- Author: Pride
- Date: January 29, 2022
- Updated: January 29, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Anetheron, the dreadlord, is the second boss that players will encounter in the Mount Hyjal raid, and the last boss of the Alliance base camp section of the raid. Your raid will move to the Horde base camp after he is defeated.
Similarly to his predecessor, he is not viewed as a particularly difficult boss, with only 4.25 million HP and 6200 armor against a raid assisted by multiple NPCs. His mechanics however, although simple, can prove lethal to an underprepared raid, as they all rely on good positioning and awareness to deal with.
This guide will offer a step-by-step analysis on how to deal with Anetheron’s every trick, so you can banish this demon back to whence he came.
Role Summaries
- Make sure you know where your group will stand, and stack with them
- Stack right on top of each other — not around each other, directly on top
- If you get targeted by Inferno, quickly run to the designated infernal spot
- If you get aggro on the Towering Infernal, quickly move towards the infernal tank
- Use your Master Healthstone if you get hit by Immolation to avoid dying to Carrion Swarm
- Make sure you are not standing in front of one of the ranged stack groups
- If other groups get hit by Carrion Swarm aimed at melee, you will need to reposition slightly
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during Heroism / Bloodlust for maximum DPS
- If your raid is killing the Towering Infernal, you will need to burn it down after the tank has enough threat
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during Heroism / Bloodlust for maximum DPS
- Communicate to your raid ASAP if you are unable to heal because of Carrion Swarm or Sleep
- Paladins: In emergencies, you can use Divine Shield to remove the Carrion Swarm debuff
Main Tank Healers
- Stand at your special designated spots, behind the main tank and off to the sides
- You should never get hit by Carrion Swarm aimed at others at your spot, including the main tank
- Move if you find yourself getting hit by others’ Carrion Swarm
Towering Infernal Tank Healers
- Pay attention! Follow your tank around if they have to move
- Be careful, do not stand behind other groups and get hit by their Carrion Swarm
Raid Healers
- Heal your designated group if they get hit by Carrion Swarm
- Don’t bother healing while afflicted by the Carrion Swarm debuff – just do some DPS instead
- Quickly heal people targeted by Inferno
Main Tank
- You have the easiest job here – stand at your designated spot and never move
- Use defensive cooldowns if your designated healers get incapacitated by Carrion Swarm or Sleep
Towering Infernal Tank
- Notice which way Anetheron faces while casting Inferno and move towards the respective infernal spot
- Make sure to keep the infernal away from other raid members — its Immolation aura hurts
- You can wake Sleeping people up by dragging the infernal to them, but let your raid know beforehand
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull
The pull for this fight is virtually identical to Rage Winterchill’s, except for positioning. After the 8th wave of undead invaders is fully defeated, the wave counter is replaced by text saying “Invading Enemies = 1”, with Anetheron yelling in chat as he spawns and begins to slowly move towards the Alliance base camp.
Your raid will now have roughly 1 minute to heal up and re-buff before Anetheron finally reaches the Alliance base camp and the fight begins.

You want to engage Anetheron on your own terms, so it is very beneficial to have a hunter pull him with Misdirection on the main tank, who should be standing just before the cross-roads, as shown in the picture below.
The rest of your raid should already be standing at previously determined spots, split into distinct groups as shown in the picture below. Members of each group should be standing directly on top of each other in order to minimize the amount of space they take up and consequently avoid getting multiple groups hit by Carrion Swarm.
Your healers in specific will need to be very careful with the positions. Each group should have 1 healer that’s responsible for keeping that group alive, and the Towering Infernal healer(s) will need to stand alone by one of the infernal spots, making sure they don’t get hit by Carrion Swarm targeting other players except for melee.
Your main tank healers will need to stand far behind the main tank and off to the sides. Ideally, they only ever get hit by Carrion Swarm if they themselves are the target — they should not be getting hit if the tank or other players are targeted. They may need to adjust their position if they get hit by Carrion Swarm on other players.
Your melee DPS will also need to stack right on top of each other, making sure no other group is behind them so that their Carrion Swarm isn’t hitting other players. They will need to reposition slightly if that ends up being the case.

The Fight
The rest of your hunters should now use Misdirection on the MT.
Anetheron has a small grace period during which he won’t use any of his more lethal abilities, so you have a short amount of time to reposition if something went wrong. However, don’t take too long, as the first Carrion Swarm will come about 10 to 15 seconds into the fight, and things can quickly turn ugly if it hits too many players by accident.
Your raid will take a modest amount of damage from Carrion Swarm, that your healers will need to deal with before more AoE damage comes and kills people. However, somewhat unintuitively, they should not be healing the group they are part of, but rather an adjacent or nearby group. They really won’t be doing all that much healing with a 75% healing reduction debuff – they can use that time to help with some DPS instead.
After the first Carrion Swarm, Sleep will be the most likely 2nd ability and there isn’t much you can do at this point. Your raid will just need to have good communication here, with your healers needing to call out their situation. For instance, if your first MT healer gets the Carrion Swarm debuff and another falls asleep, your raid will need to know that information ASAP so another healer steps up and takes over MT healing for a little bit.
Roughly 30 seconds into the fight, you’ll be getting your first Inferno. Most raid addons, like DeadlyBossMods and BigWigs, have a warning if you’re targeted, but it still good for your raid members – and specially the healers – to pay attention and see if they’re being targeted.
The targeted player should move away from his group and towards your designated infernal spot within 3.5 seconds, where your designated Towering Infernal tank will be waiting to pick it up. The most important part here is to avoid having the infernal land on top of other raid members and thus stunned by Inferno Effect.
To make this process a bit easier, the infernal tank can pay attention to which direction Anetheron is facing and begin moving towards that spot in advance. Meanwhile, the designated infernal tank healer(s) should be ready to follow the tank if needed, while minding their position relative to other groups.
Melee DPS practically cannot DPS the infernal due to its Immolation aura, so your ranged DPS will need to burn it down. However, a popular strategy that has emerged is having your off-tank pick them up while the raid keeps focusing on Anetheron instead, as you will only see 2 to 3 infernals assuming your raid’s DPS is decent, which is generally no problem for one tank to handle for a while. So if your DPS is good, you can just have them tanked away and ignored.
After the infernal is dead, or after it has been moved to its designated spot safely, it is time for your raid to use raid cooldowns — Heroism / Bloodlust. The next Inferno will be at least 30-45 seconds away, giving you full up-time to nuke Anetheron as hard as you can. Your healers can even help DPS a little at this point to help burn him down.
The infernal tank can even cheekily move an infernal towards raid members affected by Sleep in order to wake them up and maximize the raid’s DPS output. This will be specially helpful while under the effects of Heroism / Bloodlust, but as it’s a dangerous trick, your raid will need good communication to pull it off.
At this point you have seen all of Anetheron’s abilities. He just keeps repeating them throughout the entire fight, without any change regardless of his HP. So if your raid’s DPS is good enough to take the infernals down in time, and your healers can keep up with their healing assignments, you will most likely be coming out of this fight with some nice purple loot.
Congratulations on defeating Anetheron! With this victory, your raid is yet another step closer to challenging the big bad of Mount Hyjal and an iconic villain from Warcraft 3 — Archimonde, the defiler!