- Author: DanielD
- Date: November 17, 2021
- Updated: November 18, 2021
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Hellfire Peninsula can be challenging if you head to Outland as soon as you’re level 58. That being said, who wants to wait? Until you ding 60, just make sure you’re killing mobs to and from the various objectives (you hopefully won’t have to grind a lot of extra mobs, but if you’re full HP/mana, kill stuff as you go). You’ll want to hit level 60 before step 23 of this section.
Part 1

- Make your way to the Blasted Lands, and head to the very south end of the map to find the Dark Portal — it’s pretty hard to miss. Find Warlord Dar’toon (58.1, 56) by the portal and accept
Through the Dark Portal.
- Go through the portal, which will take you to the Hellfire Peninsula. Once there, head downstairs to speak with Lieutenant General Orion (87.3, 49.8) and turn in
Through the Dark Portal, accept
Arrival in Outland.
- Speak with nearby flight master Vlagga Freyfeather (87.3, 48.1) to turn in
Arrival in Outland and accept
Journey to Thrallmar. When you’re ready, ask him to fly you to Thrallmar.
- Once you land in Thrallmar:
- Talk to General Krakork (55.9, 36.6) to turn in
Journey to Thrallmar, accept
Report to Nazgrel.
- Nazgrel (55, 36) is at the back of the main building behind Krakork, so go report to him (turn in
Report to Nazgrel) and accept
Eradicate the Burning Legion.
- Talk to Vurtok Axebreaker (55.1, 36.4) nearby to accept
Bonechewer Blood.
- Speak with the goblin Megzeg Nukklebust (55.2, 38.8) outside to accept
I work… For the Horde!
- Go to the inn (it’s the only other building in town) and speak with Floyd Pinkus (56.7, 37.4), make Thallmar your new home, and put this album on if you didn’t get the innkeeper’s name.
- Talk to General Krakork (55.9, 36.6) to turn in
- Leave Thallmar heading southeast on the road to find Sergeant Shatterskull (58.1, 41.3) on your left. turn in
Eradicate the Burning Legion, accept
Felspark Ravine.
- From Sergeant Shatterskull, go east and slightly north to reach Felspark Ravine. Keep an eye out for the Fel Reaver that patrols, and kill a Dreadcaller, 4 Flamewalker Imps, and 6 Infernal Warbringers. If you can’t get all of these mobs now due to respawns, you can return to Felspark Ravine before step 8 to finish up
Felspark Ravine.
- Now head due south to the Path of Glory, and start killing Bonechewer Mutants, Raiders, Scavengers, and Evokers near their siege weapons overlooking the path. They’ll drop the Bonechewer Blood you need for — you guessed it —
Bonechewer Blood. While here, pick up the 8 Salvaged Metal and 8 Salvaged Wood you need for
I Work… For the Horde! Stay here until you’ve finished both quests.
- Return to Sergeant Shatterskull (58.1, 41.3) and turn in
Felspark Ravine, accept
Forward Base: Reaver’s Fall.
- Return to Thrallmar, and:
- Speak with Megzeg Nukklebust (55.2, 38.8) to turn in
I work… For the Horde! and accept
Burn It Up… For the Horde!
- Talk to Vurtok Axebreaker (55.1, 36.4) to turn in
Bonechewer Blood, accept
Apothecary Zelena.
- Speak with Megzeg Nukklebust (55.2, 38.8) to turn in
- Leave Thrallmar and head southeast to Reaver’s Fall (66, 44), it’s left up the hill once you reach the Path of Glory:
- Speak with Forward Commander To’arch (65.9, 43.9) to turn in
Forward Base: Reaver’s Fall, accept
Disrupt Their Reinforcements.
- Talk to Apothecary Zelana (66.2, 42) to turn in
Apothecary Zelana and accept
Spinebreaker Post.
- Speak with Forward Commander To’arch (65.9, 43.9) to turn in
- Go due east to find The Legion Front (it’s where all the just-arrived baddies are). We’re going to destroy some specific portals, so make sure you’re using the coordinates or else hover the portal and check it’s name — note you need to do these in order:
- Clear your way to Portal Xilus (70,8, 45.5). Keep killing demons until you’ve collected 4 Demonic Rune Stones, then stand in the portal and right click it to disable it.
- Now kill your way northeast to Portal Kruul (74, 38.7). Same deal here: collect rune stones, disable portal.
- If you came to Outland at level 58, this is a decent place to grind mobs; you’ll probably need to do so in order to hit level 60 by step 23 (which you need for some quests).
- Return to Reaver’s Fall (66, 44):
- Speak with Forward Commander To’arch (65.9, 43.9) to turn in
Disrupt Their Reinforcement, accept
Mission: Gateways Murketh and Shaadraz.
- Put the Seaforium PU-36 Explosive Nether Modulator (I just call it a SPUEN’M) in your action bar, then speak with Wing Commander Brack (66.1, 43.7) and tell him you’re on a bombing mission to begin. Click the bomb and put your cursor over the big floating green crystals — once your reticule turns green, you can left-click to drop your bomb. Try to aim for the center of the portals — if you miss too many times you’ll have to re-fly the mission! Once successful, speak with Forward Commander To’arch to turn in
Mission: Gateways Murketh and Shaadraz and accept
Mission: The Abyssal Shelf.
- Put the Area 52 Special in your hotbar, then speak with Wing Commander Brack (66.1, 43.7) and ask him to send you to the Abyssal Shelf. This time you need to bomb a few specific mobs: 20 Gan’arg Peons, 5 Mo’arg Overseers, and 5 Fel Cannons. Once you land (and assuming you succeeded), speak with Forward Commander To’arch to turn in
Mission: The Abyssal Shelf, accept
Return to Thrallmar.
- Speak with Forward Commander To’arch (65.9, 43.9) to turn in
- Talk to Wing Commander Brack (66.1, 43.7) and this time have him send you to Spinebreaker Post. Once there:
- Talk to Apothecary Albreck (61.1, 81.8) to turn in
Spinebreaker Post, accept
Boiling Blood.
- Find the seated Grelag (60.9, 81.7) to accept
Preparing the Salve. Start keeping an eye out for Hellfire Spineleaf, you’ll need it to make the salve poor Grelag needs for his busted leg. It tends to grow near hills and mountain edges.
- Speak with the surprisingly sane-sounding Ogath the Mad (61.9, 81.5) at the back of the camp to accept
The Warp Rifts.
- Talk to Emissary Mordiba (61.8, 81.7) to accept
Make Them Listen.
- Take a look at the Wanted Poster (61.2, 80.6) by the entrance to accept
Wanted: Worg Master Kruush.
- Grab the FP before you leave.
- Talk to Apothecary Albreck (61.1, 81.8) to turn in
- Leave the post and go east to Zeth’Gor (66, 74). On the way there and back, collect Hellfire Spineleaf until you’ve got 12. Note that the entrance is on the western side of the camp. While here:
- Kill orcs until you’ve collected 12 Bleeding Hollow Blood.
- Go to the stables to find Worg Master Kruush (68.3, 73.5). You’ll want to clear the area around him first, or else kill his worgs before you take him down; his pets will go get help from nearby mobs if you kill Kruush first.
- Go find the Cursed Cauldron (65.2, 71.2) by exiting Zeth’Gor and turning right. You’ll need to right click it to boil one of your Bleeding Hollow Blood, turning it into Boiled Blood. Each time you do this, some scarabs will spawn — you can run away from them and just let them despawn each time. Do this until you have 12 Boiled Blood. Note that if you stand on the eastern side of the cauldron, you can sometimes avoid the scarabs and throw a few blood in before you have to retreat.
- Make sure you have all 12 Hellfire Spineleaf you need (if you aren’t level 60, farm orcs while you search for it), then return to Spinebreaker Post:
- Find Captain Darkhowl (61.2, 81.3) to turn in
Wanted: Worg Master Kruush, accept
Zeth’Gor Must Burn!
- Talk to Zezzak to accept
The Eyes of Grillok.
- Talk to Apothecary Albreck (61.1, 81.8) to turn in
Boiling Blood, accept
Apothecary Antonivich.
- Speak with Grelag (60.9, 81.7) to turn in
Preparing the Salve, accept
Investigate the Crash.
- Find Captain Darkhowl (61.2, 81.3) to turn in
- Catch a wyvern to Thrallmar:
- Talk to Nazgrel (55, 36) in the main building to turn in
Return to Thrallmar, accept
Forge Camp: Mageddon.
- Nearby, speak with Stone Guard Stok’ton (55.2, 36) to accept
Weaken the Ramparts.
- Go up the path on the western side of Thrallmar and enter the tower at the top of the hill to find Apothecary Antonivich (52.3, 36.5) and turn in
Apothecary Antonivich, accept
A Burden of Souls.
- Talk with Battlecryer Blackeye (56, 39.2) to accept
Hellfire Fortifications.
- Talk to Nazgrel (55, 36) in the main building to turn in
- Leave town by taking the path behind the inn that leads north up the small hill, and go northeast up the hill and then east to Forge Camp: Mageddon (64, 31). You’ll have to pass Forge Camp: Rage. For
Forge Camp: Mageddon you’ll need to kill 10 Gan’arg Servants as well as Razorsaw, who patrols the camp. Razorsaw will drop a Burning Legion Missive in addition to his head — right-click the missive to accept
Vile Plans.
- Return to Thrallmar:
- Speak with Nazgrel (55, 36) to turn in
Forge Camp: Mageddon, accept
Cannons of Rage.
- Find Magister Bloodhawk (55.1, 36) to turn in
Vile Plans.
- Speak with Nazgrel (55, 36) to turn in
- Take the path behind the inn and follow it northeast until you reach Forge Camp: Rage. (59, 32). Destroy 3 Fel Cannon MKI for
Cannons of Rage.
- Return to Thrallmar, talk with Nazgrel (55, 36) to turn in
Cannons of Rage, accept
Doorway to the Abyss and
The Assassin — if you aren’t level 60 yet, grab this quest when you return to Thrallmar on step 23.
- Take the same path behind the inn and go northwest to Invasion Point: Annihilator (54, 27). Kill your way to Warbringer Arix’Amal (53.1, 26.5) in the northern part of the camp, then kill Arix’Amal. Take his Burning Legion Gate Key, then nearby find the Forge Camp: Portal Glyph (53, 27.7). Use the key on the glyph to close the gate.
- Hearthstone back to Thrallmar, accept
Falcon Watch from Martik Tor’seldori, then take the path left of the main building out of town to find Foreman Razelcraz (51.4, 30.5) by taking a right at the fork. accept
Outland Sucks! from Razelcraz. Note that if you still aren’t level 60, just return to Thrallmar and grab
The Assassin and
Falcon Watch once you ding it — doing the following steps should get you there if you aren’t already.
- Head south to the nearby canyon (49, 36) and look for Shredder Spare Parts for
Outland Sucks! While in the canyon, also kill any Marauding Crust Bursters, and pray that one of them drops the Eroded Leather Case (right-click it to accept
Missing Missive). It might not drop by the time you’ve collected all the shredder parts you need, which is OK — there’s lots more worms to kill. If you have to wait for shredder part respawns, kill the helboar to the north while you wait, or the orcs to the north.
- Return to Foreman Razelcraz (51.4, 30.5) and turn in
Outland Sucks!, accept
How to Serve Goblins.
- Head southwest, keeping the canyon on your left, until you reach the Shattered Hand orc camps by the Northern Rampart. Head to Manni’s Cage (45.1, 41.1) and let that man(ni) out. Continue south to the next camp to also open Moh’s Cage (46.4, 45.2), then south a bit further to free Jakk (47.5, 46.6) from his cage. It’s also worth killing the orcs here for A Burden of Souls, though you’ll have another chance later to finish that one up.
- Follow the road west, and once you pass through the wooden stake fence and enter The Stadium, take a right along the mountains to find the Fel Orc Corpse on the side of the mountain. At the corpse you can turn in
The Assassin, accept
A Strange Weapon.
Part 2

- Cut across the roads and head south and slightly west to reach Falcon Watch (27, 61); you’ll see the white tower on the hill if you go south enough. Once there:
- Speak with Magistrix Carinda (26.4, 60.3) to accept
Arelion’s Journal.
- Enter the nearby building and talk to Apothecary Azethen to accept
Source of the Corruption.
- Speak with nearby Ryathen the Somber to accept
In Need of Felblood.
- Also talk to Arcanist Calesthris Dawnstar to accept
Magic of the Arakkoa.
- Now follow the path further up the hill to find Falconer Drenna Riverwind, accept
Birds of a Feather. Skip
Helping the Cenarion Post and
Trueflight Arrows for now.
- Grab the nearby flight path.
- From the wanted poster in front of the building, accept
Wanted: Blacktalon the Savage.
- Use the Orb of Translocation in the building, then speak with Ranger Captain Venn’ren to turn in
Falcon Watch, accept
The Great Fissure. Skip
Report to Zurai for now.
- Speak with Magistrix Carinda (26.4, 60.3) to accept
- Start asking in chat if anyone wants to group for
Wanted: Blacktalon the Savage, and head east from Falcon Watch to reach the Great Fissure (30, 62). Kill Stonescythe Whelps and Alphas for The Great Fissure as you approach Blacktalon’s cave (34, 63), which is east of where you’ll enter the fissure, on the right side. If you don’t have the Eroded Leather Case, kill the Tunnelers here as well. If you still haven’t found a group and you’re done killing Stonescythes, you can try to solo Blacktalon. If you’re ranged, you should be able to kite it, but make sure you clear the area first. Otherwise, feel free to leave this quest for later. Don’t forget to grab his claws if you kill him!
- Leave the fissure heading southeast to the Southern Ramparts (44, 62), kill any last Shattered Hand orcs you need for A Burden of Souls.
- Further east you’ll find the Zeppelin Crash (48, 73):
- Talk to “Screaming” Screed Luckheed to turn in
Investigate the Crash and accept
In Case of Emergency…
- Speak with Legassi to accept
Ravager Egg Roundup.
- Talk to “Screaming” Screed Luckheed to turn in
- Now go southwest until you hit the road, and continue southwest to Razorthorn Trail (42, 83). Collect 12 Ravager Eggs for
Ravager Egg Roundup.
- Return to the Zeppelin Crash and talk to Legassi to turn in
Ravager Egg Roundup, accept
Helboar, the Other White Meat.
- Head northeast of the crash site to find Deranged Helboar and Marauding Crustbursters (only bother killing these if you still haven’t collected the Eroded Leather Case and accepted
Missing Missive). As you collect Tainted Helboar Meat, use the Purification Mixture to turn it into Purified Helboar Meat. Once you’ve gotten 8 Purified Helboar Meat, and found the Eroded Leather Case, you can return to the Zeppelin Crash.
- At the Zeppelin Crash, talk to Legassi to turn in
Helboar, the Other White Meat, accept
Smooth as Butter.
- Now head southeast to find the Expedition Armory (55, 76). Kill Unyielding Knights, one of them should eventually drop A Mysterious Tome; use it to accept
Decipher the Tome. Feel free to kill Unyielding Footmen and Sorcerers for
Make Them Listen, but focus on finding the tome.
- Head northeast to the Valley of Bones (55, 73). Collect Zeppelin Debris while killing Bonestripper Buzzards for their Plump Wings (don’t they look tasty?), and make your way east/northeast. It’s OK if you haven’t finished
In Case of Emergency… and
Smooth as Butter when you exit the valley, we’ll be back.
- Go north to the Path of Glory, then head west until you hit the Eastern Cannon (60.8, 51.9). Use your Flaming Torch to burn that sucker down! Continue further west to the Western Cannon (54.9, 53.5), and set that one on fire too.
- Hearthstone to Thrallmar:
- Talk to Megzeg Nukklebust (55.2, 38.7) to turn in
Burn It Up… For the Horde!
- See Nazgrel in the main building to turn in
Doorway to the Abyss and
A Strange Weapon, accept
Cruel’s Intentions and
The Warchief’s Mandate.
- Then talk to Magister Bloodhawk to accept
The Agony and the Darkness.
- By the path to the left of the main building, talk to Far Seer Regulkut to turn in
The Warchief’s Mandate, accept
A Spirit Guide.
- Go up the hill to the tower and talk to Apothecary Antonivich to turn in
A Burden of Souls, accept
The Demoniac Scryer.
- Talk to Megzeg Nukklebust (55.2, 38.7) to turn in
- Catch a wyvern to Spinebreaker Post, talk to Althen the Historian (61.7, 81.8) to turn in
Decipher the Tome, accept
The Battle Horn.
- Go north to the Valley of Bones (59, 71), where you’ll once again collect Zeppelin Debris while killing Bonestripper Buzzards for their Plump Wings. Continue west through the valley, but don’t leave until you’ve completed
In Case of Emergency… and
Smooth as Butter.
- Exit the western end of the valley and head south to the Expedition Armory. Fight your way south to Lieutenant Commander Thalvos (54, 83). Kill the fellow and he’ll drop the Unyielding Battle Horn.
- Now go northwest to return to the Zeppelin Crash (48, 73):
- Talk to “Screaming” Screed to turn in
In Case of Emergency… and accept
Voidwalkers Gone Wild.
- Speak with Legassi to turn in
Smooth as Butter. Those of you lucky enough to have the Cooking profession will be pleased to discover you can now cook your very on Buzzard Bites.
- Talk to “Screaming” Screed to turn in
- Head south to find The Warp Fields (48, 80). Once there, right-click the Unstable Warp Rift Generator in your inventory and then click anywhere on the ground to create a warp rift, and kill what comes out. Repeat this until you’ve gathered 3 Warp Nether for The Warp Rifts. Now you can roam the warp fields and kill the Uncontrolled and Rogue Voidwalkers to collect the the 10 Condensed Voidwalker Essence you need for Voidwalkers Gone Wild. Note the Unstable Voidwalkers that spawn when you use the warp rift generator won’t drop the essence you want, they only drop Warp Nether.
- Once finished with both Warp Fields quests, go north to return to the Zeppelin Crash, talk to “Screaming” Screed to turn in
Voidwalkers Gone Wild.
- Go southeast to Spinebreaker Post (61, 81):
- Talk to Althen the Historian (61.7, 81.8) to turn in
The Battle Horn, accept
Bloody Vengeance.
- Speak with Ogath the Mad to turn in
The Warp Rifts, accept
Void Ridge.
- Talk to Althen the Historian (61.7, 81.8) to turn in
- Leave the post heading northeast towards Zeth’Gor, and look for a busted up Alliance siege tower that has an Unyielding Banner (63.5, 77.5) in front of it. Use the Unyielding Battle Horn to summon (and then kill) Urtrak. Careful not to let the ghosts that spawn do all the work, as you’ll need to do more than 50% of Urtrak’s HP to get the credit.
- Now head east to Zeth’Gor, killing Bleeding Hollow Peons and checking them for Bleeding Hollow Torches as you go. Continue east past the cauldron and enter Zeth’Gor via the northern gate (68, 69):
- If you don’t have a torch yet , find and kill a Bleeding Hollow Peon, who’ll hopefully drop a Bleeding Hollow Torch. Then head to the forge on your left as you enter the gate. Once you’re next to the gorge (69.2, 69.1), right click the Bleeding Hollow Torch in your inventory to light it. Ready for some arson?
- Stand near the building by the forge (69.7, 70.2) and right click your torch to torch the building.
- Kill more peons until you have 3 torches (you can find them outside the camp if you can’t get to any peons inside easily), and then go and light all their torches at once.
- Head south from the forge to the Stable (68, 73), use a torch.
- South/southwest a bit more tow the Western Hovel (67, 76), torch it!
- East to the the big building, the Barracks (69, 76), make it burn!!
- Find an Eye of Grillok and sneak up to it, then use Zezzak’s Shard while targeting it. If it spots you, this won’t work, so make sure any pet/familiar doesn’t aggro the eye. If done correctly, you should have the Eye of Grillok buff.
- Return ASAP to Spinebreaker Post:
- Talk to Zezzak to turn in
The Eyes of Grillok, accept
Grillok “Darkeye”. Keep an eye out (sorry) for another of Grillok’s eyes, who will come and threaten you.
- Speak with Althen the Historian to turn in
Bloody Vengeance, accept
Honor the Fallen.
- Talk to Captain Darkhowl to turn in
Zeth’Gor Must Burn!
- Talk to Zezzak to turn in
- Leave the post and head east past Zeth’Gor again, this time continuing completely past the fort. Once you pass Zeth’Gor, go east through the path through the mountains, Spinebreaker Pass (71, 67). Through the pass you’ll reach the Void Ridge (75, 66). Once there, you’ll need to kill voidwalkers to collect 40 Void Ridge Soul Shards for
Void Ridge. There are important things to know about both types of voidwalkers:
- Vacillating Voidwalkers absorb the first school of magic you target them with, so Paladins and Blood Elves will want to use Mana Tap first, and other casting classes should use a spell from the school of magic you aren’t specced into.
- Collapsing Voidwalkers self destruct at 10% hp (or if you destroy them), so use ranged attacks or else run away once you see them casting Collapse.
- Once you’ve completed the objective of
Void Ridge, hearthstone back to Thrallmar. Take care of any business you need to in town.
- Take the path left of the main building northwest, and then take your first right to speak to Foreman Razelcraz (51.4, 30.5), turn in
How to Serve Goblins, accept
Shizz Work. Use the Felhound Whistle you just got while near Razelcraz to summon a Fel Guard Hound. Now go to the open area to your west and kill some helboars; the devil dog you’ve got with you will eat the corpse and leave you some Felhound Poo. Dig through the poo and hope you found the Shredder Keys — if you didn’t, keep feeding the good boy until he poops you out the key.
- Return to Foreman Razelcraz and turn in
Shizz Work, accept
Beneath Thrallmar. Enter the mine and make your way to the bottom, where you’ll need to slay Urga’zz. Careful of the mines he lays, and the relatively quick respawns of the mobs in the mine. Leave the mine and turn in
Beneath Thrallmar.
- Now follow the edge of the canyon southwest and go through the gap in the Northern Ramparts (46, 44), and then head west to the Pools of Aggonar:
- While en-route, start trying to get a group for
Cruel’s Intentions.
- Once you reach the pools, start killing Terrorfiends for
The Agony and the Darkness, and collect the Felblood Samples they drop for
In Need of Felblood.
- Head to (40, 37.2) to find poor dead Arelion, loot his knapsack to find Arelion’s Journal. If it’s not there, someone might have looted it already; you can wait for the respawn while killing Terrorfiends, or you can also kill the oozes that are around, as they sometimes drop the journal as well.
- If you can’t get a group together, you can skip this one and/or come back later. If you’ve gotten a group for
Cruel’s Intentions, you can go find Arazzius the Cruel at the back of the pools on the right, up on a platform (42, 32). He’s going to be tough, but at least you don’t have to fight whatever that thing at the back of the canyon was. Pull the Mistresses of Doom before you fight him, and make sure you can interrupt him when he casts Inferno or the Infernal it summons will wreck your day.
- While en-route, start trying to get a group for
- Once you’ve finished the objectives for all 3 (or 4) quests, leave the pools and follow the road west. Once you pass through the wooden stake fence and enter The Stadium, take a right and find the Fel Orc Corpse (33.6, 43.5) we visited earlier. Use the Ancestral Spirit Wolf Totem, and follow the spooky wolf that appears. We suggest farming mobs around the wolf when you can, as it really takes its time. Careful of the Fel Reaver that roams here. After a long hike, the wolf spirit will bring you to Gorkan Bloodfist, with whom you’ll turn in
A Spirit Guide and accept
The Mag’har.
- Your hearthstone might not be up yet, in which case you’ve got a bit of a trek ahead. Hearth or ride back to Thrallmar:
- In the main building, speak with Nazgrel to turn in
The Mag’har (and
Cruel’s Intentions if you did it), accept
Messenger to Thrall.
- Talk to Magister Bloodhawk to turn in
The Agony and the Darkness.
- In the main building, speak with Nazgrel to turn in
- Fly to Falcon Watch. (Note that some of the quests here require level 61. If you’re still level 60, now is a good time to do some PvP or the Hellfire Ramparts instance):
- Talk to Falconer Drenna Riverwind when you land to accept
Helping the Cenarion Post and
Trueflight Arrows.
- Use the Orb in the nearby building to talk to Ranger Captain Venn’ren, turn in
The Great Fissure (and turn in
Wanted: Blacktalon the Savage if you’ve completed it), accept
Report to Zurai and
Marking the Path.
- Head down the hill and speak with Ryathen the Somber in the building at (26, 59) to turn in
In Need of Felblood, accept
The Cleansing Must Be Stopped.
- On Ryathen’s left is the inkeeper, make Falcon Watch your new home.
- Last, talk to Magistrix Carinda (26.4, 60.3) to give her the bad news — turn in
Arelion’s Journal, accept
Arelion’s Secret. If you really hate drama, it’s OK to skip this quest, but hopefully you like XP more.
- Now, for the next few steps, you’ll want to look for Magister Aledis, who rides a strider and travels the road between Falcon Watch and Zangarmarsh to the west. As you do the following section, just continuously check the road for Aledis whenever it’s convenient. Once you do find him, make sure you’re full HP and then talk to him — then get him below 30% hp and you’ll be able to turn in
Arelion’s Secret and accept
The Mistress Revealed.
- Talk to Falconer Drenna Riverwind when you land to accept
- Leave Falcon Watch via the road, and you’ll quickly spot a group of Bonestripper Vultures north of the bend in the road (28, 56). Kill all the vultures here for Trueflight Arrows, but keep an eye on the road for Aledis. If you’ve cleared this camp and haven’t finished collecting the 8 Bonestripper Tail Feathers you need, that’s OK. Get back on the road and go left (west) at the fork to find a second group of vultures near (25, 49) north of the road. Stay here until you complete
Trueflight Arrows.
- Continue west on the road and take a left at (16.5, 50.3) to reach the Cenarion Post (note that the NPCs are all hiding behind the hill, not in the ruins beyond):
- Speak with Amythiel Mistwalker to accept
The Cenarion Expedition.
- Talk to Mahuram Stouthoof to accept
Keep Thornfang Hill Clear!
- Chat with Tola’thion to accept
Colossal Menace.
- Holler at Thiah Redmane to turn in
Missing Missive and
Helping the Cenarion Post, accept
Demonic Contamination. Note that you’ll want to kill any Hulking Helboar you see until you’ve completed the objectives for this quest.
- Speak with Amythiel Mistwalker to accept
- If you still haven’t found Magister Aledis, continue west to Thornfang Hill. If you still haven’t found him, turn around and take the road all the way back to Falcon Watch, there’s no way you won’t find him — even if he’s been killed, he should respawn in Falcon Watch. Once you’ve dealt with Aledis and accepted
The Mistress Revealed, we need to get the flight path in Shattrath. Ride west into Zangarmarsh, then follow the road south to Terrokar Forest. Head into Shattrath and grab the flight path (64, 41), then take the portal (it’s at (56.8, 48.9) in the big central building) to Origmmar.
- In Origmmar, go see Thrall in the main building of the Valley of Wisdom (though any true Horde warrior knows where Thrall is) and turn in
Messenger to Thrall, wait for him to finish talking, accept
Envoy to the Mag’har. Now’s a good time to do any shopping, selling, and training you need to. When finished in Origmmar, hearthstone back to Falcon Watch — if it’s not up, you can go through the Dark Portal and ride to Spinebreaker Post, then take a wyvern the rest of the way.
Part 3

- In Falcon Watch:
- Speak with Magistrix Carinda by the inn to turn in
The Mistress Revealed, accept
Arelion’s Mistress.
- Talk to Falconer Drenna Riverwind up the hill by the flight master to turn in
Trueflight Arrows.
- Speak with Magistrix Carinda by the inn to turn in
- Leave town and go north to (27, 40) and kill all the Hulking Helboars in the area for Demonic Contamination, and then move on even if you haven’t collected the 6 Helboar Blood Samples you need.
- Remember where the ghost wolf took you? We’re going back that way — head northeast to the entrance to the Mag’har Post (30, 33):
- Follow the path all the way up the hill to speak with Gorkan Bloodfist and turn in
Envoy to the Mag’har.
- Behind you, talk to Earthcaller Ryga and accept
A Debilitating Sickness.
- Follow the path all the way up the hill to speak with Gorkan Bloodfist and turn in
- Head down the hill to where you killed the Hulking Helboars in step 2, if you still don’t have 6 Helboar Blood Samples, kill more. Move on even if you don’t get what you need once you’ve killed them all.
- Take the road east to the Pools of Aggonar. If you haven’t done
Cruel’s Intentions (see step 27.4 of Part 2), now is your last chance, so try to get a group if you still want to get it done. At the pools, fight your way to the Altar of Aggonar (39, 40.3) and use the Signaling Gem while near the altar. Wait a bit, and a Draenei Anchorite and two escorts will appear; you just need to kill the Anchorite, and then you can attempt to flee or take the other two out.
- Return to Falcon Watch, speak with Ryathen the Somber in the inn to turn in
The Cleansing Must be Stopped.
- Leave town and head east to the Great Fissure. Last time we’ll be here, so get a group or try to solo
Wanted: Blacktalon the Savage (see step 2 of this section) if you still need/want to. Either way, we’re going to light some beacons:
- First go to the Western Beacon (30, 60.6) and right-click it.
- Due east is the Central Beacon (34.1, 60), right-click that bad boy too.
- Now head south to the nearby cave (Blacktalon’s cave) to find a Drycap Mushroom (34, 65).
- Leave the cave and head southeast to the Southern Beacon (36.1, 65.4).
- Take the path southeast of the final beacon up and out of the fissure, and continue this direction to the Expedition Armory. Fight your way to the guard tower at (57, 77) — the leftmost building as you approach the armory — and speak to Commander Hogarth to turn in
Honor the Fallen. Take whatever reward works better for your class, and don’t sell it, as you’ll want it for step 10
- If you haven’t finished
Make them Listen, do so as you head southeast to Spinebreaker Post, then:
- Speak to Emissary Mordiba to turn in
Make them Listen.
- Talk with Ogath the Mad to turn in
Void Ridge, accept
From the Abyss.
- Speak to Emissary Mordiba to turn in
- Leave the post and find the cave (66, 71) to the northwest of Zeth’Gor (it’s basically under Zeth’Gor). Kill the guards outside, then pull the adds near Grillok “Darkeye” and dispatch them. Finally, equip the Blade of the Unyielding or the Rod of the Unyielding you got from Honor the Fallen. When you engage Grillok, you’ll get two ghost buddies to help you take him out. Loot Grillok’s Eyepatch and leave the cave.
- Return to the Void Ridge via Spinebreaker Pass (71, 67). Go south to the two large crystals (81, 79), and prepare for a fight. Right-clicking the Warp Field Generator you have will summon Void Baron Galaxis and two adds. If you don’t kill the adds first, he’ll eat them to heal, which could make finishing him tough. Kill the baron and grab the Galaxis Soul Shard from his corpse.
- Hearthstone (or fly from Spinebreaker Post) to Falcon Watch, and use the orb of translocation to talk to Ranger Captain Venn’ren on top of this tower to turn in
Marking the Path .
- Leave town heading southwest to reach the Den of Haal’esh (26, 71):
- Kill arakkoa for Haal’eshi Scrolls (you need 4 for
Magic of the Arakkoa) their while looting Kaliri Nests. If the nest spawns a Female Kaliri Hatchling, use the Empty Birdcage to capture it.
- Head downhill on the road and keep an eye out for a smaller, rocky path on your left (26, 76.8). It’s marked by two totems as well; if you start to head uphill, you missed it. Follow the rocky path upwards, then cross the bridge and take a left. Ahead you should find Avruu (25.7, 76.4) — pull him, and watch out for his Dark Mending (interrupt it if you can). He also has a knockback; position so he can’t send you falling. When he dies, snag Avruu’s Orb from his dead bod and use it in your inventory to accept
Avruu’s Orb.
- Return to the main path and continue southeast to enter Haal’eshi Gorge (26, 78). Keep going this direction to find a small hut with an altar (28.9, 81.5) and orb out front. Once you’re ready for a fight, right-click the orb and select the dialog option to spawn an elemental and get it sub-30% hp, at which point you can talk to it to turn in
Avruu’s Orb.
- Head out of the gorge the way you came in (northwest) and make your way to the Wounded Blood Elf Pilgrim (24.5, 76.1), who should appear as a
on your minimap. If you haven’t filled your bird cage yet (see step 13.1 above), do that before you accept
The Road to Falcon Watch from the wounded pilgrim. If you don’t have enough Haal’eshi Scrolls, you’ll have to return here and kill more arakkoa, but hopefully you’ll get enough during the escort. Once you’re ready, accept
the quest and follow the NPC. Let her tank so you can eat/drink/loot. You’ll end up back in Falcon Watch.
- Kill arakkoa for Haal’eshi Scrolls (you need 4 for
- In Falcon Watch:
- You should be right by Taleris Dawngazer when you finish the escort quest, talk to them and turn in
The Road to Falcon Watch, accept
A Pilgrim’s Plight.
- Speak with Arcanist Calesthris Dawnstar in the building to the north to turn in
Magic of the Arakkoa.
- Up the hill by the flight path, talk to Falconer Drenna Riverwind to turn in
Birds of a Feather.
- You should be right by Taleris Dawngazer when you finish the escort quest, talk to them and turn in
- Leave town heading southwest to reach Dustquill Ravine (you can see it from town, it’s where all the big spiky treetrunk looking things are). Head straight under the closest spiky-branch and continue that direction, you’ll see the Torn Pilgrim’s Pack (22.1, 68.3) against the mountain on your right. It’s sitting on a purple blanket with a few other items scattered around.
- Leave the ravine and go northwest around the mountains to reach the Cenarion Post (16, 52):
- If you still need to finish Demonic Contamination, you can kill nearby Hulking Helboars. Once you have all 6 Helboar Blood Samples, speak with Thiah Redmane to turn in
Demonic Contamination, accept
Testing the Antidote.
- Now find one of those Hulking Helboars and get it to below half HP (you’ll know because it will turn red and you’ll get the message “Hulking Helboar begins to grow stronger”), and use the Cenarion Antidote in your inventory. The Helboar will transform into Dreadtusk, and you’ll have to put the big fella down. Return to Thiah Redmane to turn in
Testing the Antidote.
- If you still need to finish Demonic Contamination, you can kill nearby Hulking Helboars. Once you have all 6 Helboar Blood Samples, speak with Thiah Redmane to turn in
- Head south to the Ruins of Sha’naar(you can see them from the post):
- When clearing mobs, you can ignore the Dreghood Brutes and instead focus their Taskmasters — the brutes will be neutral once their handler is dead. You’ll need to avoid Arzeth the Merciless, who patrols the path that runs through the middle of the ruins. Collect Demonic Essence from the Taskmasters as you kill them.
- Find Akoru the Firecaller (15.6, 58.8) in the house on the left as you approach the ruins, he should be a
on your minimap. Speak with him to accept
- Wait for Arzeth to patrol down and away from the stairs, then head up them yourself and take a left past the first hut to find Naladu (16.3, 65.1) in the small hut at the end of the road. Speak with him to turn in
Naladu and accept
A Traitor Among Us.
- Make sure Arzeth is away from the stairs, then enter the hut that sits across from the top of the stairs to find a Metal Coffer (14.3, 63.5); inside it is the Sha’naar Key you seek.
- Go back to Naladu’s hut at the end of the road, turn in
A Traitor Among Us and accept
The Dreghood Elders.
- Once again, make sure Arzeth isn’t nearby, then go down the stairs and take your first left, then enter the first hut on your left. Find Morod the Windstirrer (13.1, 61) and set him free.
- Now go north to (13, 58.4) and free Aylaan the Waterwaker in the hut there.
- Return to the first hut where you found Akoru the Firecaller (15.6, 58.8), free him as well.
- Phew, you’re all done freeing old folk now. Return to Naladu (I don’t have to remind you to avoid Arzeth) and turn in
The Dreghood Elders, accept
Arzeth’s Demise.
- Get full HP/mana, then get near Arzeth and use the Staff of the Dreghood Elders to make Arzeth non-elite; you should be able to kill him easily now. Note that he’s immune to movement impairing CC.
- Return to Naladu and turn in
Arzeth’s Demise. Before you leave the ruins, make sure you’ve collected the 5 Demonic Essence you need for
Source of the Corruption from the Illidari Taskmasters.
- Head northwest to Thornfang Hill (12, 50) and begin killing Thornfang Ravagers and Venomspitters for
Keep Thornfang Hill Clear! While clearing mobs, try to get a group for Colossal Menace.
- Once you’ve gotten a group (or if you’re feeling exceptionally brave), you can go northeast of Thornfang Hill to Fallen Sky Ridge and begin killing colossuses. Try to kill the little giants when they spawn from the big ones, as they hit pretty hard but die much faster. The very first one you kill will drop a Crimson Crystal Shard, right-click it to accept
Crimson Crystal Clue.
- When you’ve killed 5 of the Raging Colossus, return to the Cenarion Post (16, 51) and:
- Talk to Tola’thion and turn in
Colossal Menace and
Crimson Crystal Clue, accept
The Earthbinder.
- Find Mahuram Stouthoof and turn in
Keep Thornfang Hill Clear!.
- Be ready for a fight before doing this step! Talk to Earthbinder Galandria Nightbreeze to turn in
The Earthbinder. An Elite Colossus will grow from a seed Galandria plants, make sure she tanks it and then help her take it down. Once the big boy is dead talk to Galandria again and accept
Natural Remedies if you want, this quest also isn’t easy without a group. If you do:
- Head back north to Fallen Sky Ridge. Go to the area north of the big crystal formation and find the green glyph at (13.6, 39.1), and clear the area around it. Then use the Seed of Revitalization while standing on the glyph. The channel time is long, so make sure you’re keeping enemies away from whoever is channeling. An extra tough Colossus Goliathon will spawn — kill it. Return to the Cenarion Post and speak with Earthbinder Galandria Nightbreeze to turn in
Natural Remedies.
- Head back north to Fallen Sky Ridge. Go to the area north of the big crystal formation and find the green glyph at (13.6, 39.1), and clear the area around it. Then use the Seed of Revitalization while standing on the glyph. The channel time is long, so make sure you’re keeping enemies away from whoever is channeling. An extra tough Colossus Goliathon will spawn — kill it. Return to the Cenarion Post and speak with Earthbinder Galandria Nightbreeze to turn in
- Talk to Tola’thion and turn in
- We’re going to pop into Zangarmarsh now, but we aren’t done with Hellfire Peninsula yet! Take the road west from the Cenarion Post towards Zangarmarsh, and stay on the road until you reach the Cenarion Refuge (80, 64):
- On your right as you enter, talk to Ikeyen (80.4, 64.2) to accept
The Umbrafen Tribe.
- Speak with nearby Lauranna Thar’well to accept
Plants of Zangarmarsh.
- Cross the bridge, and on the wall on the left hand building, inspect the Wanted Poster (79.1, 64.9) to accept
Leader of the Darkcrest and
Leader of the Bloodscale.
- In the inn (it’s the only other building besides the one with the poster), talk to Lethyn Moonfire to accept
The Dying Balance.
- Find Ysiel Windsinger on the back porch to turn in
The Cenarion Expedition, accept
Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake and
Warden Hamoot.
- Buy Cenarion Spirits from the innkeeper.
- In the other building, head to the top to find Warden Hamoot, turn in
Warden Hamoot, accept
A Warm Welcome.
- On your right as you enter, talk to Ikeyen (80.4, 64.2) to accept
- Leave the refuge and take a right past the inn to take the road northeast, then take your first right to reach Swamprat Post (85, 55). Find Zurai (85.3, 54.8) to turn in
Report to Zurai, then get the new flight path and fly back to Falcon Watch.
- At Falcon Watch:
- Go down the hill and talk to Apothecary Azethen to turn in
Source of the Corruption.
- Find Taleris Dawngazer to turn in
A Pilgrim’s Plight.
- Sitting near Taleris is Viera Sunwhisper, speak with her to accept
Life’s Finer Pleasures, then follow her until she stops, then right click Carinda’s Scroll of Retribution and click Viera. Then just watch the magic happen! Go find Magistrix Carinda near the small building and turn in
Arelion’s Mistress, and take your rather awkward quest reward.
- Go down the hill and talk to Apothecary Azethen to turn in
- Leave Falcon Watch and go northeast on the road towards Hellfire Citadel. Once you cross the first bridge, take a left just before the second bridge and make your way down into the valley area, heading east, until you are just west of the citadel (45, 49), as north as you can be in the valley — you’ll know you’re in the right spot once you enter the Hellfire Basin subzone. Note that the rare tunneler Fulgorge can spawn here, so make sure he’s not around (or kill him) before you do the next step. When you’re ready, you’ll use your Demoniac Scryer and then have to defend a crystal for a few minutes. Lots of imps are going to attack it, and eventually a Fel warden (target this down first). If you need to drink, you can let the crystal tank a few hits, it should be OK. Once there are four other crystals surrounding the scryer, right click it to interact with the crystal and get the Demoniac Scryer Reading.
- Leave the valley and go northwest to reach (30.5, 36), where you’ll find the path up to the Mag’har Grounds:
- Follow the path to the top and enter the Mag’har Post speak with Earthcaller Ryga and turn in
A Debilitating Sickness, accept
Administering the Salve.
- Head back to the Mag’har Grounds and find Debilitated Mag’Har Grunts, you’ll need to use the Healing Salve on 10. They can be found in the buildings and hanging out around the camp. Once done, return to Earthcaller Ryga and turn in
Administering the Salve.
- Follow the path to the top and enter the Mag’har Post speak with Earthcaller Ryga and turn in
- Hearthstone to Falcon Watch, then catch a wyvern to Thrallmar:
- Head to the tower at the top of the hill in the west of Thrallmar, speak with Apothecary Antonivich to turn in
The Demoniac Scryer, accept
Report to Nazgrel.
- Head down to the main building and speak to Nazgrel to turn in
Report to Nazgrel, accept
The Foot of the Citadel.
- Make Thrallmar your new home.
- Head to the tower at the top of the hill in the west of Thrallmar, speak with Apothecary Antonivich to turn in
- Write your most eye-catching LFG message in chat and try to get a group for either the Hellfire Rampart instance (if you haven’t done it already) or The Foot of the Citadel. Both of these are optional but the rewards are pretty worth it, and it can help you get to level 62 in time for Zangarmarsh quests that require it. You can do the PvP quest
Hellfire Fortifications while you wait for a group. You can also do step 28 while you look for a group.
- Directions to Hellfire Rampart – From Thrallmar, go southwest to the Hellfire Citadel. Cross the bridge at (48.8, 48.1). Take a left down the ramp, then turn right to find the entrance to the Hellfire Ramparts.
- The Foot of the Citadel – Once you get a group (you’ll need 3 people at least) for The Foot of the Citadel, naturally we’re going to head to the foot of the Hellfire Citadel. From Thrallmar, head southwest and go down the path to the right of the catapults. Then go right towards the citadel, and enter the gap between the walls on the right. Find Force-Commander Gorax (48, 50), and try to pull him when he walks close to the entrance of the area. You’ll probably want to clear some of the nearby mobs so you can kite him. Once you kill Gorax, get full hp/mana again. Then use the Challenge From the Horde banner on his corpse and fight The Hand of Kargath and his two adds. Grab the Head of Hand of Kargath off his body, then return to Thrallmar and speak Nazgrel to to turn in
The Foot of the Citadel.
- Before you leave Hellfire Peninsula, go to Spinebreaker Post:
- Talk to Zezzak to turn in
Grillok “Darkeye”.
- Speak with Ogath the Mad to turn in
From the Abyss.
- Talk to Zezzak to turn in
- When you’re ready, fly to Shattrath. You can go to a capital city if you haven’t in awhile to train new skills, shop, etc. Then hearthstone back to Thrallmar, and fly to Swamprat Post in Zangarmarsh.
Extra XP In Hellfire Peninsula
Grinding Mobs
We recommend grinding mobs at the Legion Front. Specifically, the Wrathguards here die easy and give decent XP, find them around (71, 55). The Legion Front spot will be useful for players starting at lvl 58. Here you can effectively grind up to 59, if you can’t complete some quests due to competition.
Another excellent location for griding is the Expedition Armory. This place is packed with mobs with a smaller health pool, which makes grinding easier. It’s a good location for up to level 61.
Hellfire Peninsula Dungeons: Hellfire Citadel
The Hellfire Citadel, headquarters of the Fel Orcs in the Outland, lies in the middle of the Hellfire Peninsula. There are 3 dungeons and a raid you can find at the Hellfire Citadel, however you’ll only really be able to do the first two when you first venture to Outland:
- Hellfire Ramparts (Recommended Level 60-62)
- Entrance at (47.7, 53.6).
- Quest:
Weaken the Ramparts
While you can enter this instance right when you arrive in Outland, you’ll be better off waiting until at least level 60 to run it. That being said, it’s fairly easy, and you can net yourself up to 40,000 bonus XP from all of the quests from this instance, so it’s worth doing if you can find a group, as the gear the bosses will drop should outshine what you’ve got on when you run it.
- The Blood Furnace (Recommended Level 61-63)
- Requires completing Hellfire Ramparts
- Entrance is located at (46, 52).
- Quest:
Heart of Rage
A decent step up in difficulty from the Hellfire Ramparts, you should make sure you have an optimized (or at least skilled) group to run this instance. Pay attention to the mines the technicians lay in between the bosses, as they’ll do a lot of damage if you miss them while pulling.