sends play…

cataclysm profession bonuses featured image

All Profession Bonuses/Perks – Cataclysm

April 27, 2024  • Mila Grish

In Cataclysm every profession gains access to a unique perk. For crafting professions these typically amount to roughly an extra 80 in a stat. Some professions, such as Alchemy com…

cataclysm classic reforging


October 2, 2023  • Luxrah

Reforging is a unique feature available in Cataclysm. This process allows players to modify their gear by exchanging undesirable stats for more beneficial ones. Specifically, playe…

wow cataclysm classic professions guide & changes

Professions Overview & Bonuses

October 2, 2023  • Furious

Cataclysm brings a lot of updates and changes to the game’s professions including the skill cap being raised to 525. Gathering professions now also provide experience, and Archaeol…

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