Ten-thousand years in the past, the night elven capital city of Zin-Azshari was a magnificent, sparkling metropolis. Situated on the shores of the Well of Eternity, it was here that the aristocratic Highborne first opened a portal into the Twisting Nether and invited the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth. Under the command of the night elven queen, Azshara, they now pour their energies into the portal, preparing it for the terrifying and glorious entrance of the demon god Sargeras.
The Well of Eternity dungeon is the second of the trio of Caverns of Time dungeons that arrive in Cataclysm’s final content phase alongside the Dragon Soul raid. The End Time dungeon must be completed before you will be able to enter this one, and this dungeon must be completed in order to access the Hour of Twilight dungeon.
- Level Requirement: 85
- Item Level Requirement: 353
- Difficulty: Heroic only
- Location: Caverns of Time in Tanaris
- Boss Encounters: Peroth’arn, Queen Azshara, Mannoroth and Varo’then
- Achievements: Lazy Eye, That’s Not Canon!, Heroic: Well of Eternity, Heroic: Well of Eternity Guild Run
Location & Entrance
The dungeon portal for the Well of Eternity dungeon is located inside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris, in its own hallway away from the other instance portals.
The easiest way to reach the Caverns of Time is by taking the portal inside the Violet Parlor in Dalaran. You can also take the portal to Uldum in your faction’s capital city and fly across. From the entrance to the caverns, you’ll need to fly down through the tunnels until you reach the large open chamber, and then look for the hallway pictured below.

Map & Layout
The dungeon itself is laid out in a fairly linear fashion. You’ll be disguised as a Night Elf when you enter. You’ll enter at the Courtyard of Lights, where Nozdormu and Alurmi once again wait for you with quests. There is a Time Transit Device here just like the one in End Time, but it can’t be used until you have reached certain checkpoints.
As you cross the Courtyard of Lights, Illidan Stormrage will join you and allow you to sneak through the area with Shadow Walk. Stick close to him and he’ll bring you to three Portal Energy Focuses that you must click on (after you clear the enemies standing near them). There is one on either side of the large courtyard and one in the small area up the stairs in the northwest. Then he’ll lead you to where the first boss, Peroth’arn, will spawn and help you with the fight.
Follow the winding path around Azshara’s Palace to reach Queen Azshara. You won’t fight her directly; instead you’ll need to defeat all six of her Enchanted Magi. Then you’ll be able to loot her Royal Cache. A bunch of Bronze Drakes will appear nearby to fly you down to the Shores of the Well after a short cutscene.
Illidan Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind will follow you and assist you as you approach Mannoroth and Varo’then. Defeat them and a Minor Cache of the Aspects will appear with your loot.

Lazy Eye
Defeat Peroth’arn without anyone in the party being detected by an Eye of Peroth’arn.
That’s Not Canon!
Deal enough damage fast enough to Mannoroth during the Mannoroth and Varo’then fight to cause him to sacrifice Varo’then to heal himself.
Heroic: Well of Eternity
Defeat Mannoroth and Varo’then, the last boss.
Heroic: Well of Eternity Guild Run
Defeat Mannoroth and Varo’then, the last boss, while in a guild group (at least 3 guild members in the party).
There are five quests that can be completed inside the Well of Eternity dungeon.
Quest Name | Acquired From |
Alurmi in the Well of Eternity dungeon | |
Nozdormu in the End Time dungeon | |
Nozdormu in the Well of Eternity dungeon | |
Nozdormu in the Well of Eternity dungeon | |
Nozdormu in the Well of Eternity dungeon |
Documenting the Timeways
Alurmi waits near the entrance to the dungeon to give you this quest. To complete it, you’ll need to defeat a Legion Demon, a Royal Handmaiden, and Captain Varo’then. as with her previous quest in the End Time dungeon, you don’t need to do anything special to archive these enemies, it will happen automatically.
Note that if you damage Mannoroth too quickly (like you need to for the That’s Not Canon! achievement), you will not be able to kill Captain Varo’then and get credit for that objective.
Alurmi will once again appear at the end of the dungeon to allow you to turn in the quest.
This quest awards your choice of the following along with some gold:
Item | Slot | Type |
Finger | – | |
Chest | Leather | |
Waist | Cloth | |
Feet | Plate |

The Well of Eternity
Nozdormu offers this quest inside the End Time dungeon after you have completed its prerequisite, Murozond. All you need to do to complete it is enter the Well of Eternity dungeon and speak with Nozdormu again at the entrance. You’ll then be able to continue through the quests below.
Your reward for completing this quest is a small amount of gold.

In Unending Numbers
When you turn in the quest above, Nozdormu will offer this one next, tasking you with disabling three demon portals and defeating the first boss of the dungeon, Peroth’arn. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be able to turn in this quest and pick up the next one from Nozdormu, who is standing on the landing leading up to Azshara’s Palace.
Your reward for completing this quest is a small amount of gold.
The Vainglorious
Continuing from the two quests above, Nozdormu gives you this quest next. To complete it you must defeat the second boss encounter in the dungeon, Queen Azshara. When you arrive at the Shores of the Well, turn in the quest to Nozdormu to pick up the last one in the chain, below.
Your reward for completing this quest is a small amount of gold.
The Path to the Dragon Soul
The final quest in the chain offered by Nozdormu sends you to defeat the final boss of the dungeon, Mannorath. After you’ve killed Mannoroth and Varo’then, you’ll be able to turn in this quest to Illidan Stormrage to complete the chain and receive your reward, which includes some gold and your choice of the following items:
Item | Slot | Type |
Feet | Plate | |
Waist | Mail | |
Held in Off-hand | – | |
Ranged | Bow |
There are three bosses in the Well of Eternity dungeon.
Like many of his fellow Highborne, Peroth’arn swore allegiance to the corrupted Xavius in exchange for gifts of demonic power. As a master of fiendish magic and recipient of the satyr curse, Peroth’arn stands outside Azshara’s palace in defense of the Burning Legion, ready to destroy those hoping to disrupt the entrance of the Dark Titan, Sargeras, into Azeroth.

- Corrupting Touch: Peroth’arn’s melee strikes apply Corrupting Touch on his current target, increasing damage taken by 10% for 20 sec. This effect stacks.
- Fel Flames: Peroth’arn calls down a fel fireball on a random player, inflicting 33250-36750 Fire damage and leaving behind fire that causes 11875-13125 Fire damage every second for 30 sec.
- Fel Decay: Peroth’arn’s sickly touch causes a random target to decay from within, instantly inflicting 38000-42000 Shadow damage and 8075-8925 Shadow damage every second for 10 sec. Any healing done to the afflicted player causes the healer to suffer 100% of the amount healed as Shadow damage.
- Drain Essence: At 60% remaining health, Peroth’arn stuns all enemies and inflicts Shadow damage every second for 4 sec.
- The Eyes of Peroth’arn: After Illidan interrupts Drain Essence, Peroth’arn returns to the shadows to ambush the heroes. Peroth’arn unleashes his Eyes of Peroth’arn to search for the players. Players gain the protection of their Shadowcloaks to help them avoid the detection range of the Eyes. If players avoid detection for 40 seconds, Peroth’arn becomes visible and weakened with the Enfeebled effect. If an Eye of Peroth’arn discovers a player, Peroth’arn marks the player with Easy Prey, leaps out of the shadows, and attacks the discovered player.
- Easy Prey: When an Eye of Peroth’arn discovers a player, Peroth’arn casts Fel Quickening and marks his new target as Easy Prey. The mark removes the player’s Shadowcloak or stealth and stuns them for 8 sec.
- Fel Quickening: Peroth’arn increases his attack speed by 100% for 15 sec.
- Enfeebled: If after 40 seconds Peroth’arn has not detected a player with his Eyes, Peroth’arn can no longer remain hidden in the shadows and becomes Enfeebled. This effect stuns Peroth’arn and increases his damage taken by 25% damage for 15 sec.
- Endless Frenzy: At 20% remaining health, Peroth’arn frenzies and increases his damage by 25%.
Item | Slot | Type |
One-Hand | Mace | |
Waist | Plate | |
Finger | – | |
Held in Off-hand | – | |
Waist | Leather | |
One-Hand | Axe |
Queen Azshara
The songs of Queen Azshara’s beauty, majesty, and power are too numerous to count, but it was her vanity that drove the Highborne to summon the Burning Legion. She now watches her most trusted magi empower the portal where Sargeras will be brought into Azeroth, content to let multitudes of her servants die in advance of the Dark Titan’s arrival.

- Servant of the Queen: Queen Azshara charms a random player, causing them to become a puppet. Destroying the puppet strings releases the player from Azshara’s control.
- Total Obedience: Queen Azshara attempts to charm every player and turn them into puppets for 20 sec.
- Enchanted Magi: Queen Aszhara commands two of her Enchanted Magi to attack the players. When the players defeat an Enchanted Magus or enough time elapses, another two Magi enter combat. Each Enchanted Magi possess one of three schools of magic. When the players defeat all of the Enchanted Magi, Queen Azshara retreats from combat and the players complete the encounter.
- Frost Magus
- Ice Fling: The Enchanted Magus inflicts 23125-26875 Frost damage on a random player.
- Coldflame: The Enchanted Magus’s Coldflame inflicts 20000 Frost damage in a line, and continues to inflict 20000 Frost damage every 1 sec. for 4 sec.
- Blades of Ice: The Enchanted Magus charges at the location of a random player, then inflicts 75% weapon damage as Frost damage to all players within 5 yards of the location.
- Fire Magus
- Fireball: The Enchanted Magus inflicts 23125-26875 Fire damage on its current target.
- Firebomb: The Enchanted Magus hurls a fiery bomb at a random player, inflicting 32375-37625 Fire damage on them and other players within 10 yards and reducing their movement speed for 5 sec.
- Blast Wave: The Enchanted Magus unleashes a wave of flame, inflicting 27750-32250 Fire damage on enemies within 40 yards.
- Arcane Magus
- Arcane Shock: The Enchanted Magus inflicts 8859-9940 Arcane damage every 1 sec. on all enemies within 45 yards.
- Arcane Bomb: The Enchanted Magus summons an arcane bomb that inflicts 69375-80625 Arcane damage and reduces the movement speed of players within 5 yards of its impact by 50%.
- Frost Magus
Item | Slot | Type |
Chest | Mail | |
Back | – | |
Legs | Leather | |
Finger | – | |
Main Hand | Mace | |
Feet | Cloth |
- None
Mannoroth and Varo’then
Varo’then, head of Queen Azshara’s personal guard, and Mannoroth, the pit lord whose blood will corrupt the entire orc race, stand as the last line of defense against those hoping to bar Sargeras’s entry into Azeroth. Though both Tyrande and Illidan have fought bravely thus far, the fate of Azeroth will be decided at the Well of Eternity’s very brink.

Phase 1: Players must defeat Captain Varo’then while Illidian and Tyrande fight off Mannoroth and the demonic forces entering from the Well of Eternity.
- Mannoroth: Mannaroth faces off in mortal combat against Illidan Stormrage.
- Fel Firestorm: Mannoroth unleashes a Fel Firestorm, rapidly creating 3 yard radius Fel Flames around the area for 12 sec. Fel Flames inflict 19500-20500 Fire damage every second to any player standing within them.
- Felblade: Mannoroth coats his mighty polearm in demonic fire, gaining a chance to deal 55500-64500 additional Fire damage when striking opponents in melee.
- Fel Drain: If the players inflict a significant amount of damage to Mannoroth while Captain Varo’then lives, Mannoroth sacrifices Captain Varo’then and heals himself to full health.
- Doomguard Devastator: These massive demons from the Well of Eternity seek to protect Mannoroth, but Tyrande stands in their way.
- Dreadlord Debilitator: These Dread Lords periodically enter from the Well of Eternity, then attempt to debilitate Tyrande.
- Debilitating Flay: The Debilitating Dreadlord disables Tyrande, preventing her from performing any actions and allowing Doomguards to swarm the area.
- Captain Varo’then: Captain Varo’then attacks the players to prevent them from interfering with Mannoroth’s concentration.
- Magistrike: Varo’then charges his sword with Arcane and Fire magics, dealing 27750-32250 Fire damage to an enemy and arcing to another nearby foe. Affects up to 3 total targets.
- Illidan Stormrage: Illidan occupies Mannoroth in melee combat so the players are free to defeat Captain Varo’then.
- Darklance: Illidan conjures forth a spear of dark magical energy, piercing Mannoroth for 27975-32025 Shadow damage.
- Aura of Immolation: Illidan shrouds himself in magical flames, inflicting 20000 Fire damage to nearby enemies every 3 seconds.
- Demon Rush: Illidan charges at Mannoroth, coursing with Fel energies and inflicting 100% weapon damage to him.
- Demonic Sight: The Gift of Sargeras gives Illidan sight beyond sight, allowing him to dodge 90% of Mannoroth’s attacks.
- Taunt: Illidan goads Mannoroth into focusing attacks on him.
- Waters of Eternity: After Mannoroth creates a Fel Firestorm, Illidan splashes himself with the waters of the Well of Eternity. The water provides substantial magical powers and reduces the Fire damage taken by all nearby allies by 90%.
- Tyrande Whisperwind: Tyrande positions herself to intercept the rush of Doomguard Devastators exiting from the Well of Eternity with Lunar Shot.
- Lunar Shot: Tyrande holds off the demons exiting from the Well of Eternity with her Lunar Shot.
- Blessing of Elune: When a Dreadlord Debilitator casts Debilitating Flay upon her, Tyrande beseeches Elune for her blessing. This blessing affects all nearby allies, enchanting their attacks and spells to inflict additional Arcane damage to lesser demons.
Phase 2: After the players defeat Captain Varo’then, his enchanted Magistrike Blade lies on the ground. After a player throws and embeds the blade into Mannoroth, the demon begins to take massive damage from the stored magic within the blade.
- Mannoroth: The wounded Mannoroth continues to fight, opening a Nether Portal to bring demonic allies into the fray.
- Embedded Blade: Players may pick up Captain Varo’then’s magical elven blade and throw it towards Mannoroth. The blade embeds itself into Mannoroth’s demonic armor. The magical blade then causes strikes against Mannoroth to have a chance to create a Magistrike Arc inflicting 1000000 Fire damage to Mannoroth.
- Fel Fire Nova: After a player embeds the Magistrike blade within Mannoroth, the open wound emits a steady pulse of fel fire. Each pulse inflicts 27750-32250 Fire damage to enemies.
- Nether Portal: Mannoroth summons a portal to the Twisting Nether, allowing him to call forth demonic allies. As his remaining health dwindles, additional types of demons exit through the portal.
- Felhound: At 85% remaining health, Mannoroth summons a weak felhound to aid him in combat from the Nether Portal.
- Felguard: At 70% remaining health, Mannoroth also summons a Felguard from the Nether Portal to aid him in combat.
- Doomguard Devastator: At 60% remaining health, additional Doomguard Devastators begin to pour from the Nether Portal.
- Infernal: At 50% remaining health, Mannoroth calls down a hail of Infernals to aid him in combat.
- Embedded Blade: Players may pick up Captain Varo’then’s magical elven blade and throw it towards Mannoroth. The blade embeds itself into Mannoroth’s demonic armor. The magical blade then causes strikes against Mannoroth to have a chance to create a Magistrike Arc inflicting 1000000 Fire damage to Mannoroth.
- Illidan Stormrage: Illidan continues to fight Mannoroth with his host of Demon Hunter abilities.
- Tyrande Whisperwind: Tyrande runs out of arrows and beseeches Elune for help against the overwhelming number of demons.
- Hand of Elune: Tyrande is granted the full powers of the High Priestess of Elune, inflicting 27750-32250 Arcane damage to three neaby lesser demons every 3 seconds.
Phase 3: After Tyrande collapses upon destroying the rain of Infernals, Illidan then infuses himself to finish off Mannoroth.
- Mannoroth: Even heavily wounded Mannoroth continues to fight for his lord Sargeras.
- Embedded Blade: The embedded magical blade causes strikes against Mannoroth to have a chance to create a Magistrike Arc, inflicting 1000000 Fire damage to Mannoroth.
- Fel Fire Nova: After a player embeds the Magistrike blade within Mannoroth, the open wound emits a steady pulse of fel fire. Each pulse inflicts 27750-32250 Fire damage to enemies.
- Embedded Blade: The embedded magical blade causes strikes against Mannoroth to have a chance to create a Magistrike Arc, inflicting 1000000 Fire damage to Mannoroth.
- Illidan Stormrage: Illidan infuses himself with demonic energy to finish the fight.
- Gift of Sargeras: Illidan infuses himself and all nearby allies with the fel energies of the demon lord Sargeras, healing for 20% of maximum health every 2 seconds and dealing 30000 Fire damage to nearby enemies every 2 seconds.
- Tyrande Whisperwind: Tyrande unleashes a massive blast of Arcane energy to destroy any nearby lesser demons, then collapses.
- Elune’s Wrath: Tyrande unleases a blast of Arcane energy to destroy any nearby lesser demons.
- Malfurion Stormrage: Utilizing the powers of nature bestowed upon him by the demigod Cenarius, Malfurion Stormrage focuses the will of the living creatures of Azeroth upon the demonic portal hovering over the Well of Eternity. When Mannoroth reaches 5% remaining health, Malfurion casts a spell to cause the portal to violently implode and pull the demonic legions out of Azeroth.
Item | Slot | Type |
Head | Plate | |
Head | Cloth | |
Chest | Mail | |
Trinket | – | |
Head | Plate | |
Head | Leather | |
Legs | Mail | |
Finger | – | |
Two-Hand | Mace | |
Shoulder | Leather | |
Two-Hand | Staff | |
Trinket | – |
Quest Rewards & Loot
Quest Rewards
Item | Slot | Type | Quest |
Finger | – | ||
Chest | Leather | ||
Waist | Cloth | ||
Feet | Plate | ||
Feet | Plate | ||
Waist | Mail | ||
Held in Off-hand | – | ||
Ranged | Bow |
Boss Drops
Item | Slot | Type | Boss |
Head | Plate | ||
Chest | Mail | ||
Back | – | ||
Head | Cloth | ||
Chest | Mail | ||
Trinket | – | ||
One-Hand | Mace | ||
Waist | Plate | ||
Head | Plate | ||
Head | Leather | ||
Finger | – | ||
Legs | Mail | ||
Finger | – | ||
Held in Off-hand | – | ||
Waist | Leather | ||
Two-Hand | Mace | ||
Legs | Leather | ||
Finger | – | ||
Main Hand | Mace | ||
Feet | Cloth | ||
Shoulder | Leather | ||
Two-Hand | Staff | ||
One-Hand | Axe | ||
Trinket | – |