PvE Feral Druid DPS Best Professions

wow mop classic feral druid best professions

Feral Druids benefit the most from professions that boost their offensive stats as much as possible, such as Agility or Mastery & Critical Strike Chance. We’ve listed each profession and prioritized the best benefits.

Best Professions

The best professions for Feral Druids in MoP Classic are:

  • Engineering – Grants access to multiple gadgets and bombs, including Synapse Springs, which can result in +1920 Agility for a short duration.
  • Tailoring – Gives access to Swordguard Embroidery, resulting in + 4000 Attack Power for a short duration.
  • Blacksmithing – Gives you access to two additional sockets, Socket Gloves + Socket Bracers. Allows further stat customization.

Useful Professions

  • inscription – Grants access to the Secret Tiger Claw Inscription, resulting in a 320 Agility bonus and removing the need for the normal enchant.
  • Alchemy – Grants Mixology, enhancing all Flasks & Elixirs. The total bonus depends on the used item.
  • Leatherworking – Grants access to Fur Lining – Agility, which amounts to an extra 320 Agility compared to the normal enchant.
  • Jewelcrafting – Grants access to special Serpent’s Eye gems with increased stats. The total value is around 320 Agility from the premium gems.
  • Enchanting – Allows you to add extra enchantments to your rings. Total value around is around 320 Agility.

Sub-Par Professions

  • Mining – Grants Toughness, increasing Stamina. Inefficient stat for Feral Druids.
  • Herbalism – Grants Lifeblood. Overall, it is weaker than other professional bonuses. Grants 480 Haste.
  • Skinning – Grants Master of Anatomy. Like Herbalism, it has weaker stats than other professions—and grants 480- Critical Strike Chance.


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Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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