- Author: Nevermore
- Date: March 18, 2025
- Updated: March 18, 2025
- Expansion: Mists of Pandaria
A list of addons and macros to improve a Feral Druid’s performance in dungeon and raid environments.
- MinimapButtonButton – Addon that piles up all addon icons, preventing them from clogging your Minimap. Must-have addon if you plan on acquiring a large number of addons.
- DeadlyBossMods – Allows you to track boss abilities. It’s a must-have for raiding.
- Details – Shows you how much damage, healing, etc, everyone in your raid is doing. Flex on your friends!
- WeakAuras – Extremely versatile addon that can track buffs and debuffs, modify the User Interface, or even create audio notifications.
- Leatrix Plus – Multi-purpose addon that is extremely helpful, especially for streamers, for changing in-game mechanics such as auto-accepting quests, summons, and resurrection spells, blocking Party/Duel requests, modifying Chat, Frames, System, and Interface functionality.
- Leatrix Maps – Enhances map functionality by adding coordinates, increasing zoom level, and many more!
- Auctionator – A great tool for any interaction with the Auction House
- OmniCC – Displays a timer on the Action Bar for the remaining time until a Cooldown is available
- GTFO – Addon that provides audio notifications whenever you are standing in dangerous effects. Great for raiding!
- Questie – Addon that tracks and showcases Quests & Quest Objectives on the map. Extremely helpful for leveling or the Loremaster Achievement!
- Rarescanner – Addon that tracks and showcases rare mobs when in proximity to them. It is very helpful for acquiring early loot or completing achievements!
- Bagnon – An Addon that completely revamps the Bag Interface and combines all bags into one big window. It’s a fantastic addon overall!
- Plater Nameplates – This addon, similar to Weakauras, allows you to customize all nameplates in the game entirely. It is great for players who struggle to track debuffs on targets or simply want to overhaul the default interface.
Feral Druids don’t necessarily have specific macros that they require to improve their performance. Instead, they use quality-of-life macros such as Mouseover or Offensive Cooldown.
Mouseover Macro
This macro can cast an ability on any target by simply hovering your mouse over it. You can either hover your mouse over the target itself or the UI raid or party frame in the case of a friendly target. For any beneficial spell, you will want “Help” in your macro; for any damaging spell, you will want “Harm”.
/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Innervate
/cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead] Rake
Offensive Cooldown Macro
This macro lets you start your Burst Sequence, simultaneously utilizing multiple items/abilities! You can replace the spells/items with any other effect in your kit that can be triggered at the same time.
/cast Tiger's Fury
/use 10
/cast Incarnation
/cast Berserk