PvE Feral Druid DPS

wow mop classic feral druid pve

The Feral specialization for Druids in Mists of Pandaria is a DPS specialization focusing on bleed damage over time effects and powerful direct strikes in Cat Form, having one of the most intense and complicated playstyles in the game.

Feral Druids in Mists of Pandaria Classic have quite a few overhauls to their kit, receiving tweaks to their old spells and many new ones to utilize. They keep their identity as the primary Bleed effects specialization, inflicting multiple DoTs on their targets.

However, Mangle no longer represents a Bleed Damage enhancer, while Thrash is now one of the strongest DoTs they can apply besides Rip. Shred also became a situational ability based on whenever Berserk is available, while Mangle replaced it as the main Combo Points generator. Glyph of Bloodletting is also a thing of the past, with Rip now only being refreshed by Ferocious Bite on low HP targets.

The new abilities gained through the Talent System revamp also add a new difficulty level to their complicated playstyle. Depending on the build they choose, they can either have proc-based gameplay through the Dream of Cenarius effect, a caster-like sequence with Heart of the Wild, or a very powerful opener with Incarnation & Nature’s Vigil. Of course, those effects can be mixed and matched for even crazier combinations.

In addition, a new mechanic, Symbiosis, allows them to gain many effects from their allies while granting them some in return.

Strengths & Weaknesses


  • Strong Damage Output
    Feral Druids have a very strong Damage Output when properly played, displaying impressive numbers in the hands of a master. The specialization has many tools in its kit, featuring quite a variety of ways to be played through new effects such as Incarnation, Force of Nature, Soul of the Forest, Dream of Cenarius, Heart of the Wild, and Natures Vigil.
  • Amazing Off-Healing & Utility
    Like their brethren, Feral Druids have incredible Off-Healing and utility! Their kit contains abilities such as TyphoonUrsol’s VortexRebirthInnervateCycloneStampeding RoarHealing TouchRemove Corruption, and Mark of the Wild. They also gain a massive variety of additional spells through Symbiosis.
  • Great Mobility & Repositioning
    With new tools such as Feline SwiftnessDisplacer Beast, Wild Charge, and the old Dash, Feral Druids benefit from extreme mobility in MoP Classic.


  • Stat & Gear Dependent
    Feral Druids perform poorly when under-geared and depend on high amounts of Mastery, Critical Strike Chance, and Haste. Without enough of those, their Energy regeneration barely picks up, while their DoTs and Direct Damage abilities seem to scratch their targets barely.
  • Very Hard to Master
    Feral Druids are notorious for being one, if not the hardest, specialization in the game to play properly. The specialization can be daunting due to the overly complicated rotation relying on bleeds, combo points, and procs. Furthermore, effects such as Incarnation, Dream of Cenarius, and Heart of the Wild make their already complicated rotation even more difficult.
  • Awkward Itemization
    While Feral Druids have a linear way of optimizing their gear and stats for most parts, some items in the game force them to flip their stats and depend entirely on procs to perform.

Best Races

While racial effects were extremely important in previous versions of WoW, their importance has been overall reduced in MoP Classic. The effects now act as slight bonuses instead of actual game-changing mechanics. Trolls are the only exception to this due to the Berserking active effect, which is very strong for DPS specializations.

Wow Horde CrestHorde

The best race for Balance Druid for Horde is Troll with Regeneration/Berserking. Tauren is the only other viable option, but it doesn’t grant any special benefits to the Feral specialization.

  • TrollBerserkingDa Voodoo ShuffleRegenerationBeast SlayingBow SpecializationThrowing Specialization.
  • TaurenEndurance, CultivationNature ResistanceWar Stomp.

Wow Alliance Crest Alliance

The best Alliance race for Balance Druid is Worgen due to Viciousness. Night Elf is the other viable option, although it doesn’t grant any specific benefit for the Feral specialization.

  • WorgenDarkflightFlayerViciousnessAberration.
  • Night ElfElusivenessQuicknessShadowmeldWisp SpiritNature Resistance.


About the Author


Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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