- Author: Nevermore
- Date: March 21, 2025
- Updated: March 21, 2025
- Expansion: Mists of Pandaria
Guardian Druids benefit the most from professions that can increase their raw stats as much as possible! They prioritize professions that can land the highest amount of Stamina, Agility, and Critical Strike Chance.
Best Professions
The best professions for Guardian Druids in MoP Classic are:
- Blacksmithing: Grants access to two additional sockets, Socket Gloves, and Socket Bracers, allowing further stat customization. Highest stat gain possible besides Engineering and Leatherworking.
- Engineering: Grants access to various gadgets and bombs that can enhance performance in combat. It also provides access to Synapse Springs, which can result in a temporary 1920 Agility bonus.
- Leatherworking: Grants access to Fur Lining – Agility, which amounts to an extra 320 Agility compared to the normal enchant, or Fur Lining – Stamina, which grants 720 Stamina. It also unlocks Primal Leg Reinforcements.
Useful Professions
- Alchemy: Grants Mixology, which amplifies the effects of all your flasks and elixirs. The bonus depends on the items you use.
- Inscription: Grants access to the Secret Ox Horn Inscription, resulting in a 480 Stamina bonus.
- Jewelcrafting: Grants access to special Serpent’s Eye gems with increased stats. The total value is around 320 Agility or 480 Stamina from the premium gems.
- Enchanting: Grants access to special ring enchantments that can grant either 320 Agility or 480 Stamina.
- Mining: Grants Toughness, which results in a 480 Stamina bonus.
- Skinning: Grants Master of Anatomy, which results in a 480- Critical Strike Chance.
Sub-Par Professions
- Herbalism: Grants access to Lifeblood, which results in a 480 Haste bonus. Weaker than the rest of the bonuses.
- Tailoring: Grants access to Swordguard Embroidery, which results in a 4000 Attack Power bonus for a limited duration. Weaker than the rest when considering Vengeance.