- Author: Pride
- Date: January 29, 2022
- Updated: January 31, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Azgalor, the Pit Lord, is the fourth boss that players will encounter in the Mount Hyjal raid, the final boss of the Horde base camp section of the raid, and the penultimate boss of Mount Hyjal.
He has the same stats as previous bosses in the raid – 4.25 million HP and 6200 armor. He’s considered to be average in difficulty relative to other bosses in the raid. If your guild had the DPS and healing power to handle Kaz’rogal without too much trouble, it’s highly likely you can take on this ugly demon too.
This guide will offer a step-by-step analysis on how to defeat Azgalor before he spells your doom.
Role Summaries
- Move out of Rain of Fire as soon as possible
- Use Master Healthstone, Super Healing Potion or your cooldowns to survive Unquenchable Flames
- Pay extra attention to your HP if Rain of Fire is cast alongside Howl of Azgalor
- If you get the Doom debuff, move to the designated Doom spot when it’s about to expire
- Communicate with your raid regarding which Doom spot you’re moving to and when
- Move towards the Lesser Doomguard tank ASAP if you get aggro on the Doomguard
- Paladins: Make sure Judgement of Light stays up on the boss at all times
- Paladins: Use Divine Shield to remove Howl of Azgalor & Unquenching Flames
- Priests: Make sure your entire raid is buffed with Prayer of Shadow Protection
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during Heroism / Bloodlust for maximum DPS
- Don’t bother trying to DPS the Lesser Doomguard — stay on the boss instead
- If Rain of Fire targets the melee, stay out, do not risk dying for a little bit of damage
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during Heroism / Bloodlust for maximum DPS
- Nuke down the Lesser Doomguard as fast as possible
- Warlocks: Use your Master Soulstone on players targeted by Doom
- Mages: Use Blink to move out of Rain of Fire
- Mages: Use Ice Block to remove Howl of Azgalor & Unquenching Flames
- Do not slack off or lose focus while incoming damage is low — tanks can die very quickly
- Keep your heal-over-time and armor increasing effects up on the tanks at all times
- Be extra vigilant when Howl of Azgalor is available
- Holy Priests: Your Circle of Healing will be invaluable for healing Rain of Fire damage
- Priests & Paladins: Quickly dispel Cripple off the Hunters and tanks
- Lesser Doomguard Tank Healer: Keep all your attention on your tank while the Doomguard is alive
Main Tank
- You have ~10 seconds to face Azgalor away from the raid and move him to his spot
- Don’t ever move close to other players, as you will kill them with Cleave
- Be careful with turning the boss when moving out of Rain of Fire
- Be ready to react to a damage spike with personal cooldowns, particularly during Howl of Azgalor
Lesser Doomguard Tank
- Pay attention to which Doom spot players afflicted by its debuff are moving towards
- Keep the Doomguards far away from melee & at least 20 yards away from other players
- Be ready to react to a damage spike with personal cooldowns, particularly during Howl of Azgalor
- Consider using a PvP trinket (Medallion of the Alliance) to break out of War Stomp if necessary
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull
Pulling Azgalor works in the same way as with all previous bosses. After every mob in 8th wave is killed, the wave counter changes to “Invading Enemies = 1”, Azgalor emotes, and then begins moving towards the Horde base camp.
You now have 1 minute to ressurrect the fallen, rebuff them and regenerate mana. Azgalor will eventually make it to the gates of the Horde base camp, and engage you and your allies one way or another.

Just like with Kaz’rogal, you can choose if you want to pull Azgalor to Thrall and the various Horde NPCs to get their assistance. They don’t do as much for your raid this time around, and in fact they slightly hurt your raid by increasing the chances that Rain of Fire affects your melee DPS, but their small DPS contribution is neat regardless.
Also just like with Kaz’rogal, you will want to engage Azgalor the moment he gets into the Horde base camp. The longer you delay engaging him, the worse things will become for you. Therefore, you will want to have your Hunters use their Misdirection on the MT right away, who should in turn be close to him, prepared to quickly move him towards Thrall.
The rest of your raid should position as shown in the picture below. Ranged DPS and healers will spread out in a semi-circle or crescent moon shape around one of Azgalor’s sides, while melee DPS huddle up right behind him on the opposite side. Your main tank healers should stand away from everyone else, to avoid having to move due to Rain of Fire.
It is vital that nobody stands in the tank’s path while he’s moving Azgalor, as Cleave is prone to randomly killing up to 5 of your non-tanks — an embarrassing mistake that forces you to sit through 8 waves of trash again.

The Fight
Azgalor will usually not cast any abilities within the first 10 seconds, letting your raid prepare before the onslaught begins. This is a great time to apply debuffs, and your Paladins in specific should make sure that Judgement of Light is applied and kept up, as it will slightly reduce the burden on your healers over the fight’s duration.
The first ability you see will most likely be Cleave, which your healers will need to be ready for. Next up, Howl of Azgalor — the first real test for your raid. Your healers should have all of their healing-over-time spells applied on the main tank in anticipation of the silence, and your MT should be ready to react if necessary.
Your raid should use Heroism / Bloodlust as soon as Howl of Azgalor ends, for maximum DPS. If your raid is more melee DPS heavy, you could instead opt to wait until the first Rain of Fire is cast, making sure it’s not on your melee, as that would waste a pretty big percentage of your hasted uptime, thus reducing your DPS.
Azgalor will also start casting Rain of Fire at this point. If your raid has done a decent job of spreading out, only 3-4 people should be getting hit at a time, which should be manageable for your healers – particularly if you have kept players of in the same group together so your Holy Priests can pump out some Circle of Healing to top everyone off quickly.
The main risk factor at this point will be Rain of Fire and Howl of Azgalor overlapping. Players hit by Rain of Fire, particularly those with low HP, should keep an eye out on their HP, and be ready to react with a Master Healthstone, Super Healing Potion or other defensive cooldown to survive the consequent Unquenchable Flames damage.
At the 45 second mark, just as you’re getting used to his mechanics, Azgalor will cast his first Doom. Your Warlocks should use their Master Soulstone on the targeted player. The targeted player should communicate which designated Doom spot he’ll be moving to and when, so the Lesser Doomguard tank gets prepared in time.

As soon as the Lesser Doomguard spawns, nearby ranged players should switch their attention to it and nuke it down as fast as possible. While it doesn’t do too much damage, it can cause problems, so just get rid of it ASAP.
Your designated Lesser Doomguard tank healer in particular should remain focused while it’s alive. It’s easy to get used to its low-ish damage output and lose focus, finding a different target to heal. However, an unfortunately timed Howl of Azgalor along with a Thrash can quickly take a big chunk of HP off your tank, potentially killing them, so do not become complacent — keep them topped off and stacked with heal-over-time effects until it dies.
This concludes all of Azgalor’s abilities and mechanics. He repeats this pattern, casting Doom every 45 seconds. It’s undoubtedly a very stressful fight on your healers, who will need to stay focused and ready to react to anything for 2 to 3 minutes. Your chances of success will increase exponentially if your DPS players are capable and aware enough to react with a defensive ability in the event the lethal Rain of Fire and Howl of Azgalor combination occurs.
Provided your raid manages to stay focused throughout this fight, you don’t lose too many people to Rain of Fire and your DPS is strong enough to kill Azgalor before too many people have died to Doom, you should be getting some shiny purple loot from this wretched pit lord.
Well done on persevering this far! With Azgalor dead, the only boss threatening Nordrassil, the world tree, still remaining in Mount Hyjal, is none other but Archimonde, the defiler himself. Brace yourself for the fight of your life against one of the most iconic characters of Warcraft III!