- Author: Pride
- Date: March 8, 2022
- Updated: March 8, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Gurtogg Bloodboil, the fel-sworn orc, is a boss inside the Black Temple raid that players can encounter after defeating Supremus and gaining access to the Sanctuary of Shadows. Located at the very end of the Halls of Anguish, Gurtogg will typically be the 5th or 6th boss that players fight, usually after defeating Teron Gorefiend.
Sporting a massive 5.7 million HP and 7700 armor, Gurtogg is among the beefiest bosses inside the Black Temple. He is typically the first boss that many less prepared guilds will struggle with. This encounter takes significant coordination, so you cannot have multiple players who just get carried without pulling their own weight here — you will wipe a lot.
This guide will offer a step-by-step explanation on how to calm this angry orc down before he bleeds your raid to death.
Role Summaries
Phase 1
- Move to your designated spot quickly once the fight starts
- If you’re a designated soaker, move to the designated soaking spot when it is your group’s turn
- Paladins: Use Blessing of Protection to remove Bewildering Strike off the MT if absolutely necessary
- Spread out right before the 5th Bloodboil cast to avoid high Fel Geyser splash damage
Phase 2
- If Gurtogg picks you as his Fel Rage target, quickly move to the main tank spot from Phase 1
- Use Evasion, Deterrence, Pain Suppression, Shield Wall & Drain Life to survive Fel Rage
- Heal yourself and equip a shield if you can in order to reduce Gurtogg’s damage on you
- Paladins: Use Blessing of Protection to save the Fel Rage player’s life if necessary
- Don’t be in front of Gurtogg, ever
- Quickly move into Phase 1 positions after Fel Rage ends
Phase 1
- Stack up behind one of Gurtogg’s sides (left/right) with the other melee DPS at all times
- Move to the opposite side (left -> right) if you get targeted by Fel Acid Breath
- Don’t be in front of Gurtogg, ever
- Rogues: Use Cloak of Shadows to dispel Fel Acid Breath off yourself
Phase 2
Phase 1
- If you’re assigned to tank healing, always keep an eye out on who Gurtogg is currently attacking
- Quickly swap to the new tank after a tank swap — Gurtogg does a lot of damage, don’t slack
Phase 2
- All but 1 healer should be healing the Fel Rage player
- Spam quick heals on them, don’t cheap out with mana
- You will need to heal even harder when they get debuffed by Arcing Smash or Fel Acid Breath
- Use cooldowns like Nature’s Swiftness if necessary to keep them alive
- Switch back to healing your Phase 1 target when Fel Rage ends, particularly as a tank healer
Phase 1
- You have about 10 seconds to move Gurtogg to the correct spot and turn him accordingly
- The off-tanks should go as hard with threat as they can, while the main tank doesn’t get too far ahead
- Main Tank: Stop doing more threat if you’re too far ahead of the other tanks
- Main Tank: Stop doing more threat if you have10 stacks of Acidic Wound or more, wait for tank swap
- Off-Tank: Announce on voice chat if the boss is on you, to help your healers out
- Protection Paladins: Use Divine Shield to remove your Acidic Wound as instructed by the raid leader
Phase 2
- You cannot tank Gurtogg during this phase, so just go all-out with DPS
- Main Tank: Be ready to pick up Gurtogg ASAP as soon as Fel Rage ends, use cooldowns if necessary
Abilities – Phase 1
This phase is the more conventional of the two. It will last 60 seconds, after which point Phase 2 will begin.
Abilities – Phase 2
After Gurtogg has casted Bloodboil 5 times, almost precisely 60 seconds after Phase 1 started, he will transition to Phase 2, which he starts by casting Fel Geyser. This phase lasts 30 seconds, and then the fight reverts back to Phase 1.
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull
After you have taken out all but 1 of the fel-sworn orcs inside the Halls of Anguish, you raid will be ready to take out the last of their kind: Gurtogg Bloodboil himself.

Note that if it’s ever looking like you’re going to wipe, because your main tank died for example, you can reset Gurtogg completely so you don’t fully wipe, by forcing him to run up the stairs by the small gate that leads to the hall before his room, as pictured below.

You can get pretty close to Gurtogg without aggroing him as his aggro range is very small. So use all of that space you got in order to ress up, buff up, regenerate health and mana etc, until you’re ready to take him on.
Before you pull, it is vital that everyone in your raid understands what they need to do. You will need a minimum of 3 groups of 5 players each (total of 15 different players) assigned to taking turns soaking Bloodboil. 4 groups of 5 is ideal, but it can only work if you have 20 ranged players (as melee shouldn’t run) so 3 groups of 5 is the most realistic option.
It can help if you go by in-game groups as much as possible in order to avoid confusing people. You can also mark 1 player in each group who you trust to remember to move in time when it’s his group’s turn, for the other, less reliable players to follow. If you can help it, only assign 1 healer per soaker group — you don’t want your healers all stopping to heal at once.
When you’re ready, your Hunters should use Misdirection on the main tank, who needs to quickly move to the spot shown below, with his back against the fountain on the right side of his room (facing right as you go down the ramp into his room) so as to avoid Eject‘s knockback. Melee will stack up behind Gurtogg and off to one side (left or right).
Meanwhile, all of your ranged DPS and healers should position directly in front of the puddle of water on the left side of Gurtogg’s room, facing Gurtogg’s back. The exception will be the first soaker group, who should already go into the puddle and prepare themselves for the first Bloodboil. Your raid will want to position as shown in the picture below:

Phase 1
Gurtogg will usually be a sportsmanlike fellow and not cast any of his abilities for the first ~10 seconds, giving your raid plenty of time to position, get debuffs up, pump some damage, etc. However, about 11 seconds in, he will cast Bloodboil for the first time, at which point all bets are off — he can now use his complete Phase 1 arsenal.
The first group of soakers will get hit by the Bloodboil debuff and start taking damage over time. At this point the damage is fairly minor, so your healers will have no trouble healing it at all. The first soaker group should move back into the raid, while the second group moves into the puddle, getting ready for their own Bloodboil.
This is how the Bloodboil dance will go for all of Phase 1. The current soaker group moves behind the raid, into the water puddle. They get hit, and they move back into the raid, while the next group goes into the puddle. This dance will be repeated a total of 4 times during Phase 1, as the 5th Bloodboil cast will be the last one for each Phase 1.

Your MT will start building up Acidic Wound stacks. Gurtogg will start using Arcing Smash as well, building up your main tank’s Acidic Wound counter up even faster, and causing them to take increasingly larger damage spikes.
Your off-tanks need to race for threat at all times. At 10 to 15 stacks, the Acidic Wound will be too much and your MT may randomly die, so they will need to take be close on threat in order to pick Gurtogg up. If your tank’s stacks get high or they get too far ahead in threat, they should stop doing threat altogether, until the next tank has caught up to them. Call the tank swap out on voice so your healers can react to it and start healing the new tank as quickly as possible.
If your MT is a Protection Paladin, they can use Divine Shield to dispel Acidic Wound off themselves, ignoring the need for the first tank swap. This can be hugely beneficial, as roughly 30 seconds into the fight Gurtogg will cast Eject, reducing the MT’s threat by 50%. This will be a lot easier to deal with if they didn’t stop dealing threat while the off-tanks catch-up, meaning they can build a massive threat lead and then let the tank swap happen naturally through Eject.
Gurtogg will occasionally pick a random target within melee range and start casting Fel Acid Breath on them. That person should quickly move to the opposite side (so from Gurtogg’s left side to his right side, for example), so the AoE effect hits as few players as possible. It doesn’t really hurt much, but no reason to take the extra damage.
The last ability that Gurtogg has in his bag of tricks is Bewildering Strike. He uses it on the main tank, disorienting them for 8 seconds. While the main tank is disoriented, Gurtogg will completely ignore them, focusing on the 2nd highest threat target instead. Provided your tanks are doing decent threat and the person in 2nd place after the Eject cast is an off-tank, it won’t hurt too much — your healers will just need to be ready to heal the next tank.
If however the Bewildering Strike too soon after Eject, it can really hurt, as your tanks may not on the top 3 threat spots, which will get many DPS players killed. It is therefore not a bad idea to have your Paladins use Blessing of Protection on the MT in order to get them back into the action ASAP, if your off-tanks aren’t keeping up with threat.
After Gurtogg has cast Bloodboil for the 4th time (roughly 45 seconds into the fight) your raid should begin spreading out in anticipation of the transition to Phase 2 that comes when he casts Bloodboil for the 5th time, 60 seconds into the fight. Position similarly to the picture below — spread around the room, with ranged DPS staying away from melee.

Phase 2
Almost immediately after the 5th Bloodboil, Gurtogg will cast Fel Geyser, signifying the beginning of Phase 2. This is why your raid spread out — its damage isn’t exceptionally high but you don’t want to strain your healers unnecessarily in this phase, specially if you had a few mistakes with handling Bloodboil in Phase 1.
Immediately after that, he will target a random player and apply the Fel Rage debuff to them, making them massive, while increasing their armor by 15k, their health by 30k, their damage done by 300% and their healing done by 100%. Gurtogg will also use a different version of Fel Rage on himself, increasing his damage done by 85% while giving his attacks a 25% chance to increase his attack speed by 8% thanks to Fury, which stacks up to 20 times.
The rest of your raid will be afflicted with the Insignificance debuff, which reduces all of their threat dealt by 100%. This makes the start of this phase a great time to use Heroism / Bloodlust along with personal DPS cooldowns, as your DPS players can finally go all-out, not having to worry about their threat due to the pesky Eject.
The Fel Rage player should move to the main tank spot from Phase 1, in order to make the subsequent transition to Phase 2 as smooth as possible. Gurtogg will chase them, and focus his attention on them. Nobody else should be standing in front of Gurtogg. Your healers should start pumping heals on them, particularly when he is afflicted by one of the nasty debuffs of Gurtogg’s enhanced Phase 2 abilities, such as Fel Acid Breath and Arcing Smash.
Survivability cooldowns, like Evasion, Deterrence, Pain Suppression and Shield Wall will come incredibly handy here. Warlocks can use Drain Life to save themselves thanks to their massively increased damage and healing done making it very strong, while classes with healing spells heal themselves and classes that can use shields equip them.
If it’s ever looking like the Fel Rage player might be about to die, your Paladins should use Blessing of Protection on them to save their life. It’s best to use it about 10 to 15 seconds into Phase 2, as Gurtogg will have a lot of Fury stacks, making his damage very scary. Gurtogg can still use Fel Acid Breath to damage them, so he’ll stay on that target rather than start killing others — which will certainly happen if the Fel Rage player dies, likely resulting in a wipe.
Phase 1… Again
After 30 seconds, Fel Rage will end on both the targeted player and Gurtogg, signifying the end of Phase 2 and the beginning of Phase 1, yet again. The player targeted by Fel Rage will have all of their threat reset to 0, so you’d better hope they weren’t one of the tanks, but other than that, the fight will go on in the exact same way.
By this point you know the drill. Your ranged players reposition in front of the water puddle again, while the first group of soaker goes in. Get hit by it, then move back into the raid, while the next group goes into the puddle — exactly the same as before. This Phase 1 will last 60 seconds, while the Phase 2 that follows will last 30 seconds, rinse and repeat.
The only difficult points will be tank swaps. Your tank will suddenly start taking damage as soon as the Phase 2 -> Phase 1 transition happens, and your healers will need to be ready for it, while your tanks get ready to use a defensive cooldown if necessary to buy the healers a couple of seconds.
The only other thing you should worry about is the fight going on for too long, thus having your tanks get hit by multiple Ejects, eventually causing DPS players to start getting massacred instead as there’s no longer a tank 2nd on threat.
But if your raid is good enough to handle Gurtogg’s multiple mechanics, it’s unlikely that you’ll lack the raid to take him down in time. With this angry orc out of their way, your raid is one step closer to taking on Illidan himself!