Balance Druids benefit the most from professions that boost their offensive stats as much as possible, such as Intellect or Haste. We’ve listed each profession and prioritized the best benefits.
Best Professions
The best professions for Balance Druids in MoP Classic are:
Inscription – Gives you the ability to craft Glyphs and access to the Secret Crane Wing Inscription.
Blacksmithing – Gives you access to two additional sockets, Socket Gloves + Socket Bracers. Allows further stat customization.
Tailoring – Allows you to create valuable Cloth items and gives you access to Lightweave Embroidery and Sanctified Spellthread.
Engineering – Allows you to create Gadgets and Bombs and grants access to Synapse Springs.
Useful Professions
Alchemy – Grants Mixology, enhancing all Flasks & Elixirs.
Leatherworking – Grants access to Fur Lining – Intellect.
Jewelcrafting – Grants access to special Serpent’s Eye gems with increased stats.
Enchanting – Allows you to add extra enchantments to your rings.
Sub-Par Professions
Mining – Grants Toughness, increasing Stamina. Inefficient stat for Balance Druids.
Herbalism – Grants Lifeblood. Overall, it is weaker than other professional bonuses.
Skinning – Grants Master of Anatomy. Similar to Herbalism, it has weaker stats than other professions.
About the Author
Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.