Blood Death Knights benefit the most from professions that can boost their defensive stats as much as possible, we’ve prioritized and listed each profession below.
Best Professions
The best professions for a Blood DK are:
Blacksmithing – Provides the ability to craft Mail & Plate Armor and weapons alongside many other useful Trade Tools such as keys and rods. This profession is one of the best for Blood Death Knight since it grants two extra sockets: Socket Bracer & Socket Gloves.
Inscription – Provides the ability to create Glyphs & powerful Shoulder enchantments. While a bit surprising, this profession provides one of the strongest stat buffs thanks to the Secret Ox Horn Inscription, which grants Stamina and Dodge.
Leatherworking – Grants the ability to craft Leather & Mail Armor alongside powerful armor enhancements. This profession is also one of the top contenders for Blood Death Knight since it grants Fur Lining – Stamina, which is a 750 Stamina buff.
Engineering – Provides a few powerful effects for Blood Death Knight, among which is Synapse Springs, which is the most potent.
Useful Professions
Alchemy – Gives you a higher duration for your Flasks & Elixirs and a 30% potency increase for any of them.
Jewelcrafting – Provides the ability to use special gems with enhanced stats.
Mining – Mining grants increased Stamina.
Enchanting – Ring Stamina enchantments.
Sub-Par Professions
Tailoring – Give you the ability to create Swordguard Embroidery.
Skinning – Gives Critical Strike Chance which they already get a bunch of from Riposte.
Herbalism – Self-healing from Lifeblood ability.
About the Author
Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.