PvE Discipline Priest

PvE Discipline Priest

Discipline Priests in Mists of Pandaria are well-rounded, flexible healers who remain strong in raids and also excel in the new Challenge Mode dungeons. Their variety of absorbs, heals, and utility spells make them a challenging but rewarding specialization to play. This guide will cover every facet of building, gearing, and playing your Discipline Priest so you can take on everything the PvE endgame throws at you and come out on top – hopefully with some shiny new loot to show for it!

Changes in Mists of Pandaria

Class specializations have become more streamlined in Mists of Pandaria, with trimmed-down talent trees and the removal of Prime Glyphs. Some abilities have been made baseline and others have been removed or reworked. Most of these changes are “under the hood,” however. The way the Discipline Priest actually plays is very similar to how it played in Cataclsym, with few changes to your rotation. The Atonement mechanic still allows you to heal your teammates through low damage while also contributing some DPS. For heavier damage, you still have the broadest selection of healing spells and absorbs of any healer at your disposal.

Blanketing the raid in absorbs has gotten easier with the new Spirit Shell cooldown. You also have access to your choice of three new AoE heals: Cascade, Divine Star, or Halo.

One of the Priest’s weaknesses in Cataclysm was their lack of mobility options. This has been solved in Mists of Pandaria with your choice of talents: Body and Soul, which was previously only available deep in the Holy tree, or Angelic Feather, a new talent. You also have some glyphs that can allow you to cast Penance while moving or add a movement speed bonus to Levitate.

It’s worth remembering that WoW Classic expansions launch with class tuning that reflects the final patch of the original expansion. So even in Phase 1 of MoP Classic, the Discipline Priest’s talents and abilities will be the in the same state they were in for Patch 5.4.8. One example of this is that Holy Fire is an instant cast.

discipline priest specialization window

Strengths & Weaknesses

round check mark symbol with transparent background free png Strengths

  • Powerful Absorbs:
    Absorption effects are more efficient than healing because they prevent the damage from ever happening and tend not to “overheal” as much. A strong Discipline Priest can leave other healers feeling like they have nothing to do. This is more true than ever in Mists of Pandaria with the addition of Spirit Shell on top of your already-powerful Power Word: Shield and Divine Aegis absorbs.
  • Strong Cooldowns:
    Discipline Priests have an incredible number of cooldowns they can rotate through for periods of heavy damage. Archangel, Pain Suppression, Power Infusion, Spirit Shell, and Power Word: Barrier are all unique to Disc, and they can all be equally useful for heavy tank damage as for heavy raid damage.
  • Heal While Dealing Damage:
    The Discipline Priest is the closest you can get to a DPS/healer hybrid in World of Warcraft. Atonement and Evangelism are no longer brand-new mechanics in Mists of Pandaria, and the rough edges have been smoothed out. Groups will benefit greatly from having a Discipline Priest any time a fight has a high DPS requirement, or if the content is on farm. You can always be doing something to contribute to the group’s progress, even if there’s not much to heal.
  • Flexible Toolkit:
    Every Discipline Priest has quite a variety of spells at their disposal, from absorbs to AoE and single-target heals and even a HoT. They can tank heal or raid heal with equal effectiveness as well as dealing some damage when the fight calls for it.

round cross mark symbol with transparent background free png Weaknesses

  • High Skill Cap:
    The broad toolkit and flexibility that Discipline Priests have at their disposal has the downside of giving the build a lot of complexity that can be challenging to master. It takes experience to learn when you can lean into Atonement versus when you need to be casting direct heals. Playing Disc optimally also requires knowing the fights so you know when to stack absorbs ahead of damage and when to use your many cooldowns. The build relies heavily on absorbs and mitigation that must be set up in advance, and if you fail to get out ahead of damage it can be difficult to catch up.
  • Lack of Smart Heals:
    Although Discipline has some new options for AoE healing, most of their spells affect specific targets rather than selecting the most injured targets. Other healers have spells that distribute their healing in a more useful and intelligent way.

Best Races

In Mists of Pandaria, any race except Orc can be a Priest. Racial traits are less impactful in this expansion than they were in earlier versions of WoW, but they can still affect your gameplay as a Discipline Priest.

The new Pandaren race offers the biggest potential stat boost to Discipline Priests of either faction with their Epicurean trait, which doubles the amount of Intellect or Spirit you can get from food buffs.

Wow Alliance Crest Alliance

The best Alliance race for Discipline Priests is the Pandaren thanks to their Epicurean trait, which amounts to a significant Intellect or Spirit buff. Human offers The Human Spirit, which buffs your Spirit, and Gnome offers a larger mana pool through Expansive Mind.

  • icon - draenei femaleicon - draenei female Draenei: Gemcutting, Gift of the Naaru, Heroic Presence, Shadow Resistance
  • achievement character dwarf maleachievement character dwarf male Dwarf: Crack Shot, Explorer, Frost Resistance, Mace Specialization, Stoneform
  • achievement character gnome maleachievement character gnome male Gnome: Arcane Resistance, Engineering Specialization, Escape Artist, Expansive Mind, Shortblade Specialization
  • icon - human maleicon - human male Human: Diplomacy, Every Man for Himself, Mace Specialization, Sword Specialization, The Human Spirit
  • achievement character nightelf maleachievement character nightelf male Night Elf: Nature Resistance, Quickness, Shadowmeld, Wisp Spirit
  • race icon male pandarenrace icon male pandaren Pandaren: Bouncy, Epicurean, Gourmand, Inner Peace, Quaking Palm
  • race icon male worgenrace icon male worgen Worgen: Aberration, Darkflight, Flayer, Running Wild, Viciousness


The best Horde race for Discipline Priests is the Pandaren thanks to their Epicurean trait, which amounts to a significant Intellect or Spirit buff. Goblin gets a Haste buff in their Time is Money trait. Troll gets Berserking, which gives you an extra throughput cooldown. Blood Elf is also a strong choice thanks to their mana restoration ability, Arcane Torrent.

  • race bloodelf femalerace bloodelf female Blood Elf: Arcane Affinity, Arcane Resistance, Arcane Torrent
  • race icon male goblinrace icon male goblin Goblin: Best Deals Anywhere, Better Living Through Chemistry, Pack Hobgoblin, Rocket Barrage, Rocket Jump, Time is Money
  • race icon male pandarenrace icon male pandaren Pandaren: Bouncy, Epicurean, Gourmand, Inner Peace, Quaking Palm
  • achievement character tauren maleachievement character tauren male Tauren: Cultivation, Endurance, Nature Resistance, War Stomp
  • achievement character troll maleachievement character troll male Troll: Beast Slaying, Berserking, Da Voodoo Shuffle, Dead Eye, Regeneration
  • achievement character undead maleachievement character undead male Undead: Cannibalize, Shadow Resistance, Touch of the Grave, Will of the Forsaken


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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