- Author: DanielD
- Date: November 17, 2021
- Updated: November 18, 2021
- Expansion: TBC Classic
The dreaded Blade’s Edge Mountains have some long travel times, but we’ll do our best to get you through them as quickly and painlessly as possible!
Part 1

- Make your way to Orebor Harborage in Zangarmarsh, there’s a flightpath from Telaar to Telredor. You can also get to Zangarmarsh by land via the road in the northwest of Nagrand, east of Warmaul Hill.
- Find Timothy Daniels (41.2, 28.6) in his awesome scuba helmet and accept
No Time for Curiosity from him. Then just follow the road through Orebor Harborage north to the tunnel.
- Find Sentinel Moonwhisper at the entrance to the tunnel (32.2, 91.2) — note we’re on the Blade’s Edge Mountains map now — and accept
Killing the Crawlers.
- Go through the tunnel, making sure you kill at least 6 Cavern Crawlers — it’ll be pretty hard not to.
- Exit the tunnel and head north to Sylvanaar. Once there:
- Go to the Wanted Poster to accept
The Den Mother.
- Talk to Rina Moonspring to accept
The Encroaching Wilderness.
- Talk to Kialon Nightblade in the building to your left (35, 67) to turn in
No Time for Curiosity.
- Find Commander Skyshadow to turn in
Killing the Crawlers and accept
The Bloodmaul Ogres.
- Talk to Daranelle (37, 65.6) to accept
- Speak with Bronwyn Stouthammer to accept
Into the Draenethyst Mine.
- Find Borgrim Stouthammer close by to accept
Strange Brew.
- Make Sylvanaar your new home. (the inn is the building in the northwest of town)
- Get the new flight path.
- Go to the Wanted Poster to accept
- Leave Sylvanaar heading south, you should quickly find Grovestalker Lynx. Kill 12 for
The Encroaching Wilderness as you make your way further south and slightly west towards Veil Lashh (36, 74).
- At the veil, kill Lashh’an Arakkoa until you’ve collected 18 Plucked Lashh’an Feathers. Once you’ve got all the feathers you need, go up into the treehouse via the bridge (find the ramp to the bridge at 35.5, 77.1) and use the Lashh’an Tome (34.3, 77.3) to turn in
Malaise and accept
Scratches. Leave the treehouse and find the large purple circle of power underneath it (35, 77) — use your Fistful of Feathers to get a buff, completing the objective for
- Kill any last Lynx you need for
The Encroaching Wilderness, then return to Sylvanaar:
- Talk to Rina Moonspring to turn in
The Encroaching Wilderness and accept
Marauding Wolves.
- Talk to Daranelle to turn in
- Talk to Rina Moonspring to turn in
- Leave Sylvanaar via the eastern road, and cross the bridge, where you should find enough Thunderlord Dire Wolves to easily collect the 4 Thunderlord Dire Wolf Tails you need. Head south on the road to (52, 75) to find Rema in her cave and kill her.
Part 2

- Hearthstone back to Sylvanaar, and:
- Talk to Rina Moonspring to turn in
Marauding Wolves and accept
Protecting Our Own.
- Go to Commander Skyshadow to turn in
The Den Mother.
- Talk to Rina Moonspring to turn in
- Leave Sylvanaar heading south, and look for Grove Seedlings by the bottom of trees. Use Rina’s Bough on the seedlings. You should be able to find plenty of seedlings near the trees just south of town.
- Return to Rina Moonspring and turn in
Protecting our Own, accept
A Dire Situation.
- Leave Sylvanaar and head southeast, take the winding road down into the Bloodmaul Ravine. In the ravine, you need to complete the following objectives:
- Slay 30 Bloodmaul Ogres
- Use Rina’s Diminution Powder on 5 Bloodmaul Dire Wolves.
- Collect 11 Bloodmaul Brutebane Brew, you can find it in kegs and it drops from Bloodmaul Brewmasters as well. The kegs are all in the Bloodmaul Outpost to the east of where you came down into the ravine.
- In the cave at the southern end of the ravine, collect 5 Draenethyst Mine Crystals from the big crystal formations.
- Return to Sylvanaar, and:
- Talk to Bronwyn Stouthammer to turn in
Into the Draenethyst Mine.
- Then talk to Borgrim Stouthammer to turn in
Strange Brew and accept
Getting the Bladespire Tanked.
- Speak with Commander Skyshadow to turn in
The Bloodmaul Ogres and accept
The Bladespire Ogres.
- Talk to Rina Moonspring to turn in
A Dire Situation.
- Talk to Bronwyn Stouthammer to turn in
- Hope you aren’t sick of killing ogres yet. Head out of Sylvanaar south again, and once more take the winding path down into the Bloodmaul Ravine. This time go north, passing under the bridge, and continue north until you find the Bladespire Grounds. Continue further north to the Bladespire Hold, where you should see Vindicator Vuulen’s
on your map.
- Speak with Vindicator Vuuleen (44 51.8) and accept
The Trappings of a Vindicator.
- Go west from Vuuleen to the building at (39, 53), with the green bonfire inside. Clear the mobs outside the building, pull and kill the two normal adds, then use a Bloodmaul Brutebane Keg while standing in the entrance to pull Droggam away from his two elite guards. Slay him and loot Vindicator Vuuleen’s Blade. You might pull him and a guard — If that happens, you can just run away until the guard leashes, and if you run behind the leashing guard you can try to set down another keg and pull Droggam before the guard resets
- Now go southeast to the large building at (42, 58) and use the same technique as above to pull Mugdorg away from his guards. You have to get pretty close to the bonfire to pull him. Kill him and loot Vindicator Vuuleen’s Shield.
- Return to Vuuleen (44, 51.8) to turn in
The Trappings of a Vindicator and accept
Gorr’Dim, Your Time Has Come…
- Go to the building northwest of Vuuleen at (39, 49), it’s the big building to the right of the one with Droggam. Once again, clear the adds and then use the brew to lure Gorr’Dim away from his guards, then kill him. Keep an eye out for Glumdor, who patrols in front of Gorr’Dim’s building and will steal your weapon briefly.
- Return once more to Vuuleen to turn in
Gorr’Dim, Your Time Has Come.. and accept
Planting the Banner.
- Now go to the small hut just to the right of where you found Gorr’dim; it’s the hut with a tower to it’s left. Find the Bladespire Champion (41.2, 47) there. Kill him and loot his Bladespire Clan Banner.
- You still need to get 2 ogres drunk for
Getting the Bladespire Tanked, so do that! Note that you need to be out of combat with them to drop it.
- Make sure you’ve killed 30 Bladespire Ogres for
The Bladespire Ogres, then leave the Bladespire Grounds and go south to the Bloodmaul Outpost. Enter and make your way to the northern tower, aptly named Northmaul Tower (46, 74). Once you reach the top of the tower, use the Bladespire Clan Banner, and you’ll have to fight 3 waves of ogres, and then a boss. Loot the Helm of Gurn Grubnosh from the boss. Important note: if there is already a Bladespire Clan Banner on the tower, DON’T USE YOURS. It will use your only charge, but not start the ogre attack. Wait until the banner is gone, then place yours.
Part 3

- Hearthstone to Sylvanaar. Once there:
- Talk to Borgrim Stouthammer to turn in
Getting the Bladespire Tanked.
- Speak with Commander Skyshadow to turn in
The Bladespire Ogres and
Planting the Banner, and accept
Where Did Those Darn Gnomes Go?
- Talk to Borgrim Stouthammer to turn in
- Leave Sylvanaar heading east across the bridge, then turn right to head south on the road. Take your first left to find R-3D0 (55, 72.8) near where the road begins to cross the mountains heading east. Speak with the robot to turn in
Where Did Those Darn Gnomes Go? and accept
Follow the Breadcrumbs.
- Now you’ll need to follow the trail of spare parts, and they’ll lead you up the ramp to Toshley’s Station (60, 68). It’s pretty hard to mess this part up, as there isn’t really another path up the hillside. Once you’re at the gnome village:
- Speak with Toshley to turn in
Follow the Breadcrumbs and accept
Picking Up Some Power Converters.
- Talk to Tally Zapnabber to accept
Test Flight: The Zephyrium Capacitorium and then speak with his brother Rally under the platform to take the test flight. Return to the station and turn in
Test Flight: The Zephyrium Capacitorium to Tally, accept
Test Flight: The Singing Ridge.
- Talk with Nickwinkle the Metro-Gnome to accept
Crystal Clear.
- Find Fizit “Doc” Clocktock to accept
What Came First, the Drake or the Egg?
- Make Toshley Station your new home, grab the new flight path.
- Speak with Toshley to turn in
- Leave the station heading north towards the Bladespire Outpost (58, 61). Once there, look for Power Converters on the ground. When you find one, right click it to spawn an electromental. Get them to low HP, then use the Protovoltaic Magneto Collector on them and then finish them off. Do this until you’ve collected 5 Electromentals.
- Return to Toshley’s Station, and:
- Speak with Toshley to turn in
Picking Up Some Power Converters, accept
Ride the Lightning.
- Talk to Dizzy Dina (60.4, 68.8) to accept
Ridgespine Menace.
- Find Razak Ironsides (60.4, 69.2) to accept
Cutting Your Teeth.
- Right click Tally’s Waiver in your inventory to sign it, then talk to Rally Zapnabber. This test flight will take you to Singing Ridge.
- Speak with Toshley to turn in
- At Singing Ridge, start heading west. You’ll need to:
- Kill 10 Crystal Flayer for the
Crystal Clear quest.
- Look for Nether Drake Eggs while killing Crystal Flayers. When you click on an egg, a whelp will spawn. Get the whelp low HP, then use the Temporal Phase Modulator to transform it. It’s important to note that you can use the modulator multiple times to get the kind of drake you need to complete the
What Came First, the Drake or the Egg?. Note you have to kill the drake and get their essence each time.
- Kill 10 Crystal Flayer for the
- Afterwards, head east to the bottom right of the “donut” you’re on (Death’s Door is the hole), then go north and take care of the following objectives while avoiding Maggoc, who roams the area:
- Kill 10 Ridgespine Stalkers. They’re stealthed, but you can find them near the edges of the area’s hills, especially in the grass/bushes.
- Kill Daggermaw Lashtails — you need to collect 5 Extra Sharp Daggermaw Teeth. For some reason, a fair number of the Lashtails you kill won’t drop teeth… maybe you’re hitting them too hard in the mouth when killing them?
- Complete
Ride the Lightning by fighting Scalewing Serpents. You’ll need to activate the Repolarized Magneto Sphere while fighting them, and absorb 25 Lightning Strikes. Note that to be able to move again, you’ll have to right click the buff from the sphere to deactivate it. In addition to absorbing the 25 lightning strikes, you need to collect 5 Scalewing Lightning Glands.
- Return to Toshley’s Station. Once there:
- Talk to Toshley and turn in
Ride the Lightning, accept
Trapping the Light Fantastic.
- Talk with Dizzy Dina to turn in
Ridgespine Menace, accept
More than a Pound of Flesh.
- Speak to Tally Zapnabber to turn in
Test Flight: The Singing Ridge, accept
Test Flight: Razaan’s Landing.
- See Razak Ironsides to turn in
Cutting Your Teeth.
- Talk with Nickwinkle the Metro-Gnome to turn in
Crystal Clear and accept
Gauging the Resonant Frequency.
- Find Fizit “doc” Clocktock to turn in
What Came First, the Drake or the Egg?
- Talk to Toshley and turn in
- Once you’re done in Toshley Station, go to Rally Zabnapper and talk to him to take a test flight to Razaan’s Landing. Once you land, head north to enter the Razaani camp, and look for the Razaani Light Orbs: find a spot where there seems to be a lot of them, and then use the Multi-Spectrum Light Trap over and over until you’ve caught 15 of the Light Orbs. You should also kill Fiendling Flesh Beasts in this area until you’ve collected 5 Ether-Energized Flesh.
- Go north and slightly east of Razaan’s Landing (you can follow the road north) and kill Fel Corrupters. One will eventually drop a Damaged Mask — click it in your inventory to accept
Damaged Mask.
Part 4

- Use your hearthstone to return to Toshley’s Station, and:
- Talk with Dizzy Dina to turn in
More than a Pound of Flesh.
- Speak to Tally Zapnabber to turn in
Test Flight: Razaan’s Landing and accept
Test Flight: Ruaan Weald.
- Talk to Toshley and turn
Trapping the Light Fantastic and accept
Show Them Gnome Mercy!
- Talk with Dizzy Dina to turn in
- Leave the station and head south to the Singing Ridge, near (60, 76). Once you’re in Singing Ridge, clear the mobs nearby, then drop Oscillating Frequency Scanners in such a way that you draw a 5-pointed star. Run through the beams quickly, and if you’ve done this correctly, you’ll get the quest complete message for
Gauging the Resonant Frequency.
- Return to Toshley’s Station and talk with Nickwinkle the Metro-Gnome (60.2, 69) to turn in
Gauging the Resonant Frequency.
- Speak with Rally Zapnabber and have him fly you once again to Razaan’s Landing. Enter the Razaani camp and start killing everyone. Once you kill enough Razaani, Nexus-Prince Razaan will come through the stargate in the middle of the camp (you can watch the tower in the middle of the camp fill up with the souls of the Razaani you’ve slain if you want to see your progress).Kill him and loot the cube that appears above his corpse to get the Collection of Souls.
- Return to Toshley’s Station, speak with Toshley to turn in
Show Them Gnome Mercy! See Rally Zapnabber to take the flight to Ruaan Weald, and make sure you right-click the Nether-weather Vane in your inventory while you’re in flight.
- You’ll soon land in Evergrove. This is a decent time to train new skills if you want, as you can easily hearthstone back to Evergrove when you’re ready. In Evergrove:
- Make Evergrove your new home, grab the new flight path.
- Speak to Tree Warden Chawn (62, 39.4) to accept
A Time for Negotiation…
- Speak with Timeon (62.2, 39) to accept
Creating the Pendant.
- Talk to Commander Haephus Stonewall (62, 38) to accept
A Date with Dorgok.
- Talk to Lieutenant Fairweather (62, 38) to accept
Crush the Bloodmaul Camp!
- Talk with Faradrella (62.6, 38.2) to accept
Culling the Wild.
- Find Mosswood the Ancient (61.2, 38.4) to accept
From the Ashes and
Little Embers.
- See O’Mally Zapnabber to turn in
Test Flight: Ruuan Weald and
Damaged Mask, accept
Mystery Mask.
- Leave Evergrove via the west exit and look for Overseer Nuaar, aa draenei who patrols a route north-south that begins west of Veil Ruuan and finishes at the southern edge of the plateua, going through all the poacher camps (with the little tents). You can use a “/target overseer” macro to make it easier to find him, and also make sure you have NPC nameplates turned on (he’s neutral instead of enemy). Start at the southernmost camp and make your way north. Once you find him, speak with him to complete the objective of
A Time for Negotiation…
- Return to Evergrove and speak again with Tree Warden Chawn to turn in
A Time for Negotiation… and accept
…and a Time For Action. Also speak to Samia Inkling who stands near Chawn to accept
Poaching from Poachers.
- Exit Evergrove west again, and follow the road north killing Wyrmcult Hewers and Poachers until you’ve completed the objectives for
…and a Time for Action and
Poaching from Poachers. While doing so, you should find a note on one of the cultists — read it to accept
Did You Get The Note?
- Make your way towards Veil Ruan (65, 31) northeast of Evergrove. Once there, slay Arrakoas until you’ve looted 6 Ruuan’ok Claws. Then find the arcane circle in the pond — clear the area around it, make sure you’re full HP/mana, and use the claws in the circle. Fight the Harbinger of the Raven that shows up, and kill it for its Harbinger’s Pendant.
- Leave the veil and go west and to a downhill path at (61, 30) to reach Daggermaw Canyon. Go northwest to enter the Bloodmaul Camp, and then go up the ramp on the left side of the two-story building near (55, 25). Kill Dorgok on the 2nd floor, then loot and use Gorgrom’s Favor to accept
Favor of the Gronn. If it won’t let you accept the quest, try again after turning in the Dorgok quest with Commander Stonewall. If you haven’t completed the objectives for
Crush the Bloodmaul Camp!, do so before you Hearthstone back to Evergrove.
- Back in Evergrove:
- Talk to Commander Haephus Stonewall to turn in
Favor of the Gronn and
A Date with Dorgok, accept
Pay the Baron a Visit.
- Talk to Lieutenant Fairweather to turn in
Crush the Bloodmaul Camp!
- Speak with Timeon to turn in
Creating the Pendant and accept
Whispers of the Raven God.
- Talk with Samia Inkling to turn in
Poaching from Poachers and accept
Whelps of the Wyrmcult.
- Speak to Tree Warden Chawn to turn in
Did You Get the Note? and accept
Wyrmskull Watcher.
- Talk to Wildlord Antelarion to turn in
Mystery Mask and accept
Felsworn Gas Mask. No stopping for breaks now! Do the next quest chain ASAP, before your mask expires.
- Talk to Commander Haephus Stonewall to turn in
- Leave Evergrove heading east and find a path up into the mountains near (65, 40). Once you’re through the pass, head east and slightly south to Forge Camp: Anger, making sure you’re killing Fel Corrupters, Felsworn Daggermaws, Felsworn Scalewings as you travel this area for
Culling the Wild.
- At Forge Camp Anger:
- Fight your way to the Legion Communicator (73.3, 40.1), which is on your left right after you go up the ramp and enter the camp. Equip the Felsworn Gas Mask. Then right click the Legion Communicator (it should have a quest marker on it once you equip the mask) to turn in
Felsworn Gas Mask and accept
Deceive thy Enemy.
- Kill the enemies required for your new quest (they should all be in the camp), then return to the communicator to turn in
Deceive thy Enemy and accept
You’re Fired!
- Now kill 5 Anger Guards — they should each drop a Camp Anger Key— and then use them to activate the 5 obelisks in the camp. This will spawn Doomcryer, who is soloable but can be a challenge for some classes. Fire resistance will help, and you’ll want to try to pull it to a safe spot, as the mobs respawn rather quickly in the camp.
- Fight your way to the Legion Communicator (73.3, 40.1), which is on your left right after you go up the ramp and enter the camp. Equip the Felsworn Gas Mask. Then right click the Legion Communicator (it should have a quest marker on it once you equip the mask) to turn in
- Leave the camp and head north, continuing to complete your objectives for
Culling the Wild if needed. Once the road curves east, continue north off the road to make your way to Skald (71, 21). You need to plant Ironroot Seeds in 3 places: (71.6, 22.3), (71.6, 20.3), and (71.6, 18.5). If you run north from where the road curves you’ll easily hit the first spot for the seeds, and the rest are in a straight line north. You’ll also want to kill Scorch Imps for
Little Embers.
Part 5

- Hearthstone back to Evergrove, and:
- Talk to Wildlord Antelarion to turn in
You’re Fired! . You don’t need to accept
Death’s Door as we’re leaving Blade’s Edge soon, but if you want to finish it feel free.
- Speak to Mosswood the Ancient to turn in
From the Ashes and
Little Embers.
- Talk with Faradrella to turn in
Culling the Wild.
- Talk to Wildlord Antelarion to turn in
- Leave Evergrove and go southwest, taking the path down the mountain near (57, 41) and continuing west to the Circle of Blood to find Baron Sablemane (53.2, 41.0) on the western side of the arena. Speak with the Baron to turn in
Pay the Baron a Visit and accept
Into the Churning Gulch.
- Turn around after talking to Sablemane and you’ll see a path to your west that is part of the Churning Gulch (50, 42). Start killing Crust Bursters, and don’t stop until you have 7 Crust Burster Venom Gland. Then return to Sablemane and turn in
Into the Churning Gulch, accept
Goodnight, Gronn!
- Leave the Circle of Blood and head east back aground the arena continue east to the Cursed Hollow — there you’ll find a huge gronn, Grulloc. Use Sablemane’s Sleeping Powder on Grulloc (it might take a few tries), then loot his sack while he’s asleep. Now run! Return to Baron Sablemane once more to turn in
Goodnight, Gronn! and accept
It’s a Trap!
- Now head back up the mountain path to Evergrove, and speak with Commander Haephus Stonewall to turn in
It’s a Trap! and accept
Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater. Then find Lieutenant Fairweather to accept
Slaughter at Boulder’mok.
- Leave Evergrove and head west towards the bridge. Cross it and speak with Watcher Moonshade at the far end to turn in
Wyrmskull Watcher and accept
Longtail is the Lynchpin.
- Enter the tunnel behind Moonshade and make your way to Draaca Longtail and slay her. Then return to Watcher Moonshade to turn in
Longtail is the Lynchpin and accept
Meeting at the Blackwing Coven.
- Enter the tunnel once more, and kill Wyrmcult members for Costume Scraps (you’ll need at least 5, but keep going if you don’t get them all) as you make your way through the tunnel to the exit. Once you leave the tunnel, follow the road and turn right when you can to reach Grishnath (42, 22). Now you’ll need to kill arrakoa until you get the Understanding Ravenspeech buff. You should also find the Orb of the Grishna as you kill arrakoa, you can right click it to accept
The Truth Unorbed — don’t leave this area until you’ve gotten the quest. Once you get the Ravenspeech buff, look on your minimap for the prophecies (they are totems):
- On top of a tree tower at (39, 17)
- On top of a tree tower at (42.4, 21.6)
- On the ground near the swamp at (40.7, 18.6)
- In the south of the camp at (40.2, 23)
- Leave the veil and go southwest along the road to a nearby cave (31, 32). Before you enter the cave, make some bag space if you don’t have any or you’ll be unable to catch the whelps you need.
- Clear your way into the cave, stick to the right side, and use the Blackwhelp Net on Wyrmcult Blackwhelps. The easiest way to find enough whelps is to walk on the eggs you find on the ground. Continue through the cave, staying right, and you’ll find Kolphis Darkscale.
- Go into your inventory and right-click your Costume Scraps stack (you need 5, so go kill more Wyrmcult members if you don’t have enough) to create an Overseer Disguise. Put it on and go speak with Kolphis. If you’re a slow reader, you might need to not read a few lines of dialogue as your costume will expire in 3 minutes. Finish talking to him, then leave the cave, but capture any last Wyrmcult Blackwhelps you need before leaving. Leave the cave, but capture any last Wyrmcult Blackwhelps you need before leaving.
Part 6

- Hearthstone to Evergrove, and:
- Talk to Tree Warden Chawn to turn in
Meeting at the Blackwing Coven and
The Truth Unorbed, accept
Maxnar Must Die! and
Treebole Must Know.
- Speak with Samia Inkling to turn in
Whelps of the Wyrmcult.
- Speak with Timeon to turn in
Whispers of the Raven God.
- Talk to Tree Warden Chawn to turn in
- Cross the bridge and go through the tunnel again, keep following the road until you find Treebole (36.6, 23.2). Speak with him to turn in
Treebole Must Know and accept
Exorcising the Trees.
- Head northeast into Grishnath and:
- Collect 5 Grishnath Orbs — they can be found in the treehouses at (41, 21) as well as the connecting ones, just look for purple balls on pedestals.
- Now go south on the road and then head left into the trees near (34, 26), you should be able to find the Dire Ravens you need to kill for their Dire Pinfeather — you’ll need 5.
- Rightclick a pinfeather or an orb to create an Exorcism Feather. Find a Raven’s Wood Leafbeard and use the Exorcism Feather on it, then nuke the Koi-Koi Spirit that spawns; the Leafbeard will turn friendly once the spirit is dead. Repeat 5 times to complete this quest, then return to Treebole (36.6, 23.2) to turn in
Exorcising the Trees.
- Go west towards Boulder’mok and find Gorgrom’s Altar (30.6, 22.2). Kill ogres around the altar until you’ve collected 3 Grisly Totems. Right click the altar to summon Gorgrom, who will die to Sablemane’s trap. Then right-click the totems in your inventory to complete the objectives for
Gorgrom the Dragon Eater. Keep killing ogres until you’ve completed
Slaughter at Boulder’mok.
- Leave those dead ogres behind and head south to the Wyrmcult cave, we’re going to complete
Maxnar Must Die! To find Maxnar (33.9, 35.3), you go right when you enter the cave, and you’ll need to stay to the left in the tunnel if you don’t want to fight Kolphis. Note that there’s a few ways to do this quest:
- Make another Overseer Disguise (scraps should still drop from the Wyrmcult members if you need more) and you can make your way through the cave without getting attacked.
- Or kill your way through the cave and slay Maxnar.
- Return to Evergrove and then:
- Talk to Tree Warden Chawn to turn in
Maxnar Must Die!
- Talk to Commander Haephus Stonewall to turn in
Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater and accept
Baron Sablemane Has Requested Your Presence.
- Speak with Lieutenant Fairweather to turn in
Slaughter at Boulder’mok.
- Talk to Tree Warden Chawn to turn in
- Start asking in chat to see if anyone wants to do
Massacre at Gruul’s Lair and/or
Showdown, as you’ll want help for these next few steps. You can try to solo step 9, but it will probably take you forever.
- Leave Evergrove and go southwest, taking the path down the mountain near (57, 41) and continuing west to the Circle of Blood to find Baron Sablemane (53.2, 41.0) on the western side of the arena. Speak with the Baron to turn in
Baron Sablemane Has Requested Your Presence and accept
Massacre at Gruul’s Lair.
- Go north to Gruul’s Lair (62, 22) by going under the bridge and continuing north east. Once at the ogre village, start clearing your way to Fingrom, who can be found by going up the ramp on the left side of the only 2 story building(66, 20). Keep an eye out for patrols, especially if doing this part solo. You won’t want to fight more than one ogre at a time. Once you’ve slain Fingrom, clear back towards the south and keep killing ogres until you’ve completed
Massacre at Gruul’s Lair.
- Go back to Baron Sablemane and turn in
Massacre at Gruul’s Lair, accept
Showdown. If you haven’t found a group yet, you’re going to want one to fight Goc, so try again in chat.
- Now you will have to backtrack once more to the north east to where you killed the previous ogres. Find the Altar of Goc (64.1, 18.5). It can be hard to find — it’s between the first tower on your left and the first hut on your left when you enter Gruul’s Lair, up on a small hill. Use Sablemane’s Signet near the altar. Goc will spawn, but you should wait until Baron Sablemane shows up to tank for you. Kill Goc as fast as you can, before he kills Sablemane, but avoid taking aggro. Sablemane will teleport away once you kill Goc, so you’ll have to go find him where you talked to him before to turn in
- Go back up the mountain and return to Evergrove. Sell junk, repair and buy food/water, then leave Evergrove heading east to climb upwards, then follow the road east and then north — stay on the road until you enter the Netherstorm.
Extra XP in Blade’s Edge Mountains
There isn’t any. The only dungeon is a 25+ man raid that requires level 70, and there are no notable spots to grind mobs.