Raids Guide: Locations & Requirements

Raids Overview

Welcome to our guide on the Mists of Pandaria raids! Every raid is listed, along with all the relevant information on each instance. This guide also includes detailed maps that indicate the entrance to each instance.


All of the Mists of Pandaria Raids have Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic versions and can be completed with either a 10-player or 25-player raid group.

MoP Raid
Raid Finder Item Level Required
Mogu’Shan Vaults
Heart of Fear
Terrace of Endless Spring
Throne of Thunder
Siege of Orgrimmar

Instance Locations By Region

  • Dread Wastes – (Region: Pandaria)
    • Heart of Fear
  • Kun-Lai Summit – (Region: Pandaria)
    • Mogu’shan Vaults
  • Isle of Thunder – (Region: Pandaria)
    • Throne of Thunder
  • The Veiled Stair – (Region: Pandaria)
    • Terrace of Endless Spring
  • Orgrimmar – (Region: Kalimdor)
    • Siege of Orgrimmar
pandaria world map all raid instances world of warcraft mop guide

Raid Descriptions & Info

Mogu’Shan Vaults

  • Players: 10/25
  • Raid Finder Item Level Required: 460

An ancient complex buried beneath Kun-Lai Summit, the Mogu’shan Vaults are a repository of mogu secrets and powerful artifacts. Now, they’ve been unearthed, and the mogu’s constructs and spirits stand guard over its halls.

The raid begins with the Stone Guard, a quartet of guardian constructs that must be managed carefully to prevent energy overloads. Feng the Accursed, a spirit-infused mogu warlord, cycles through different elemental stances, changing his attack patterns mid-fight. Gara’jal the Spiritbinder forces players into the spirit realm, where they must deal with shadowy minions before returning to the physical plane. The Spirit Kings, four mogu warlords, fight in succession, each bringing distinct abilities such as deadly charges, deadly traps, and possession-based mechanics. Elegon, an arcane celestial dragon, creates collapsing energy platforms that disappear mid-fight, forcing players to reposition. The final boss, Will of the Emperor, features a unique battle against an army of mogu constructs and elite warriors, with players needing to counter the Emperor’s devastating “Devastating Arc” attacks by dodging them in specific directions.

Heart of Fear

  • Players: 10/25
  • Raid Finder Item Level Required: 470

The stronghold of the mantid empire, Heart of Fear is located deep in the Dread Wastes. The raid centers around the corruption of Grand Empress Shek’zeer and her loyal swarm.

The encounter begins with Imperial Vizier Zor’lok, who uses powerful sound-based abilities, forcing players to avoid devastating sonic waves. Blade Lord Ta’yak tests movement skills with powerful wind-based attacks and a deadly maze-like gale phase. Garalon, an enormous mantid beast, requires players to target his massive legs while dealing with his persistent Pheromones debuff. Wind Lord Mel’jarak, the mantid commander, leads elite warriors that must be carefully controlled and defeated in the correct order. Amber-Shaper Un’sok transforms players into constructs, forcing them to manage their own actions while fighting the boss. The final battle against Grand Empress Shek’zeer sees her unleashing waves of Sha-infused minions and deadly psychic attacks, escalating into a chaotic final phase where her corruption overtakes the battlefield.

Terrace of Endless Spring

  • Players: 10/25
  • Raid Finder Item Level Required: 470

The Terrace of Endless Spring, a sacred Pandaren sanctuary, has fallen to the Sha’s influence.

This four-boss raid begins with the Protectors of the Endless, three guardians corrupted by dark forces, each of whom empowers the others when they are defeated. Tsulong, a celestial dragon, alternates between a night phase where he must be fought and a day phase where players must heal him to purge his corruption. Lei Shi, a water spirit, uses a “Hide” mechanic that forces players to reveal her before she can be attacked. The final boss, Sha of Fear, dominates the battlefield with “Breath of Fear,” forcing players to remain within a protective circle to avoid being overwhelmed.

Throne of Thunder

  • Players: 10/25
  • Raid Finder Item Level Required: 480

The Throne of Thunder, located on the Isle of Thunder, serves as the seat of power for Lei Shen, the Thunder King. This sprawling fortress is home to mogu warlords, horrific experiments, and powerful constructs.

The raid begins with Jin’rokh the Breaker, who creates electrified water pools that enhance damage while increasing incoming shock damage. Horridon, a massive warbeast, summons waves of troll reinforcements, each introducing new mechanics. Council of Elders, a group of empowered troll leaders, gain the power of the Loa, forcing players to interrupt their rituals. Tortos, a massive turtle, requires players to kick smaller turtles into him to interrupt his deadly “Quake Stomp.” Megaera, a hydra, spawns new heads with different elemental attacks as they are severed. Ji-Kun, a massive bird, forces players to navigate air currents to reach separate platforms.

Durumu the Forgotten, a floating eye construct, uses a deadly “maze” mechanic where players must find safe paths through darkness. Primordius, an experiment gone wrong, forces players to mutate by absorbing pools of corrupted blood to gain resistance. Dark Animus, an ancient mogu war construct, requires players to control a set amount of anima to activate and defeat it. Iron Qon, a mogu warlord, rides elemental quilen mounts, each introducing fire, frost, and lightning attacks. Twin Consorts, Lei Shen’s champions, alternate between night and day-based abilities. The final battle against Lei Shen, the Thunder King, involves controlling conduits that empower him while dodging deadly lightning-based attacks.

Siege of Orgrimmar

  • Players: 10/25
  • Raid Finder Item Level Required: 496

The Siege of Orgrimmar is the climactic raid of Mists of Pandaria, spanning multiple locations as players fight to overthrow Garrosh Hellscream, whose reckless ambition has led him to harness the power of the Old Gods.

The raid begins in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms with Immerseus, a water elemental that splits into dozens of smaller blobs, requiring players to purify them. The Fallen Protectors, three former guardians of Pandaria, fight together, reviving each other if not defeated quickly. Norushen tests players with a trial to remove their corruption before engaging Sha of Pride, whose corruption mechanic gradually overwhelms players. The raid then moves to Orgrimmar, where Galakras, a massive proto-drake, leads a siege that players must repel by capturing towers. Iron Juggernaut, a heavily armored war machine, bombards players with explosives and mines. Kor’kron Dark Shaman summon waves of corrupted elementals across Orgrimmar’s streets. General Nazgrim, a former Horde hero, fights with tactical precision, calling Kor’kron reinforcements and managing his rage to unleash powerful attacks.

The raid then descends into the underground chambers of Orgrimmar, where Malkorok, infused with Y’Shaarj’s power, fights with a constantly regenerating shield. Spoils of Pandaria presents a timed event where players open relics filled with various creatures and mogu artifacts. Thok the Bloodthirsty, a massive devilsaur, chases players relentlessly while its frenzy increases. Siegecrafter Blackfuse, a goblin engineer, uses conveyor belts to deploy powerful mechanical weapons. Paragons of the Klaxxi features a council fight where the Klaxxi champions, once allies, use insectoid abilities enhanced by Old God corruption. The final battle against Garrosh Hellscream is fought in multiple phases, with Garrosh using Y’Shaarj’s heart to gain immense power, corrupting the battlefield and pulling players into visions of the Old God’s influence. His defeat marks the end of his reign and the conclusion of Pandaria’s war.


About the Author


An avid reader of sci-fi, fantasy, and history. Believes disagreement should mean discourse, not flame wars. Still searching for that next game that grabs him the way (those mimics in) Dark Souls did.
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