PvE Feral Druid DPS Talents, Builds, & Glyphs

wow mop classic feral druid talents, builds, glyphs

We’ve listed three builds for Feral Druid in MoP Classic, each featuring a different playstyle.

wow mop classic feral druid specialization
Feral Druid Specialization

Heart of the Wild Build

This is a standard build for Feral Druid, which is easier to play than the other two variants thanks to the Heart of the Wild and its continuous passive DPS enhancement. The build facilitates offensive cooldowns and plenty of utility without requiring extra steps to play. In addition, the build also allows players to have a burst sequence where Wrath becomes their primary spell, effectively turning Feral Druids into casters for a short duration.

wow mop classic feral druid heart of the wild talent build variation
Heart of the Wild Feral Druid Build

  • Tier I: Feline Strength is the best Tier I talent since it offers passive Movement Speed that also stacks with Cat FormDisplacer Beast is also viable for fights where instant repositioning is required. Wild Charge can also be used for instant repositioning, although it requires a target.
  • Tier II: Ysera’s Gift is the best Tier II talent since it is a passive effect that can provide endless utility if you don’t receive damage. Cenarion Ward is also viable for providing utility.
  • Tier III: Feral Druid can finally also use Typhoon, making it the best choice. The spell is one of the best Crowd Control tools for adds in raid and dungeon environments. Mass Entanglement is useless since damage can cancel it, while Faerie Swarm is not good for PvE.
  • Tier IV: This build variant will pick Force of Nature for its consistent DPS throughout the fight. Incarnation is also a powerful choice but only good for the opener Burst sequence. Both picks are viable, and the encounter determines which one suits better. Soul of the Forest is far better for AoE situations, but it is viable in Single-Target, too.
  • Tier V: Ursols Vortex is the superior choice in this tier, no matter your build.
  • Tier VI: Heart of the Wild is the option for this build, featuring a constant 6% bonus to your Agility, Stamina, and Intellect, along with other strong bonuses. This capstone is the easier option for Feral Druids since it doesn’t overcomplicate their rotation more than it already is, compared to Dream of Cenarius or Nature’s Vigil.

Dream of Cenarius Build

This build is similar to the standard build, yet it uses the Dream of Cenarius talent instead as a capstone. Due to the effect, this build changes how Feral Druids are played, maximizing their damage output by utilizing the Predatory Swiftness effect. This build is not recommended for novices. It also involves a high amount of RNG.

wow mop classic feral druid dream of cenarius standard build variation
Dream of Cenarius Feral Druid Build

  • Tier I: Feline Swiftness/Wild Charge are the best options.
  • Tier II: Ysera’s Gift is the best option
  • Tier III: Typhoon is the best pick.
  • Tier IV: Force of Nature/Incarnation are the best picks.
  • Tier V: Ursol’s Vortex is the best option.
  • Tier VI: Dream of Cenarius is the option for this build variant, allowing Feral Druids to use Predatory Swiftness + Healing Touch to empower their attacks. Due to how the mechanic works, Feral Druids can consistently benefit from increased damage. However, a high amount of RNG is also involved, including a great Energy/GCD control requirement.

Nature’s Vigil Build

The Nature’s Vigil variant of the standard build is best suited for encounters where burst sequences can be used at the beginning of the fight, as the build features the highest possible burst during the opener.

wow mop classic feral druid nature's vigil talent build variation
Nature’s Vigil Feral Druid Build

  • Tier I: Feline Swiftness/Wild Charge are the best options.
  • Tier II: Ysera’s Gift is the best option
  • Tier III: Typhoon is the best pick.
  • Tier IV: Incarnation is the best option for this build variant since it allows you to use abilities such as Ravage during the opener without needing to Prowl. This interaction results in the highest damage burst sequence opener possible, especially when combined with other damage-enhancing effects.
  • Tier V: Ursol’s Vortex is the best option.
  • Tier VI: Nature’s Vigil is a strong pick for this build variant, offering increased damage throughout the initial burst sequence and even more later in the fight. Depending on the encounter’s duration, it can be used for multiple burst sequences while providing a fair bit of utility through its Off-Healing effect.


Major Glyphs

  • Glyph of Savagery
  • Glyph of Shred
  • Glyph of Stampeding Roar
  • Glyph of Rebirth
  • Glyph of Cat Form
  • Glyph of Prowl

Minor Glyphs

  • Glyph of the Stag
  • Glyph of Grace
  • Glyph of One with Nature
  • Glyph of Aquatic Form
  • Glyph of the Chameleon


About the Author


Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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