- Author: DanielD
- Date: November 17, 2021
- Updated: November 18, 2021
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Shadowmoon Valley is home to the Black Temple, Illidan Stormrage’s seat of power. This area’s got elites and high-level quests aplenty; there will still be lots left to do here once you’re level 70.
Part 1

- Continue southeast on the road for a ways, you’ll eventually reach Wildhammer Stronghold. Find Wing Commander Nuainn (39.4, 53.6) outside the town, speak with him to accept
Besieged! and start killing Infernal Attackers. If you aren’t able to get kill credit for the mobs near the gate, head a bit further north-northwest and find more Infernal Attackers. Once you kill enough, return to Wing Commander Nuainn to turn in
Besieged! and accept
To Legion Hold.
- Enter Wildhammer Stronghold:
- Find Gryphonrider Kieran on your left near the big cannon, accept
The Sketh’lon Wreckage.
- Nearby to the south get the flight path, also make the inn your home.
- Look for Zorus the Judicator, he patrols near by the inn. Talk to him and accept
A Ghost in the Machine.
- Talk to Earthmender Sophurus, also near the inn in front of a building to accept
The Hand of Gul’dan.
- Nearby, find Thane Yoregar and accept
Put On Yer Kneepads… We aren’t going to take The Path of Conquest. From this point on, you’ll want be a wild-life exterminator until you’ve completed
Put On Yer Kneepads. Scorchshell Pincers, Vilewing Chimaeras, Felboars, Shadow Serpents all count.
- North on the bleachers find Gnomus and accept
- Find Gryphonrider Kieran on your left near the big cannon, accept
- Leave Wildhammer Stronghold and go northeast to the Altar of Damnation (42,45) and speak with Earthmender Torlok to turn in
The Hand of Gul’dan, accept
Enraged Spirits of Fire and Earth.
- Head to the southeast, and there should be lots of good spots to find the Enraged Fire and Earth Spirits you need, including (45,40), (46, 46), or (52, 52). When you find one, put down the Totem of Spirits and then kill them near it to capture their soul. You’ll know they’re close enough to the totem if they have a special buff. Repeat until you’ve completed
Enraged Spirits of Fire and Earth.
- Return to Earthmender Torlok and turn in
Enraged Spirits of Fire and Earth, accept
Enraged Spirits of Water.
- Now go north to the Deathforge and look for the little mini-volcanoes that are the Ever-Burning Ash you need for
A Ghost in the Machine. Look for Felfire Diemetradons to kill for
Spleendid! as well. Don’t worry about finishing the quests in this area, just do what you can as you move northward.
- Continue northeast and then take the road east, making your way through Coilskar Point (48, 24), and find any areas with water (not to be confused with the green lava). Use the Totem of Spirits near Enraged Water Spirits, kill them, and capture their souls until you’ve collected the 5 you need.
- Go back the way you came, west along the road, until you reach the Sketh’lon Wreckage, which is full of bird-folk. Kill arrakoa there until you’ve collected all 3 pages of the Sketh’lon Commander’s Journal.
- Now head southwest to the Magma Fields (32, 39) and complete the objectives for
Put On Yer Kneepads… as well as
Spleendid! You can also collect the last of the Ever-Burning Ash you need here.
- Once you’ve killed all or at least most of the wildlife you need, go northwest to the Legion Hold (23, 36). Clear your way to the top, following the path. Once you see the field of infernals, turn right (hug the wall tightly to avoid aggroing stuff) and find the Legion Communication Device (23.6, 36.9) overlooking the valley. Use the Box o’ Tricks nearby, watch the brief dialogue, and you’ll have completed the quest.
Part 2

- As long as you’ve completed
Put On Yer Kneepads… as well as
Spleendid! and
A Ghost in The Machine, you can now hearthstone back to Wildhammer Stronghold:
- Talk to Thane Yoregar to turn in
Put On Yer Kneepads…
- Look for Zorus the Judicator to turn in
A Ghost in the Machine and accept
Harbingers of Shadowmoon.
- North on the bleachers find Gnomus (36.4, 55.2), turn in
Spleendid! and accept
The Second Course…
- Pop on your Spectrecles and you’ll start seeing Shadwmoon Harbingers scattered throughout the town. You should find plenty in and around the inn, kill 12 and then return to Zorus to turn in
Harbingers of Shadowmoon and accept
Teron Gorefiend – Lore and Legend.
- Go talk to Gryphonrider Kieran near the gate to turn in
The Sketh’lon Wreckage and accept
Find the Deserter.
- Talk to Thane Yoregar to turn in
- Exit the town and speak with Wing Commander Nuainn (39.4, 53.6) to turn in
To Legion Hold and accept
Setting Up the Bomb.
- Head northeast to the Altar of Damnation (42,45) and speak with Earthmender Torlok to turn in
Enraged Spirits of Water and accept
Enraged Spirits of Air.
- Leave the altar heading west and look for Parshah, who wanders the road near (35, 42). Speak with him to turn in
Find the Deserter and accept
Ashgar’s Totem.
- Now go north and then east at the fork on the road to once more reach the Sketh’lon Wreckage. Continue on the road to the eastern side of the arrakoa camp near (39, 29) to find Asghar. You can usually pull him to the road when he wanders close enough. Don’t forget to grab his totem!
- Continue east to the bridge, and below it find Greater Felfire Diemetradons to kill for
The Second Course… Stay here until you find the Overdeveloped Felfire Gizzard you need.
- Now head back the way you came and talk to Parshah again to turn in
Asghar’s Totem and accept
The Rod of Lianthe.
- Go northwest from Parshah towards Legion Hold. Follow the path up the hill, and once you see the pumping thing head right towards the deactivated Fel Reaver to find the Fel Reaver Armor Plate (22.2, 35.4). Then head southeast to the Fetid Pool (the nearby green lake on your map) and swim into it to find the Fel Reaver Power Core.
- Leave Legion Hold and go south to Windhammer Stronghold, and speak with Wing Commander Nuainn outside to turn in
Setting Up the Bomb and accept
Blast the Infernals.
- Enter the town and talk to Gnomus to turn in
The Second Course… and accept
The Main Course!
- Return once more to the Legion Hold and head to the top where there’s the small army of infernals. Try to avoid the roaming elite, and stand in the green cricle at (22.7, 39.9) to use the Fel Bomb and wipe out the inexplicably chill army.
Part 3

- Hearthstone back to Wildhammer Stronghold and exit the town to speak again with Wing Commander Nuainn; turn in
Blast the Infernals! and accept
The Deathforge.
- Go southeast on the road, and turn right once you cross the bridge to find Eclipse Point and start killing Blood Elves. One of them should eventually drop Lianthe’s Key. Once you get it, go uphill heading south to reach the top level of the camp; find Lianthe’s Strongbox at (47.6, 71.7), to the east of Grand Commander Ruusk and loot the Rod of Lianthe.
- Go north to the road, then head east to (62, 55) to reach the Netherwing Fields (with all the big crystals). Capture the spirits of the Enraged Air Spirits here using the Totem of Spirits. (If you want to eventually get Exalted rep with Netherwing for the mount, keep an eye out for Mordenai, who wanders the area. Once you’re level 70, come back and speak with him to accept
Kindness, which isn’t completed in this guide but is the first part of a chain for the Netherwing faction.)
- Equip your Spectrecles and go south through the mountains (you can see the pass on your map). Continue south to the edge of the cliff, then go right and find the bridge, across it you should find the Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit. Talk to him to turn in
Teron Gorefiend – Lore and Legend. This opens up another chain of quests that you can do if you’re interested in the rewards. Note: You could probably turn in what you’ve got now and ding 70, but if you want faction rep, just keep going — plus, the last few quests will net you some gold, and it’s a fairly effecient route!
- Now go northwest past Warden’s Cage to (56, 44), on the east side of the volcano in the middle of the map. Here you’ll find Felspine the Greater under the bridge, who you need to slay and loot for
The Main Course! (This isn’t a faction quest, but it’s on our route)
- Go north and slightly east to reach the Altar of Sha’atar (61, 30):
- Grab the flight path as you enter on your right.
- Talk to Harbinger Saronen to accept
Marks of Sargeras. If you already have the 10 Marks of Sargeras, you can turn them in now.
- Talk to Anchorite Ceyla inside to accept
Tablets of Baa’ri.
- Find Vindicator Aluumen outside and accept
The Ashtongue Tribe.
- Nearby talk to Exarch Onaala to accept
Karabor Training Grounds.
- Go south from the town to find the Ruins of Baa’ri. Kill Ashtongues to complete
The Ashtongue Tribe, and also pick up Baa’ri Tablet Fragments (some workers will drop tablet fragments as well) for
Tablets of Baa’ri. Stay here until you’ve completed both objectives.
- Go east and then south over the bridge, then head east into the Black Temple. Turn right as soon as you can, and patiently cleary our way up the ramp. You’ll find stairs, go up them and turn right, then start killing the Demon Hunter Supplicants and Initiates you find. Be careful to avoid the elite in the area, and switch targets when a low HP mob uses evasion. Stay here killin’ stuff until you complete the objectives for
Karabor Training Grounds.
- Return to the Altar of Sha’tar to the northwest. We’re going to turn in a lot of quests but we aren’t going to take any new ones here unless you plan on staying in Shadowmoon Valley:
- Talk to Vindicator Aluumen to turn in
The Ashtongue Tribe.
- Speak with Exarch Onaala to turn in
Karabor Training Grounds.
- Enter the building where Anchorite Ceyla is to turn in
Tablets of Baa’ri.
- Catch a gryphon to Wildhammer Stronghold.
- Talk to Vindicator Aluumen to turn in
- Now go northwest past Warden’s Cage to (56, 44), on the east side of the volcano in the middle of the map. Here you’ll find Felspine the Greater under the bridge, who you need to slay and loot for
- Head back north through the pass and turn left at Netherwing Fields to reach the Sanctum of the Stars (56, 58).
- On your right, get the flight path as you enter.
- Behind the flightpath, enter the building to talk to Larissa Sunstrike and accept
Karabor Training Grounds.
- Go to the inn and talk to Arcanist Thelis to accept
Tablets of Baa’ri.
- If you have at least 10 Sunfury Signets, talk to Battlemage Vyara to accept
Sunfury Signets and then turn them in before you leave.
- Go up the hill behind the town to find Varen the Reclaimer, accept
The Ashtongue Broken.
- Now follow the road east and then north, and take a left at the fork just past the Scryer Vacaliers. Continue west to the bridge, and you’ll find Felspine the Greater west on a hill nearby, who you need to slay and loot for
The Main Course! (This isn’t a faction quest, but it’s on our route)
- Go over the bridge and enter the Ruins of Baa’ri. Pick up Baa’ri Tablet Fragments (some workers will drop tablet fragments as well) and kill mobs until you’ve completed
Tablet’s of Baa’ri as well as
The Ashtongue Broken.
- Go east and then south over the bridge, then head east into the Black Temple. Turn right as soon as you can, and patiently cleary our way up the ramp. You’ll find stairs, go up them and turn right, then start killing the Demon Hunter Supplicants and Initiates you find. Be careful to avoid the elite in the area, and switch targets when a low HP mob uses evasion. Stay here killin’ stuff until you complete the objectives for
Karabor Training Grounds.
- Return to the Sanctum of Stars to the southwest. We’re going to turn in quests but we aren’t going to take any new ones here, though you can if you want:
- Talk to Larissa Sunstrike to turn in
Karabor Training Grounds.
- Go to the inn to find Arcanist Thelis, turn in
Tablets of Baa’ri.
- Go up the hill behind the town to find Varen the Reclaimer, turn in
The Ashtongue Broken.
- Catch a gryphon to Wildhammer Stronghold.
- Talk to Larissa Sunstrike to turn in
- Head back north through the pass and turn left at Netherwing Fields to reach the Sanctum of the Stars (56, 58).
- At Wildhammer Stronghold, talk to Gnomus to turn in
The Main Course!
- Leave Wildhammer Stronghold and go northeast to the Altar of Damnation (42,45) and speak with Earthmender Torlok to turn in
Enraged Spirits of Air.
- Continue north to Deathforge Tower at (40, 41) and on top of the little tower find Stormer Ewan Wildwing to turn in
The Deathforge.
- Go find Parshah wondering the road to the west one last time, turn in
The Rod of Lianthe.
You should now be level 70! If for whatever reason you still haven’t dinged max level, you can go get the Scryer or Aldor follow-ups in Shadowmoon Valley that you didn’t take.
This guide got me to 41% in the first 3 steps, this guide is incomplete it seems…