- Author: Luxrah
- Date: March 24, 2025
- Updated: March 27, 2025
- Expansion: Mists of Pandaria
In Mists of Pandaria, Discipline Priests will want to choose the gems, enchants, and consumables that support their current stat priority. Early on, this might mean picking items that have a lot of Spirit on them to aid in mana regeneration. Once you’ve reached a point where you are maintaining a comfortable amount of mana throughout each fight, you can shift toward Intellect and other throughput-based stats.
Your gem choices will depend upon whether you still need to improve your mana regeneration or if you’re able to start focusing on throughput stats. You should always go for socket bonuses by using appropriate colored gems.
Meta Socket
- Legendary:
- Courageous Primal Diamond (Available in Phase 2)
- Mana Regeneration:
- Revitalizing Primal Diamond
- Throughput:
- Burning Primal Diamond
Prismatic Socket
- Mana Regeneration:
- Sparkling Serpent’s Eye (Requires Jewelcrafting)
- Sparkling River’s Heart
- Throughput:
- Brilliant Serpent’s Eye (Requires Jewelcrafting)
- Brilliant Primordial Ruby
Red Socket
- Mana Regeneration:
- Purified Imperial Amethyst
- Throughput:
- Brilliant Serpent’s Eye (Requires Jewelcrafting)
- Brilliant Primordial Ruby
Yellow Socket
- Mana Regeneration:
- Misty Wild Jade
- Throughput:
- Potent Vermilion Onyx
Blue Socket
- Mana Regeneration:
- Sparkling Serpent’s Eye (Requires Jewelcrafting)
- Sparkling River’s Heart
- Throughput:
- Purified Imperial Amethyst
Sha-Touched Socket
- Crystallized Horror
Cogwheel Socket
- Mana Regeneration:
- Sparkling Tinker’s Gear
- Throughput:
- Fractured Tinker’s Gear
- Head:
- (There are no head enchantments available in Mists of Pandaria.)
- Shoulder:
- Secret Crane Wing Inscription (Requires Inscription)
- Greater Crane Wing Inscription
- Back:
- Darkglow Embroidery (Requires Tailoring) (for mana regeneration)
- Lightweave Embroidery (Requires Tailoring) (for throughput)
- Enchant Cloak – Superior Intellect
- Chest:
- Enchant Chest – Mighty Spirit (for mana regeneration)
- Enchant Chest – Glorious Stats (for throughput)
- Wrist:
- Fur Lining – Intellect (Requires Leatherworking)
- Enchant Bracer – Super Intellect
- Plus Socket Bracers (Requires Blacksmithing)
- Hands:
- Enchant Gloves – Superior Mastery
- Plus Synapse Springs (Requires Engineering)
- Plus Socket Gloves (Requires Blacksmithing)
- Waist:
- Living Steel Belt Buckle
- Plus Frag Belt (Requires Engineering)
- Legs:
- Sanctified Spellthread (Requires Tailoring)
- Greater Pearlescent Spellthread (for mana regeneration)
- Greater Cerulean Spellthread (for throughput)
- Feet:
- Enchant Boots – Pandaren’s Step (Note that the movement speed buff does not stack with Inner Will)
- Enchant Boots – Greater Haste (Potential alternative if using Inner Will)
- Finger:
- Enchant Ring – Greater Intellect (Requires Enchanting)
- Weapon:
- Enchant Weapon – Jade Spirit
- Off-Hand:
- Enchant Off-Hand – Major Intellect
You should save your potion cooldown for mana restoration unless you know that you won’t need it.
- Mana Regeneration:
- Potion of Focus (if you can find 10 seconds of downtime to use it)
- Master Mana Potion
- Throughput:
- Potion of the Jade Serpent
Flasks & Elixirs
There are no good Guardian Elixirs for Discipline Priests, so you will always prefer to use a flask. If you have Alchemy, you’ll get 30% increased stats and an extra hour of duration from each flask.
- Mana Regeneration:
- Flask of Falling Leaves
- Throughput:
- Flask of the Warm Sun
Your mana regeneration food is made with the Way of the Steamer specialty while your throughput food is made with the Way of the Pot. Having one of these Cooking specialties will increase the stats you gain from eating the associated Banquets. If your character is a Pandaren, remember that you will gain double benefit from your food buff.
- Mana Regeneration:
- Steamed Crab Surprise
- Banquet of the Steamer/Great Banquet of the Steamer
- Fire Spirit Salmon
- Throughput:
- Mogu Fish Stew
- Banquet of the Pot/Great Banquet of the Pot
- Braised Turtle