Blacksmithing Guide 1-375

Blacksmithing Guide 1 375 TBC 2.4.3

Blacksmithing is one of the most valuable professions in all of WoW. It allows players to craft their own mail and plate armor as well as one and two-handed maces, axes, and swords. While in Vanilla, Blacksmiths were able to craft a number of high-value, endgame recipes, Blizzard has chosen to greatly expanded that in TBC. Once Blacksmiths cap, they’ll be able to begin sequences that end in crafting gear like Bulwark of Ancient Kings and Embrace of the Twisting Nether or weapons like Bloodmoon, Dragonstrike, and Blazefury as well as a vast number of BoE epics like Oathkeeper’s Helm and Hammer of Righteous Might.

To complement this, Blizzard has added to the existing specialization, Armorsmithing. The value of Armorsmithing has increased.

Most smiths choose Mining as their gathering profession, as Blacksmithings huge potential can also come with a huge price tag, if you choose to buy your materials on the AH. This combination is suitable for most classes that wear Mail and Plate armor, regardless of spec, though it is especially beneficial for Tanks and Melee DPS.



Since Patch 2.3 Blizzard has streamlined the process for training most professions. As a result, trainers in any major capital can teach you from Apprentice through Artisan. Because the only recipes you’ll need to acquire before heading to Outlands are in Gadgetzan, it would be the most advantageous to train in a capital in Kalimdor if you’re power leveling, but this isn’t required.


Once you cross through the Dark Portal, the Master Blacksmithing trainers will be in your faction’s first outpost in Hellfire Peninsula. This means Alliance smiths will need to find Humphry in Honor Hold, and Horde players will speak with Rohok at Thrallmar.

There are also additional trainers from both the Aldor and Scryers once you reach Shattrath. In Aldor’s Rise, any player with the appropriate reputation can learn from Onodo, and Barien will do the same in the Scryer’s Tier.

Required Materials


*only needed if you are unable to find Plans: Mithril Spurs

* inclusive of Thorium needed for necessary quest turn-ins







Leveling Blacksmithing

1 – 25: Rough Sharpening Stone

25 – 65: Rough Grinding Stone

After you’ve ground enough stones to reach at least skill level 50, go train Journeyman.

65 – 75: Coarse Sharpening Stone

75 – 100: Coarse Grinding Stone

100 – 105: Silver Rod

105 – 125: Rough Bronze Leggings

Once you’ve completed making the leggings, return to a trainer to learn Expert.

125 – 150: Heavy Grinding Stone

150 – 155: Golden Rod

155 – 185: Green Iron Leggings

185 – 200: Golden Scale Bracers

200 – 210: Solid Grinding Stone

210 – 215: Golden Scale Bracers

215 – 235: Steel Plate Helm

When you’ve finished forging your helms, you’ll have enough skill to become an Artisan Blacksmith.

The path between 235 and 275 offers you a number of choices. The most efficient is to craft Mithril Spurs. To do so, you’ll need Plans: Mithril Spurs, a rare world drop. If you have not found it yourself or do not feel like trying to farm for it, you can search the Auction House. If it is unavailable, there are still other options available.

235 – 250: Mithril Spurs

250 – 260: Dense Sharpening Stone

260 – 275: Mithril Spurs


235 – 250: Mithril Coif

250 – 260: Dense Sharpening Stone

260 – 270: Mithril Coif

To continue in either path, you’ll need to earn Plans: Imperial Plate Bracers. To do so, find Derotain Mudsipper in Gadgetzan, Tanaris and take the quest Imperial Plate Bracer. This will require you to bring simply him 10x Thorium Bar, and then you receive the plan. If you have the extra bars, this is also a good time to complete the Imperial Plate Boots quest in order to get Plans: Imperial Plate Boots for later.

270/275 – 295: Imperial Plate Bracers 

After you’ve finished crafting the bracers, you can cross through the Dark Portal and become a Master Blacksmith! For the first few levels, however, you’ll still be crafting Vanilla recipes in order to maximize the more easily gathered materials, so hold onto your Thorium Bar for a bit longer.

295 – 315: Imperial Plate Boots

315 – 320: Fel Iron Chain Gloves

320 – 325: Fel Iron Chain Tunic

325 – 330: Lesser Rune of Warding

330 – 340: Fel Iron Chain Tunic

Before continuing, you’ll need to purchase Plans: Lesser Ward of Shielding. It can be bought by Alliance players from Mari Stonehand at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley and by Horde players from Rohok at Thrallmar. This is also a good time for all players to purchase Plans: Adamantite Weightstone from Feydryen Swiftspear at Cenarion Hold in Zangarmarsh. The Weighstone Plans require you to be Honored with the Cenarion Expedition to purchase.

340 – 350: Lesser Ward of Shielding

350 – 360: Adamantite Weightstone

From 360 – 375, your path to capping will depend on whether you have reputation with the Aldor or the Scryers, as the most efficient crafting patterns are purchased from their Quartermasters.


For the Aldor, you’ll have to be at least Revered to finish leveling. When you’ve reached Honored, you’ll need to purchase Plans: Flamebane Gloves from Quartermaster Endarin in Shattrath, and when you get to Revered, you’ll buy Plans: Flamebane Breastplate.

360 – 370: Flamebane Gloves

370 – 375: Flamebane Breastplate


To cap with the Scryers, you’ll also need to reach Revered reputation. While you only need to be Friendly with them to purchase the Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Belt from Quartermaster Enuril in Shattrath, you’ll need to reach Revered to purchase the Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate. While it may be unbalanced, the Scryers path costs significantly more than the Aldor path to complete.

360 – 370: Enchanted Adamantite Belt

370 – 375: Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate

And you’ve capped! Congratulations! Continue reading to find out about the benefits of each specialization and to see a comprehensive list of Endgame BoE recipes.



To become an Armorsmith, you’ll begin by taking The Art of the Armorsmith quest from either Grumnus Steelshaper in Ironforge or Okothos Ironrager in Orgrimmar. Regardless of faction, this will require you to craft:

In total, the materials needed to craft that are:

After handing those in, you’ll become an Armorsmith and will be able to craft unique, high-level mail and plate gear which Weaponsmiths cannot. Check below for the high-level recipes!


To become a Weaponsmith, you need to begin The Way of the Weaponsmith quest. Horde players will need to find Borgosh Corebender in Orgrimmar, and Alliance smiths will need to speak with Ironus Coldsteel in Ironforge. Regardless of faction, all smiths will need to craft:

In total, the materials for those are:

Once you hand all of those in, you’ll become a Weaponsmith and be able to craft specialized Axes, Maces, and Swords.

In TBC, Blizzard has expanded the Weaponsmith specialization to include three sub-specilizations: Swordsmithing, Hammersmithing, and Axesmithing. These do not require the additional completion of any quests and can be learned from a group of NPCs in Everlook, Winterspring.

Each has distinct advantages in the Weaponsmithing specialization, and you can check the list below to see which recipes will suit your needs best.

Endgame Blacksmithing

In TBC, the recipes for Armorsmithing and Weaponsmithing successively. For each specialization this means that players will have to make each piece in a tiered fashion, using the current item as material for the next. So, for example, to create the Bulwark of Ancient Kings as an Armorsmith, you must first create Breastplate of Kings, then combine that with additional materials to make the Bulwark of Kings, and then finally combining the Bulwark with even more materials to create the Bulwark of Ancient Kings.

Each of these crafting chains is learned from your Armor or Weaponsmithing trainers.



Next are the lists of BoP and BoE plans that all smiths are able to make. In TBC Blizzard has added an unprecedented number of plans for BoE epics, so there are plenty of opportunities to make a good deal of profit for players who are willing to invest their time or gold into acquiring them. For BoE items specifically, there will be multiple zones, dungeons, and raids that they can be found in, unless otherwise specified. The list following that is made up of recipes you can only purchase after having met reputation requirements with certain factions. Click through the plans in each list to find the specifics for the item of your choice.



Reputation Rewards


About the Author


If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
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4 years ago

320 – 325: Fel Iron Chain Tunic

should be “Fel Iron Plate Boots” or “Fel Iron Chain Bracers” Costs 6 fel iron per skill instead of 9 iron per skill, both Orange, Thanks for the great guide overall tho!

also 330 – 340 seems like it should be Fel Iron plate, 1 more fel iron per craft but orange skill instead of yellow of the chain

Last edited 4 years ago by Markus
4 years ago

Some of the engame plans listed under “BoE” are actually zone drops from the Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern raids.

These include:
Belt of the Guardian (BoE Item, BoP plans)
Boots of the Protector (BoP Item, BoE plans)
Red Belt of Battle (BoE Item, BoP plans)
Red Havoc Boots (BoP Item, BoE plans)

As well, there is a good alternative to level from 360-375 by crafting 10 Khorium Belts (360-370) and 5 Khorium Boots (370-375). The plans for these are BoP, and are farmed from specific mobs in Nagrand(Murkblood Raider) / Netherstorm(Disembodied Protector) with a 2-3% droprate per mob. The total material cost going from 360-375 using these amount to:
35 Primal Mana
35 Primal Water
50 Khorium Bars

Probably alot cheaper than the Aldor/Scryer methods. Plans for the Khorium Belt could be hard to farm at launch though, what with all the questing people sweeping the mobs. Scryer items are potentially very useful too if Blizzard goes with prenerf Solarian (requires arcane resist), compared to the Khorium items which are mostly useless as anything but DE fodder or crappy holy paladin gear. Same goes for Aldor items come Black Temple, as fire resist is needed on a couple of tanks for Illidan.

Last edited by Temedun
4 years ago

The Planar Edge (1-Handed)

The Planar Edge is listed twice instead of Black Planar Edge as the second tier.

Great guides, they have been a lot of help!

3 years ago

Looks like the “total required materials” list is missing dense stone, yet it is advised to make dense sharpening stones for leveling blacksmithing from 250 to 260. It might be worth going over that list again to make sure that nothing else is missing.

3 years ago

unfortunately this is a quite poor guide. I followed it for classic leveling, and 2-3 times Ive had problems with skills being green, meanwhile guide requested to get 5-10 skills on that particular item. This started happening especially during mithril phase.

Reply to  rura
3 years ago

Hey rura!

Thanks for commenting!

Was it 2-3 levels, or 2-3 items, or what were you doing when you encountered the problems? Just want to update the guide to provide players the best experience, and your comment is very helpful and I would love the opportunity to hear more.

Thanks again!

Reply to  Kurathis
3 years ago

Comment Removed – Personal attacks are unacceptable

Reply to  rura
3 years ago

Hi, I was also blocked for mithril, specially for “Mithril Coif”, next time please apply yourself when making a guide, I think poor guide too, no thanks for that 🙁

Hagreth - Pyrewood EU
Hagreth - Pyrewood EU
4 years ago

Not to nit pick, but is it not Violet Eye and not Violet Hold for the frost res recipes

Last edited by Hagreth - Pyrewood EU
4 years ago

Hmmmmm just for info the Aldor path is the one that costs SIGNIFICANTLY more on my server. Check AH prices for your server before following this or you’ll find yourself disapointed when you see that the Aldor path costs you over 4 k gold when the Scryer would cost you 1400 gold total…

Last edited by Liighto
4 years ago

Hi, so far so good. Imo there are a few things, which can be way better or at least a different way. I want to mention all the Spike recipts, which have different lvl-points and also are quite “cheap” to craft.

The Thoriumschildspike as example is a very rare drop, but extremly cheap to craft.
You go from 275 up till 295 (still orange) for just 4 thoriumbars and 2 essent of earth + stone (which you can lvl up earlyer).

All in all 20 quite cheap lvl ups, if you get the recipt and the essence of earth.
Late into TBC that might be also expensive, but right now its a cheap way to prepare.

The other 2 spikes are the mithrilschildspike and the ironschildspike.
Mithrilspike is in the steel-area and it might be cheaper as the steel. Especially as the steel part you mentioned in this guide, need way more steelbars.
the mithrilspike are worth 20 lvl-ups from 215-235.

Reply to  Kocmoc
3 years ago

Hey Kocmoc!

Thanks for your detailed comment!

For the Thorium Shield Spike, you are 100% correct with the required materials. The only thing to note is, as you mentioned, the drop rate is crazy low, and players may not want to spend too much farming for a recipe that would only get them a few levels. In Classic, we did see a lot of Thorium Shield Spikes being used, since that was the top-of-the-line shield spike so it was definitely worth spending that time farming, but now with TBC, Felsteel Shield Spike takes the crown.

Reply to  Kocmoc
3 years ago

The recipe for thorium shield spike goes for 400g on my server.

4 years ago

Hey guys, as a armorsmith in WoW Classic, Am I able to obtain the Blacksmithing weapon recipes? or would I have to drop BS and re skill up to select weaponsmith? thanks

Reply to  Ehtk
3 years ago

Wait for TBC and the specialization can be changed for a gold cost without the need to restart blacksmithing from level 1. The cost scales as you gain in level, so if you plan on crafting some armor pieces before switching to weaponsmithing, there will be a higher cost, but may be worth it depending on how much materials you have stowed away.

Reply to  Karpundir
3 years ago

Karpundir is 100% correct. To elaborate a little…


  • Level 40 – 50 = 25 Gold
  • Level 51 – 65 = 50 Gold
  • Level 66 – 70 = 100 Gold


  • Level 40 – 65 = 5 Gold
  • Level 66 – 70 = 10 Gold

Axesmithing, Hammersmithing, Swordsmithing

  • Level 40 – 50 = 25 Gold
  • Level 51 – 65 = 50 Gold
  • Level 66 – 70 = 100 Gold
4 years ago

Do i need to become weaponsmith on Classic? Or on TBC gonna just learn to be sword/mace/axe-smith from the trainers?

Reply to  Getonly
3 years ago

If you have not chosen a specialty yet, then you can go into weaponsmithing, then do the sub-specialty in TBC when it becomes available. If you are currently an armorsmith, see my reply above.

Reply to  Karpundir
3 years ago

What he is asking is does the base weaponsmithing quest get nerfed/removed or will it still require doing the crafted before you can get the BC Axe/Mace/Swordsmithing.

Reply to  I3igAl
3 years ago

As of right now, it does appear as though the quests are still in the game with the release of TBC Classic.

3 years ago

I’m a little confused by the layout, if I buy everything in the vanilla required materials section, I will be good to hit 300 right? I don’t need to buy additional stuff from the sections lower down the guide?

And I should wait to actually use these materials til pre patch because they lower the amount of mats required right?

Reply to  Joe
3 years ago

Hey Joe!

Sorry for the delayed response here! I’m sure you’ve already found the answers, but just in case!

Yes, the required materials have actually gone down on crafted items in the transition from Classic to TBC Classic.

And yes, 1-300 should be covered within the Vanilla section alone. And then 300-375 should be covered within the TBC section.

Sorry again!

3 years ago

Sub specializations for axe, mace and sword DO exist in classic already. How is this mistake in the guide oO Am I missing something? and why does no guide include the stuff you have to create for specializations to also gain skillpoints. meh

Reply to  Michael
3 years ago

That’s a great catch! Thanks for letting us know! You are 100% correct! I think guides are more or less streamlined to maximize efficiency to allow players to learn the profession and level it up as fast as they possibly can.

3 years ago

too much Rough Stone, need only 100-120

3 years ago

660 solid stone for this:
200 – 210: Solid Grinding Stone


3 years ago

Hi, I was also blocked for mithril, specially for “Mithril Coif”, next time please apply yourself when making a guide, really sad guide 🙁

3 years ago

Just a little suggestion for leveling from 260-270.
By 260, Mithril Coif (and Mitrhil Spurs too, I imagine) is green, where attempting to gain 10 skill points off a green item is quite difficult: I managed to get 5 skill points after creating only 5 Mithril Coifs, and thought, well, let’s just continue. I ended up creating probably 15 more (150 Mithril Bars) to only get 2 skill points.
I did some research and despite not being able to learn Plans: Imperial Plate Bracers until 270 skill, you can learn Plans: Imperial Plate Belt from 265 skill (both quests become available from the NPC in Gadgetzan at 265).
So, in the interest of time, and gold if you’re buying bars off the AH, I’d recommend to buy the plan for the belt at 265 and make those until 270 if you’re having trouble with the Mitrhil Coif/Spurs.
Just a suggestion, hope this helps anyone struggling at this point.

3 years ago

Don’t buy 660 Solid Stones. You need like 100-140. You can also save some gold by buying Bronze Bars and make Rough Bronze Leggings instead of Heavy Grinding Stones.Think I’ve spent about 1.4k gold and im at 323 blacksmithing at the moment.

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