This farming guide will help streamline the process of gathering Whiptail, primarily found along the banks of rivers in Uldum but can also be found on Tol Barad. Whiptail requires an herbalism level of 500 or higher to gather and is needed for a variety of flasks and potions.
Whiptail requires a herbalism skill of 500
Typically found near water bodies such as ponds and rivers.
Best Zones to Farm Whiptail
Level Range
Tol Barad
Zones denoted with a star tend to be the best for farming the herbs.
Mostly found along the river, frequently being guarded by a crocolisk
A few can also be found near the Cradle of the Ancients oasis if you’ve accepted The Coffer of Promise quest from Brann Bronzebeard
Uldum Whiptail Farming Route
Tol Barad
Found around the water directly to the west of Baradin Hold
Not worth farming, but you can check while doing daily quests
Tol Barad Whiptail Farming Route
About the Author
If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.