- Author: Pride
- Date: January 29, 2022
- Updated: January 31, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Kaz’rogal, the doomguard, is the third boss that players will encounter in the Mount Hyjal raid, and the first boss of the Horde base camp section of the raid.
Though he boasts the same stats as previous bosses – 4.25 million HP and 6200 armor – Kaz’rogal will be a slight bump in difficulty compared to the previous bosses of the raid, despite only having 4, very straight-forward abilities.
That’s because of his powerful Mark of Kaz’rogal ability, which makes the fight increasingly difficult the longer it goes on for. Stronger raids will only be inconvenienced slightly by it, but raids with lower total DPS may struggle.
This guide will offer a step-by-step analysis on how to take down Kaz’rogal before he drains you empty.
Role Summaries
- Bring Dark Runes and Super Mana Potions, particularly if your spec struggles with mana / are a healer
- If you’re low on mana and Mark of Kaz’rogal is coming up, move away from the raid
- Communicate to your raid that you’re about to explode and die due to Mark of Kaz’rogal
- Paladins: Make sure Judgement of Wisdom stays up on the boss at all times
- Druids: Shapeshift into a mana-less form to avoid the mana drain effect of Mark of Kaz’rogal
- Priests: Make sure your entire raid is buffed with Prayer of Shadow Protection
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during Heroism / Bloodlust for maximum DPS
- Use a Free Action Potion to negate War Stomp and Cripple, particularly during your cooldowns
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during Heroism / Bloodlust for maximum DPS
- Make sure you are never within 20 yards of Kaz’rogal
- Warlocks: Use your Master Soulstone on players about to die to Mark of Kaz’rogal
- Make sure you are never within 20 yards of Kaz’rogal
- Use your mana regeneration abilities and items early so you can use them multiple times in the fight
- This fight is all about mana efficiency – downrank your spells and avoid overhealing
- Be quick to react with instant heals when War Stomp is coming off cooldown, as the tank can die fast
- Priests: When there’s nothing to heal, use your wand to regenerate mana
- Main Tank: You have ~5 seconds to face Kaz’rogal away from the raid and move him to his spot
- Main Tank: Use a Free Action Potion about ~10 seconds into the fight to negate War Stomp
- Protection Paladins: Use Judgement of Justice while Judgement of Wisdom is up for extra mana regen
- Feral Druids: Don’t hog your Innervate for power-shifting, use it on an ally in need
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull
After getting to the 3rd boss of Mount Hyjal, your group is probably very familiar with how pulling works here. After the 8th wave is defeated, the wave counter is replaced by text saying “Invading Enemies = 1”, Kaz’rogal yells and then begins moving towards the Horde base camp at a snail’s pace.
You will have 1 minute to ress any dead players, rebuff and regenerate mana before Kaz’rogal makes it to the Horde base’s gates and engages the first Horde guards.

There are 2 strong options for positions to fight Kaz’rogal at. The first is at the entrance gate, and the second is close to Thrall, which this guide will detail. The former allows your raid to begin dealing damage to Kaz’rogal as soon as possible, while the latter gets a bunch of Horde NPCs involved in this fight, deal damage and can soak Cripple.
As your raid is on a timer because of Mark of Kaz’rogal, you will want to engage Kaz’rogal as soon as your raid is ready. Have your hunters pull him with consecutive Misdirections on the main tank, who should be standing nearby, ready to attack Kaz’rogal while carefully moving him towards Thrall, until the orc Warchief has joined the fight.
Your ranged DPS and healers should make sure that they’re not standing in the path your tank will take towards Thrall. All of his abilities bar Mark of Kaz’rogal have a pretty small range, so they should stay at range. Nothing is as embarrassing as having to call a wipe because your main tank died after the healers got stunned by War Stomp.

After Kaz’rogal has been safely moved to the position you intent to fight him at, it is recommended that your raid positions as shown in the picture above. Your ranged players and healers will spread out to avoid having a Mark of Kaz’rogal explosion hit multiple players, while your melee DPS players stack behind him and your tanks stack in front of him.
The Fight
Kaz’rogal is yet another instance of a jerk of a boss who will not wait a little before using his abilities. He can and will use his Malevolent Cleave within the first 5 seconds of being engaged, so it’s imperative that your raid moves into position quickly and DPS players are careful in threat early on, so as to avoid very embarrassing wipes.
it is heavily recommended that you get Judgement of Wisdom up as soon as you can, as it will really make a difference over the fight’s duration. This beginning calm period is a great time for your Holy Paladin to use it.
The second ability you will most likely see is War Stomp, approximately 10 to 15 seconds into the fight. This will be the first test for your healers – there is a decent chance that War Stomp and Malevolent Cleave overlap, resulting in an unpredictable damage spike. Your healers should make sure heal-over-time spells are rolling on your main tank when War Stomp‘s cooldown is over, and be ready to use instant heal spells if they do happen to overlap.
It is also strongly recommended that your main tank uses a Free Action Potion about 10 seconds into the fight, in anticipation of War Stomp. They likely haven’t built a big threat lead yet, and ranged DPS players will be nuking while they are stunned — a chain of Shadow Bolt crits from a particularly keen Warlock can quickly make things get ugly.
As soon as War Stomp ends, your raid should use Heroism / Bloodlust, as that will maximize your damage. Your melee will need to keep an eye out on War Stomp‘s cooldown using an addon like DeadlyBossMods or BigWigs and pop a Free Action Potion in anticipation of the next cast, so they don’t lose valuable hasted DPS time.
Next up, you’ll occasionally see Cripple. If your raid is using the “pull to Thrall” tactic, you likely have a very high number of NPCs assisting you so your players don’t get targeted as often, otherwise your physical DPS players will suffer.
Then, 45 seconds into the fight, it’s time to brace for the first Mark of Kaz’rogal. Unless something has gone catastrophically wrong, nobody will be exploding after the first one, it will merely drain everyone’s mana. Druids can shapeshift into a mana-less form to negate the mana drain, while Priest healers can use their wand to regenerate through Judgement of Wisdom mana while healing requirements are low.
Specs that struggle with mana like Arcane Mages and Elemental Shamans should use their mana regen items, like Dark Runes and mana potions, as soon as they can rather than when absolutely needed. They will likely need to use multiple throughout the entire fight, so using them early ensures they can use another one later.

For subsequent uses of Mark of Kaz’rogal, there will likely be casualties. Players who are at or below 3,000 mana should communicate that they’re about to die, and move away from the raid. Your Warlocks should use their Master Soulstone to get that person back up ASAP – you will need all the DPS and healing you can get.
That concludes all of Kaz’rogal’s abilities, and marks the beginning of a war on attrition he is waging on you. He will simply keep casting these abilities repeatedly, with Mark of Kaz’rogal cast at 1:25, 2:00, 2:30, 2:55, 3:15 and 3:30, After that, he’ll be casting it every 10 seconds, which is completely unmanageable, thus essentially giving your raid about 3 minutes and 40 seconds until you’re completely doomed.
Most kills typically range between 2 to 3 minutes, so provided your healers are good at healing efficiently and not wasting their mana, or that your raid’s DPS is strong, there likely won’t be anything that trips you up. Guilds with wasteful healers or low DPS however will need to be more careful and may need to play their mana regeneration options more carefully, such as switching your Shadow Priest between groups to ensure your healers do not run out of mana.
Congratulations on besting Kaz’rogal and his mana drain shenanigans! With the doom guard boss dead, you are incredibly close to the final showdown with the big bad of Mount Hyjal — Arcimonde, the defiler himself!