- Author: Pride
- Date: April 12, 2022
- Updated: April 28, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Akil’zon, the Eagle Avatar, is one of the 4 Loa bosses that players will fight in the Zul’Aman raid.
He will typically be the first boss that players fight in Zul’Aman, which is fitting as he is among the easiest bosses from a mechanics standpoint. Defeating Akil’zon adds 10 minutes to the timed challenge event.
This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to put a stop to Akil’zon and his electric shenanigans.
Role Summaries
- Make sure you’re on Akil’zon’s platform when he is engaged, not on the stairs — you will be locked out if you’re on the stairs
- Immediately as the fight starts, spread out so you’re at least 13 yards away from every other player
- If you get knocked into the air by Gust of Wind, use Levitate, Blink, Cat Form, Divine Shield, etc to negate the fall damage
- When your raid boss addon (DBM, etc) shows that Akil’zon’s Electrical Storm is coming up, stack with other players in the middle of the arena
- Make sure you’re standing within 10 yards of the player targeted by Electrical Storm — you are protected from the storm while around them
- After the Electrical Storm ends, move back to your previous position, at least 13 yards away from other players
- Use a Master Healthstone to survive if your healers are getting overwhelmed by the raid damage
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during Heroism / Bloodlust for maximum DPS
- As much as possible, try to stay away from other melee so you don’t constantly zap each other with Static Disruption
- If your raid doesn’t stack in time for Electrical Storm, you won’t be able to DPS Akil’zon during the storm — don’t die trying to do so
- Kill the Soaring Eagles if your healers are struggling to keep your raid alive
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during Heroism / Bloodlust for maximum DPS
- Don’t be at your maximum range from Akil’zon, just far enough from other players so you don’t zap each other with Static Disruption
- Kill the Soaring Eagles if your healers are struggling to keep your raid alive — it’ll be a lot easier for you than melee DPS
- Shadow Priests, Warlocks: Be very careful of your self-damage during this fight, try to do it when your healers can heal you
- The main tank will generally not take a lot of damage during this fight, but watch out for Call Lightning
- The melee DPS will inevitably take more damage from Static Disruption and need more healing
- Watch out for people getting knocked into the air by Gust of Wind, they will take heavy fall damage upon landing
- Call out if you are getting overwhelmed by the raid damage, so that DPS players know they should kill the Soaring Eagles, reducing damage
- Akil’zon doesn’t hit particularly hard outside of Call Lightning — you can focus on DPS / threat gear & consumables for this fight
- Help your healers out by using defensive cooldowns if they’re struggling to keep the raid alive
- You will need to stack with the rest of the raid during Electrical Storm, the same as everyone else
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull
After clearing the mobs before the stairs leading up to Akil’zon’s platform, your raid will be ready to fight him.
Buff up, regenerate your mana etc and you’re good to go. Once you’re ready, have your Hunters use Misdirection on the tank and pull. If your group doesn’t have any Hunters, the main tank can just run in — Akil’zon will typically not use any abilities right at the start, so it’s safe for them to do so.
Note that like most Zul’Aman bosses, Akil’zon’s platform will be locked up the moment you engage him. Therefore, your raid should all make sure to be on the platform when you’re pulling — don’t be on the stairs, or you’ll be locked out of his arena and thus be unable to help your raid. His aggro range isn’t particularly high, so it’s safe to move up between the braziers while buffing.
The Fight
Akil’zon’s encounter is fairly straight-forward — it consists of a dance between 2 different positions. The moment you engage him, your entire group should spread out around his arena, making sure they are at least 13 yards away from other players — /range 13 with a raid boss addon like a DBM can help there.
You can spread out in any way you see fit. The only thing that can help a little bit is if your healers are around the middle of the arena, so they can reach everyone with their healing spells without having to move around. Akil’zon will even be extra nice and typically not use any of his abilities for the first 10 seconds, giving all of you ample time to spread out.
These first 10 seconds will be the best time for your raid to use Heroism / Bloodlust, along with each DPS player’s personal DPS cooldowns. Later on you’ll have to move in order to deal with Electrical Storm and suffer spell pushback from the Soaring Eagles, reducing your damage output.
10 seconds in, he’ll start casting his regular abilities: Static Disruption, Call Lightning and Gust of Wind, likely in that order. There’s very low damage coming out at this point, so your healers should have no problem dealing with the incoming damage, provided everyone has been spreading out correctly.
About 40 seconds in, your raid will want to stack up in the middle of the platform, as shown in the picture below.

Some groups will elect to only stack up when it starts raining, signifying the beginning of Akil’zon’s Electrical Storm. This will result in the player who becomes the eye of the storm to potentially be very far away, forcing several players to have to run a long distance, while your melee DPS cannot attack Akil’zon for the Electrical Storm‘s duration. Thus it will be beneficial for groups with melee DPS to stack up early, though that in turn may result in your raid getting hit by Static Disruption — which will generally not be a huge problem for your healers to heal off, as no other raid damage is coming out at this time.
If your raid stacked up correctly, you should suffer no casualties to the Electrical Storm. Everyone now has about 10 seconds to go back to their previous spots, as Akil’zon won’t use any abilities immediately after the storm, besides one: summoning his Soaring Eagles, which will always follow after the storm. If your raid managed to get Akil’zon below 70% HP at this time, you likely have enough DPS to just ignore the eagles. If he’s higher than 70% HP however, or if your healers are struggling with keeping your raid alive, you may want to kill them, making the rest of the raid a bit easier.
And that is the entirety of the Akil’zon encounter — you have now seen all of his mechanics, and after the Electrical Storm, the fight essentially starts from scratch again. It generally becomes a battle of attrition, as your healers’ mana gets worn down over time — but if you manage to get through the Electrical Storm without losing players, you are likely not going to struggle with his other mechanics. Simply pay attention to your raid boss addon, like DeadlyBossMods, showing you when the next Electrical Storm is coming, stack up in time, and beat this oversized bird!
Congratulations on defeating Akil’zon! His death will extend your timed challenge timer by 10 minutes, which is a great start for your foray into Zul’Aman!