Alliance Leveling Guide: Zangarmarsh [Level 61-63]

tbc classic alliance leveling guide zangarmarsh [level 61 63]
  • Author: DanielD
  • Date: November 17, 2021
  • Updated: November 18, 2021
  • Expansion: TBC Classic

Finally, some plants! Zangarmarsh has a few interesting quirks that will be helpful to know about. First, most creatures here will drop Unidentified Plant Parts; you’ll want to hang on to these for a quest, so don’t sell them. Less frequently you’ll loot Fertile Spores, which drop from the bats, Fen Striders, and Marsh Walkers. These you should kill on site until you have 6 spores — and don’t sell them!. Also keep an eye out for Sporebats; if you kill them while you’re in melee range, you’ll receive a 5 minute buff from Energizing Spores that gives +30 to all stats, which makes questing a whole lot easier. They mostly hang out in the middle of the map, below Serpent Lake. Look for Glowcap as well since you’ll need 10 for a quest plus more for anything you want to buy from the Sporeggar vendors — you’ll find them in the western part of Zangarmarsh.

Note that if you started the guide at 58, you may not be level 62 in time for some of these quests. We recommend doing the instances in the previous section and completing the optional PvP quest to help you get to 62 faster.

leveling guide zangarmarsh part 1 steps 1 22
  1. Kill mobs as you continue west from Thornfang Hill until you enter Zangarmarsh. Keep going west and you should quickly find Cenarion Refuge. Once there:
    1. Talk to Ikeyen to accept quest 20xThe Umbrafen Tribe.
    2. Next to Ikeyen is Lauranna Thar’well, speak with her to accept quest 20xPlants of Zangarmarsh. Find the wanted poster across from the inn .to accept quest 20xLeader of the Darkcrest and quest 20xLeader of the Bloodscale.
  2. Then, head to the inn and:
    1. Make the inn your new home.
    2. Speak with Lethyn Moonfire to accept quest 20xThe Dying Balance.
    3. Go to the back porch and talk to Ysiel Windsinger to turn in quest turn in x20The Cenarion Expedition and accept quest 20x Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake and quest 20xWarden Hamoot.
    4. Leave the inn and go to the second story of the other building in the refuge and find Warden Hamoot to turn in quest turn in x20Warden Hamoot and accept quest 20xA Warm Welcome.
  3. Note that in the marsh, you should hold on to any Fertile Spores you find, as you’ll need them eventually for a quest. You’ll also want to collect Unidentified Plant Parts, which should drop from lots of the mobs in Zangarmarsh.
  4. Leave the marsh and head north on the road, taking your first left and continuing west until you reach Telredor. Find the lift east of the big mushroom to take you up to the tower at (70, 49), and:
    1. Talk to Anchorite Ahuurn to accept quest 20xThe Orebor Harborage and quest 20xThe Boha’mu Ruins. If you aren’t yet level 62 you won’t be able to grab quest 20xThe Orebor Harborage, but that’s OK as it’s a breadcrumb quest and only nets about 2K xp.
    2. Speak with Vindicator Idaar to accept quest 20xThe Fate of Tuurem and quest 20xThe Dead Mire.
    3. See Prospector Conall to accept quest 20xUnfinished Business.
    4. Talk to Ruam to accept quest 20xFulgor Spores.
    5. Speak to Haalrun and accept quest 20xToo Many Mouths to Feed
    6. Finally, speak with Noraani to accept quest 20xMenacing Marshfangs.
    7. Before you leave, get the flight path.
  5. Now you’ll need to collect Fulgor Spores. Find them around the base of the tower, and in the nearby ponds. You probably won’t find 6 now, and that’s OK.
  6. Head east, and kill any Marshfang Ripper’s you encounter. Eventually, you’ll run into a wooden path; follow it north to reach The Dead Mire (81, 49).
  7. Go to the middle of the Dead Mire, and find the pond southeast of there. At (81.2, 38.9) pick up the Dead Mire Soil Sample. (Look for the lighter patch of soil)
  8. Kill Withered Giants until one drops a Withered Basidium. Right click it in your inventory to accept quest 20xWithered Basidium. Also make sure to save any Bog Lord Tendrils you find.
  9. Go southwest to (77, 45) and kill the big sporebat Sporewing.
  10. Continue west and keep killing Marshfang Rippers until you’ve slain 10.
  11. Return to Telredor (which should be west of you now) and see if there are more Fulgore Spores to collect around the tower. Go up the lift again and:
    1. Talk to Prospector Conall to turn in quest turn in x20Unfinished Business, accept quest 20xBlacksting’s Bane.
    2. Speak with Vindicator Idaar to turn in quest turn in x20The Dead Mire and accept quest 20xAn Unnatural Drought.
    3. Find Noraani to turn in quest turn in x20Menacing Marshfangs and accept quest 20xUmbrafen Eel Filets.
    4. Talk to Ruam to turn in quest turn in x20Withered Basidium and accept quest 20xWithered Flesh.
  12. Now return to The Dead Mire, again by heading east and then northeast. Kill 12 Withered Giants, and also kill Bog Lord and Hydras until you’ve collected 5 Parched Hydra Samples and 4 Withered Bog Lord Samples.
  13. Return once more to Telredor, check again around the tower for Fulgor Spores if you don’t have 6 yet. Then ride the lift, and in the tower:
    1. Talk to Ruam to turn in quest turn in x20Fulgor Spores and quest turn in x20Withered Flesh.
    2. Speak with Vindicator Idaar to turn in quest turn in x20An Unnatural Drought.
  14. Now leave the tower and head south and slightly east to Umbrafen Lake (72, 60). Follow the western bank of the lake south and kill Mire Hydras. You might have to pull them out of the water with a ranged ability.
  15. Keep circling the lake and killing Hydras until you find the steam pump — doing so will update Disturbance and Umbrafen Lake, you’ll get the message “Umbrafen Lake Investigated (Complete)”. Kill any Umbrafen Eels you can reach easily as well for their Eel Filet.
  16. Once you’ve killed 10 hydras, use the Potion of Water Breathing in your inventory and head into the lake. Kill Umbrafen Eels until you have 8 Eel Filet.
  17. Exit the lake heading east (start going east from where it says Umbrafen Lake on the map), and find Boglash, who is an elite Fen Strider that roams around (82, 75) on the eastern edge of the map. You should be able to solo him, but he’s no pushover; having the Sporebats buff will help if you can get it. NOTE: If you want to get fancy, find Boglash but don’t kill him, then pull him to Kayra Longmane during step 7.4; she’ll heal you and can make this fight much easier.
  18. Once you’ve killed Boglash, head due south to the Umbrafen Village (83, 80). Kill every Broken in the village, and then do the same in the next village further south.
  19. Continuing southeast you’ll find a main village — kill it’s inhabitants and enter the main building (85, 90). Find Kataru on the top floor and kill him. At this point, check your Quest Log and see what you still have to do to complete quest 20xThe Umbrafen Tribe. You should be able to complete the objectives for this quest in and around the Umbrafen villages.
  20. If you’re done or nearly done with quest 20xThe Umbrafen Tribe, go to the middle village at (83, 85) and find Kayra Longmane in one of the huts. It’s possible someone else is doing her escort quest and she isn’t there, in which case you can farm around the area while you wait. Once she shows up, talk to her to accept quest 20xEscape from Umbrafen.
  21. Escort Kayra Longmane back to the Cenarion Refuge. Once there:
    1. Talk to Ikeyen to turn in quest turn in x20The Umbrafen Tribe, and accept quest 20xA Damp, Dark Place.
    2. Next to Ikeyen is Lauranna Thar’well, speak with her to turn in quest turn in x20Plants of Zangarmarsh and accept quest 20xIdentify Plant Parts. This quest is repeatable, and lets you gain reputation. Also accept quest 20xSaving the Sproloks.
    3. Turn around and find Windcaller Blackhoof and speak with her to accept quest 20xSafeguarding the Watchers.
    4. Talk with Lethyn Moonfire in the inn to turn in quest turn in x20The Dying Balance.
    5. Go to the back porch of the inn and talk to Ysiel Windsinger to turn in quest turn in x20Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake and Escape from Umbrafen, and accept quest 20xAs the Crow Flies.
  22. Now we’ll take an interesting little trip — open your inventory and right click the Stormcrow Amulet. Once that bit’s over, speak with Ysiel again and turn in quest turn in x20As the Crow Flies, and accept quest 20xBalance Must Be Preserved.
leveling guide zangarmarsh part 2 steps 23 62
  1. Now’s another good time to resupply, repair, and sell junk (don’t forget not to sell items you need for quests like Fertile Spores and Unidentified Plant Parts).
  2. Take the road south past Umbrafen Village and turn right towards at the fork (follow the sign for Nagrand). At (77, 86.1), look for the small path that leads to Fungor Cavern (75, 91). It’s visible on your map as a dotted path south to a cave. Once inside, take your first right up a small hill, follow the path around and then take your first right and downhill find Ikeyen’s Belongings against the wall on a flat rock (70.5, 97.9).
  3. Continue downhill and take your next left. At the end of the tunnel you’ll find Lord Klaq and 3 other fungal giants. You can pull a few at a time, you can wait for Sporeloks to attack them first, or you can Leroy Jenkins your way into the fight. You can also always focus down Lord Klaq and then run away as well. Make your way out of the cave, but make sure you complete the objectives for quest 20xSaving the Sporeloks as you do so:
  4. Once you’ve left the cave, head northwest to the Umbrafen Lake Steam Pump at (71, 81) . Kill the Steam Pump Overseer guarding it, and pray he drops a Drain Schematics. If it doesn’t, curse your rotten luck. Even if it does drop, head to the control console and right click click on the Ironvine Seeds in your inventory. Another overseer should spawn — kill this one and if you need them, hopefully this time you’ll get the schematics. If you don’t, keep trying until you get them, then right click them in your inventory to accept quest 20xDrain Schematics.
  5. Head northwest to the center of the map and find Serpent Lake. Swim to the middle of the lake and find the big steam pump (50, 41). Dive a little bit near the pump until you get the quest update message for quest 20xDrain Schematics.
  6. Return to Cenarion Refuge, and:
    1. Talk with Windcaller Blackhoof to turn in quest turn in x20Safeguarding the Watchers.
    2. Talk to Lauranna Thar’well to turn in quest turn in x20Saving the Sproloks, and turn in Unidentified Plant Parts you may have.
    3. Talk to Ikeyen to turn in quest turn in x20A Damp, Dark Place.
    4. Now that you should be Friendly with the Cenarion Expedition, return to Windcaller Blackhoof and accept quest 20xBlessings of the Ancients.
  7. Go find the two big walking trees that wander around town — Ashyen and Keleth — and speak with both of them and ask for their marks. Then return to Windcaller Blackhoof to turn in quest turn in x20Blessings of the Ancients. Note that from now on, you can always come back and talk to Ashyen and Keleth to get their 30 minute buffs (+spell damage and +attack power).
  8. Go to the inn and:
    1. Speak with Lethyn Moonfire to accept quest 20xWatcher Leesa’oh.
    2. Find Ysiel Windsinger to turn in quest turn in x20Drain Schematics and accept quest 20xWarning the Cenarion Circle.
  9. Return to the Hellfire Peninsula by riding east from the Cenarion Outpost. Stop at the Cenarion Post (16, 52) in Hellfire Peninsula and talk to Amythiel Mistwalker to turn in quest turn in x20Warning the Cenarion Circle and accept quest 20x Return to the Marsh.
  10. Now is a good time to travel to Shattrath, train skills, restock and sell items. You can grab a gryphon to Shattrath from Temple of Telhamat.
  11. Hearthstone back to Cenarion Refuge, and speak with Ysiel Windsinger to turn in quest turn in x20Return to the Marsh and accept quest 20xFailed Incursion. Note that you’ll need level 62 to grab this, but it’s for a Coilfang Reservoir instance, so you can skip it or grab it later.
  12. Go north on the road from the Refuge and take the first left west to Telredor:
    1. Speak with Noraani to turn in quest turn in x20Umbrafen Eel Filets
    2. Talk to Haalrun to turn in quest turn in x20Too Many Mouths to Feed and accept quest 20xDiaphanous Wings.
    3. If you weren’t level 62 last time you were here, talk to Anchorite Ahuurn and accept quest 20xThe Orebor Harborage, as well as quest 20xThe Fate of Tuurem from Vindicator Idaar.
  13. Leave Telredor and go due northwest towards the Bloodscale Grounds (65, 41). Find an elite naga, Rajis Fyashe , and ask for help in chat while farming around her. If you can’t find help, just skip the quest for now.
  14. Head west to the eastern shore of Serpent Lake to the Serpent Lake Steam Pump (62, 41). Go to the control console and use your Ironvine Seeds to disable the pump.
  15. Follow the edge of the lake northwest until you get to the Orebor Harborage (42,30), and take care of business:
    1. Get the new flightpath from the Draenei flight master Halu.
    2. Talk to Timothy Daniels (he’s kinda hard to miss) and accept quest 20xSecrets of the Daggerfen.
    3. Speak with Ikuti to turn in quest turn in x20The Orebor Harborage and accept quest 20xAngo’rosh Encroachment and quest 20xDaggerfen Deviance.
    4. Find the wanted poster to accept quest 20xWanted: Chieftan Mummaki
  16. Exit Orebor Harborage and continue your journey west. Keep an eye out for Glowcaps on your way, as you’ll need to collect 10 of them for an upcoming quest.
  17. As you go west, you’ll pass through the Hewn Bog. Kill all the ogres in your way for the quest 20xAngo’rosh Encroachment quest. Continue west to reach Daggerfen Village at (26, 24) and slay all the Daggerfen Assassins and Daggerfen Muckdwellers you can, and look for a Daggerfen Poison Vial. They are pretty tough to spot, so make sure you’re checking in and around all the tents.
  18. Once you find a poison vial, head to the main building of the village (24, 27). Make sure you have full hp/mana, and then head up the stairs and take down Chieftain Mummaki and his companions. Loot Chieftain Mummaki’s Totem and find the book Daggerfen Poison Manual on the ground and grab that too.
  19. If you haven’t finished killing Daggerfen Assassins (3) and Daggerfen Muckdwellers (15) for the quest 20xDaggerfen Deviance quest, do so while you’re in the village.
  20. Check to see if you still need any kills for quest 20xAngo’rosh Encroachment. If you do, try to get them as you return east to Orebor Harborage.
  21. Once back in Orebor Harborage:
    1. Speak with Ikuti to turn in quest turn in x20Daggerfen Deviance and quest turn in x20Ango’rosh Encroachment and accept quest 20xOverlord Gorefist.
    2. Talk to Timothy Daniels to turn in quest turn in x20Secrets of the Daggerfen.
    3. Find Ikuti to claim the bounty and turn in quest turn in x20Wanted: Chieftain Mummaki.
  22. You should now be neutral with the Kurenai, which will unlock more quests:
    1. Talk to Maktu and accept quest 20xNatural Armor.
    2. Speak with Puluu to accept quest 20xLines of Communication, quest 20xThe Terror of Marshlight Lake, and quest 20xStinger Venom.
  23. You’ll now need to kill Marshlight Bleeders and Fenglow Stingers (the giant hornets) to collect Marshlight Bleeder Venom until you have 6. Also kill any Marshfang Slicers you see.
  24. Leave Orebor Harborage heading southwest, avoiding Zabra’jin Village and continuing southwest to the Cenarion Watchpost (23, 66) . Finding Watcher Leesa’oh is easy, as she’s the only person there besides her pet sabercat. Speak with Leesa’oh to turn in quest turn in x20Watcher Leesa’oh and accept quest 20xObserving the Sporelings.
  25. It’s time for some observational science! Head west to the Spawning Glen, and find the Sporelok Fahssn (19, 63) and talk to him to accept quest 20xThe Sporelings’ Plight and quest 20xNatural Enemies.
  26. Continue west and collect Mature Spore Sacs — you’ll need 10 for quest 20xThe Sporelings’ Plight — and kill giants until you have 6 Bog Lord Tendrils.
  27. Once you’ve wandered around the Spawning Glen enough, you’ll get an update to quest 20xObserving the Sporelings. If you get the message and you’ve got the sacs and tendrils you need, you can head back to Fahssn to turn in quest turn in x20The Sporelings’ Plight and quest turn in x20Natural Enemies,.
  28. Keep collecting sacs and tendrils — you’ll need 6 Bog Lord Tendrils and 10 Mature Spore Sacs. Fahssn has two repeatable quests — quest 20xMore Spore Sacs and quest 20xMore Tendrils! that grant Sporregar reputation. Once you’ve got at least 750/3000 Neutral reputation, return to Fahssn and accept quest 20xSporeggar.
  29. Now head back to the Cenarion Watchpost at (23, 66) and talk to Watcher Leesa’oh to turn in quest turn in x20Observing the Sporelings and accept quest 20xA Question of Gluttony.
  30. Leave the watchpost heading east and find the Quagg Ridge (29, 61) and kill giants while looking for Discarded Nutriments until you have 10.
  31. Return to Leesa’oh to turn in quest turn in x20A Question of Gluttony and accept quest 20xFamiliar Fungi.
  32. Now go back to Quagg Ridge, but this time go all the way east through the ridge until you hit a swamp full of Sporebats and Marshfang Slicers. Look for the nether ray “Count” Ungula around (33, 59). Kill him and loot “Count” Ungula’s Mandible, and right click it in your inventory to accept quest 20xThe Count of the Marshes.
  33. If you haven’t yet slain 12 Marshfang Slicers, do so before you leave Quagg Ridge.
  34. Head south and east along the edge of the map to the Boha’mu Ruins (44, 66), and try to fight your way into the house up the stairs without aggroing Elder Kuruti — you don’t want to fight him alone. Once you get the “Explore the Boha’mu Ruins” complete message, you can leave.
  35. Head east towards The Lagoon, follow its southern edge east and clear a path to the steam pump at (63, 65). Use your Ironvine Seeds to disable this one like you did the others.
  36. Ask for help in chat with killing Rajah Haghazed, an elite naga you can find in the middle of the naga village southeast of the steam pump. While you wait for a group, keep killing Nagas until you get the 30 Naga Claws you need for quest 20xA Warm Welcome. As with the other quests like this, just skip it for now if you don’t get help and you’re tired of waiting.
  37. Head north northeast to Telredor, and speak with Anchorite Ahuurn to turn in quest turn in x20The Boha’mu Ruins and accept quest 20xIdols of the Feralfen.
  38. Now leave Telredor on the road heading west, and leave the road and head south once you pass Twinspire Ruins. You’ll find Feralfen Village around (50, 60). You should run into Blacksting, in the northeast of the village, who is a particularly nasty looking wasp. Kill her and take Blacksting’s Stinger (try not to poke yourself with it).
  39. Go into the village itself and clear the place out while collecting Feralfen Idols from the ground until you have 6.
  40. Head north to Serpent Lake. Once there, use your Potion of Water Breathing and swim to the middle of the lake where the steam pump is. Kill Fenclaw Thrasher and collect their 8 Fenclaw Hide forquest 20xNatural Armor. You can rest and heal on the pump if you need to while you kill the Thrashers.
leveling guide zangarmarsh part 3 steps 63 73
  1. Hearthstone to Cenarion Refuge, and:
    1. Talk to Warden Hamoot to turn in quest turn in x20A Warm Welcome.
    2. If you killed either of the optional elite nagas, you can turn in quest turn in x20Leader of the Darkcrest and/or quest turn in x20Leader of the Bloodscale with Hamoot as well.
    3. If you have more Unidentified Plant Parts, you can turn those in to Lauranna Thar’well.
    4. Do any selling/shopping/restocking/repairing you need, and say hi to the two big trees and get their buffs.
  2. Leave the refuge heading north on the road and then take the western road to Telredor, and:
    1. Speak with Prospector Conall to turn in quest turn in x20Blacksting’s Bane.
    2. Talk to Anchorite Ahuurn to turn in quest turn in x20Idols of the Feralfen and accept quest 20xGathering the Reagents. From now on, you can kill any Sporebats and Fen Striders you see to collect Spore Bat Eye and Fen Strider Tentacle.
  3. Hop on a gryphon (the flight master is up the stairs to the south) and fly to Orebor Harborage, ’cause we’ve got more quests to turn in:
    1. Find Maktu and turn in quest turn in x20Natural Armor and accept quest 20xMaktu’s Revenge.
    2. Talk to Puluu to turn in quest turn in x20Lines of Communication.
  4. Now leave Orebor Harborage heading south, killing the big hornets you encounter en-route. Swim to the small island at (41, 43) and find Mragesh, the hydra that Maktu wants you to take care of — Mragesh should be in the water on the northern part of the island.
  5. Exit the lake and head northwest to find the ogre village just southwest of Orebor Harborage. Start killing ogres, and don’t stop until you have 15 Mushroom Samples.
  6. Go west, find the area north of Marshlight Lake (25, 31) full of Marshlight Bleeders, and kill them until you’ve collected 6 Marshlight Bleeder Venom.
  7. Now go southeast to the naga village Bloodscale Enclave, and fight your way to the steam pump at (25, 43). As usual, you’ll need to disable it by right clicking the Ironvine Seeds in your inventory.
  8. Enter Marshlight Lake heading southwest. Swim to the southern isle (23, 45), and kill Terrorclaw.
  9. Leave the island heading southwest across the lake to Sporregar (19, 51):
    1. Talk to Msshi’fn and accept, then turn in quest turn in x20Glowcap Mushrooms if you can — if you don’t have 10 Glowcaps there’s plenty in the surrounding area, so go get ’em.
    2. Turn in quest turn in x20Sporregar with Msshi’fn as well.
    3. If you aren’t friendly with Sporeggar now, go south to the Spawning Glen and kill giants, and do the repeatable quests quest 20xMore Spore Sacs and quest 20xMore Tendrils!, which you can turn in to Fahssn east of the Spawning Glen — the sporelings will appreciate it. Once you’re friendly with Sporregor, head back.
    4. Find Khn’nix and accept quest 20xStalk the Stalker — note that this is a quest for the Underbog instance and requires level 63.
    5. Talk to T’shu to accept quest 20xOh, It’s On!, which is another a quest for the Underbog instance that requires level 63
    6. Speak with Gzhun’tt to accept quest 20xBring Me a Shrubbery! Yet another quest for the Underbog instance that requires level 63 — and quest 20xNow that We’re Friends…
    7. Talk to Gshaff and accept quest 20xFertile Spores.
  10. You’ll now want to kill Marsh Walkers, Fen Striders, and Sporebats as you run across them, until you’ve collected 6 Fertile Spores.
  11. Go southeast to Watcher Leesa’oh at the Cenarion Watchpost (23, 66) and turn in quest turn in x20Familiar Fungi and quest turn in x20The Count of the Marshes and accept quest 20xStealing Back the Mushrooms.
leveling guide zangarmarsh part 4 steps 74 85
  1. Hearthstone to Cenarion Refuge, take care of any business in town that you need. Now, remember all those steam pumps you disabled? Welp, you saved the marsh! Let Ysiel Windsinger know by turning in quest turn in x20Balance Must Be Preserved.
  2. Leave the refuge heading north and then west towards Telredor, but we’ll go past Telredor southwest a bit to (63, 51) and farm Fen Striders and Spore Bats to collect the 4 Spore Bat Eyes and 4 Fen Strider Tentacles you need for quest 20xGathering the Reagents.
  3. Go northeast to Telredor and talk to Anchorite Ahuurn to turn in quest turn in x20Gathering the Reagents and accept quest 20xMessenger to the Feralfen.
  4. Catch a gryphon to Orebor Harborage. Once there:
    1. Talk to Maktu and turn in quest turn in x20Maktu’s Revenge.
    2. Speak with Puluu to turn in quest turn in x20The Terror of Marshlight Lake and quest turn in x20Stinger Venom.
    3. Make Orebor Harborage your new home location.
  5. Leave your new home heading west towards the bridge at (17, 13). Find the bridge and cross it. Once you’re on the ogre island, keep a lookout for Boxes of Mushrooms. Be careful, as looting a box will spawn an ogre, so be ready. To find Gorefist:
    1. Turn right once you cross the bridge and head past the cave. Go up the hill and look for the building on your left. Find Overlord Gorefist inside and take him out.
    2. You’d think killing Gorefist would complete Overlord Gorefist, but no — you’ve also got to kill 10 Ango’rosh Maulers, so handle that and hopefully they’ll drop some mushroom boxes.
    3. If you still need more mushrooms once you’re done with Overlord Gorefist, you can head into the cave. Remember to clear the area before you pick up mushrooms, and be ready for a fight once you open the box. Once you have 10 Boxes of Mushrooms you can leave the island.
  6. Head southeast to the naga village Bloodscale Enclave (26, 36) on the eastern side of Marshlight Lake, and kill 12 Bloodscale Slavedrivers and 6 Bloodscale Enchantresses.
  7. Now circle Marshlight Lake counter-clockwise killing Fenglow Stingers and Sporebats. Do this until you have 8 Diaphanous Wings, and 6 Fertile Spores. You may have to roam the western side of the lake for awhile to complete this task, if you don’t have any already.
  8. Once done, head to Sporeggar southwest of the lake and Speak with Gzhun’tt to turn in quest turn in x20Now that We’re Friends… Speak with Gshaff turn in quest turn in x20Fertile Spores.
  9. Head southeast from Sporregar to the Cenarion Watchpost (23, 66) – it’s the little tent on the map — and talk with Watcher Leesa’oh to turn in quest turn in x20Stealing Back the Mushrooms.
  10. Head east to the Boha’mu Ruins (43, 66). Fight your way to the building and use the Ahuurn’s Elixer in your inventory. Now speak with Elder Kuruti, and once you finish talking with him you’ll get message that you’ve completed quest 20xMessanger to the Feralfen.
  11. Hearthstone to Orebor Harborage and:
    1. Speak with Ikuti to turn in quest turn in x20Overlord Gorefist. and if you’re level 64, accept quest 20xA Message to Telaar.
  12. Take a gryphon to Telredor and:
    1. Talk to Haalrun to turn in quest turn in x20Diaphanous Wings.
    2. Talk with Anchorite Ahuurn to turn in quest turn in x20Messenger to the Feralfen.

That wraps up our time in Zangarmarsh! Say goodbye to humungous mushrooms, ’cause we’re headed to Terokkar Forest.

Extra XP In Zangarmarsh

leveling guide zangarmarsh part 5 dungeons and grinding spots

Grinding Mobs

Funggor Cavern (73, 88) is a good place to grind mobs in Zangarmarsh, as the elementals here don’t hit hard and go down easy. That being said, you should level up easily just by doing the quests and instances, so unless you find yourself too low on XP to accept quests you don’t really need to bother.

Zangarmarsh Dungeons: Coilfang Reservoir

Finding the entrance to these instances can be tricky — you’ll need to swim out to the middle of Serpent Lake to the big pumping complex, and center yourself between all the big pumps. Find where the bubbles are rising up, and swim down through the bubbles into the pipe. Following the pipe will lead you to a cavern where you can access the Coilfang Reservoir instances. There’s two you can do pre-level 70:

  • The Slave Pens (Recommended Level 61-64)
    • Entrance is on your left once you exit the lake and enter the cavern
    • Quest: quest 20xLost in Action

More challenging than the previous instances in this guide, but with even better loot. This instance will give you Rep with Cenarion Expedition.

This instance will give also you Rep with Cenarion Expedition, as well as rep with Sporregar. Worth noting that many people miss the path to the third boss: you need to jump through the little hole in the far end of the tank where you kill the second boss to get to the third boss.


About the Author


An avid reader of sci-fi, fantasy, and history. Believes disagreement should mean discourse, not flame wars. Still searching for that next game that grabs him the way (those mimics in) Dark Souls did.
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