Despite Wrath of the Lich King being on the horizon, Blizzard has to consider the future of Classic and how to tackle the next expansion, Cataclysm. To do this, various players have been sent an official survey with a large amount of questions about the participant themselves, their habits, and their thoughts for the future of World of Warcraft Classic. The usual demographic questions showed up of course, things like location, age, and gender. Generic questions regarding gaming platforms and games also show up.
Once the participant gets through these they reach the Cataclysm Classic questions. Questions such as “What would you like to see the World of Warcraft Classic team do next?” as well as ranked choice questions regarding features and systems added in Cataclysm. Towards the end of the survey the questions are different from participant to participant, with some provided questions regarding an unchanged Cataclysm Classic, and others being asked about drastic changes.
- What country do you live in?
- US
- France
- Germany
- China
- I do not live in any of these countries
- How old are you?
- <12
- 13-17
- 18-24
- 25-34
- 35-44
- 45-54
- 55-65
- 65+
- What is your gender?
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary
- Prefer to self-describe
- Prefer not to answer
- Which of the following devices, if any, do you currently own and actively use to play video games?
- Sony PlayStation 5 / 4
- PC (desktop or laptop used for gaming)
- Smartphone used for playing games
- Microsoft Xbox Series X / S / One / One S / One X
- Tablet used for playing games
- Nintendo Switch
- None of the above
- How many hours would you estimate you play PC, Xbox X/S/One, or PlayStation â…˜ games in a typical month?
- How would you rate your enjoyment of each of the following video game genres? When you have finished answering you can use the arrows appearing on each side to change your mind [Rated on a scale of Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor]
- Shooters (e.g. Call of Duty, Battlefield, Overwatch)
- Sports (e.g. FIFA)
- Sandbox/Terrain Forming Games (e.g. Minecraft)
- Open-World Action Games(e.g. Grand Theft Auto, Assassin’s Creed)
- Role Playing Games (RPGs) (e.g. Elder Scrolls, The Legend of Zelda)
- Racing Games(e.g. Need for Speed, Mario Kart)
- Simulation (e.g. The Sims)
- Action Role-Playing Games (e.g. The Witcher, Dark Souls, Diablo)
- Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs)(e.g. World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 14)
- Realistic Action-Adventure Games (e.g. Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Far Cry)
- Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Games (MOBA) (e.g. League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm)
- Battle Royale (e.g. Fortnite)
- From which of the following video game franchises, if any, would you never want to play a game from? Select all that apply.
- The Elder Scrolls
- Diablo
- Final Fantasy
- Witcher
- Starcraft
- Fortnite
- Warcraft
- Overwatch
- Elden Ring
- I’m open to playing games in all of these franchises
- Which of the following games, if any, have you ever played? Select all that apply.
- World of Warcraft (modern version, including Shadowlands)
- World of Warcraft: Classic (including Burning Crusade)
- Diablo (any)
- Hearthstone
- Elden Ring
- Fortnite
- Witcher III
- Final Fantasy XIV
- Overwatch
- Warcraft III
- StarCraft (any)
- The Elder Scrolls Online
- None of the above
- Which of the following best describes your current experience with the games below? Select one in each row. Options are as follows: Played in the past 30 days, played between 31 to 365 days ago, played more than 365 days ago.
- World of Warcraft: Classic (including Burning Crusade)
- World of Warcraft (modern version, including Shadowlands)
- StarCraft (any)
- Diablo (any)
- Warcraft III
- Overwatch
- Final Fantasy XIV
- Hearthstone
- Thinking about the past 30 days, which statement below best describes how you distributed your time between World of Warcraft Shadowlands and World of Warcraft Classic / Burning Crusade Classic?
- I spent more time playing Modern / Shadowlands
- I spent more time playing Classic / Burning Crusade Classic
- How likely are you to purchase, play, or subscribe to each of the following games in the future? Select one in each row. Options are as follows: Definitely would, Probably would, Might or might not, Probably wouldn’t, Definitely wouldn’t
- Overwatch
- Elden Ring
- Hearthstone
- Final Fantasy XIV
- StarCraft (any)
- Diablo (any)
- The Elder Scrolls Online
- Witcher III
- Fortnite
- World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- World of Warcraft Dragonflight
- Warcraft III
- World of Warcraft: Classic will be bringing back Wrath of the Lich King in 2022. After World of Warcraft Classic: Wrath of the Lich King comes out, what would you like to see the World of Warcraft Classic team do next? Please be as specific as possible.
- The expansion after the original Wrath of the Lich King was Cataclysm. We would like to get your feedback on the features, and systems introduced in the Cataclysm expansion. If you’re familiar with WOW and Cataclysm, please think about the expansion as it was when originally released and separate it from systems and features that you may be familiar with in modern WOW (Shadowlands) or the current Classic releases (WOW Classic and Burning Crusade Classic).
- How familiar are you with the original 2020 release of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm? Select one.
- Extremely familiar
- Very familiar
- Moderately familiar
- Slightly familiar
- Not at all familiar
- Below are the features that were introduced in Cataclysm. Take a moment to read through the features and their descriptions. Press the button below to continue once you’ve familiarized yourself with the content.
- 10 New Dungeons – Blackrock Caverns, Throne of the Tides, Vortex Pinnacle, Stonecore, Lost City of the Tol’vir, Halls of Origination, Grim Batol, End Time, Well of Eternity, Hour of Twilight
- 2 New Playable Races – Introduced two new playable races: Goblins and Worgens
- 5 New Raids – Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight, Throne of the Four Winds, Firelands, Dragon Soul
- 7 New Zones – Mount Hyjal, Vashj’ir, Deepholm, Uldum, Twilight Highlands, Tol Barad, Molten Front
- Account Wide Mounts and Pets – Mounts and Pets available to all new player characters within the same account
- Archaeology Secondary Profession – Archaeology focuses on locating, piecing together, and appraising artifacts
- Changes to Player versus Player Arenas – For example: removal of the 5v5 Arena format
- Changes To Professions – For example: removing specializations in leatherworking, blacksmithing, tailoring
- Class Design Changes – Modifications to class abilities, mechanics, etc.
- Collections User Interface – An interface used to track cosmetic items, mounts, pets, etc.
- Dungeon Journal – Learn more about dungeons, specifically the boss encounters
- Guild Advancement System – Guild leveling, achievements and rewards
- Level Cap Increase – Maximum level increased to level 85
- Minor Quality of Life Changes – For example: AOE looting, Improved flight paths, Spell alerts for procs, ammunition no longer taking bag space etc.
- Questing and Leveling Changes – Progression and leveling changes as a result of the environmental in-game updates
- Raid Finder – Sign up for a raid and choose your role (healer, tank or DPS)
- Rated Battleground System – Pre-made battleground teams compete, where personal and team rankings are at stake
- Reforging – Allows conversion of an item’s secondary stat into another secondary stat
- Talent System Changes – Streamlined 31 point Talent trees
- Tol Barad – Outdoor PvP raid zone where players battle for control of the island
- Transmogrification – Ability to replace the appearance of your weapons & armor with other items
- Unified Raid Loot and Lockouts – 10 and 25-player raids share the same lockout timer and distribute the same items
- How interested would you be in playing the next Classic expansion based on the following features? If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition. Select one in each row. Options are as follows: Very interested, Somewhat interested, Neither interested nor uninterested, Somewhat uninterested, Very uninterested
- Changes to Player versus Player Arenas
- Changes to Professions
- Raid Finder
- Minor Quality of Life Changes
- 7 New Zones
- Rated Battleground System
- Collections User Interface
- Class Design Changes
- Dungeon Journal
- Guild Advancement System
- Account Wide Mounts and Pets
- How interested would you be in playing the next Classic expansion based on the following features? If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition. Select one in each row. Options are as follows: Very interested, Somewhat interested, Neither interested nor uninterested, Somewhat uninterested, Very uninterested
- Archaeology Secondary Profession
- Questing and Leveling Changes
- 5 New Raids
- Level Cap Increase
- Talent System Changes
- Reforging
- Tol Barad (Outdoor PVP raid zone)
- 10 New Dungeons
- 2 New Playable Races
- Transmogrification
- Unified Raid Loot and Lockouts
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Archaeology Secondary Profession
- Questing and Leveling Changes
- Rated Battleground System
- Minor Quality of Life Changes
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Account Wide Mounts and Pets
- Guild Advancement System
- Class Design Changes
- Collections User Interface
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Transmogrification
- 7 New Zones
- Tol Barad (Outdoor PVP raid zone)
- Changes to Player versus Player Arenas
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Raid Finder
- Unified Raid Loot and Lockouts
- Reforging
- Talent System Changes
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Dungeon Journal
- 2 New Playable Races
- 10 New Dungeons
- Level Cap Increase
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- 5 New Raids
- Minor Quality of Life Changes
- Collections User Interface
- Changes to Professions
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Rated Battleground System
- Class Design Changes
- Talent System Changes
- Changes to Player versus Player Arenas
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- 7 New Zones
- 10 New Dungeons
- 5 New Raids
- Account Wide Mounts and Pets
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Transmogrification
- 2 New Playable Races
- Guild Advancement System
- Changes to Professions
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Raid Finder
- Collections User Interface
- Tol Barad (Outdoor PVP raid zone)
- Dungeon Journal
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Unified Rad Loot and Lockouts
- Archaeology Secondary Profession
- Level Cap Increase
- 5 New Raids
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Account Wide Mounts and Pets
- Reforging
- Changes to Player versus Player Arenas
- Questing and Leveling Changes
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- 7 New Zones
- Class Design Changes
- Transmogrification
- Dungeon Journal
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- 2 New Playable Races
- Rated Battleground System
- Unified Raid Loot and Lockouts
- Archaeology Secondary Profession
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Collections User Interface
- Changes to Professions
- Raid Finder
- 10 New Dungeons
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Guild Advancement System
- Talent System Changes
- Questing and Leveling Changes
- Tol Barad (Outdoor PVP raid zone)
- Please select the feature you liked most and which you liked least as it relates to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition.
- Minor Quality of Life Changes
- Reforging
- Rated Battleground System
- Level Cap Increase
- Which of the following features would make you most interested in playing the next Classic expansion? If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition. Select one.
- 2 New Playable Races
- Collections User Interface
- Account Wide Mounts and Pets
- Level Cap Increase
- Minor Quality of Life Changes
- Talent System Changes
- Raid Finder
- 5 New Raids
- 7 New Zones
- 10 New Dungeons
- Reforging
- Dungeon Journal
- Changes to Player versus Player Arenas
- Rated Battleground System
- Questing and Leveling Changes
- Unified Raid Loot and Lockouts
- Tol Barad (Outdoor PVP raid zone)
- Guild Advancement System
- Transmogrification
- Class Design Changes
- Archaeology Secondary Profession
- Changes To Professions
- You selected X. What about this feature makes you most interested in playing the next Classic expansion? Please be as specific as possible.
- Which of the following features would make you least interested in playing the next Classic expansion? If you need to be reminded of what this feature is, hover over the feature for the definition. Select one.
- Guild Advancement System
- Talent System Changes
- Unified Raid Loot and Lockouts
- Reforging
- Questing and Leveling Changes
- 7 New Zones
- Level Cap Increase
- Tol Barad (Outdoor PVP raid zone)
- Changes To Professions
- Collections User Interface
- 2 New Playable Races
- Dungeon Journal
- Archaeology Secondary Profession
- 5 New Raids
- Changes to Player versus Player Arenas
- Account Wide Mounts and Pets
- Raid Finder
- Class Design Changes
- Minor Quality of Life Changes
- 10 New Dungeons
- Rated Battleground System
- You selected X. What about this feature makes you least interested in playing the next Classic expansion? Please be as specific as possible.
- Thinking about your experience playing World of Warcraft and other MMORPG titles, what quality of life feature would you like to have most in the next Classic expansion? Please be as specific as possible.
- To determine which game concept you will be testing, please tell us your favorite color from the list below. Select one.
- Green
- Yellow
- Black
- Purple
- Blue
- White
- Orange
- Red
- Please read the description below carefully as you will be asked questions on your interest in and opinion on playing the next World of Warcraft: Classic expansion based on the concept you are being shown.
Following the final patch of Wrath of the Lich King: Classic, continue into Catacylsm where the breaker of worlds, Deathwing, has burst forth from the heart of hte Maelstrom transforming Azeroth. The game will release as it was in 2010 with some changes that may enhance and update the gameplay experience.
Key Features- Retain some pre-Cataclysm features that were streamlined or simplified
- Exclude the Looking for Raid feature
- Increase level cap to 85
- Inclusion of two new races: Worgen and Goblins
- What one word would you use to describe this concept for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic? Please be as specific as possible
- Based on this description, how likely are you to subscribe to play World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic? Select one
- Definitely would
- Probably would
- Might or might not
- Probably wouldn’t
- Definitely wouldn’t
- What specifically about this concept for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic makes you say that you RESPONSE play the game? Please be as specific as possible
- How interested are you in the following features listed in the description you read for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic? Select one in each row. Options are as follows: Very interested, Somewhat interested, Neither interested nor uninterested, Somewhat uninterested, Very uninterested
- Cataclysm being released as it was in 2010 with changes to enhance and update the gameplay
- Retain some pre-Cataclysm features that were streamlined or simplified
- Exclusion of the Looking for Raid feature
- Increased level cap to 85
- Inclusion of two new races: Worgen and Goblins
- Which of the following statements best describes what you like about this concept for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic? Please select all that apply.
- I want to continue the linear progression of my character
- I think this will encourage my friends/other people I play with to continue playing
- I played the original Cataclysm and am excited about replaying it
- I never got to experience the original Cataclysm expansion and want to play through the content as it was originally released
- Other (specify)
- Nothing interests me about this concept
- Which of the following statements best describes what you don’t like about World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic concept and may hold you back from wanting to play? Please select all that apply.
- I never played the original Cataclysm but I have heard negative things about it
- I think this will cause my friends/other people I play with to stop playing
- I played the original Cataclysm and did not enjoy it
- Other (specify)
- None of the above
- Which of the following ways would you describe this concept for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic? Please select all that apply.
- Underwhelming
- Unique
- Sounds complicated/tedious
- Not for people like me
- For gaming enthusiasts
- Boring
- Interesting
- Challenging
- Action-packed
- A good way to pass time
- Fun
- For people like me
- Been done before
- For casual gamers
- Too easy to play
- High quality
- None of the above
- How does this concept compare to your expectations for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic? Select one.
- It exceeds my expectations
- It meets my expectations
- It falls short of my expectations
- How does this concept impact your interest in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic in general? Select one.
- Makes me more interested
- Has no impact on my interest
- Makes me less interested
- How does this concept compare to previous Classic expansions you have played? Select one.
- Much better
- Somewhat better
- About the same
- Somewhat worse
- Much worse
- Which of the following most closely aligns with what you would want as the next expansion of Classic after Wrath of the Lich King Classic? Select one.
- The next expansion would focus on Cataclysm without any changes
- The next expansion would focus on a new Season of Mastery in Classic, Burning Crusade Classic, or Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- The next expansion would focus on Cataclysm with some changes to the original release
- I don’t know/have any expectations
- None of the above
This indicates that Blizzard may be interested in making larger changes for Cataclysm Classic, potentially changing entire features, or removing them entirely. This attitude can also be seen in the interview that took place in April between Asmongold and Ion Hazzikostas. Ion expresses interest in what the community disliked about Cataclysm as an expansion, asking Asmongold about potential changes too.
About the Author
