- Author: Kurathis
- Date: May 18, 2021
- Updated: September 19, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Before entering dungeons, it’s always a good idea to have any and all quests available for that dungeon to maximize your experience gains. Below we have compiled a list of every dungeon and with it, we have listed every quest and the rewards for each.
Hellfire Ramparts
Weaken the Ramparts (Alliance)
Weaken the Ramparts (Horde)
- Handguards of Precision (Mail Hands)
- Jade Warrior Pauldrons (Plate Shoulders)
- Mantle of Magical Might (Cloth Shoulders)
- Sure-Step Boots (Leather Boots)
- 20,100 Experience (H) / 20,100 Experience (A)
- 350 Reputation with Thrallmar / 350 Reputation with Honor Hold
Blood Furnace
Heart of Rage (Alliance)
Heart of Rage (Horde)
- Crimson Pendant of Clarity (Caster Neck)
- Holy Healing Band (Healing Ring)
- Perfectly Balanced Cape (DPS/Tank Cloak)
- 20,800 Experience (H) / 20,800 Experience (A)
- 350 Reputation with Thrallmar / 350 Reputation with Honor Hold
- Breastplate of Retribution (Plate Chest)
- Deadly Borer Leggings (Cloth Legs)
- Moonkin Headdress (Leather Helmet)
- Scaled Legs of Ruination (Mail Legs)
- 20,800 Experience (H) / 20,800 Experience (A)
- 350 Reputation with Thrallmar / 350 Reputation with Honor Hold
The Shattered Halls
Alliance Exclusive
- Curate’s Boots (Cloth Boots)
- Rune-Engraved Belt (Mail Belt)
- Gloves of Preservation (Leather Gloves)
- Expedition Scout’s Epaulets (Leather Shoulders)
- Dauntless Handguards (Plate Hands – Pre-Raid BiS for Paladin Tanks)
- 12,650 Experience
- 250 Reputation with Honor Hold
- 12,650 Experience
Horde Exclusive
- Rod of Dire Shadows (Wand)
- Vicar’s Cloak (Healing Cloak)
- Conquerer’s Band (Physical DPS Ring)
- Maimfist’s Choker (Tanking Neck)
- 25,300 Experience
- 500 Reputation with Thrallmar
Alliance Exclusive
- Nethekurse’s Rod of Torment (Wand)
- Mantle of Vivification (Healing Cloak)
- Naliko’s Revenge (Physical DPS Ring)
- Medallion of the Valiant Guardian (Tank Neck)
- 25,300 Experience
- 500 Reputation with Honor Hold
The Underbog
- 11,000 Experience
- 700 Reputation with Sporeggar
- 0 Experience
- 750 Reputation with Sporeggar
- Essence Infused Mushroom (Restores Health)
- Power Infused Mushroom (Restores Mana)
- 13,750 Experience
- 1,050 Reputation with Sporeggar
- Everlasting Underspore Frond (Create Underspore Pod)
- 13,750 Experience
- 1,050 Reputation with Sporeggar
The Slave Pens
- Cenarion Ring of Casting (Spell DPS Ring)
- Goldenvine Wraps (Cloth Wrists)
- Dark Cloak of the Marsh (Physical DPS Cloak)
- 22,000 Experience
- 500 Reputation with Cenarion Expedition
The Steamvault
- Hydromancer’s Headwrap (Cloth Helmet)
- Helm of the Claw (Leather Helmet)
- Earthwarden’s Coif (Mail Helmet)
- Myrmidon’s Headdress (Plate Helmet)
- 19,000 Experience
- 500 Reputation with Cenarion Expedition
- 12,650 Experience
- 500 Reputation with Cenarion Expedition
- 12,650 Experience
- 250 Reputation with Cenarion Expedition
- 25,300 Experience
- 350 Reputation with The Violet Eye
Mana Tombs
- Consortium Prince’s Wrap (Cloth Belt)
- Cryo-mitts (Leather Gloves)
- Consortium Mantle of Phasing (Mail Shoulders)
- Flesh Beast’s Metal Greaves (Plate Boots – Pre-Raid BiS for Paladin Tanks)
- 22,600 Experience
- 500 Reputation with The Consortium
- Haramad’s Leggings of the Third Coin (Leather Legs)
- Consortium Plated Legguards (Plate Legs)
- Haramad’s Leg Wraps (Cloth Legs)
- Haramad’s Linked Chain Pantaloons (Mail Legs)
- 22,600 Experience
- 500 Reputation with The Consortium
- 14,150 Experience
- 350 Reputation with The Consortium
Auchenai Crypts
- Auchenai Anchorite’s Robe (Cloth Chest)
- Auchenai Monk’s Tunic (Leather Chest)
- Auchenai Tracker’s Hauberk (Mail Chest)
- The Exarch’s Protector (Plate Chest)
- 17,450 Experience
- 500 Reputation with The Sha’tar
- 14,950 Experience
- 350 Reputation with The Sha’tar
- 700 Reputation with The Mag’har
Sethekk Halls
- 3,100 Experience
- Torc of the Sethekk Prophet (Spell DPS Neck)
- Sethekk Oracle’s Focus (Healing Neck)
- Talon Lord’s Collar (Physical DPS Neck)
- Mark of the Ravenguard (Tank Neck)
- 15,400 Experience
- 350 Reputation with Lower City
- The Saga of Terokk (Held-in-off-hand)
- Terokk’s Mask (Leather Helmet)
- Terokk’s Quill (Polearm)
- 15,400 Experience
Shadow Labyrinth
- 12,300 Experience
- 15,800 Experience
- 12,650 Experience
- 250 Reputation with The Violet Eye
- 9,500 Experience
- 150 Reputation with Lower City
- 15,800 Experience
- 350 Reputation with Lower City
- Shattrath Jumpers (Cloth Boots)
- Spymistress’s Boots (Leather Boots)
- Auchenai Boots (Mail Boots)
- Sha’tari Wrought Greaves (Plate Boots)
- 19,000 Experience
- 500 Reputation with Lower City
- 25,300 Experience
- 250 Reputation with Lower City
- Shattrath Wraps (Cloth Wrists)
- Spymistress’s Wristguards (Leather Wrists)
- Auchenai Bracers (Mail Wrists)
- Sha’tari Wrought Armguards (Plate Wrists – Pre-Raid BiS for Paladin Tanks)
Escape from Durnholde (Old Hillsbrad Foothills)
- 1,200 Experience
- 10 Reputation with Keepers of Time
- 17,950 Experience
- 1,000 Reputation with Keepers of Time
- 17,950 Experience
- 1,000 Reputation with Keepers of Time
- Tempest’s Touch (Cloth Hands – Can be used as Pre-BiS for Shadow Priest)
- Southshore Sneakers (Leather Boots)
- Tarren Mill Defender’s Cinch (Mail Belt)
- Warchief’s Mantle (Plate Shoulders)
- 1,200 Experience
- 3,000 Reputation with Keepers of Time
The Black Morass
- 1,250 Experience
- 250 Reputation with Keepers of Time
- 19,000 Experience
- 500 Reputation with Keepers of Time
- Band of the Guardian (Spell DPS Ring)
- Keeper’s Ring of Piety (Healing Ring)
- Time-bending Gem (Physical DPS Ring)
- Andormu’s Tear (Tank Ring – Pre-Raid BiS for Paladin Tanks)
The Mechanar
- Sha’tari Anchorite’s Cloak (Healing Cloak)
- A’dal’s Gift (Cloth DPS Belt)
- Naaru Belt of Precision (Leather DPS/Tank Belt)
- Shattrath’s Champion Belt (Mail DPS Belt)
- Sha’tari Vindicator’s Waistguard (Plate Tank Belt – Pre-Raid BiS for Paladin/Warrior tanks)
- 12,300 Experience
The Arcatraz
- Potent Sha’tari Pendant (Spell DPS Neck)
- A’dal’s Recovery Necklace (Healing Neck)
- Shattrath Choker of Power (Physical DPS Neck)
- 19,000 Experience
- 1,000 Reputation with The Sha’tar
- 25,300 Experience
- 350 Reputation with The Violet Eye
The Botanica
- Sha’tari Anchorite’s Cloak (Healing Cloak)
- A’dal’s Gift (Cloth DPS Belt)
- Naaru Belt of Precision (Leather DPS/Tank Belt)
- Shattrath’s Champion Belt (Mail DPS Belt)
- Sha’tari Vindicator’s Waistguard (Plate Tank Belt – Pre-Raid BiS for Paladin/Warrior tanks)
- 25,300 Experience
About the Author

Long-time WoW enthusiast who can't say no to a good-old poutine.